CHRIS (MC Bear Mates Book 6)

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CHRIS (MC Bear Mates Book 6) Page 13

by Becca Fanning

  Spyder shrugged. “I was desperate. Sammy is... He’s special. He shouldn’t be in jail in the first place. Knowing he’s in danger in there, when I’ve always kept him safe before, it’s killing me, man.”

  Sympathy flooded Chris, and he knew Ava felt it too because the rigid tension in her shoulders softened. Her shoulders were still tense, but not as much as earlier.

  Ava murmured, “You obviously thought it was a onetime deal if you were willing to hit so heavy and so hard from the first blow.”

  Spyder glanced at her then immediately looked down at the table. His fear was a physical entity in the room at that moment.

  “Desperate times, desperate measures. I know that phrase,” he aimed at Jarvis.

  “She has a point. If it was about shipping drugs, then it would be more about you establishing a relationship with us,” Mars pondered out loud. “Not blowing every damn bridge in Christendom from the first go.”

  “How have they been in touch with you?”

  “By mail.”

  “Do you still have the letters?”

  “Of course.”

  Kiko nodded. “We’ll want to see them.”

  Spyder shrugged, then, looking pained, admitted in a whisper soft breath, “I’m only telling you all this because of her. Sammy’s going to... because I—”

  For the first time, Mars unbent enough to lean over and clap a hand to Spyder shoulder. “You’re mated, Spyder,” he stated, ignoring Mundo’s growl of discontent. “That kind of bond transcends any other you can even imagine. Even that of brother to brother. Even if it isn’t intentional. She’s your other half. You won’t be able to function without her. You haven’t thrown your brother to the lions over some piece of ass or a nice bit of pussy. She’s it for you.”

  Spyder’s eyes had widened at Mars’ words, but when he’d finished, the scent of his fear permeated the room again.

  “I guess it’s easier with women. They read all the paranormal stories, like what they know about mate bonds. Makes them susceptible and accepting,” Major mused. “Only a human male would be shit scared at the prospect of everything you just said, Mars.”

  Snickers went around the table and Spyder stiffened as a result. “This isn’t funny. Weren’t you shit scared when you found your mates?” His hesitancy over the word ‘mate’ triggered more chuckles.

  “We spend all our lives searching for them,” Chris was the one to answer, and as he did, he rubbed Ava’s shoulders and dipped down to press a kiss to the crown of her head. “You’ve no idea the blessing you’ve just been handed.”

  The look on Spyder’s face said he wasn’t so sure he was in agreement.

  Chris snorted at the sight, then murmured, “Honestly. You’ll come to see the bond for what it is.”

  Spyder grimaced, then quickly blanked his expression when Mundo just sat there scowling at him. “I mean no offense, sir.”

  Mundo didn’t stop scowling.

  “Cut him some slack,” Kiko retorted, seeing the interchange. “It’s not his fault Jessie’s so young.”

  “She’s legal though, right?” Spyder asked, suddenly looking more confused than he had moments before. Which ought to have been hard going.

  “Yeah, she’s legal in the human sense of the word,” Ava pointed out softly. “It’s a cultural thing.”

  Spyder sighed, and murmured, “I want to apologize to you for yesterday.”

  “Why? Because you’re suddenly a part of the family?” Ava retorted coolly, but Chris was proud to note she didn’t tense up at his words.

  “Maybe.” He grimaced again. “Maybe not. You scared the shit out of us—I guess we deserved nothing less.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m sorry about your men.”

  “Me too.” He sighed. “They were only acting on my orders, and even then, because they know Sammy’s been stitched up and is in danger.”

  To Mars, Ava murmured, “Isn’t there something we can do, Dad?”

  Mars grunted. “Like what? Transport the potentially illegal package in one of our lorries? It’s a setup, Ava. You know that as well as I do.”

  “Sure, but isn’t there some way we can get around it?”

  Mars scrubbed his jaw with his nails. “Like how?”

  “Senator Jamieson owes us a favor.”

  “He does?”

  Ava rolled her eyes. “Jesus, don’t you read the memos I send you?”

  “Sometimes,” her father retorted sheepishly.

  “I invested heavily in his last campaign.”

  “You did?” Mars scowled. “Is he a Democrat or Rep?”

  “Does it matter?” came the whiplash retort. “It was a tax break, and I knew his beliefs would fit with our needs.”

  “What good could a senator do though?” Chris asked his mate, as confused as the rest.

  “If there’s reasonable doubt, maybe stir up an appeal?”

  “There’s more than reasonable doubt,” Spyder retorted grimly. “There’s proof. But the prosecution knocked it out of court. Said it had been tampered with.”

  “What was it?”

  “Video footage of what went down.”

  Ava pondered that a second. “So, Martínez has managed to buy off the DA.” She pursed her lips in contemplation, and Chris was proud to see how the most powerful men in this Clan all stayed silent in an effort to let her think. “The Senator recently went hard and heavy on police brutality,” she said slowly, like she was thinking out loud.

  “This isn’t brutality. It’s corruption,” Spyder retorted, his words a snarl that Chris only let slide because the anger wasn’t aimed at Ava, but at the system.

  “I’m not disagreeing with that, Spyder,” she said softly. “I’m just saying, he got a lot of votes because of it.”

  “Why did he focus on that in his election?” Mars demanded. “Normally it’s the opposite.”

  “He’s heavy into anti-gun control legislation. Believes we should police ourselves, and that the heavy police presence is the lead to a safer state.” She rolled her eyes. “Trust me, he was better than the other candidate.”

  Mars grunted. “I’ll believe you.”

  “Considering you didn’t have a clue before, I wouldn’t let it worry you now, Dad,” she retorted huffily. “But anyway, that might tie in nicely with his own targets. Proof that the DA has been paid off by a known Cartel leader would certainly cause a stir. And depending on the prosecutor in question, would get their cases thrown out in court.”

  Spyder sat up. “You really think that will work?”

  Ava shrugged. “It’s worth a shot. I don’t think it’s wise to go to him with just this case. We need more examples.” To Jarvis, she asked, “Do you think you could help?”

  Jarvis brows rose. “Why me?” She just stared at him until he grumbled, “I’ll see what I can do.” To Mars, he requested, “I need to be excused, Prez.”

  Mars frowned, shot his daughter a look, then nodded. “Sure.”

  Jarvis nodded then traipsing off with the Council eying him as he went. When the door closed behind him, Mars demanded, “What the hell was that about?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” was all Ava said, ignoring the scowl Mars sent her way. “What was the name of the prosecutor in your brother’s trial?”

  “Anthony Varelli.”

  Ava nodded. “Let’s see what we can drag up. There’s more than one way to skin a cat. I need to get to work.” She looked up at Chris who stood back and let her push the chair away from the table. Nodding to them all, she stood, pressed a kiss to Chris’s cheek, and murmured, “I’ll see you later.”

  He nodded. “Don’t work too hard. We have a date tonight.”

  She grinned. “We do?”

  “I don’t break my promises.” He winked and she laughed, the sound so light and carefree it soothed him immediately. As she walked out, he shot her dad a look and saw he was as entranced by her relaxed and content laughter as he was.

  Spyder called out, “Ava?�

  She turned back, brow cocked. “Yeah.”

  “I don’t deserve your help, so thank you.”

  “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for your brother and for Jessie.”

  Before he could reply, she walked off. Silence fell heavily over the Council until Mars broke it by stating, “Well, that’s that sorted.”

  Spyder frowned. “It is?”

  Chris snorted. “Once Ava’s on the case, Anthony Varelli is screwed.”

  “Really?” The hope in the guy’s voice was painful to hear.

  “Really,” Chris told him softly. It was hard to be kind when he could still see the bastard’s face yesterday, hear his tone of voice as he threatened Chris’s mate, but family was the only decent thing a man had in his life. If he didn’t stand up for his loved ones, what kind of jackass was he?

  Chris had to respect the bastard for that if nothing else.

  Spyder shot Mundo a look. “I don’t know how Shifter relationships start...”

  Mundo immediately replied, “They don’t. That’s how.”

  The other Prez persevered, “...but I’d like to ask for permission to date your daughter.”

  Chris shot Mars a look. His Prez smirked a little and rocked back in his seat. “What are you gonna say, Mundo? When Spyder has asked so prettily?”

  Mundo flipped the Prez the bird and retorted, “She’s too young.”

  “So’s Ava. I gave Chris my blessing.”

  “She’s younger than Ava.”

  “Two years. Not by much more.”

  “Like I said, she’s immature.”

  “Because you let her be,” Chris retorted, surprising himself by coming to Jessie’s defense on a topic that had always been sore where Ava was concerned.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “She works in a store when she probably wants to do something else. But she works there because you put there. Her ambitions are tied in what the MC wants for her. That’s not how shit works.”

  “We’re a Clan. That’s the only way it works,” Mundo growled.

  “Maybe so, but it doesn’t necessarily make us happy. Jessie plays up because she’s bored shitless. Anyone can see that.”

  Kiko cleared his throat. “Chris is right, Mundo. I’m sorry, buddy, but she is definitely bored. Plus, she’s a smart girl. Maybe not as smart as Ava because fuck, who in this place is? But still, she’s got some brains and they’re wasted on retail.”

  “She’s learning to become part of the management,” came the stubborn retort.

  “But is that what she wants to do?” Chris shot Spyder a quick glance, and somehow, even though they didn’t know each other, they shared a commiserating and somehow understanding glance.

  It was a mutual display that silently said each would do what they could to make the women in their lives happy. Even if it went against what their fathers wanted for their daughters.

  Chris had to give kudos to the man. He’d never expected to come here and find a mate, but it looked like he was stepping up to the plate.

  What more could a father ask?

  “Can we neck?”

  Chris blinked at the screen in front of him. The box office movie had, thus far, managed to hold his attention even though his mate was tucked under his arm as they sat, retro popcorn in hand, in the cinema.

  He shook his head, laughing when she pouted, and settled in deeper to the seat to enjoy the film when he made no move to start kissing her.

  They stayed like that, starting to relax in each other’s company.

  As the movie ended, the credits blaring, Ava didn’t budge even as the people around them started to stand and leave.

  She propped her feet on the armrests of the chairs in front, and when Chris didn’t budge either, seemingly content to wait for the full crowd to disperse, she happily people watched.

  When the screen went blank, she turned to him and asked simply, “Where now?”

  He shot her a look. “Do you want something to eat?”

  “No.” She confirmed that denial by shaking her head.

  “What do you want to do? Go for a ride? I know you like that?” he teased, reaching over to trail a finger along the back of her hand.

  She laughed because she’d whooped and hollered as they’d driven onto the highway from the clubhouse’s dirt road.

  “I’m ready for something else,” she confessed, blushing a little as his eyebrows rose.

  “It’s been two days,” he countered softly. “There’s no pressure, Ava.”

  Maybe it was because there was no pressure that she wanted it, wanted him more.

  More than that though, she wanted to be his. As she wanted him to be hers.

  The thought alone stirred her, made her lower belly quicken and tingle with a heat that would only ever be associated with him.

  “I know,” she replied. “I know that, but I want everything. I want to be yours and you to be mine.”

  His eyelids fluttered down to half-mast. “I want you to be happy,” he countered, even though she knew her words had stirred him.

  “Then Claim me,” came the simple retort. It was all she had to say, and all she needed to it would seem.

  He got to his feet and reached out to help her stand. His hand was glued to the bottom of her back as they moved swiftly through the cinema lobby, and after the ten minute drive back to the hotel, his fingers returned to that place, just between hip and butt as they took the elevator to their room.

  When the door closed behind them, she sucked in a breath that was loaded with nerves. Not for what was about to happen, but for what she prayed would happen soon.

  “No pressure,” he repeated softly, gently turning her until they were standing chest to chest.

  “I know,” she confirmed, then reached up on tip toe and pressed her lips to his.

  Fire shot through them both the instant their mouths collided. Their moans made the other’s lips tingle as the passion they’d suppressed for so many years came over them like a tidal wave, drowning them in each other, overloading their senses with everything that was their mate.

  She groaned as his hands dropped down to knead her ass and press her tighter to his hips. She loved the feel of the ridge against her thigh, and loved the knowledge that she had triggered that.

  Reaching down between them, she palmed the thick length, needing to feel it, to feel him. He shuddered against her, paused in his kissing, then dove back deep, not stopping until his tongue rubbed against hers, until he was fucking her mouth like he’d fuck her later.

  Goddess, how she’d dreamed of this moment. It had been there, at the forefront of her mind for so long that she didn’t know what to do with herself. She could only throw herself at his mercy and let him take her on the wildest ride of her life.

  He seemed to sense her submission to whatever he desired, because he reached down a little and grabbed a hold of her, not stopping until she was lifted high against his chest and could grab a hold of his hips with her thighs.

  The move brought her pussy against his cock and she moaned into his mouth, needing him, all of him.

  Her weight was negligible for him as he strode across the suite toward their bedroom. All the while, their lips were locked, and his tongue was showing her all the wicked and wonderful things he could make her feel. His hands stayed on her hips, pressing her harder against his shaft, and she felt like she’d go insane if she didn’t feel him closer, if she couldn’t touch him and be touched in return.

  When they made it into his bedroom, he let her slide down to the ground. She had to lock her knees to stand straight until it was no longer necessary as he backed her against the bed and carefully pressed her down against the mattress.

  He never broke the connection once. Her mouth was overwhelmed by the taste of him, but the knowledge that this kiss was his claiming kiss. Her brain was in a fog, except she wasn’t lost.

  For the first time in her life, she felt like she’d been found.

bsp; A moan escaped her as he brought her skirt up, dragging it against her thighs, his knuckles raking against the tender skin in a way that had her shuddering in his hold.

  Their chests were pressed so tightly together she could feel his heart beating against her, even through her thin sweater.

  It was an extra dose of the connection they shared. The sensation made her own pound with need and excitement.

  This was happening.

  At long last.

  She shuddered when he raised his hips and let his hand slide between the gap he’d made. The first time he touched her panty-covered pussy, the pair of them immediately groaned.

  She was wet. Her panties were slick with need, and that proof was very evident to his questing fingers.

  She shuddered as he started to caress her clit through the fabric, and as the sensation was more torment than tease, she pulled away from his mouth and whispered, “Please! Please, Chris.”

  His smirk was all male, proud and cocky. But she let him get away with it because hell, he deserved it. No one else could make her feel like this. No one.

  He retorted, “Hips up.” And she immediately rose into a bridge, letting him tug her panties down and over her knees. When they were on the floor, she parted her legs wider in invitation and watched as he shuddered, his eyes caressing each inch of her most intimate self.

  His fingers explored first. Dipping into her moistness like a bear would dip for honey. He smeared it along the length of her pussy, making her arch up again in reaction. He hushed her under his breath as he watched her react to his ministrations. Touching her here, caressing her there, not stopping until she was writhing on the bed, uncaring as to her responses, just needing more of him. All of him.

  Then, he made her scream. A finger thrust into her, unexpected enough to make her clamp her legs together.

  She shot him an accusatory look, but he just bent over and kissed her. Ignoring her nipping teeth as she tried to punish him, he started to finger fuck her until her eyes opened wide as he claimed her mouth and dragged her to the edge of a precipice she’d only dreamed about until now.

  Before she could fall over, he slid another in deep. Scissoring them made her mewl into his mouth, but he continued, ignoring her squeaky protests as her pussy was impaled by him.


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