Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2)

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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) Page 7

by Virginia Wine

  I paced back and forth, running my fingers through my hair. To witness them together would be like a kick in the gut, a fork in the eye. The words not good enough crawled like a news ticker at the bottom of a screen.

  “You both know how I feel about her, about the fact she chose another man over me.” I couldn’t breathe. “She broke my heart, haunts my dreams, and curses my days. I’ve lost the ability to block out every single thing about her.”

  At my confession, they were instantly on either side of me, watching my meltdown with concerned expressions. Eden’s head was on my chest, and Theo’s heavy arm was on my shoulder.

  “We thought you had moved on, since you’re dating Janelle.”

  I realized that I couldn’t exactly explain that away.

  “She’s just a friend, and we’re drowning in our own broken hearts. Misery loves company. So, you can understand my reluctance here. Pouring gasoline on fire is not an option for me.”

  I watched as Theo sat and rested his forearms on his knees. Then he leaned into me, as if knowing his next words would change things.

  “What if there was a chance, Alex—small, I admit—but what if everything didn’t appear exactly as it looks?” He glances at Eden, then back at me. “What if it wasn’t too late?”

  The magnetic pull of his words had an alluring quality to it. Stealing the bride would make me feel invincible. My heart soared at the thought, and a jolt of arousal went through me at the thought.

  “Then I guess things are about to get very interesting.”


  “Hey, slick,” Ben answered. “Globe-trotting like old times, I see?”

  I could hear the smugness in his voice.

  “And loving every minute of it.”

  We both joked at my expense, but I laughed it off.

  “Hey, I need a favor.”


  I could hear him typing in the background, multitasking as we spoke.

  “Can I borrow the company jet?”

  He laughed even harder.

  “Just for the weekend.”

  “Okay, but don’t forget to fill up the tank.”

  Both of us were recalling times when we were young reckless teenagers, asking Dad for the car keys. Leaving the car on empty was forbidden.

  “I’ll make the call, no worries,” Ben said.

  I purposely didn’t share where we were going, or why. And Ben didn’t pry, either.

  I also contacted Janelle and gave her the watered-down version. She was kind enough to offer her own plane, but I declined and told her we’d resume our pretend affair when I returned.


  As my eyes adjusted to the dim light inside the Falcon 2000S, I realized that I was the first to arrive. The captain immediately left the cockpit to greet me, and gave me much more information than I cared to know.

  “We are waiting on two more passengers, but they should be here soon.”

  He nodded with a tap to his hat and returned to his duties.

  To kill time, I poured myself a drink and relaxed in one of the leather recliners.

  Oh, the drinking was back on.

  Then I heard my phone as a text came through.

  “Five minutes out, sorry.”

  It was from Eden.

  The pit in my stomach tightened, knowing that with each passing moment, I was one step closer to Madison. I would be asking her to make some tough choices, but I knew the risk I was taking. My intensions were far from honorable.

  Day by day, I had attempted to pinpoint what it was that had made her so special to me. Why her? Her beauty was certainly obvious, but as I racked my brain, the only conclusion I came up with was how she made me feel. She calmed the demons that whispered deep within my soul. I couldn’t begin to articulate these thoughts or feelings, but Madison could reach beneath the veil and through the darkness inside me to expose my heart, which was raw and ready to love.

  “Must be nice,” Eden said as she stepped into the luxurious interior of the plane.

  Her arrival pulled me from my deep thoughts.

  “I can’t tell you the last time we were on this plane together,” Theo said as he ducked, avoiding the small initial head space. Then he stepped into the high-ceiling area, with all the luxury bells and whistles and state-of-the-art equipment.

  “You should see Janelle’s. It puts this one to shame,” I answered as they put their luggage in the back compartment. “Get settled, and then I’ll tell the captain we’re ready.”

  We were mostly quiet during the flight, but all but my internal dialog rambled away inside of me, focusing on my many insecurities. I pictured what would happen when I saw her again. Could my fragile heart, suddenly dark and heavy, survive another rejection? That, combined with the openly displayed PDA going on behind me, was causing my nerves to quiver.

  “You do know I can hear you, right?”

  “Could be worse, Alex. We knocked the mile-high club off our list a while back,” Theo answered.

  Eden’s giggle pulled at my heartstrings.

  “Thank God for small favors.”

  I turned to look over my shoulder, my somber mood hovering around me.

  “Does she know I’m coming?”

  I searched both Eden and Theo’s eyes for the answer.

  “Not exactly. I only answered the invitation as plus-two,” Theo explained. “I thought that approach would give you an advantage.”

  “One can only hope.”

  I tried to think about it rationally. Was I a fool to think she’d jump at the chance to be with me? She hadn’t before. Doubts slowly flooded my mind, but I tried to bury them and battle them, pushing the uncertainties away.

  But they lingered.

  So, against my better judgment, I was now chasing the woman I loved. I already knew what it felt like to live without her. If I was to stand a chance, I knew I would have to say the words, I love you Madison. Choose me.

  It would go down in one of two ways. I just didn’t know if I could survive the red-hot poker through my heart again.


  We arrive at The Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue.

  “Swanky,” Eden said as we were ushered in.

  I gazed at the prestigious, world-class hotel and it only solidified the fact that Graham had more money than he knew what to do with. He obviously liked to flash it around to prove a point. I was not intimidated by it because I wasn’t one to wear my wealth on my sleeve.

  “Looks like we’re in the Grand Ball Room.”

  I glanced at the name cards. They had Theo’s name on them, plus two, and I saw Madison’s parents also shared the same table.

  As I stood nestled in the recessed arched alcove, the floor-to-ceiling window stood behind me. I couldn’t help admiring the architecturally stunning room. The majestic space glowed with crystal chandeliers illuminating the candlelit tables. White flowers dripped off each pedestal, the ambiance causing a dreamlike experience. It was incredibly decadent, but even I had to admit that the effect was stunning.

  I couldn’t seem to turn away from the entrance and the stream of people entering—the rich and famous, the many elite couples of New York.

  Then the server with his tray of drink assortments walked by.

  “Excuse me.”

  He stopped and headed my way.

  “What’s in the snifter?” I pointed to the amber liquid.

  “Macallan Sherry Cask Highland, sir.”

  I took the glass, held one finger up, asking him to wait, and knocked back the shot. Then I set the empty glass back on his tray.

  I barely saw the people who surrounded me, and a sea of tuxes and gowns in every color passed by me without notice. They formed small cliques between themselves, and it suddenly occurred to me that my father would fit right in. The thought left a bad taste in my mouth.

  Then instant hushes were heard around the room and in walked Graham and Madison. Her arm was resting in the nook of his elbow. It seemed very rehearsed. There wasn’t
a sign of passion between them.

  When it came to Madison, her beauty was obviously lit from within. Most people would notice her stunning looks, but I also saw the magic that lay beneath. In her heart, she was essentially a selfless, caring person who lived life knowing each moment was precious.

  Just the sight of her took my breath away. I also noticed a worried expression that flashed momentarily in her eyes, then disappeared as if it had never happened. An overwhelming need to comfort her took me by surprise. I squashed it down immediately.

  Her fashion sense was always flawless. Tonight she wore a strapless cream-colored dress. The tight bodice was decorated with beading and a puffy chiffon skirt. Pink and crystal high-in-the-sky heels adorned her feet, while her signature, long blonde hair made her look like a goddess.

  I felt as if I’d been asleep my entire life, and now I had awakened.

  They made their way table to table, making small talk. Thanking guests for coming, saying their hellos. I saw Theo and Eden make their way to our table, but I couldn’t seem to pull away from the voyeur advantage I had here, safely tucked out of view from everyone.

  When Madison’s parents arrived and found their girl, they hugged and kissed. Then Madison pulled away from her father in the most obvious way, causing me to think something bad had happened. Secrets were floating around the room like the endless trays of champagne.

  Finally it was time to take my seat, and once I reached the table, I shook Colonel Perry’s hand and was introduced to Mrs. Perry.

  “Please call me Michelle.”

  Her beauty mirrored Madison’s, despite the nonbiological links.

  Eden reached over and kissed my cheek.

  “You look very dapper, Alex.”

  Theo’s caveman tendencies made him tug back the woman who captured his heart. He draped a possessive arm over Eden’s shoulder.

  “Thank you, Eden.”

  My one brow raised as I gazed at Theo, but he just shrugged.

  “Alex, I don’t think I’ve asked you this before, but what you do?”

  I turned toward the colonel, shoving aside the thoughts that Madison was growing closer and closer by the second.

  “I’m a corporate lawyer, but recently I’ve been dabbling in philanthropy. I spent several months in Africa helping where I was needed, and of course, I partner with my brother at Storm Enterprises.”

  The look of approval and respect was evident on both of Madison’s parents faces. It was a far cry from the usual reactions in my past, where I’d always had to justify my choices with my father, bumping heads with him at every turn.

  “And here comes our girl now.”

  Michelle beamed with pride as Madison arrived. The entire table stood to greet her, and hugs and kisses were exchanged all around. I felt her eyes on me. She had a beaming smile on her face as our eyes met, and once again I was immediately under her spell. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. The light in her eyes was pulling me in even closer.


  She tucked a wisp of hair behind her ears, but the gesture was far from innocent.

  I pulled her into my body, under the pretense of a hello, but we both knew it much more than that.

  “Later,” I whispered, my breath warm against her ear. The scent of her perfume nearly killed me, and I reluctantly released her as a blush appeared on her face.

  I tried to distract myself as the next several hours dragged by. There was dinner, toasts, speeches, and desert. There was also dancing, and many guests rose to enjoy the music. I watched Madison excuse herself at one point, and my opportunity presented itself. I got to my feet as all my thoughts zeroed in on her. I had no idea what would unfold. I only knew that this had to be the moment.

  When she stepped out of the ladies’ room, I reached for her hand. There was a moment of apprehension on her face, a pause, and then a slight smile appeared and took hold.

  “Come,” I said, as I pulled her into a room down the hall. The words Terrace Room were engraved on the door. Once inside, its dim lighting and empty surroundings were perfect. I found a small nook and immediately pressed her against the fabric-lined wall.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  I had one arm bracing myself on the wall, the other trailing one finger down her soft cheek.

  “You’ve already moved on,” she replied softly.

  I shook my head adamantly.

  “No, it’s not what it looks like. It’s only an act.” My fingers ran through her long hair, and the texture was like spun gold. I could practically feel her internal battle. “Trust me, Madison. It’s only you, and it’s only ever been you.”

  “Alex, if I was free to love who I wanted, who my heart wanted, I would.” Her gaze dipped down to her feet, her hand resting delicately on my chest. “But it’s complicated.”

  “Do you dream of me, too?” I lifted her chin with my one finger. “There’s no point denying it any longer. I love you, Madison.” The tears forming in her eyes tore at my heart. “If I could’ve let you go, don’t you think I would have?” My heart swelled, an all-consuming kind of love bursting to get out. “It’s impossible.”

  I pressed against her and cradled her face in my palms.

  “Love me, Madison. Whatever the reason you’re tied to him, we’ll fight it together.”


  “Shhh,” I whispered against her lips. The salty taste from her recent tears devastated me. I crushed my lips on hers, fiercely marking what was mine.

  “Trust me,” I begged.

  Though her wary eyes said something different, she didn’t resist.


  She ignited my need in a way no other woman ever had. Again, our lips connected, her mouth opening, allowing my tongue to tangle with her own. I felt a shiver of pleasure shudder through her body. Our frantic heartbeats galloped as one. She arched toward me as my need to touch her grew. My hand reached behind her to unzip the top of her dress, and I slowly lowered it as her breasts. My mouth found her sweet peaks already hard and pebbled against my tongue. I uttered gravelly words against her flesh.

  Then I reached under the layers upon layers of her dress to find her silk panties, wet and wanting. I pushed them aside to find the bundle of nerves at the peak of her sex swollen with need. I circled her clit and captured her moan in my mouth, kissing her, losing myself in her. Pent-up energy fueled my body as I inserted one finger into her slick heat. Then I started to move at a frenzied pace to fulfill her every desire. Heat radiated off of her in waves.

  God, how I wished I could savor the taste between her legs, but there was no time. The next sound was the growl of my zipper as I finally freed my aching cock. I wrapped her leg around me and shoved into her roughly, filled with aggressive need. My arms felt as if they were made of steel and lifted her effortlessly.

  “Wrap your legs around me, baby. I need to be deeper.”

  Each long stroke of my cock filled her body with mine. I had never wanted anything more. I fucked her hard, taking what was mine. Her mind, body, and soul. I took it all.

  “Please, Alex.”

  My thumb found her clit throbbing as I purposely changed angles, wanting to hear the sensual way her body responded. As I absorbed the feel of her tightness surrounding me, it suddenly wasn’t enough. This was a primal need that defied all reason.

  Her fingers dug into my skin.

  “Come, Madison. Take all of me. I’m yours.”

  “Yes,” she whispers as another shudder rippled through her. Our orgasms chased each other through a swirl of ecstasy.

  I buried my face in her neck.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  And in that moment, we both knew that we wouldn’t find this with anyone else. She had chosen me. Her heart and her body had chosen me.

  “This isn’t over, it’s only the beginning,” I said as she slid down my body.

  The I handed her my handkerchief and received a mischievous
smile in return.

  “We’ll talk, Alex. I’ll explain everything, trust me.”

  I brushed my lips over hers and rested my hand at the curve of her back, leading her back toward the arms of another man.

  Her hair was a sexy mess, so she slipped back into the ladies’ room as I made my way back to the table.

  Chapter Nine


  “Where have you been?” Graham asked.

  I was surprised when he forcefully grabbed my upper arm with a vicious yank, his fingers digging into my flesh. Then he barged ahead, with me dragging behind. I was stunned with disbelief at first, but then I forced myself to come to an abrupt halt. He had my back pushed against the wall, and he focused on me, his eyes burning with malicious anger.

  “Why is Alex here?”

  His jaw was clenched. I could see a tic forming as well. He obviously couldn’t control the fury inside. Then his gaze dipped over my body and back up to meet my eyes, as if he was trying to find evidence of my betrayal.

  I expelled a breath I’d been holding and met his stare, unwilling to back down.

  Suddenly he slammed his flat hand against the wall, which was only inches from my face. He already had my attention, but his careless disregard for others would only draw unwanted attention toward him.

  “Answer me.”

  Several people passed, their brows knitted together with disapproval. I knew word about his outburst would spread soon, gossip would soar through the party. The tension between us was volatile, but this was the last thing I wanted: his rage on display for everyone to see.

  Trying to remain calm, I could feel a bruise forming under his grip. The walls were closing in, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment, as if we were under the scrutiny of the entire party.

  I caught Theo’s stare out of the corner of my eye, and the expression on his face was one of freezing contempt.

  He slowly approached and bravely stepped between us.

  I covered my face with my hands and rested my cheek against Theo’s warm back. He was my protector, my brother.

  “Let me do the talking.” He looked over his shoulder at me, but I was hidden behind his armor. I could feel the even rhythm of his heartbeat, his calm demeanor setting the tone. His rational voice had an eerie, calming effect. “I can see how upset you are, Graham.”


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