Storm Princess

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Storm Princess Page 10

by M. Garnet

  The pain in my chest was not my heart; it was the fact that I wasn't breathing. I shook myself and took a deep breath and looked around to take my mind off what I couldn't have. There were a lot of faces up here on this platform that I didn't recognize. It took me several moments for me to realize I was looking for a special face. She wasn't here or if she was, she was not anywhere that I could see. Had she refused to attend or had she chose a place where others would not stare at her?

  I looked behind me at the layers of balconies and realized there were so many places one could watch without being seen. Was the Assassin up above in the shadows, making sure that Quilliam was safe?

  The actual ceremony was fast and short. Quilliam mounted the taller platform, bent and kissed his mother, bowed to the priest and raised his hand to the people at large. The last movement brought a wave of greeting and noise from everyone present within the city cave, that made me cover my ears.

  I gave thanks to the gods that the rest was quick. The Queen stepped forward and knelt and held out a sword. The priest took the sword, blessed the Queen and the sword and turned and placed it into his hands.

  There was a loud cheer as the new King raised the sword. He stepped forward and helped his mother up and the both came down the stairs.

  I could hear music, and shouting and laughter as he led his mother down and out through the crowd. They slowly disappeared, enveloped in the people that loved them.

  I turned with tears in my eyes to indicate to Bower that I now was ready to return to my rooms. Something that was so stunning for all the residents of this world was still causing pain in my heart. I had one more sad ceremony to endure, my marriage.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I had on my comfortable gardener clothes and was sitting on a stump, watching the large body of Coro as he worked so carefully. I was amazed how such a big worker could be so gentle with the plants he was handling.

  Coro told me that there were small animals that ate the small greens that grew along the ground near the tree bases and under the bushes. He also told me the large dangerous cats had returned. They lived on the smaller animals or anything else stupid enough to get into their paths.

  He warned me not to wander out into the regrowth without being armed. He told me with a smile, that he would prefer I didn't go out into the jungle as he liked to protect his cats and his people.

  I was finding peace, sitting here on a stump of a tree that was coming back alive, as it put out stems from its roots. It was covered by an interesting tangle of growth. First there was moss, but over that, I was amazed as different plants were crawling upon each other.

  It was all a matter of trying to live and trying to get the most sun and the most rain. On this one stump, there was a large story of life. But there were no kings, no princesses, and prisons. There was an equality of effort to get to the freedom at the top of the stump for the most essence of what would let them live.

  "Coro, I understand that the King has always walked by himself on top of this plateau."

  Coro rose up with some tools in his hands and looked around. He seemed to be admiring the jungle beyond his working area. He began to stash away his tools and I thought he was not going to talk. But I heard his deep warm voice.

  "The King, like his fathers, is of this world. There is nothing that he does not understand or talk to, including the big beasts of the deep oceans."

  By this time, he was back over by my seat and smiled down at me.

  "Coro, do you think this world is alive?"

  Now Coro stared at me with the same look that he gave when he was dissecting one of his new plants. "Do you feel its heartbeat, Princess?" He held his hand out, asking for mine.

  I took his hand and let him pull me up to lead me past all the heavy growth. I was amazed at the difference in this plateau from the first time when I had seen it damaged from the war. It was recovering so fast. It was a jungle and in the distance, there were great trees.

  Coro was bringing me up to a great cliff where the mountain continued up with a shear wall that towered above us. He continued to tug at my hand until he had it against the blue rock.

  "Tell me what you feel, Mistress."

  I opened my hand and leaned in, fingers wide and palm against the stone. I wondered what Coro was up to, as the cold from the stone seeped into my flesh.

  I did feel more as I let my hand rest in its place. There was a gentle rocking or vibration as if the rock or mountain itself was settling or shifting. I wondered if it was the ocean pounding against it, or deep inside the planet, heat and magma forming for the base for the push upward to keep it stable.

  My palm was no longer cold, it seemed to have become comfortable and found the right kind of temperature. I felt like I could lean on this outcrop and now had the peace I had come up here to find.

  "It is alright, Mistress. You don't have to say anything. I can tell you feel our planet. You asked me if I think a planet can be alive. It is as alive as the people on it allow it to be. If the people on it destroy it or change it, it is just a ball in space. If the people on it cherish it and take care of it with love, then it lives and takes care of its people. A symbiotic relationship."

  I grudgingly removed my hand. "Thank you, Coro. You are a fine teacher. I must now get ready to attend another ceremony."

  I went down the correct exit and was greeted by Marshall Bower who stepped away from the wall further down the hallway. Evidently, he had taken a position to wait for me and I wondered if I should apologize for making him wait.

  I decided not to do anything, but I gave him a smile since his job was to be with me. I nodded and followed him to my door, letting him open it and lead me to my suite.

  I had been told right before I went to sleep last night time that the King had decided that the marriage ceremony should be moved up and that the council should be put in place and his world settled to be ready for the next threat.

  I could understand the need to get the government of this planet settled down after the change of a new King and a new Advisor. But there were also some changes to the Council that I didn't understand.

  When I had questioned Bower about things in general, he reported that Commander Sachim was enlarging the military. The Commander was going to other cave cities to inspect and enlarge military all over the planet.

  Bower said that there were two new large space ships in construction on the main floor and he had heard through gossip that many ships had been recalled from distant areas.

  I had read where in the previous barricade war that the Son had ordered small skip ships to fly underwater to provide Threads to other cities to keep the planet operating at full strength.

  I wasn't looking forward to the marriage for the first time since the King of Questes had announced it, but I also wanted to contribute to whatever would help GigasVnee. I was also grateful that it would be an abbreviated ceremony and not the day after day with all the change of robes that had originally been planned.

  I was in a simple white and green ensemble. This was now to be my one raiment for the marriage ceremony. As I sat and endured two individuals who were forcing my hair into some elaborate style that already felt uncomfortable, I took time to contemplate.

  For the first time, I thought about my mother and wondered what she wore on her wedding day? I could guess it would have been that layer after layer of thin white material like I was draped in when I first stepped on this world.

  I was pleased with the green soft pants and the long white jacket with the slits up the side. I had a green gem necklace that was a present from Loralei. I would have been happy if they had stopped with the necklace, but my arms and fingers were encrusted with rings, bracelets, and gems. The same was enclosed around my ankles and feet along with soft flat shoes. The glitter from all the jewels would blind everyone when all the lights on the platform hit me. Yuck.

  The individuals working on my hair muttered that the gems they were working into my complicated hairstyle were pri
celess and would keep me in luxury for the rest of my life. Did they infer that I would take the jewels from my hair after the ceremony and use them to pay for my future comfort?

  I refused to think of my feelings at this point, nor would I consider his feelings for another female. I would use my strength and do what was needed for this planet.

  It was as promised, very short. For me, I had very little memory of my marriage ceremony. Oh, I knew I did all the things necessary. I allowed Bower, dressed in his best military uniform to lead me down to the platform.

  I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that there were all those residents who turned out, body to body, railings full on every balcony in the cave. Yet I did not see them, I did not hear them, I felt only Bower's arm to keep me steady.

  On the highest platform stood a priest, several children, and a male, dressed exactly like me in soft green pants and a long white top. From my view, he seemed to block out everything else.

  Marshall Bower stopped at the bottom of the steps to the second platform and I had to find the strength to walk up those few steps alone. I took a deep breath and remembered all the times I had been forced to face desperate times by myself. My mother, totally in a mindset that had nothing to do with protecting her daughters, left me on my own at an early age.

  The constant threat of the King of Questes caused a fear that I could feel in everyone around me, even when we were not in his presence. I had found ways to get through those years of growth and I would get through this.

  I stood beside the King in a position where I did not have to look at him or even touch him. I never heard the words, but I felt the water sprinkled from one child and the leaves tossed lightly by another.

  Beyond the great opening that the two of them faced, a great storm was playing havoc across the ocean. The waves were so large that water was splashing up against the force screen.

  I found some peace, watching the wet movement slide down an invisible wall as each wave rolled inward. Someone nudged me and gave me a chalice to take a drink from. It was then passed to the King who also took a sip.

  The priest raised the cup and, at last, I heard the roar of the city as those who had come to watch cheered the end of the ritual. I was now married to a King, yet my title was still Princess. I lived within a strange universe on a stranger planet. I saw my future as nothing but heartbreak.

  Chapter Twenty

  The storm lasted for three full day times and four nights. During this time, I sat on my pillows in front of my window screen and tried not to think of my life.

  I had no appetite and I refused to get dressed out of the sleeping clothes I put on the first night I had returned to my suite. I knew that Set had carefully picked up all the jewels I had scattered, as I tore my hair apart and threw the items from my hands and feet. I had no idea where the pants and jacket went. I tried to get away from everything that told me I was now married.

  I wondered where that other female that loved him had been during that planet-wide observed ceremony. Had she stood in the crowd? Would she be hidden in a special cave suite, keeping her own tears away from the public? Was her heartbreak as massive as mine?

  Set put more food in front of me and took away the old uneaten tray. I could see the steam rising from the chocolate drink and then I felt a tremble. The liquid in the cup formed strange round waves and I looked at it in fascination.

  It was like watching an old show I remembered where a giant was walking and his heavy footsteps made the liquids vibrate. There was another movement on the floor below my butt and the liquid in the cup actually splashed.

  I looked out the window and through the storm, I saw streaks of something coming down and hitting the ocean. There were large explosions as streaks hit the water.

  Both doors of my suite burst open as black-clad soldiers with weapons ready came into my room in a cluster. Marshall Bower was in front, also dressed in a dark uniform.

  "Princess, we are under attack. Here within the city. The King has been out of the city, perhaps even off planet. We need to get you somewhere safe where you can't be found."

  I stood up, clutching one of the pillows to my chest. "Who is insane enough to attack this planet and this city?"

  "Princess, we don't have time for this. Please get into solid clothes."

  I began to move to my bedroom as I saw poor Set standing in that doorway. "What about the Queen, I mean the Advisor?" I spoke over my shoulder.

  Bower seemed to relax a bit as he saw me moving. "The Assassin took her away. Even her special squad can't confirm her location. We have trust in that male. He was second only to the Prime Assassin Misrot." Even as he spoke the whole mountain shook.

  I looked past him and all the soldiers were facing out, watching the hallway. They were crouched and had their face helmets pulled down, ready for action. I looked up as I felt some dust from a crack in a ceiling float down on my shoulders.

  I looked at Bower. "I know of a place to go that I won't be found, but I need to take Set with me and only you can come. The soldiers can stay and guard our escape."

  I hurried and changed into the pale green and brown topside outfit. I instructed Set to put on comfortable clothes and boots and then, grabbing her hand, I headed for the door.

  "Wait." Bower looked at me. "Are you going topside?"

  I nodded. "We are going topside. I know you don't have your topside gear on right now, but we won't be out long. Believe in me, my guide."

  I knew there was one thing I could do to convince my guide to follow me anywhere. I stepped forward, cupped his face, and leaned up on my toes and placed my lips on his.

  Before he could move, I touched my tongue to his lips and he opened his mouth. Weapon and all, he leaned forward and pulled me close and the kiss was as good as I had remembered. It would have lasted longer except for a sound.

  "Wow." It was Set, with her hand still in mine as she stared up at us with round eyes.

  Bower moved back and raised a hand to indicate I should lead. As I moved out into the hallway, he was giving instructions to the soldiers.

  His voice was harsh. "Upon torture of death, when you reached these rooms, the princess was gone."

  There was a hard slap to the chest of each man and then they took positions, both inside the rooms and down the hallway. I led Set up the cave as it narrowed and glanced back to see Bower following in a backward crouch, his weapon pointing down the hallway.

  The mountain moved again and again as something blasted against it. When we got to the opening, I could see the streaks in the storm-filled sky.

  I turned and looked at Bower. "You do have an idea who is attacking us, don't you?"

  Bower was looking out at the storm. "Princess, they had the colors of the Questes Consortium. Yet there was something strange. I am told that our King has changed his direction to avoid capture. Also, our ships outside our area report that the markings on the attackers are strange. They are not all of the Questes Consortium. "

  I stood for a moment, thinking about that sick insane male who was supposed to be the King of that far off group. Had someone taken advantage of the fact that he had turned up in a weakened state? Shaking my head to get my brain working, I stooped over to tie a scarf over Set's nose and mouth.

  Bower looked past me at the storm raging past the mouth of the cave. "Princess, are you sure there is a place to go that is secure out there?"

  I looked at the storm and didn't feel the trepidation that my guide did. He was of this world so he would follow me. Storms were what he had grown up knowing and sometimes experiencing. He had explained to me that he and other military personnel had special suits that they would normally wear when going topside.

  I watched my guide getting ready to go out into the storm. From his pockets, he drew a cover for his weapon and slipped the deadly item into the tight-fitting enclosure. He laced his pants into his boots, pushed the sleeves of his jacket into his long gloves and pulled on a hat that had a flexible screen for his face and
fastened down into his jacket.

  I doubted that any storm would blow any of his clothes away, no matter how strong the winds. Yes, Bower was a male of this world.

  I looked out and decided we needed to move. "We will stay close to the outcrop that is above us. It will help us in this storm. The place we want is not too far on, toward the ocean around the cliff. Set, hold onto me."

  I moved out carefully onto the plateau and hugged the stone wall, feeling help from the mountain as I lead my troop. For reasons that were obvious, it seemed to take forever to reach the entrance.

  I had expected to slip though the variable screen, instead, I was standing in front of a solid screen. There was no entry. I stepped forward to pound on the screen with no results.

  Bower nudged me and pointed to a palm entry plate. I slipped off one of my big gardener gloves and then leaned against the mountain to strip off the latex under glove. I doubted if this would work as I had never used my palm to enter this location, but I needed to try anything.

  It worked, the screen fluctuated and I could step through. I grabbed Set and felt Bower push in behind us. I decided to palm the flat panel on the inside and suddenly we were in calm. I removed my gardener's head cover and breathed in the rich dirt and plant smell in this planting area.

  I could see the long rows of growing vegetation under dim floating lighting.

  "Coro, are you here? You have some survivors that the storm blew in." I moved slowly back down one of the long aisles. Through my feet, I still felt the mountain receiving blasts from above. It was holding all that it protected, just absorbing and shifting.

  "Behind me." It was an order from her guide as he stepped forward with his weapon pointing at the large figure coming from another aisle.

  I touched Bower's shoulder. "Easy soldier, this is our host."

  Chapter Twenty-One


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