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Page 5

by Riley Hart

  “Jack and coke.” Gavin sat on a stool while Mason made him a drink. Gavin ran a hand through his hair that was messier than it usually was. He seemed frazzled, jittery.

  “Everything okay?”

  “I talked to Braden.”

  “Always a scary thing.”

  Gavin laughed, then took a drink. “I couldn’t sleep tonight. My mind kept going and going. I couldn’t turn the damn thing off.”

  He wasn’t sure why, but Mason had a feeling he’d need a drink too so he poured himself one. “What has your mind runnin’, teach?”

  “My parents. Myself. Life. You. Sex.”

  Mason particularly liked the last two.

  Gavin swallowed down everything in his glass before tapping it for a refill. “Did you know I’ve only been with three men after Braden? And none of them more than a couple times each.”

  Mason’s throat burned and he coughed, almost choking on his Jack. “That sounds like a tragedy to me.”

  “When my parents found out I was gay—porn of course—they lost it. Tears, broken hearts, family meetings with people from the church, the whole nine. I decided I could pretend—for them I would. Or maybe I really did think I could change it. Then I met Braden and he just sort of…woke me up. He’s good at that, like a damned tornado storming into your life. We dated, went to prom, and I broke my parents’ hearts again by being true to who I am. It’s a lot of weight to carry, trying to keep your soul from burning for eternity for your parents.”

  He sighed. “Anyway, we moved away after high school. I think he did it for me. Mom got depressed and started seeing a shrink.”

  Mason leaned on the bar. “Did you love him? Braden?”

  “Nah. Thought I did for a bit. He saved me back then, though. I wasn’t…things weren’t good for me up here.” He tapped his head. “Not in here, either.” Then his chest. “I think that’s why I wanted to help that kid. I saw myself in him. I hadn’t had anyone to help me until Braden, and I didn’t want that boy to suffer the same way.”

  Some of the tension on Mason’s chest drifted off. “You’re a good guy.”

  Gavin shrugged. He didn’t look convinced. “Anyway, I was never real good at—I don’t know, going for what I wanted? When Braden left I let myself get wrapped up in finishing college. From there I got wrapped up in work. Before I knew it, I realized I hadn’t had anyone in my life for years.”

  Gavin finished his second drink. When he tapped it again, Mason took the glass away. That wasn’t what he needed tonight. “Sounds like a lonely life.”

  “No.” Gavin shook his head. “That’s the thing. I was happy. Or I thought I was. I love music. I was good at what I did. I had friends and spent time with colleagues. It’s not as though I kept inside myself.”

  Those words put the weight right back on Mason’s chest. Gavin clearly didn’t see. “But you did, in some ways. You kept yourself alone. You let yourself get wrapped up in work and other people’s lives so you didn’t have to deal with your sexuality.”

  “No.” Gavin stood, and started pacing the bar. “I’ve never really doubted who I am. I was with men. I never dated women. I might not have been completely open with it, but I know I’m gay. My family knows I’m gay.”

  “Because you fucked some random guy once or twice a year? That doesn’t mean you had a love life. Hell, it’s not even a sex life—not a good one, at least. You wanted to pretend that part of you didn’t exist so you wouldn’t let your family down. You wanted to be a teacher the way they were because then you wouldn’t feel like you let them down. Wanting a man doesn’t mean you let someone down, Teach.” Mason knew he was probably way out of line, but right now, he didn’t give a shit. He walked over to Gavin and grabbed his arm so the man stopped moving. “What kind of life is it if you’re not living your own?”


  He’d hardly known Mason any time at all. Yes, they spent a lot of time talking the day they went hiking, but somehow, Mason just summed up Gavin better than anyone in his life ever could, except maybe Braden. It had taken Braden a whole hell of a lot longer to get to know him than it did Mason.

  And he thought he understood Mason pretty well himself. Maybe it was so easy for Mason to see Gavin because the two men were so much alike. “Are we talking about you or me?”

  Mason’s hold on his arm briefly tightened before he let go completely. “Good call. Both of us, and you know it. That’s why I bought this bar, remember? To live my own life.”

  Though, Gavin knew Mason hadn’t planned to stay. He’d bought it as an experiment before going right back to the restaurants and Denver.

  It was crazy how alike they were in some ways, yet so different. Gavin’s whole life, he’d wanted parents who one hundred percent accepted him the way he was. If he had that, everything else would fall into place. Here Mason had grown up having just what Gavin wanted, yet it seemed he felt pressure, too. He’d still felt the need to be something specific for his family.

  He watched as Mason walked over to a chair, turned it backward and sat down. Gavin didn’t know why he got a kick out of the fact that Mason always sat in a chair, straddling the back. It made his pants ride up, outlining the bulge between his legs. Gavin started to go hard behind his fly.

  “And that’s why I’m here.” Gavin sat across from Mason at the table. The man raised a brow at him. He did that a lot.

  “Here in Blackcreek or here in my bar?”

  Gavin wasn’t used to making his needs known. Not really. Braden had approached him, and then as they got older, when he wanted a man he went to a bar and waited for someone to approach him.

  He was so damned tired of taking a backseat in his own life. “Both. I came to Blackcreek for a fresh start. I’m at your bar because I want you to fuck me.” When Mason didn’t continue he added, “We’re attracted to each other. I see the way you look at me. I felt what I do to you when we went hiking. Between you and me, the work thing doesn’t matter. I’m tired of not taking what I want.”

  The silence stretched on and he started to sweat. Hell, was Mason going to turn him down? He put himself out there, offered himself to the guy, and he had nothing to say?

  Gavin moved to stand but Mason grabbed his arm again, holding him in place. “Are you sure about that? It’s important we get things out there, because I am your employer. Whether we have sex or not, it will never affect your job. We’re two grown men. I think we can handle that.”

  “I agree,” Gavin replied.

  “I want you. Make no mistake about that. But there’s one more thing we have to discuss. You said you want me to fuck you. I don’t do the fucking.”

  Holy shit. He hadn’t expected that one. “Ever?”

  “I’ve done it, more than once. It’s not something I have a real interest in. I want to be fucked.” He leaned forward, giving Gavin a whiff of his spicy scent. “That doesn’t mean I won’t take control. I’ll want you inside me when I tell you to be there. I’ll want you to kiss me and suck me and touch me when I tell you to, but it will be your cock in my ass. That going to be a problem for you?”

  Lust shot through him, landing straight in his crotch. Gavin’s half-hard dick went painfully erect. He’d almost always bottomed. Not because it was a preference as much as how things always happened to go down.

  He wanted what Mason just laid out for him, though.

  Wanted it so bad he feared the second he pushed inside Mason, he’d lose it. “No. Definitely not a problem.”

  Mason stood and nodded toward the back. “Let’s go, then.”


  Mason led Gavin to his office.

  “I’m clean, just so you know. I get tested once a year to be safe. The last time was about a month before I moved here. I haven’t been with anyone since. I have the results at home, not as though that helps us now, but—”

  Mason felt an amused smile spread across his face. “You’re rambling. Do I make you nervous?”

  “You make me horny,” Gavin replied.<
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  “Nervous and horny?” Mason opened the door for Gavin to go inside.

  He stopped in front of Mason and said flatly, “Annoyed and horny,” before continuing to go inside.

  Ah, so Gavin didn’t like to be called out on his nerves. Mason barked out a laugh. “As long as there’s a horny in there, we’re good. And for what it’s worth, I’m clean as well. I was in a long term, committed relationship until a couple months ago. We still both were checked regularly, and my last results are recent as well. We’ll still use condoms for now, though.”

  Mason grabbed a rubber and lube from his desk drawer. When he reached Gavin again, the right side of Gavin’s mouth kicked up. “That’s handy.”

  “Always be prepared.” He tossed them onto the couch and then grabbed Gavin’s hand, making him cup Mason’s bulge. “See what you do to me? Even that first day when you came in telling me I’m shit at the guitar, you got me hard.”

  “I’ll give you lessons.” Gavin squeezed, rubbing the palm of his hand against Mason. He had a good grip. Mason’s body buzzed. Yeah, he definitely wanted this.

  “Now’s when I’m gonna want you to kiss me, Teach.”

  And Gavin did. His mouth came down fast and hard on Mason’s. Their tongues battled, each wanting to possess, to control. Mason tasted liquor on Gavin’s tongue. He smelled faintly of fresh wood.

  He liked it. He wanted to smell sweat on him next. Sweat and come.

  “Get undressed and sit on the couch. I’m going to suck you, and then ride you. Don’t come too early or you’ll fuck it up for both of us.”

  “Fuck…” Gavin struggled to rip his shirt over his head. When he did it dropped to the floor. His pants came next, then the black briefs were gone and his prick sprung free. Long and thick, with pulsing veins running the length, nestled in a patch of dark hair, just the way Mason liked.

  He grabbed Gavin’s erection and squeezed. “You’re gonna fill me up nice.”

  Gavin’s body tensed. He groaned out every curse in the book before pulling at Mason’s shirt. “You’re going to want to hurry.”

  Again, he made Mason laugh. “Eager?”


  Yeah, Mason was, too. Not just to get laid, either, but to get laid by Gavin. He was so fresh, wide-eyed and innocent, without being naïve. Everything seemed like a new experience for him, and for some reason that really did something to Mason.

  He let Gavin take off his shirt, then took care of his own jeans. “Sit.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” Gavin ran a hand down Mason’s abs.

  “Thanks. So are you. Now sit down so I can put your dick in my mouth.”


  Gavin wasn’t going to make Mason tell him again. His knees cracked as he sat down on the couch. Mason went down, too, kneeling in front of him.

  “Tell me before you come.” And then his tongue swirled around the swollen head of Gavin’s erection. Gavin jerked, a bolt of electricity ripping through him.

  Mason kept licking. He didn’t take Gavin deep. Not yet. He just sucked the head—licked and sucked, like he had all the time in the world.

  Every once in a while, he probed the hole, and when he did Gavin felt like he could rip out of his skin, the need to come was so strong.

  The teasing was torture, and right before Gavin moved his hand, ready to grab Mason’s head and pull him farther down, he leaned forward.


  “What?” Gavin asked.

  “I told you I liked to be fucked, so do it.”

  That was all the incentive Gavin needed. He tightened his hands in Mason’s hair and did what Mason said. Gavin fucked.

  He pumped his hips upward. Each time he did, his cock hit the back of Mason’s throat and he swallowed, deep-throating Gavin in a way no one ever had.

  The suction was just right, Mason’s mouth warm and wet and to-die-for. Gavin wanted to come down the back of his throat. Wanted to release, but he fought off the urge building inside him.

  He thrust harder when Mason palmed his balls, tugging them a little. This time he could tell Mason almost gagged, but it didn’t make the man pull off of Gavin.

  It was that that made the pressure too much. Made his balls tighten. Made his cock want to spill. “That’s it… fuck, that’s it. If you don’t stop I’m going to lose it.”

  And then Mason’s mouth was gone. He nodded toward the condom. “Put it on.”

  Gavin almost didn’t do it just because Mason told him to, but decided he liked the way the man controlled things when it came to sex. He ripped the package open and started to cover himself. The break gave his body exactly what he needed to get himself under control again.

  Mason went for the lube, coating his fingers and then reaching behind himself as he still kneeled between Gavin’s legs. “Oh, hell.” That was quite possibly one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen—watching Mason lube and prep his own asshole for Gavin.

  Mason winked at him. “You can do it next time.”

  “But then I can’t watch you do it. Next time I want a better view.”

  There went that damn brow again. “Maybe.”

  After he lubed his hole, Mason slicked up Gavin’s prick. Even the simple touch almost sent him over the edge. He wanted inside Mason and he wanted there now.

  “Sit on my lap.”

  “Not your call.”

  Gavin caught his eye, thought, and then said, “Will you sit on me?”

  Mason nodded and then climbed onto Gavin. He straddled him, weight on his knees and shins. Leaning forward, he used one hand to tilt Gavin’s head up. When he did, Mason kissed him. It was a battle, yet not. Rough and hungry, yet Gavin let Mason lead the way.

  Tongues tangled and teeth clashed. Gavin’s body buzzed when Mason pulled up a little higher, when he grabbed Gavin’s dick and lined it up with his asshole.

  In this moment he was pretty sure he’d follow wherever Mason led him. He guided the whole way, slowing helping Gavin push his way past the tight pucker. It took a minute and some finagling before his head pushed inside.

  “Oh, fuck.” It was a tight grip on the crown of his cock. Mason didn’t slow down, though. He pushed down, letting Gavin slide into him inch by inch.

  They both cursed when Gavin was all the way inside, Mason’s ass on his thighs. “This is where you’re going to want to jerk me off, Teach.” The second the words left Mason’s mouth, he rose up and sat again.

  Motherfucker, this felt good. “Yeah, boss. I’m on it.” He wrapped a hand around Mason’s thick erection and pumped. As he did Mason moved on him, up and down, riding Gavin the way he said he would.

  Gavin’s dick sang Mason’s praises as his hole squeezed it. His skin felt hot, fiery. Hell, he was burning up from the inside out.

  He jerked harder, faster.

  “Tighter,” Mason told him, and he did. He gripped harder. “That’s it. Fuck yeah, that’s it. Fuck me harder, too.”

  Gavin’s vision went blurry. It was almost like he was possessed as he let loose on Mason, thrusting hard, up and into him.

  His balls hurt. The orgasm was right there. Had been for a while now. “I’m not going to last much longer.”

  “Then make me come.” Mason kept moving. Gavin, too. He kept hold of Mason’s cock, kept working him. Kept fucking him. Mason’s hand went to Gavin’s neck, to the spot he’d bitten Gavin while on the hike.

  Gavin suddenly wanted to mark Mason as well. He leaned forward, teeth into Mason’s pec, and bit down. Sticky liquid shot up between them, ran down his hand. Spurt after spurt, Mason’s semen landed on them both, just as Gavin shot, too. Filling the condom as he kept pumping in Mason’s ass.

  “I’m going to die.” He dropped his head backward against the couch when he’d been rung dry. Yet at the same time he felt…weightless. Free. Invincible. Fan-fucking-tastic. “Please tell me you’re going to let me do that again.”


  “If you’re good.” Mason winked at Gavin and stood. He pulle
d the condom off his lover and tossed it in the trashcan. Who was he kidding, though? He’d definitely let Gavin fuck him again. They were both single. The guy was sexy and good in the sack. He didn’t know Gavin real well, but he liked what he saw. Mason liked him, and they had a good time together.

  “Do you have a towel or something so we can clean off?” Gavin asked.

  Mason walked over and sat beside him. “Nope. Good sex is messy sex. Leave it.”

  “And we’ll also be fucking again. You said if I’m good, and that was better than good.”

  Yeah, it was. “Greedy, aren’t you?” Mason reached over and rubbed his spunk into Gavin’s chest, loving the feel of the coarse hair there. “Tell me more about your job and how all that shit went down.”

  Before Mason had all the words out, Gavin already began shaking his head. “Not right now. It’ll put me in a bad mood, and I don’t want to be in one right now.”

  He liked that about Gavin—he was a man who told the truth. He didn’t blow off the question or divert. He said exactly why he didn’t want to answer it at this time. “Fair enough.”

  “What about you? Would your parents really have been so upset if you opened a bar earlier?”

  Mason let his head roll to the side so he could look at Gavin. What a sight they probably made—two naked men, sprawled out on a couch, discussing life. “Yes and no. It’s all about expectation. I know you understand that part of it. They loved me with all they had. They wanted the best for me. They wanted to pass down their lifetime of hard work to me. I’m an only child. As far as I knew, my parents tried for years to have a baby and they finally had me. They tried for years after I was born and never had any more. Of course now I see that’s because I was never really theirs—”

  “Yeah, you are,” Gavin interrupted.

  Mason let his eyes fall closed, frustrated. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that. They’ve always been my parents.” They would do anything for Mason. That’s why walking away from their dream for him had always been so hard, despite his need to build something on his own. He’d thought he could handle working on Creekside and then either selling it or hiring someone to run it for him, but that wasn’t the truth. Now, he couldn’t imagine walking away. Even for them. He loved them, so it felt like a betrayal not to want Alexander’s.


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