Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire Page 1

by Stephanie Street

  Copyright © 2019 by Stephanie Street

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Author’s Note

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  Chapter One

  “I don’t know why you pay attention to those. They never know what they’re talking about.” Harley Stone studied herself in the full length mirror while her mother, and manager, Missy Stonebridge, flipped through a magazine. Harley herself graced the glossy front, along with her co-star in her upcoming movie, Brent James.

  Harley shuddered. She didn’t like Brent very much. The photo captured them coming out of a pre-production meeting for their new project, Brave and Bold, a spinoff of the movies that had made her famous, Brave and Bound. In the new, three-movie series, Harley would reprise her role from Brave and Bound, Mila Tully. In the first movies, Mila and her brother, Rex, played by Harley’s good friend, Holt Fisher, get caught in a scheme to put their father, Bull Tully, a Chicago mob boss, behind bars. Rex falls for the daughter of the police officer helping them and in the end, Rex and Mila form unlikely friendships with a group of misfits who become their pseudo family.

  It was all high action, low believability, but fans loved it.

  Soon, principal photography would begin for the first movie, Brave and Bold. Holt and some of the other actors from the original series would have cameo appearances, but for the most part, the story revolved around Mila. The party that night at the home of Stephen Berg, director of both series, celebrated the end of one era and the beginning of another.

  “I pay attention because of this,” Missy said, holding up the magazine for Harley to see.

  “I don’t have time to read gossip magazines, just tell me what it says.” Harley adjusted her earring in the mirror. She wished Missy wouldn’t get so caught up in the tabloids. None of what they printed was ever true. And oftentimes, the articles were destructive. Take for example what had happened with Chris Bragg last year.

  Chris, a retired football player, reached out to her through a mutual friend, Ty Miller, who’d gone to high school with Harley and played football with Chris. At the time, Chris had been looking for a way to donate a house he’d remodeled to charity and Ty mentioned Harley and her Homes for Warriors foundation which provided homes to wounded veterans and surviving families.

  Harley started the foundation as a way to honor her brother, Nick, who suffered a career ending injury while serving as an Army Ranger in Afghanistan. His vehicle ran over an IED and Nick lost the lower half of his leg. Harley watched as Nick and his family struggled. She offered to help, but her brother was stubborn. So, instead of helping him, she decided she would use her resources to help other soldiers in his situation.

  Harley was excited to bring Chris into her foundation and practically fell in love the moment she met him. She’d never met a more handsome man. It didn’t help that he was also kind, respectful, and generous. Too bad for her he’d already fallen madly in love with Oakley, the woman who would become his wife.

  Unfortunately, the meeting with Chris garnered attention from the media and photos were taken and printed out of context to make it seem as though the two shared a romantic connection.

  Oakley had been crushed and Harley’s heart ached for Chris, who’d become her friend. All he’d done the entire evening after they discussed Homes for Warriors was talk about Oakley and her son, Kaden. Harley remembered feeling envious of his obvious love for the pair he’d left behind in Colorado and wondering if that kind of love existed for her.

  Anyway, Chris and Oakley managed to work things out and had become Harley’s closest friends. They’d been married almost a year and in a few months would welcome a new addition to their family. A baby girl. And Harley’s name had been put on the list of people to call when Oakley went into labor.

  So, yeah, Harley knew exactly the kind of power the media held.

  “Harley, I mean it. Pay attention.”

  Something in her mother’s tone had her doing just that. “What?”

  “It’s all over the place, you and Brent.”

  “So? The media’s always trying to link me with someone. Who cares?” Harley didn’t. The last thing she needed in her screwed up life was a man. Especially not Brent. Just the thought of it made her gut twist. Brent was handsome and a decent actor, but he had some major issues. Honestly, she couldn’t figure out why he’d been cast in the first place. He’d been plagued with rumors of anger problems and alcohol abuse. He just wasn’t the caliber of actor she was used to after working with someone like Holt Fisher, who in Harley’s eyes was practically perfect.

  “Yes, but don’t you see? With the age difference and the fact you played brother and sister on screen there was never any speculation about you and Holt Fisher, but with Brent,” Missy let her insinuation float in the air between them.

  “No.” Harley shook her head emphatically. “No. No way.” Missy was off her rocker if she thought Harley was going to start dating Brent James for publicity.

  “Why not? It’s perfect. He’s handsome and you are gorgeous.” She held up the magazine with the picture of Brent and Harley together. “Just look at that. It’s media gold right on the cover of this magazine. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.”

  “Because I’m not doing it. I don’t even like Brent James. He’s a skeezeball and being around him makes my skin itch.” She’d been worried all during pre-production if she’d be able to pull it off, act as though Mila was falling in love with Brent’s character, Damon. Harley was a decent actor, but even good actors had their limits, didn’t they? If so, Brent might prove to be hers.

  Missy’s eyes narrowed into an expression Harley knew all too well. Her mother was used to getting what she wanted and she didn’t care who she plowed over on the way. Even Harley. Especially Harley.

  “You don’t have to like him, Harley. You just have to pretend you do. Let the media get pictures of you together and the story will take off from there. That’s it.”

  “No. I’m not doing it.” Her life felt like one huge lie already.

  “I’ve already talked to Brent and he’s for it. Not only will it help build buzz for the movie, your spotless re
putation will help bring him up to your level.”

  Harley’s mouth dropped open. She’d already spoken to Brent? Without Harley’s knowledge or agreement?

  “Mom, how could you do that?” But she already knew the answer. It was the story of her life. Missy doing what Missy always did, looking out for Missy. But what would she get out of Harley and Brent pretending to date?

  Harley studied her mother. Her tombstone would read ‘Missy Stonebridge, Master Manipulator’. Her narcissistic tendencies were legendary.

  “Just tell me. What’s in it for you?” Sure, as Harley’s manager, Missy would stand to make money off all three films if they did well, and they were a good bet. Stephen didn’t make junk. Between the popularity of the Brave and Bound movies and Harley herself, these movies were guaranteed to be box office hits. But there was something else. Something Missy wasn’t telling her.

  “What’s in it for me is my daughter being the highest paid female actor in the world. That’s what is in it for me. Fans go crazy for on screen romances that turn into off screen love affairs. Look at Brad and Angelina. Robert and Kristen. People love it. And if we do this now, build the relationship up until the movie comes out, fans will flock to theaters to see you on screen together.”

  Missy wasn’t wrong. But that didn’t mean Harley wanted to do it. For most of her life, Harley had been doing everything in her power not to become like her mother. She hated the way Missy used people, especially her. And she hadn’t forgotten how things used to be, before the money, before the fame.

  Missy wasn’t a good person. In fact, her brother wouldn’t have anything to do with her. His kids had only met their grandmother once or twice. And Harley didn’t blame him for his decision. A lot of times, she wished she could make the same one. But at this point, their lives were so intertwined. And not just because they were mother and daughter, but because they were actor and manager.

  Keep your enemies closer. She’d heard that somewhere once and immediately thought of Missy. If Harley ever tried to cut Missy out of her life, her mother would make her life miserable. More miserable. It wasn’t worth it.

  But neither was dating Brent James for publicity. She had to have her standards about some things and this was one of them.

  “I’m not doing it.”

  Chapter Two

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “That’s Brent. I thought it might be a good idea for the two of you to show up downstairs together.” Missy went to get the door.

  “Mom, I mean it. I’m not-” her words were cut off when Missy opened the door and let in Brent.

  He walked in the room like he owned the place, his gaze cruising over Harley’s body making her skin crawl.

  “Hey, girlfriend.” Brent reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. They felt moist against her skin.

  “I’m not your girlfriend,” she choked out, not even pretending to fight the urge to wipe her hand on her skirt.

  “I thought you said-” Brent sent Missy a questioning glance, but she ignored him.

  “Save it for the cameras, you two. It’s showtime.”


  Missy held up her hand. “Harley, we don’t have time to discuss this right now. Let’s just get through tonight and we’ll talk more about it later.”

  Harley stared at her mother for the length of a single heartbeat.

  “Fine.” She’d appeared at events with her co-stars a hundred times, Harley reassured herself, marching to the door, but then Brent caught her arm, lacing it through his own. She turned to blast him for daring to touch her, but a warning look from Missy stopped her.

  It was official. She was going to kill her mother.

  Downstairs, Brent and Harley arrived to the party together. Harley tried to keep as much distance between her body and Brent’s as she could. Cameras flashed, catching the moment forever.

  “Smile,” Missy ordered from behind her teeth and Harley forced her lips to pull into something that didn’t resemble a cringe. Especially when Brent’s hand found her hip and pulled her into his side possessively. Dozens of cameras clicked furiously.

  Harley stiffened at his side. Brent lowered his lips to her ear. “Smile.”

  Harley grit her teeth behind her closed lips as they curved ever so slightly. Pretending any feelings other than revulsion for Brent would take all she had in her. Apparently, he hadn’t gotten the memo that Harley wasn’t going to go along with this charade.

  “That’s better.” He brushed his mouth against the side of her head.

  It was going to be a long night.

  After posing for photos in front of a large backdrop set up for that purpose, Harley allowed Brent to lead her further into the room. At least a thousand people milled around Stephen’s mansion which doubled as a film history museum. Guests spread out over the entire house as each room featured a different era, genre, or particular actor or actress. The main hall told the history of film starting with the Roundhay Garden Scene and ending with a display of today’s most up-to-date technology including interactive virtual reality headsets and a giant curved screen playing the most recent Brave and Bound movie.

  As much as Harley didn’t enjoy acting sometimes, she loved movies. When she first met Stephen Berg, he’d invited the Brave and Bound cast to his house. Harley enjoyed his collection so much, she’d begged him to let her stay a couple of days so she could study each display. Since then, she’d been back many times to revisit her favorites. She especially loved looking at his collection of movie posters. He had original copies of from all the iconic movies. Gone with the Wind. The Godfather. King Kong. The list went on and Harley couldn’t get enough of them.

  She had a feeling she wouldn’t be visiting her favorite collections that night. Her suspicions were confirmed when Brent pulled on her arm, dragging her to meet one Hollywood VIP after another.

  Of course, Harley already knew everyone, so it was really her introducing Brent. Insert eye roll.

  “Oh, there’s Holt,” Harley exclaimed, relieved to have an excuse to get out from under Brent’s heavy arm.

  Holt Fisher, her on screen brother and off screen friend, held court in front of Stephen’s award case, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women hoping to make it to the top by clutching his coattails. His expression of relief was almost as obvious as her own when he broke away from them to meet her halfway.

  Harley didn’t miss the way his eyes narrowed on Brent, who kept trying to keep her close to his side, before she pulled away.

  “Am I glad to see you.” Without hesitation, he pulled her into a bear hug, not at all concerned with wrinkling her dress or getting makeup on his white tuxedo jacket. In her opinion, Holt was the most real man in Hollywood and Harley adored him.

  Holding her close a moment longer than necessary, Holt whispered in her ear. “What are you doing with Brent James?”

  She heard the disbelief in his voice. Holt knew her distaste for Brent as well as she did herself. And shared the sentiment, in fact. But this wasn’t the place to delve into all of that, nor the time. She gave him a look that said she’d tell him all about it later.

  Brent’s hand landed on the small of Harley’s back, forcing Holt to release her from his hold.

  “Fisher.” Brent eyed Holt. “Good to see you again.”

  Holt held his tongue, not at all fazed by Brent’s condescending tone. Brent could only hope to achieve the kind of success Holt knew in the movie industry and both men knew it. Brent liked to pretend. Obviously.

  “Harley, how’s filming going? Miss me?”

  Fighting her first genuine smile of the evening, Harley stuck her tongue out at her ‘brother’. “You know we haven’t started yet, we fly out to Denver tonight after the party. But you know I never have any fun without you.”

  Holt laughed and she knew he was remembering all the pranks and shenanigans they’d gotten up to over the years. In real life, Holt was older than Harley by ten years. He treated her like a little sister
from day one and she loved him for it. It had been nothing short of paralyzingly intimidating to meet the famous actor her first day on set and his playful attitude helped ease her insecurities. Now, she considered him family, her brother for real. He was definitely one of her closest friends. She wondered what he would think about her mother’s plan for her to pretend to date Brent to boost ratings? Actually, she already knew he would think it was a bad idea. Especially with a guy like Brent.

  “I’m not scheduled on set until the second movie. You’ll just have to find ways to have fun without me until then.” Holt widened his eyes at her before darting them in Brent’s direction.

  Harley bit her lip to keep from laughing. She didn’t think Brent would appreciate finding rubber spiders in his trailer or getting doused with slime in his dressing room. He didn’t seem the good sport type.

  “I can’t wait.” Brent deserved a little payback for going behind her back with her mother.

  Harley spoke with Holt for a few more minutes while Brent’s eyes searched the room for the next opportunity to ingratiate himself.

  All too soon, Brent tugged on her hand saying he’d seen someone he wanted to meet. Reluctantly, Harley said goodbye to Holt who watched as Brent half dragged her away. Harley made a face over her shoulder for his benefit. Holt lifted one brow and Harley knew he’d be in touch later to get the inside scoop.

  “Hey, relax. You’re hurting my arm.” Harley tried to pull her elbow out of Brent’s grip before his fingers pulverized the bones in her elbow, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he gripped harder, jerking them both to a stop at the edge of the large, crowded room.


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