Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire Page 7

by Stephanie Street

  The morning hadn’t gone well, heck the whole week had been a disaster, and Harley blamed herself. As a professional, she should be able to let go of her personal feelings and act! But it had become too much. Missy. Brent. Carter.

  Especially Carter. He’d been there all week, watching take after take of Harley screwing up. She just wanted to quit at this point. Nothing she did seemed right. Stephen hated everything they were doing no matter how many times they went over it, no matter how many times he told them what he wanted, it wasn’t good enough.

  And everyone was frustrated.

  “Break!” Stephen shouted and the entire cast and crew set into motion, scurrying to get away from the tension.

  Harley remained where she stood and watched as Stephen fell rather dramatically into his chair. He picked up a sheaf of papers and began looking them over.

  “What is your problem?” Brent bit out through gritted teeth, his lips barely moving.

  “Stephen said it was time for a break.” Harley turned to walk away, but Brent caught her arm, holding her in place.

  “You’re ruining everything,” he accused.

  Harley’s jaw dropped. “How dare you?” She pulled on her arm, but Brent held fast. “Let me go.” She’d had enough of Brent James bullying her. She was Harley Stone after all and who was he? Nobody. Someone who needed her to pretend to be in love with him to get people to like him.

  What a joke.

  And she was so over it.

  Brent loomed over her, but Harley was done being intimidated. Crooking her elbow, Harley changed the angle of his grip. She hit his forearm with her other hand breaking his hold.

  “Don’t grab me like that again.” She could have called out, asked for help. Anyone watching probably thought they were rehearsing. All she had to do was scream. But then what?

  “I can do whatever I want and you won’t be able to do anything about it.” Brent grabbed her again, this time with both hands.

  Stunned, Harley just stood there, not believing he would do something so stupid in front of everyone. She knew Brent had a reputation for being a bit of a loose cannon, but this was ridiculous!

  “Let me go, Brent.” Harley tried to pull away from him again.

  Grinning, he tightened his grip. Lowering his head, he whispered close to her face. “I didn’t know you liked things so rough, Harley.”

  Disgusted by what he implied, Harley turned her face away from him. “Brent, let me go or so help me-”

  “Harley,” her eyes slid closed as his voice washed over her. “Are you ready for lunch? We should probably be going.”

  “Yes.” She opened her eyes to see Carter standing beside them, his jaw clenched, his gaze narrowed on the tight grip Brent maintained on her wrists. “I’m ready.”

  Of course, Brent had other ideas. “She’s not going anywhere. We need to rehearse. Stephen’s about to fire us both if we don’t get this scene right.”

  “Hmmm.” Carter hummed low in his throat. “It seems to me you all could use a break. Why don’t you let Harley go and the two of you can rehearse later.” He worded it as a suggestion, but his tone implied Brent would be in a world of hurt if he didn’t go along with it.

  “Why don’t you mind your own business?” Brent spat. “Harley, we’ll discuss this in your trailer.” He began to walk away but Harley dug in her heels. There was no way she wanted to be alone in her trailer with Brent.

  Carter tsked as he shook his head, the picture of ease as he took a step forward and elbowed Brent in the solar plexus with a powerful blow. “You know, Brent. This seems like it’s becoming a habit of yours, holding Harley against her will.”

  Brent grunted, surprised. His hands loosened, but not enough for Harley to break free. Good thing Carter wasn’t finished. With Brent slightly off balance from the first hit, Carter took advantage by bringing his elbow down on Brent’s arm and lowering his shoulder into the other man’s chest, pushing until Brent stumbled.

  Harley’s arms, now free, ached. Carter stood between her and Brent. His broad shoulders blocked her from Brent’s view. Desperately needing to feel safe somewhere, Harley stepped up to Carter’s back, clutching the hem of his shirt in her hands. His body twitched at her touch as though he wanted to turn to her, but he didn’t. Instead, he faced her adversary.

  Not surprisingly, Brent attacked.

  Harley flinched, curling herself into Carter’s back. She expected to feel some sort of impact, but instead, Carter’s arms shifted as he blocked whatever tactics Brent employed. The two of them trained every day. They were staring in an action movie. He’d learned a few tricks, but most of what they did was choreographed.

  On the other hand, the hard edge gleaming from Carter’s eyes was no lie. He blocked each of Brent’s attacks all without moving from his place in front of Harley or returning any hits of his own.

  After a few moments, Harley felt Carter sigh.

  “Are you finished yet? Harley and I would like to find something to eat.”

  “You think you can come in here like you own the place?” Brent swung again and Harley almost felt bad for hiding behind Carter, but then again, there was almost no place else she’d rather be than beside him.

  Carter’s laugh was smug. “I do own the place, James.”

  Carter stopped moving. Harley peeked around his arm to see Brent breathing heavily.

  “You too much of a coward to hit me, Bragg?” he taunted, his eyes darting menacingly to Harley. “You gonna hide behind this coward!”

  Harley started to step around Carter but his strong arm caught her as he reached behind.

  “I got this guy,” he murmured, his voice rumbling against her cheek as it rested on his back. Harley wrapped her arm around his and his hand squeezed her side.

  To heck with Missy and her stupid plan. Harley never wanted to see Brent James again, let alone pretend to be his girlfriend. At that moment, she’d give up being Mila Tully in a second if it meant never having to lay eyes on her co-star again. Let them give it to someone else.

  Did she really mean that?

  A cold fear settled in her chest. Flashes of memories, things she never wanted to relive, made her doubt her own sanity.

  Carter must have sensed a change in her because he turned away from Brent.

  “Harley,” his eyes searched hers. “What is it?”

  Harley opened her mouth to tell him, what, she didn’t know, but Brent saw his opening. With Carter’s back to him, Brent sucker punched him in the kidney, then laughed triumphantly.

  “Carter!” Harley cried as his jaw clenched, his eyes filled with pain. And rage. With more control than Harley could have managed herself, Carter released her.

  “What are you going to do now, rich boy?” Brent taunted.

  But Carter didn’t dignify the question with an answer. Instead, with his fists tight and muscles bunched, Carter pivoted on the balls of his feet. With one precisely aimed blow, Carter leveled Brent.

  With horror, Harley watched as her co-star fell to the ground, unconscious.

  A pair of hands clapped loudly, bringing Carter and Harley both around, searching for the source.

  At the edge of the set, Stephen stood tall, his entire body buzzing with excitement.

  “Bravo!” he shouted, his voice echoing in the cavernous room. “Harley-” Stephen shook his head with amazement as he started toward her and Carter. “Someone, please tell me we had cameras on that performance! Excellent! Just brilliant. Sparks,” his hands flew into the air above his head, “everywhere!” Spinning in a circle, he spoke to the crowd that had gathered completely unnoticed. At least, Harley hadn’t noticed them.

  “That, people,” he pointed to where Harley and Carter still stood and Brent had just begun stirring on the ground. “That is what we’ve been looking for all week.” Stephen laughed almost maniacally. “That’s what we’ve been searching for since we began filming! Sparks! Energy! Excitement!” He spun again, facing Harley and Carter like a proud parent. “

  Brent groaned. Holding his head, he rolled into a sitting position on the floor. For a split second, Harley debated whether or not she should go to him, but then Stephen dropped a bomb that left all of them stunned.

  “Carter, how do you feel about acting?” Stephen’s intense expression said he wasn’t joking.

  Carter’s chin backed into his neck. “Excuse me?”

  “Carter, I want you in my movie.” Without breaking eye contact with Carter, Stephen called out to one of his assistants, the girl with heavy purple makeup who’d been speaking to Carter when he first arrived. “Emma! Get Simon and his staff down here for a meeting. We have a script to rewrite.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Stephen had lost his mind, and Carter wasn’t the only one who thought so.

  “Stephen! Are you crazy?” Brent shouted from the floor. He’d attempted to scramble to his feet once already only to fall back on his haunches. The second time he tried, a young man who’d been lingering off to the side all morning with a bottle of cold water for the actor, rushed to his aid.

  As for Stephen, he kept talking as though Brent hadn’t said a word. “It’s so obvious.” He stopped moving and pointed at Brent. “You will be our villain. And you,” he turned to Carter, “are going to play the hero.”

  Stephen didn’t wait to hear anyone’s comments on his decision before breezing out of the warehouse leaving them all stunned.

  Especially Carter who, besides having no acting experience, hadn’t agreed to anything. He had a business to run! He couldn’t just take time away from Bragg Enterprises. What would his father think? Claire? Carter shuddered to think. He did not have time to mess around on a movie set for the next year.

  Lifting his hand to the back of his neck, Carter sighed. “Is he always so…”

  “Impulsive?” Harley supplied. Harley seemed the least surprised by this turn of events as they stood together, the three of them, while most of the crew dispersed. Apparently, production had been halted until further notice.

  “Is he serious? He’s going to change the whole movie based on, what exactly?”

  Harley’s eyes were worried. She kept glancing back and forth between Carter and Brent as though she expected one of them to go off like a firework on the Fourth of July. She might not be far off as far as Brent was concerned.

  Carter peeked at the actor. He still appeared to be a bit dazed from Carter’s blow.

  “He’s joking,” Brent said. “He has to be. We’ve already been through pre-production and filming all week. He can’t just change everything now.”

  Carter looked to Harley. She didn’t seem so sure. “Harley?”

  She shrugged. “It’s possible. You’ve been here, you know how things have gone this week. I thought Stephen was going to have stroke right here on set.”

  Brent blustered. “And I wonder why that is, Harley!” Brent took a step toward her, but that was too much for Carter after everything and he grabbed the other man with both hands by the lapels of his jacket.

  “James,” Carter shook Brent making his head bob. “I don’t care what you and Harley have going on but in my presence, you will show her respect.” Carter shook him again. “Do you understand?”

  By the dazed look in Brent’s eyes, it would be a miracle if Carter hadn’t given him a concussion. He didn’t care as long as Brent never laid his hands on Harley again with ill intent.

  “I asked you a question.” Carter wanted to shake him again but refrained.

  Brent nodded. At this point, Carter figured the man would agree to anything.

  Carter released his hold. “Why don’t you go relax for a bit?”

  It was a testament to how messed up Brent felt because he allowed his assistant to lead him off set, presumably to find a doctor.

  Harley jabbed him in his chest with her finger bringing Carter’s attention back around. “What are you thinking? You can’t be in this movie! You aren’t even an actor!”

  Carter shrugged. He hadn’t decided if he was going to do this thing or not, but it riled him to think she didn’t believe in him. Besides, she looked beautiful upset.

  “What, like acting’s hard?” he taunted her on purpose.

  Harley’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Carter, this isn’t funny. This is serious.”

  Liking this game immensely, Carter took a step toward her. Reaching out, he picked up a lock of her long blonde hair and wrapped it around her finger. “I know it’s serious. I’m the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. I don’t have time to be an actor.”

  “See.” Her eyes were heavy as they settled on him. Stephen was right about one thing, sparks flew whenever they were anywhere near each other. This was no exception. “What are you going to do?”

  Carter leaned forward. “This.”

  Lately, he’d begun to think she’d hooked him with an invisible wire. Right then she pulled on it and he didn’t have the energy to fight anymore. Carter rested his hands on her waist.

  “Harley,” he breathed, closing the distance.

  “I can’t!”

  Carter froze, a deep sigh rushing past his lips. He let his forehead rest against hers.

  Lines of tension fanned out from her closed eyes. “Oh, Harley. What am I going to do with you?”

  His question seemed to be all she needed to pull herself together. “I can’t do this, Carter.” She straightened. “Actually, I should go check on Brent.” She turned away.

  “Harley,” he said her name again, but he didn’t know what else to say. She was right. He didn’t understand what was going on between her and Brent. Everything he’d seen over the last week and a half told him Harley didn’t feel anything but loathing for the actor. So, why the lie? And Carter was convinced it was a lie.

  “I’ll talk to Stephen. See if we can sort this all out. Surely, he didn’t mean what he said.” She took first one step, then two away from him.

  Carter’s arms felt empty with Harley not in them. She’d rejected him. Twice now. But while her mouth said one thing, her body said another. And her eyes. Carter couldn’t get the look of longing in her eyes when she looked at him out of his head. She didn’t want Brent James. Maybe if Carter stuck around, he could get to the bottom of whatever it was going on between the two of them. And if he could do that, maybe he could have another chance to show Harley how much she meant to him.

  “Would it really be so bad?” he asked.

  Harley paused. “Would what be so bad?”

  Carter adored the little crinkle she got between her brows. “Working with me?”

  Her eyes bulged. “Are you serious?”

  Carter nodded. He was dead serious. What was the use of having all his money if he couldn’t just up and quit his job to become a famous movie actor? Although, once he told his father Carter might just be dead.

  Harley watched him silently for nine heartbeats. Carter knew because he counted his own as he waited.

  Finally, her face softened and she shook her head. “No. It wouldn’t be so bad.” With a small smile, she turned away from him again and walked out of the building leaving Carter to wonder how this day had gone so off track.

  But he knew one thing, he wasn’t going to let this chance pass him by.

  Reaching into his pocket, Carter pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times. He held it to his ear and waited until someone answered.

  “Claire, you are never going to believe what I’m about to tell you.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Claire spent the next fifteen minutes sharpening her tongue on Carter’s hide. In the end, he let her know who was boss by apologizing. After disconnecting the call, Carter immediately dialed the florist and ordered a second bouquet of roses in a week to be delivered in the next hour. After the florist, he called the bakery two blocks from his office and ordered one of everything they had on hand, paying double to have it delivered that very moment.

  Carter consoled himself by remembering Claire was the best a
ssistant he’d ever had or ever would have and keeping her happy was top priority. What was a couple hundred dollars in gifts to a billionaire?

  “Nothing,” he muttered under his breath as he left the warehouse to go in search of Stephen.

  Now that he’d spoken with Claire, Carter was as good as committed. There would be no backing out now. She’d already threatened him with serious bodily harm if he called her once in the next twelve hours. Carter planned to play it safe and wait at least fifteen.

  As he walked across the lot to the building where Stephen had set up offices, Carter chuckled to himself. He never would have thought himself capable of being terrified of a woman who barely reached the center of his chest wearing a pair of the most unattractive one inch heels ever purchased at the Salvation Army, but Claire was formidable. And diabolical. He had to be careful. She’d been known to work him to a frazzle with appointments scheduled so tightly he didn’t have time to relieve himself or eat. One time, she sent him to lunch where he expected to meet with a client from Des Moines and instead, he arrived at the restaurant to find his mother and a handful of her friends from the country club.

  Each accompanied by at least one unmarried daughter.

  He’d been on Claire’s good side since then. He made sure of it, since he couldn’t fire her or his entire professional life would completely fall apart. He’d become dependent on her and darn her if she didn’t know it.

  Once inside the office building, Carter searched for Stephen. He finally found him in a conference room at the end of a very long hall. Carter stood in the door frame listening to the conversation. Stephen stood in the midst of about fifteen people, rapidly speaking a jumbled mess of broken thoughts.

  “No, no, no!” Stephen shook his head. “We keep all the scenes we’ve already shot. We can fix everything in editing. Build a story line for this new guy,” Stephen frowned, then shook his head. “I don’t care what you call him. But he needs to be savvy, intelligent, capable. He’s doing something now, but it isn’t what he’s always done. Something unexpected. A double life, maybe. Whatever. You guys figure it out.” Stephen waved his hand in front of his face. “And I need it by tomorrow morning.”


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