Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire Page 15

by Stephanie Street


  Startled, she looked up, her green eyes wide. Carter’s heart pounded. Goodness, he loved her.

  “Carter, what are you doing?”

  Reaching down, he took her hand in his and pulled her to her feet. “Harley, I don’t know what happened between us. But I do know I don’t want it to be over.”

  “Carter-” she shushed him.

  “No! Just hear me out.” His plan was simple. “Date me.”

  “What?” she asked, her brow pinched with that cute little crease. She glanced nervously at Oakley and Cam who shamelessly watched and listened. Carter took her face in his hands so she could only see him.

  “Date me. Go on dates with me. Let’s get to know each other. Everything happened too fast, too intense. We’ll pretend we just met and go on a first date.” Carter caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. “I’ll pick you up and open your car door and bring you flowers and I won’t even try to kiss you.”

  Oakley and Cam snickered. Carter shot them a look. But he wasn’t worried about them. Only Harley.

  “We’ll do things the right way. And take our time. We have all the time in the world. Give me six months.”

  “Six months!” Harley’s eyes bulged.

  Carter captured a lock of her hair in his fingers and tucked it behind her ear. “Six months is nothing. Say yes, Harley. Take a chance with me.”

  She bit her lip and Carter had to fight his baser self not to kiss her, but he meant what he said. Slow. He had to prove himself and that could only be done with time. Chris told him once that he fell in love with Oakley under the stars in her backyard. He’d teased his brother at the time, but now, he understood. He’d give just about anything to sit under the stars with Harley and learn all there was to know about the beautiful woman who’d stolen his heart.

  “One month.”

  Carter tried not to smile. “One month with the option to renew.”

  “Deal.” She held her hand between them.

  Slow, he reminded himself as he took it. Slow.


  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Mila waits at the railing, staring out at the night sky. She pauses, then looks into the darkness beside her. Jordan steps from the shadows and moves to her side.


  You just can’t help yourself.


  Have you put a spell on me?


  If I did, it would be to make you disappear not keep appearing.


  You don’t mean that.


  Carlo is my uncle. I know who he is and what he’s done.


  I have something I need to tell you.


  Don’t. Don’t tell me.


  I’m not who you think I am.

  Mila takes a few steps away from Jordan and turns her back on him. Jordan moves in front of her and she turns away again. They move in a dance of avoidance until Jordan takes her in his arms.


  It wasn’t a coincidence. Me being there that day. I saw you and I followed you like I said. But I didn’t see you until you arrived at the warehouse because I was already there.



  Jordan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a badge.

  “Things aren’t always what they seem.” Carter put the badge back in his pocket.

  “Cut! That’s a wrap for today. Everybody have a good weekend and we’ll see you Monday morning.”

  “Are you ready for our hot date tonight?” Carter asked, pumping his brows up and down as they walked out to his car a little while later. Harley had been riding into work with him the last week since the party for Kaden’s birthday and they’d come to some kind of truce. She still wasn’t entirely convinced his plan was a good idea. She firmly believed the more Carter got to know her, he would realize she wasn’t worth it and he’d leave her. She’d wanted to save them both the pain and heartache, but he wouldn’t give up. Standing before him at the party with his eyes beseeching her so fervently, Harley knew she would have to see this one through to the end, no matter how much it hurt when he inevitably decided to leave her.

  Harley rolled her eyes. “I thought you said we were taking things slow, that means this date better not be hot.”

  “Baby, we can’t help being hot together. But you’re right. Tonight’s date will be more fun than hot.”

  Harley figured what he said was right, too. They couldn’t help being hot when they were together. It just happened. Like spontaneous combustion.

  “So, what is this fun date? Are you going to tell me?”

  Carter shook his head. “Nope. And before you get all mad, you can pick the next time. The idea is for us to get to know each other, so I’m taking you somewhere that will help you get to know something about me.”

  “What should I wear?”

  Carter’s eyes darkened making her cheeks flush.

  “Um. Casual,” he replied, pulling the car out of the lot.

  Harley rolled her eyes. Men were so clueless sometimes. “Like sundress casual or jeans casual.”

  “Hmm. As much as I love you in a dress, jeans would be more appropriate. Or better yet, how about some of those workout things you wear.”


  “Yeah, you know, those tight black pants you have.”

  “Are we going to be working out?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “You’re joking, right?” Harley screamed over the sound of the airplane engine as she stood near the open door harnessed to Carter’s chest. They wore coms devices so they could hear each other speak a little better but it was still very loud.


  She hoped he had been when he drove them to the private hanger where he told her his family stored their private jet and several other planes. He’d introduced her to the pilot, Raul Vasquez, who’d been working for the Bragg’s for years and informed her they were going to go skydiving.

  Apparently, Carter was a certified instructor. Something she hadn’t known, he pointed out.

  Rodrigo, Raul’s son, had helped them ‘kit up’ as Carter called it, and made sure everything was safe and secure. He’d also gone over all the safety instructions.

  Harley didn’t know if she could go through with it. Carter told her under no circumstances would he pressure her to do it, but she could tell he really wanted her to.

  “What do you think, baby? Are we going to jump?”

  Harley looked down. They were so high. It scared her, but it was exhilarating, too. It was crazy and foolish and suddenly, Harley wanted to be free. Free of being afraid. Of living in fear. Maybe, if she could overcome this fear, she could conquer some more.

  “Yes. I want to jump.”

  “Woohoo!” Carter whooped in the intercom in her ear. “Are you sure?”

  “Let’s do it!”

  “Okay, bend your knees. You ready?”

  Harley nodded.

  “Together on three. One. Two. Three.”

  As the last word left his mouth, Carter propelled them out the open door of the airplane. It felt like slow motion as everything around her came into sharp focus. They were free falling, accelerating through the air until they reached terminal velocity and then it changed and Harley felt like she’d been dropped into a wind tunnel. The force of it almost took her breath away. Adrenaline pumped through her body and she’d never been so glad to have Carter at her back.

  He grabbed her arms from her sides to spread them wide and Harley was flying. They fell for a few more glorious seconds before Carter pulled the handle on their chute. She knew a split second of panic until the chute opened and jerked their bodies a little until they started floating and Harley really began to look around her. It was beautiful. And serene. Even with her heart about to beat out of her chest, Harley had never felt more centered.

ready,” Carter’s voice sounded in her ear.

  Harley glanced down. The ground approached faster than she anticipated. Another shot of adrenaline pumped through her body.

  “Put your legs out in front of you.”

  “Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, ohmigosh!” Harley screamed.

  Carter laughed and before she knew it they were on the ground, Harley on her bottom and Carter kneeling behind her.

  “That was amazing, right?” Carter quickly unhooked the tandem and Harley turned around to tackle him.

  “That was incredible!” She was overwhelmed, her emotions were so intense she didn’t even know what to do with them, so she kissed him.

  Carter smiled against her lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rolled them onto their sides. The kiss was quick, intense.

  “I knew you’d love it.”

  She thought he’d never been more handsome, or more attractive. His eyes sparkled with life and laughter. The words were on the tip of her tongue. I love you!

  “Can we go again?” She wanted to feel more of that kind of intensity.

  Carter laughed and rolled to his knees so he could help her up. Once they were both standing, he began unbuckling the harnesses.

  “Not tonight, but we can for sure go again. Anytime you want.”

  “I want.”

  Carter hooked his arm through all of their gear and then put the other one around her shoulders. “Come on, you adrenaline junkie you. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “So, what are we doing tonight?” Carter took Harley’s hand, pulling her out of her apartment.

  “Well, I had an idea, but I’m not sure it will top skydiving.”

  Carter smirked. He’d been pretty proud of himself for that one. Even more so when he earned himself a kiss out of the deal.

  “Whatever you decide is great. The whole idea is to get to know each other. So, let me get to know you.”

  After skydiving the night before, they’d gone to back to Carter’s apartment. He’d had food delivered while they were gone so it waited for them when they got back. Harley’s fame made it difficult to go places where she would be recognized so they were limited to…their apartments. They’d eaten Thai food in his living room while watching a reality talent show. Once they’d eaten, Carter walked Harley back over to her place. He’d been tempted to kiss her again, but also wanted to keep his promise.


  “Okay. Well, then let’s do it.” She pulled him toward the elevator and pushed the button.

  They’d ridden in the elevator everyday and everyday it seemed easier for her. Still, she clutched his hand the whole way up and the whole way down. He also knew she never got in it alone. She always had him or Troy with her.

  Neither of them said a word as the elevator traveled down to the parking garage. Harley held his hand, but she didn’t seem to be holding on quite so tightly.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he helped her into his car.

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  He closed her door and made his way around to his own seat. He started the car and turned to her. “You seemed better today. In the elevator.”

  She nodded again. “Yeah. I, um, kind of had a moment yesterday.”

  Carter frowned, trying to understand what she meant. “What do you mean ‘a moment’? When we were skydiving?”

  “Yeah. It was, I don’t know. You’re going to think I’m crazy.”

  “No way. I’ve had a few moments skydiving, too. Or doing anything like that. I’ve done some crazy stuff.”

  Her brow creased. “Like what?”

  Carter shrugged. “Like swimming with sharks. Cliff diving. But we’re talking about you. What happened?”

  “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I get scared sometimes.” She gave him a side-eyed look and Carter grabbed her hand.

  “Harley, being afraid is nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “It is if you let your fear keep you from living,” she said, staring out the window, avoiding looking at him.

  Carter listened to what she said and as the words sank in, he processed them. Suddenly, a handful of missing puzzle pieces appeared out of nowhere and the picture that was Harley began to make sense.

  Reaching out, he cupped her chin in the palm of his hand and drew her face around to meet his. Tears sparkled in her green eyes making them appear as gems. “Is that what you’ve been doing, Harley? Living scared?”

  She nodded and the motion caused tears to spill down her cheeks. “I don’t want to anymore, Carter.”

  Carter released a heavy sigh. He let go of her chin and wrapped her in a hug. “You don’t have to. I’ll help. Will you let me?”

  She nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “Can we start by going on this date?”

  She laughed, pushing his shoulder playfully. “Yes. Let’s go.”

  They both sat back in their seats and Carter pulled out of his parking spot.

  “You’re in charge, where are we going?”

  “Turn left.”

  She gave him directions while he held her hand until they pulled up in front of a rundown building in a part of town that wasn’t much better.

  “What is this place?” he asked shifting into park. The lot out front was empty, the asphalt gray and cracking, the yellow lines so faded, it made him wonder if they were really there or if he was imagining things.

  Beside him, Harley grinned. “Come on, Bragg. I’m about to kick your butt.” She opened her door and sprang out of her seat.

  Alarmed, Carter scrambled out of the car. “Hey, this isn’t a safe neighborhood!”

  Harley just laughed. “Don’t worry, Mr. Billionaire. I brought some security.” She gestured across the street. “I won’t let anyone steal your precious car.”

  Sure enough, two men dressed in dark suits sat in a parked car in front the pawn shop across the street.

  “There are more inside and out back, too.”

  Carter relaxed. But not much. “Let’s get inside before anyone notices you. And for the record, I’m much more concerned about my precious Harley than I am my car.”

  Harley’s smile was sweet. “Do you have a Harley?” she asked, pulling him toward the door.

  Carter decided to put his own spin on her question. “I do. Two in fact. A Fat Boy and a Softail.”

  “A Fat Boy?”

  “Hey, I didn’t name it.” He opened the door and they stepped inside. Like the parking lot, the building was empty except for two bodyguards, Troy, and another man Carter recognized but didn’t know. “An arcade?”

  She raised her brows, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “An arcade! Let’s play.” And that’s just what they did.

  Ski-ball. Pac-Man. Air hockey. You name it, they played it.

  “Really? What are you going to do with all those tickets?” he asked as she pocketed another strip of white tickets from playing ski-ball.

  “What do you mean? I’m saving up to get the doll.” She pointed behind the counter with bins of cheap toys to the wall where the more expensive toys hung from clips. Carter knew immediately which doll she meant. She stood in a box, visible through its clear plastic front. Her blonde hair hung in ringlets past her shoulders and she wore a pink gingham dress, her arm hooked through a wicker basket filled with fake flowers.

  He thought she might be joking. Harley had the funds to buy this whole city block and not blink an eye. What did a Hollywood starlet need with a doll won with arcade tickets? But one look at her wistful expression and he knew they weren’t leaving without that doll.

  “We better get busy, then, because you need ten-thousand tickets for that baby.”

  Her face split into a slow grin. “I’m so going to win more tickets than you!” she taunted and then took off running.

  “Those are fighting words, Ms. Stone!” Carter shouted as he chased after her.

  For the next two hours, Carter and Harley continued to play games. Event
ually, they had to empty their pockets and start a pile of tickets in front of the ticket chomper. When the pile began to rival a sand dune, Harley commissioned Troy to start feeding them to the machine that counted them.

  “Where are we at, man?” Carter called to Troy who glanced down at the tally he’d been keeping.

  “Nine thousand, five hundred, and forty-nine.”

  “That means we still need four hundred and fifty-one.” He glanced at Harley. She’d lost a lot of steam in the last half hour.

  She looked over her shoulder at the doll. Carter could see the longing in her eyes and felt a renewed determination.

  Stepping over to her, he put his arm around her shoulder. “Come on. Let’s see if we can win the jackpot.”

  There was one game in the arcade that had been bleeding their tokens dry. Of course, they weren’t really using tokens because Harley paid the arcade more than the place pulled in annually for the privilege of having the place to themselves for the night.

  “Carter, we’ve been trying all night,” she pouted, resting her head against his arm as they walked.

  “Get your game face on, that just means the odds are in our favor now. What could they be? One in a thousand? I bet we’re close to that many tries. Come on. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at that pretty doll. We’re almost there.”

  Carter stepped up to the jackpot game. It was the kind where the little light raced around the circle and then when you pushed the button and the light stopped, wherever it landed that was the number of tickets you got. They’d for sure won a lot of tickets playing the game, but the jackpot had gotten up over five hundred tickets. If they won, they would have enough for Harley’s doll.


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