Weekend Surrender

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Weekend Surrender Page 3

by Lori King

  Assuming she was going to her room to put together an overnight bag, Rogan wandered through her small home freely. She had no family pictures on the walls, but she had a few knickknacks including a small collection of teddy bear figurines on a shelf over the television. Next to the sofa was a table with a lamp and an e-reader on it. Without even thinking about it, Rogan picked up the small tablet and flipped it on. He scanned through her reading selections, and his mouth fell open. Ms. Rachel Morgan was a dirty, kinky freak.

  “Hudson, look!” he whispered loudly, and showed Hudson what he had found.

  “Shit!” Hudson said in a tight voice, and he passed the e-reader on to Sawyer, whose face flushed slightly when he read the entries.

  “What are you crazy shits doing?” Parker snapped as he came back into the living room. Sawyer handed it to him, and Parker’s mouth dropped open. “Well, well, well. Rachel isn’t quite the innocent we suspected.”

  A gasp from the hallway had them all turning to face a furious and embarrassed woman. “What the hell are you doing? Why are you snooping through my things?” She stomped over, and snatched the e-reader from Parker’s hands holding it behind her defensively.

  “So you have some fantasies, what’s the big deal, sunshine? We’re planning on making those fantasies real within the next hour,” Parker said, and Rogan smiled widely at her blush.

  “It’s private. I don’t share that with anyone,” she said, looking a little bit hurt. Rogan stepped forward, but he wasn’t fast enough. Sawyer pulled her into his arms, and when her mouth fell open in shock, he took advantage of it, kissing her until she was breathless and panting.

  “There is no reason to keep your fantasies and desires a secret. They are part of you, baby, and we want every bit of you. If you hold back, I have a feeling Parker will jump at the chance to spank you,” Sawyer said with a low chuckle, and her nervous eyes darted back over her shoulder at Parker who quirked his eyebrow at her. Rogan could see her swallow hard again, and he laughed out loud.

  “Chill out, Parker, you’re scaring her. Rach, if you have any fantasies you want fulfilled, you have four men at your beck and call. Now, did you get what you needed? I want to get you home.” At her nod, Rogan picked up the backpack she had left on the hallway floor, and went to the front door. Sawyer led her out followed by Parker, and then Hudson.

  Rogan reached around and made sure the front door was locked before joining his brothers and their woman at the truck. There was no doubt in his mind, after spending the weekend with the Brooks brothers, she would be theirs—body and soul.


  Rachel’s body was trembling with need, and they hadn’t even started touching her. She was being pressed tightly between Sawyer and Parker in the front seat of Parker’s truck for the twenty minute drive to their ranch. The cab was comfortably large for normal sized people, but with the oversized muscular bodies of the Brooks brothers, it felt slightly claustrophobic.

  “I heard you got the sale on the Martin’s ranch,” Rogan said from the back seat.

  Twisting to answer him, she nodded, “Yeah, just booked it on Tuesday. That’s my biggest sale to date.”

  “Congratulations! That ranch is prime grazing land. Who bought it?” Parker said.

  “Tanner Kegan did,” she answered, and then giggled when all four brothers cursed. The Kegan ranch was the only other ranch around with a reputation to match Brooks Pastures. Adding more property to their already extensive ranch was a huge boon for the Kegan family.

  “Should have seen that coming,” Rogan said under his breath, “Kegan has been talking about expanding for a couple of years now.”

  “I have it on good authority the Rafts are considering putting their place up for sale next month,” she said slyly, feeling pleased to be sharing a piece of knowledge that might help the brothers build their ranch. Her real estate career was really the only thing she had lately to focus on. Her mother had moved to Oklahoma City recently to take a new job leaving her here alone, and she had never had a relationship with her slug of a father, so being the area’s top realtor meant a great deal to her. It gave her purpose.

  “No shit?” Hudson asked excitedly. “That place is nearly three hundred acres!”

  “Three hundred acres that border our property. So why are they selling, Rach?” Rogan asked.

  “It’s kind of sad actually. Diana Raft found out she has breast cancer. Randal said he wants to retire and spend what time she has left focused on her.” Emotion made her voice crack, and Sawyer’s arm tightened around her shoulders while Parker reached out and squeezed her thigh in support.

  “I can understand that. I think those two have been married as long as I’ve been alive,” Rogan said from the backseat.

  “Thirty-nine years this August,” she responded, resting her head on Sawyer’s shoulder comfortably.

  “Longer than I’ve been alive!” Rogan said in a soft voice.

  “He loves her so much. They are both really torn up about the diagnosis.” She fought to keep her emotions in check. She was an easy crier, and the last thing she wanted was to fall apart in front of the four brothers.

  To their credit, they kept the rest of the conversation light and relaxed as they tossed jokes and insults back and forth between each other, and even teased her some about her choice in ex-boyfriends. They asked intelligent questions about her job, and about mutual friends, keeping her included in their conversation at all times. She wasn’t sure if they were trying to put her at ease, or get to know her, but she embraced it and answered them honestly.

  She had always had a weakness for the four of them, but then again what woman in Stone River hadn’t? That was the problem, she had to protect her emotions and keep a distance between it and them in order for this to work. If she let them, they would steal her heart and then, she would be crushed when she had to walk away on Sunday. It wasn’t fair, but that was the deal.

  As they attentively helped her from the truck and led her up to their front door, she wondered if she had completely lost her mind when she accepted their invitation. Was she really capable of handling four men at once? Especially Parker…he was so intense, and bossy. Could she really do this? She let them lead her into the ranch house, and she didn’t even argue when they didn’t let her carry her bag or her purse. She just went willingly, trying to calm the steady rumble of butterflies in her belly.

  Hudson wrapped one arm around her shoulders and led her through the first floor of the ranch house on a tour. Their home was large, and beautiful, but it definitely bespoke bachelors, and needed a woman’s touch. The only main room that wasn’t cluttered was the kitchen, which was relatively spotless.

  “Do you guys cook?” Rachel asked as she sat at the kitchen table.

  “I’m the cook in the house. These guys would burn water if I let them near a stove,” Sawyer said playfully as he turned the fire on under a saucepot. “Do you like Italian?”

  She nodded, and returned his smile. He seemed pleased, and went to work creating some sort of red sauce in the pan in front of him. Before she could say anymore he was giving out instructions. “Ro, grab some spaghetti noodles and get them on the stove. Parker, you should probably check in with Mack before we lock up for the night, and Hudson, get the lady a drink would you?” Sawyer moved around the room gracefully handling the food preparation and leaving her speechless.

  “Who is Mack?” Rachel asked.

  “Our main ranch hand. He lives in a cabin on the East edge of the ranch, and he is the only one that lives on the property. He watches the place when we’re not around,” Sawyer answered without a pause.

  Parker hesitated for a moment as though irritated to be given his marching orders, before he nodded his agreement and left out the side door to speak to whoever Mack was. Rachel grew nervous as she watched them all working efficiently while she sat like a lump on a log letting them coddle her. Hudson put a glass of white wine in front of her, and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before he moved o
n to another task leaving her blushing and flustered. After a few more moments, she decided any task was better than no task.

  “Can I help with anything?” her offer was rewarded with a million dollar smile from Sawyer.

  “Do you cook?” he asked, tilting his head to look her over.

  “What country girl in this region doesn’t cook?” she threw back arrogantly, and he laughed.

  “Good, you’re on bread. It will be nice to have someone around who knows butter from bananas. There’s a loaf of French bread in the bread box, and I’m sure there’s garlic in the fridge.” He waited for her nod of acceptance before he turned back to the sauce he was preparing. She couldn’t resist running her eyes over his body while he wasn’t looking. How was it possible for a man to make a pair of Wranglers look that damn good?

  Rachel focused on the task she had been given, and listened as they all bantered back and forth. You would think they were having a regular evening meal, not preparing a feast before they screwed her brains out. Images of the four men stripping her clothing off, and having their wicked way with her, had her blood pumping hard in her ears, and she nearly forgot about the male bodies surrounding her in the ranch kitchen. She jumped and a squeak slipped from her throat when Rogan moved behind her, and stroked his hand down the split of her ass.

  “Hey!” she yelped, nailing him with an annoyed glare, as she waved a bread knife at him. He lifted both hands and smiled innocently.

  “Sorry, close quarters, sexy,” he said with a wink, and she felt her anger dissipate.

  “Mmm hmm. I’ll just bet. You shouldn’t play grab ass when I’m holding a knife. I could accidentally slip and eliminate appendages,” she joked.

  “Nah, I’m not worried. You haven’t gotten any use out of it yet, there isn’t a chance in hell you’re going to damage it,” Rogan teased back, and he winked at her flushed cheeks.

  A moment later it was Hudson who was grabbing a handful of her ass as she moved past him to the refrigerator. This time the only acknowledgement from her was a gasp. She refused to give him the satisfaction of facing him, so instead she continued what she was doing—bending to grab the butter from the bottom shelf of the fridge.

  A hard erection pressed against the crack of her ass, causing her stomach to drop to her feet, and her throat to nearly close completely. This time she couldn’t keep her groan of desire inside, and Parker groaned back.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you have a spectacular ass, sunshine?” he asked as she stood up in front of him, and he rubbed his cock along the seam of her cheeks.

  She shook her head, and then let it fall back onto his shoulder. His hands clenched at her denim covered hips tightly, and he pressed a kiss just under her ear, drawing a whimper from her chest. Goose bumps spread out over her skin, and her nipples sharpened into hard points.

  Someone relieved her of the butter still in her hands, so Parker could turn her in his arms. Pressing his muscular body tightly against her front, he swooped in for a kiss, and she reacted wantonly. Her hands slid up to grip his short, dark hair at the nape of his neck, and she arched her breasts into his hard body. His tongue battled with hers for possession of the kiss, and when she finally melted and opened to him, she could feel his pleasure at her submission, like sinful strokes over her skin.

  When he released her mouth she was trembling, and her breath came out in choppy pants. The masculine self-satisfied smirk on his face didn’t even irritate her. Instead she found a part of her wanted to continue to make him happy.

  Lifting his head, he stared down into her eyes, and whispered, “Sweet.” And her heart thudded in her chest as he released her and spun her around until she was facing Hudson who leaned against the fridge with a grin on his face, and the butter in his hands.

  “I love how you look with pink cheeks, honey,” Hudson said, and he leaned forward stopping just centimeters from her lips. Her mouth dropped open in preparation for a kiss, only to be frozen when he did nothing but slide his tongue along her bottom lip. “And I love how you taste.”

  He pressed the butter into her trembling hands, turned her back toward the kitchen counter, and nudged her forward. She moved automatically and silently back to the bread she had been working on. Her mind was fuzzy, and she couldn’t seem to put two thoughts together as she coated the French bread in garlicky butter.

  She was able to watch the four men as they moved around the kitchen laughing and joking with each other for several minutes before she had to ask the question plaguing her mind.

  “Why me?” she said softly, and when they all grew quiet but didn’t speak, she asked it louder. “Why me? Every woman in town wants you and with just a crook of your little finger, she would gratefully drop to her knees for the four of you. So what makes me so special?”

  Rogan was the closest to her, so he was the first to reach her. Gripping her chin, he tipped her head back so she was forced to meet his eyes. She was surprised to see the emotion that filled his gaze, but she quickly dismissed it as a trick of the light. No way they actually felt anything for her, this was just sex. She had to keep reminding herself this was just a weekend fling to cut loose, and give her her confidence back.

  “Rachel, you don’t seem to understand that you are the one we want. We don’t want the other women. I think I speak for all of us, but I will tell you what I personally want. I want a sexy brunette, with legs up to her ears, and the hottest navel piercing I’ve ever seen. I want the spicy woman with a sharp tongue, that melts when I kiss her, and isn’t afraid to put me in my place when I’m being an ass. I want your body, and your heart, and I want to keep them.” With every word his brown eyes darkened, and Rachel knew her own eyes widened. Her heart was racing in her chest, and her knees were shaking again.

  “You can’t keep me,” she whispered shakily.

  “Why not?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Rogan, you don’t have to give me sweet words to get me into your bed. I’ll go willingly, but I don’t want you guys to play with my emotions. This is supposed to be fun. I just wanted to know why you singled me out tonight?” she said, pulling her face away from him so he wouldn’t see the confusion in her eyes.

  “You’re being deliberately obtuse,” Parker said from across the room, and she jerked her head up to glare at him.

  “No, I’m asking a question. Nevermind. Forget it,” she said with a huff, as she placed the remaining French bread on the baking pan and went to put it in the oven.

  Sawyer stood leaning against the counter next to the stove with his arms crossed and a frown puckering his brow. He watched her put the tray in the oven and wipe her hands on a towel before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in front of him.

  “Why is it so hard to believe that we would pick you, baby?” he asked, and she stared at the buttons of his shirt refusing to look at his questioning eyes.

  “Just forget I brought it up, the bread should be done in about ten minutes. I should probably wash up, if you’ll just direct me to the bathroom?” she said quickly, pulling away from Sawyer, and turning back to the other men who all stood around the room with their arms over their chests and identical frowns on their gorgeous faces.

  They exchanged looks amongst themselves, before Hudson finally broke the silence. “Come on, honey, I’ll show you where it is.”

  He held out his hand to her, and she hesitated, drawing an exasperated huff from him, which had her quickly placing her hand in his. Drawing her along behind him, he led her out of the kitchen and back down a hallway. They stopped in front of a door, and he pushed it open. Instead of a bathroom, it was a bedroom, and she froze in the doorway.

  Hudson turned back to her with a small smirk, “It’s okay, Rachel, it’s just my bedroom. The bathroom is right here. Right now the guest bath is torn all to hell while we’re remodeling and adding on a master bedroom suite. We have four other bathrooms, but they are all connected to a bedroom. Just come back to the kitchen when you’re done.”

sp; He pressed a light kiss to her forehead again, and left her standing alone in his bedroom. For just a moment she let herself breathe in his scent that filled the room. The furnishings were cherry wood, and the décor was very masculine. She could see various things that bespoke Hudson’s interests scattered around.

  On top of the dresser was a pile of hunting and fishing magazines while an air soft gun rested against the bedside table. Several CDs sat next to a stereo on the bookshelf, and she couldn’t resist looking through them. Everything Nickelback to Five Finger Death Punch, it seemed that Hudson had an eclectic taste in his music, and that made her smile.

  She remembered what she was supposed to be doing when her full bladder ached, and she hurried into the bathroom. After she finished and washed her hands, she took a moment to look over his bathroom too. It seemed too intimate to be standing amongst his things. His razor and shaving cream sat on the counter next to a bottle of cologne, a comb, and his toothbrush. She shivered thinking about how nice it might be to wake up next to him and watch him use all of it to get ready in the morning.

  Stop it, Rachel. That’s just crazy talk.

  Her stomach twisted as she forced her mind away from thoughts of waking up in Hudson’s arms long term. Very soon it wouldn’t just be Hudson’s arms holding her, and she wasn’t sure if that scared her or excited her.

  Chapter Four

  Hudson, Parker, and Rogan all stopped talking to stand from the table as she returned to the kitchen, and she blushed at their manners.

  “No, no, sit down. You don’t have to stand for me,” she scolded with a laugh.

  “Our mama would have kicked our ass if we didn’t stand for a woman that walked into the room,” Rogan said with a smile.

  “Your mama?” she asked with curiosity, as Parker held her chair for her, and then took the seat next to her. His arm snaked around the back of her chair, and she felt surrounded by his warmth.


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