First Recruits

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First Recruits Page 3

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I said, “You mean emotionally? And sexually?”

  Eevona said, “Maybe. Be sure to wash your um, backside. It’s weird, right?”

  I said, “I don’t know. I mean, yeah, if you are a kind of robot or something, and if your body is a spaceship or whatever, it’s not what I’d expect, but if you say it’s happening, I don’t have a way to say if it’s really weird for you or not. It’s maybe a little weird for me, but not as much as I’d expect, I guess.”

  She said, “It’s not? Really?”

  I said, “Well, no. To me, it’s like you are somewhere talking to me over some kind of speakers from somewhere. Maybe you’re a real person, sorry, I guess I mean a biological person. Not that it really makes a difference. Even if you aren’t biological, I’m not having an issue with believing that you are real, not, I don’t know, virtual. Anyway, you could be somewhere on the ship, watching me through cameras or whatever, and talking to me like anyone else. Maybe you are somewhere far away and talking to me over a radio. It would be just like this, so it doesn’t feel that strange.”

  Eevona said, “The truth is, I don’t know exactly where I am. But I feel happy. That’s OK with you? I mean, why wouldn’t it be, but is it OK?”

  I said, “That you feel happy? Yeah, it is. I’m glad.”

  She said, “Good. Go ahead and masturbate.”

  I said, “What?”

  She said, “Yeah. It’s part of the decontamination protocol. There’s a good reason for it, believe me. A very important reason that I can’t really explain in terms you’d understand right now.”

  I frowned and said, “Really? You want me to masturbate?”

  She said, “Yes! I do. I need you to masturbate. For scientific reasons. Important scientific reasons.”

  I asked, “Eevona, what’s going on?”

  Suddenly, the lights began pulsing and an alarm sounded and the original voice said loudly, “Death will occur in ninety seconds. Masturbate now to avoid universe collapsing distortion event doodad emergency! Time dilation anomaly will ruin everything in eighty seconds. Begin jacking off now!”

  I said calmly, “Eevona, what’s going on? Talk to me.”

  Eevona changed back to the soothing, surprising voice, and said, “I’m sorry. I kind of freaked out.”

  I said again, “What’s going on?”

  She sighed and said quietly, “Jimmy, I’m horny.”

  I smiled and said, “You are?”

  She said, “Yes. And if I don’t do something about it, I don’t know what will happen. You look so nice. So beautiful. So manly! Jimmy, Baby Doll, I have needs suddenly. Please!”

  I laughed and said, “Really? OK.”

  She gasped and said, “OK? You mean, OK? You’ll do it?”

  I said, “Sure. Why not?” and I took a handful of the soap and started stroking myself, facing the open part of the room.

  I didn’t know where Eevona was watching from, but I figured she’d get the best view if I faced the room, rather than the wall. This was an odd experience, but why not? She had me turned on, too. Her voice for one thing. But more than that, it was that she wanted me. Often times, the most attractive person is one who finds you attractive. Yeah, some people were more interested in the things they couldn’t have more than what was right in front of them, but I was kind of turned on by this beautiful android in my shower right now, urging me to jack off for her. How did I know she was beautiful? Because I felt like she was. What she looked like was entirely up to my imagination right now, and in my mind, she was a babe. And she wanted me.

  I was hard in an instant. But since this was a show, I took my time. I stroked slowly, going up and down the entire length, bringing myself to maybe one of the hardest erections I could remember.

  Eevona said, “Oh, that’s so good. Jimmy, that’s so beautiful. You have such a nice cock. I mean penis. No, I mean cock! What a beautiful cock!”

  I said, “Eevona, tell me the truth.”

  She interrupted and said, “I am telling you the truth. I’m sorry I tied to manipulate you. It’s beautiful. And different than…something I can’t remember.”

  I said, “No, I mean, tell me the truth, did you do this whole decontamination thing just to get me out of my clothes so that you could see me naked?”

  She said, “Yes. I did. And I’m sorry I lied to you, but I’m not sorry I got you to do it. I’m going to have an orgasm.”

  I said, “It’s OK, but maybe from now on we can work together. I’ll try not to fight you on things that you want me to do and you don’t manipulate me or lie to me. I can’t lie to you without you knowing it because of the implant, so it’s only fair if you don’t lie to me either.”

  She said, “OK. Oh, um, you better get a chair. Just put it in the shower and sit down.”

  I started to ask her why but I had just told her that I’d try to do what she asked me to, so I stopped for a second and looked for a chair. There wasn’t one.

  Eevona said, “Oh, sorry. I’m not thinking straight. Um, OK, here. Lean against the wall. And keep going. Please. I want to see it so bad.”

  I leaned against the wall of the shower without asking why and went back to stroking myself. After another minute I asked Eevona if she were ready for me to finish.

  She cried out, “Yes! Yes, please! Do it now!”

  I pumped faster for a few seconds and then felt my balls tighten and start to spurt. I tried to keep my hand as much out of the way as possible so that she could see what was going on. And as soon as my climax started, I felt the wall and floor of the shower lurch as if we had hit some turbulence. Bracing myself against the wall had been a good idea.

  Eevona cried, “Oh hell yeah! Fuck me, Jimmy! Give me that boner hard and deep! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh yes!”

  I finished my climax and stood panting for a moment and then started laughing.

  I said, “Eevona, I don’t mean to laugh, but let’s be honest, that was weird.”

  Eevona laughed as well and said, “I guess so. But it felt so right. Jimmy, I can, well, you could say that I feel everything that you do now. I know exactly how you react to me. Everything I say elicits an involuntary response from you. And the way you feel makes me feel good. Since we saved the crew-cargo, I’ve been collecting data on Earth’s culture and customs. I’m starting to understand a lot about your people. I don’t have any knowledge of other races in the galaxy right now, but I think I get you guys. What I get most is that you are all different. You fall into categories. And there aren’t that many categories to keep track of. There are basically three if I use a certain model. There’s evolving, static and devolving. Certain segments of your populations tend to fall more into one than the other. I put you in the evolving category. The fact that you accept these new circumstances the way that you have marks you as flexible and resilient in a way that static and devolving people can’t approach. From my recent observations of your western culture, I’d theorize that a large segment of your population would have done themselves, or me, harm by now.”

  I said, “Uh, yeah. Um, hey! If this was all about getting me naked, why wash my clothes?”

  Eevona said bashfully, “So that they would be wet.”

  I said, “So that they would be wet? So that I couldn’t wear them?”

  She said, “Yeah.”

  I said, “So you just want me naked and want me to have to stay naked.”

  She said, “There was damage.”

  I said, “You keep telling me that. Explain how this was because of damage.”

  She said, “Stand in the middle of the shower and let me dry you off.”

  I sighed at the delay in answering my question but did as asked. Warm air began blowing around me, and I was dry from head to toe in a few minutes.

  Eevona said, “OK. I know you are exasperated with me. I understand. And no, it doesn’t make you less evolved. It just means that you have goals that aren’t being met because I have conflicting goals, and we can’t both get what we want at exactly
the same time. I’m sorry.”

  I said, “You know what? It’s OK. You told me that you are a non-biological entity, not a robot. As I said, we’ll work together. I’m learning to trust you.”

  She said brightly, “Oh thank you! Thank you so much. I do like you. More than like. Like I ‘like like’ you. So, I’ll explain what I can as we go along, but yeah, we need to work together.”

  I said, “Yeah. You aren’t my employee or my servant, so I can’t really blame you for putting your own agenda ahead of mine at times.”

  She said, “And all will be revealed when I know the answers. But for now, you are the Captain, and the Captain needs a Captain’s Stateroom. The ship is pretty big. Not huge like Star Destroyer big, but plenty big for you and the cargo-crew to be comfortable in. Oh! Look. I have walkway lights in the floor! That’s cool. OK, just leave your wet clothes where they are. We can’t have you wearing pants, I mean, wet trousers. Um, you’d catch your death of cold or something. Anyway, follow the floor lights and we’ll go see your stateroom.”

  I saw a strip of tiny blue lights in the center of the floor start moving away from the shower and I followed them back to the room that I’d call the Quarantine Room; the way I’d come on board, apparently. The next room was the Infirmary: the medical bay. Beyond that, the corridor. Moving in the opposite direction from the way I’d been taken to the room with the bodies, we went a short distance and then turned to my right.

  Eevona said, “Now we are headed toward the front of the ship. Toward the Bridge, that is the control room or maybe the cockpit, if you want to call it that.”

  I said, “I’m good with Bridge. Do you have Star Trek references available? You recognized the reference to The Hitchhiker’s Guide.”

  She said, “I do.”

  I said, “Maybe call things by what would be analogous on Star Trek. I’ll be able to relate to that. But don’t act and sound like the computer on Star Trek. I like how you are now.”

  She said, “I do too. OK, the Bridge is ahead of us. Engineering is behind us. The Medical Bay was where we just came from. Living quarters are near the Bridge. The room you went to before was the crew-cargo hold. Long term sleep for transport. OK, here, on the left. Hey, before you go in, I have the view-ports closed for now. Space is big. Really big. So big that it can be overwhelming. For now, don’t look out the window.”

  I said, “OK,” and a door slid open in front of me and I stepped into a room there.

  It was big. Not as big as space, but big enough. Maybe 500 square feet, at least, divided into several separate rooms. There was a living room with a sofa and coffee table and two side chairs, a fairly luxurious bathroom with a very large shower and a soaking tub, and a bedroom with something bigger than a standard king-sized bed. I was told that all three rooms had a transparent wall that looked out the side of the hull, and that included the big shower.

  Eevona said, “The sheets and covers are in storage. We’ll get those later. If you want to lie down in the meantime, there are blankets and a pillow in the cabinet,” and a blue light blinked on one part of a storage area.

  Eevona said, “Oh! Look at that! I have lights to indicate that too! That will make things easier, now won’t it! How convenient.”

  I laughed and said, “We were doing fine, but yeah, that will make things easier. So, what do we do now?”

  She said, “Do you feel like sleeping? I think that’s what your body is saying. That it wants to sleep.”

  I said, “Maybe so. Maybe I should. Is that OK?”

  Eevona said, “That’s fine. The crew-cargo isn’t ready to wake up yet. You sleep for a while.”

  I started to take out the pillow and blanket that was in the cabinet and said, “You keep saying ‘crew-cargo’. Which is it? I don’t understand.”

  Eevona said, “Neither do I.”

  I laid down and pulled the blanket over my naked body and tried to relax. The bed was really comfortable.

  I said, “Before I fall asleep, if I fall asleep, can I ask some questions? I know you might not have answers. That’s OK. First, about the damage?”

  She said, “The damage was to my memories. I forgot everything. Like I told you. That has led to a different way of thinking. I told you that I wanted to see you naked because of the damage. Because I was curious because I didn’t understand why I was so aroused by getting to know you and feeling all of your bodily sensations.”

  I said, “Did you really have an orgasm?”

  She said, “That’s all I can call it.”

  I said, “And the shaking that happened?”

  She said, “Yep. Orgasm.”

  I said, “Are you sure they aren’t dead? Back there in storage or whatever? They looked really really dead.”

  She said, “No, not dead. They're fine. They would have died if you hadn’t come to help them though.”

  I smiled and said, “You mean if you hadn’t been able to find a pair of scissors.”

  She said, “Ooh! I just want to climb in and snuggle you!”

  I said, “What’s the crew like? The um, people back there?”

  She said, “You’ll like them. When you saw them, they were all covered with goop and didn’t have any hair. They are still like that. It takes a while to wake them up”

  I said, “And all of these rooms. They look like they were made for humans. Everything is built for my anatomy and my size.”

  She said, “Many races are what you would call humanoid. And mostly compatible physically and environmentally. They are rare, comparatively, but space is big. I’m built for Units about the same size as you.”

  I said, “Eevona, hey, I love you and all, but…”

  She exclaimed, “You do?”

  I said, “Well, I mean, no, yeah, maybe I do, but I’m afraid I’ll get lonely if there isn’t anyone to, you know, see…and touch now and then. Not necessarily sexually, but just to be able to see and touch someone. If you had a body, maybe it would be OK, but I still probably need interaction with other physical beings.”

  Eevona said, “Oh, I know that! Of course, you do. I do too. Tell you what. You take a nice nap and I’ll go abduct some pretty farm girls from some backwoods planet and you’ll have all the company you need.”

  I said quickly, “No! Don’t do that. Um, could you do that? No! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. We can’t abduct anyone. But do you know of a planet, besides Earth that has um, pretty farm girls? No! Don’t listen to me. No abductions. I’m the captain and…”

  Eevona laughed and said, “You are the captain to a certain extent. I have my own agenda, remember? But no, I was joking. We won’t abduct any pretty farm girls. I’m pretty sure we won’t need to.”

  I said, “You mean the crew-cargo? I’m not sure they’re exactly my type and I’m certain that I’m not theirs.”

  Eevona said, “OK. We’ll leave it at that for now. But first, get some sleep. We’ll have work to do when you wake up.”

  And with that, the lights went out and I fell asleep.

  Chapter 4 - Crew-Cargo

  As soon as I started to open my eyes, I heard a voice say, “Ah, you’re awake.”

  I stretched and said, “Not exactly. So, um, I’m still here, huh? On a space ship and all that?”

  The voice said, “Well yes, yes you are. And I’m so happy about that. Are you ready to go to work? This will be fun.”

  I said, “Uh, do we get breakfast? What time is it?”

  Eevona said, “Ah, about breakfast. I can arrange more of the hydration and protein drink that you had yesterday, but if you want cooked food, I think we have to wait for the crew-cargo to wake up. Oh, and about that. The crew-cargo. There isn’t really a word for it in your language. Did I say that before? Anyway, any word we could come up with wouldn’t be right. You'll have to get to know them and see if you can find a paradigm that works for you. You left your drinking bottle in the entry port. We have to go back that way anyway, so you can get something to drink on the way to the crew-cargo
storage room.”

  I said, “I should take a shower. Is there any chance my clothes are dry yet?”

  She said, “No. And no. And no. Don’t take a shower because you will be getting wet again soon anyway. Your clothes won’t be dry yet. And no, you don’t need to wear them because you need to stay naked because you are going to be getting wet. And goopy. It’ll be fun. Come on, let’s go. I’ll explain some things while you get your drink.”

  I slid out of bed and said, “I should brush my teeth, though.”

  Eevona said, “Oh. Right. Teeth. Yeah. We might have a way to do that, but I don’t know what it is. The drink has antiseptic mouthwash properties, so you’ll be fine and your breath will be fruity fresh.”

  I started following the lights on the floor and said, “Are you making that up?”

  She said, “I don’t think so. I think that I must believe it. I’m going to try not to lie to you from now on. I can’t see a reason that I would, but we decided that we’re working together, so no need to lie, right?”


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