First Recruits

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First Recruits Page 14

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I’d talked to a new friend recently. A young woman from a Middle Eastern country working for a huge semiconductor company. She was waiting for her Green Card application to be approved by the US government so that she could stay in the country long-term and work wherever she wanted to. But because of a management restructuring at the company, she was assigned to a boss that insulted her constantly, gave her poor assignments, and tried to get her to quit. The manager constantly lied to her and sent her from one horrid task to another. She had a Master’s Degree from a prestigious university and was really good at her job, but this guy wanted to get rid of her because she had taken some medical leave because of health issues. And after a year of it, during which she put up with every abuse that she had to in order to keep her job long enough to get her green card, she was conditioned to expect mistreatment from all management in all situations. She was captive to the immigration process and a slave therefore to the corporate environment that can’t legally cast off an employee without cause, but could certainly send her on contract assignments that would kill her bit by bit, destroying both her health and her psyche. The difference was that with the Units, it was legal and condoned. Where I was from, it was technically legal but immoral, and supposedly non-existent.

  Yeah, all of this had analogies on Earth. Here it was out in the open. Because Units weren’t “people”. Slavery hadn’t been abolished anywhere in the galaxy, apparently. They just found ways around it.

  As far as possible, that wouldn’t be acceptable on my ship. Not with my crew. But how was I going to avoid it? Was it built into my conditioning? Did even giving Alison choices guarantee that she was really free? I couldn’t know. Michelle and Bailey at least seemed to make their own decisions. I guess that Alison did too. The bottom line here was that I was angry as hell and I shouldn’t make decisions right now.

  I hardly noticed as we pulled into the docking port of the Eevona. It wasn’t really a hanger at all. It was a slot that the shuttle fit into and the door opened straight into the quarantine room outside the infirmary. I carried Alison to the exam table and Bailey and I covered her with a blanket while Michelle went to work fixing up her broken leg.

  First, Michelle gave her a sedative to keep her asleep. She would have been fine without it, but this way she’d be in no pain and wouldn’t have to process her emotional conflict and identity crisis until she was comfortable physically. Next, Michelle examined the foot and ankle and took images similar to an X-Ray. It was a fairly bad break but localized to a single bone. It would heal easily if immobilized. The cast that Michelle applied was a thin sock that she pulled over the foot and up the shin. She applied a hardening agent that remained somewhat flexible but stiff. It would support Alison’s weight some and still allow some movement as she walked on it in a day or so.

  That reminded me to ask Ee where we were. I was told that we were still docked in normal space near the station. Talking it over with Bailey and Michelle, I asked Ee to move us out and head for a different station where we could buy supplies and catch our breath. I wanted to be away from here and possibly never return. I didn’t pay attention to whether we left normal space or not. Except for transitions to non-space, there was no sense of movement at all.

  Michelle was finishing up with Alison’s medical care and I stripped off my jumpsuit and dropped it on the floor. I didn’t want it touching Alison’s skin when I carried her to bed.

  I said, “Do we have additional jumpsuits in storage? Or do we need to save these?”

  Bailey said, “We have another dozen or so, why?”

  I said, “These are contaminated emotionally. Incinerate them.”

  Bailey smiled and nodded at Michelle and the two of them stripped as well.

  Lifting Alison and holding her against my body with her legs around my waist, I carried her toward my stateroom.

  I said, “As soon as she’s comfortable, you two and I are taking a shower. I need to wash that place off of me.”

  Michelle said, “Together?”

  I said, “Of course, together. Is that a problem?”

  She said, “Oh, no Captain. Not at all. It sounds perfect. I just wanted to make sure that I understood what you wanted.”

  I said, “Good.”

  As I laid Alison on my bed naked and arranged the blankets on top of her, I wondered how I was going to handle this. If I worried constantly about Alison or either of the others feeling forced into a relationship with me, or having to do my bidding, or being coerced by their conditioning, or anything like that, I’d act unsure of every little statement and I’d drive us all crazy. No, I had to be free to make my own choices, and being paralyzed with fear of doing the wrong thing didn’t give me any freedom at all. The solution was simple but not foolproof. I’d have to take a chance. I would act in kindness and let the consequences happen as they may.

  I went straight to the shower and Eevona adjusted the temperature to perfection. Michelle and Bailey followed me in and waited for directions.

  I grabbed a handful of liquid soap and said, “Girls, we need to talk.”

  Bailey said, “OK. We’re here with you. Jimmy, you’re upset. I get that. But it isn’t just Alison, is it? I want to say something.”

  I said, “OK. Say whatever you want to. I want you girls to be happy. That’s what I want to talk about. How things will work and what you want and how you feel and what our relationship will be like.”

  Chapter 13 - For Science

  Bailey said, “Honey, Michelle and I love you. We chose you. We made a choice. You offered us a place and we wanted it and we took it. Baby, I can’t wait for you to get your hands on me and for us to play together. Michelle and I are all in. We are your girls. Not Units, wives. And you are our husband. And we think you’re handsome and exciting and if our pussies weren’t always wet anyway, we would be every time we thought about you. I haven’t even had a chance to have intercourse yet. But I want to. Are you afraid that we are messed up like the freak and that you have to be careful with us, otherwise you’d be taking advantage of what we are and who we are? I thought that Michelle explained that to you already. We chose this. You were kind to us and we fell in love. I could have accepted a position that didn’t include being in your bed, but I wanted more. Because of you. I was conditioned to never expect a sexual relationship. I could have chosen that and you would have let me be that way. Here, do something for me.”

  I said, “OK. What?”

  She said, “Fuck me right now.”

  I started to say something in protest, but she said, “No. Just do it.”

  She turned her back to me and pushed out her ass and waited. I wasn’t thinking quite right, but I did what she said, and stepped behind her and started to insert myself between her legs. As I did, she straightened up and twisted out of my grasp and faced me. She put her hand against my chest and held me at arm’s length.

  She said, “Isn’t that what Michelle did the first time you tried to get monkey loving with her? She told me that she threw you off the bed on your butt. Do you think that I can’t do the same thing?”

  For some reason, I reached out at that moment and rubbed my soapy hand across Bailey’s wonderfully soft breast. Well, I knew why I did it. I did it because for some reason I thought that she wanted me to. And because I wanted to. I’d said that the girls were like sculptures, but that didn’t mean that they were entirely unnatural. Her breasts were shaped the way that made you think of womanly forms, not volleyballs. They sloped away from her chest and curved back roundly underneath. And they felt phenomenal. What was I doing?

  Bailey smiled and pushed herself against my hand and reached for my butt and pulled me into her body.

  She sighed with pleasure and said, “That feels good. Your hands on my flesh. Your thighs pressing me against the wall of the shower. Your manhood growing with desire for our lovemaking. Oh Jimmy, tell me to turn around and let you fuck me. Tell me to give into you and give myself to you. Tell me.”

  I swallo
wed hard and rasped, “Bailey, turn around and fuck me. I want you.”

  Bailey said, “Oh, that sounds wonderful, but could we try something else? I’d love to have you fuck me like that and I do want you to just tell me when you want it. Don’t even tell me that you want it, just tell me that we are doing it. But lover, can I do something first?

  I grunted in growing frustration and said, “What? Oh, yes. Of course. Oh Bailey, your body feels so good against mine.”

  She moaned, “Good,” and she dropped to her knees and rinsed my penis and then pushed me down her throat.

  She pulled back and said sensuously, “I’ve been wondering what that would be like. We don’t have a gag reflex. I like this,” and she sucked me into her mouth until her nose pressed against my pubic hair.

  It was amazing. My eyes fluttered and I tilted my head back in ecstasy. From what I could tell, Bailey was enjoying this as well. There was no sign of discomfort, only perfect relaxation. Now and then I felt her throat contract as if she were swallowing. And then she’d pull back so that she could take a breath and take me all the way down again. It was slow and deep and full of emotion. There was no hurry or urgency. And there was no reason to worry.

  Bailey removed me all the way from her mouth and said quietly, “See? It’s all OK. We’re happy. We want each other. I just had several orgasms. Apparently, I’m pretty excited orally. Those swallows were involuntary. I loved it. Now turn around.”

  She spun me around and stood up behind me.

  She said, “Now, would you look at that? Doesn’t that just give you ideas about what should come next?”

  Standing in front of me, leaning against the wall of the shower was Michelle. All six-foot-one of her, naked and looking as sexy and could be imagined. And by sexy, I mean horny. She was definitely revved and ready. She stood on one foot, holding her left leg in the air with her left hand, her knee near her ears. Her other hand was between her legs with three fingers stroking and probing herself. She was going at it faster than Bailey had been. Michelle seemed eager to have something happen.

  Bailey whispered in my ear, “Well, what do you think should be done with that? Captain, I think the crew needs some recreation and I suggest that you give some orders before things get out of hand. Look at what’s in that girl’s hand. That looks like a plea for help. You don’t want anyone suffering from neglect, do you? No, of course not.”

  I played along and stared at Michelle lustily and said, “I certainly do not. I love my crew and want them to be happy at all times. As the ship’s counselor, what do you suggest Officer Bailey?”

  Bailey reached around my waist and stroked my cock as she said, “I think that the crew would enjoy some naval combat simulations to keep their tactical skills honed and polished.”

  I said, “Oh? What kind of simulations?”

  Bailey said, “Did I say simulations? I meant to say stimulations. The language is new to me. Anyway, maybe you should start with some frontal ramming exercises. Take something long and hard and ram her ports and attack those big forward guns and see how she reacts.”

  I said, “Oh, that sounds good. Should I give her an opportunity to negotiate before the stimulations begin?”

  Michelle moaned and whimpered, wanting Bailey and me to stop talking and get on with some ramming. And the sooner the better. Her engines were hot and her torpedoes were set on maximum sensitivity, and from the look of her crotch, her thrusters were ready to fire with or without me.

  Bailey, “Captain, I don’t think negotiations are called for. This is an unknown wild species and probably doesn’t communicate the way that we do. We’ve landed on a highly cohabit-able planet and the local bestiary needs to be explored for domestication possibilities if we are going to take any aboard with us. You need to be bold and subdue one and explore its stimulation limits and determine if it can be tamed and used for dairy product production for yourself and the rest of the crew.”

  I was so aroused watching Michelle blatantly masturbating and wanting me to do even more for her that I could hardly speak.

  I managed to say, “Dairy products?”

  Bailey squeezed my cock and said, “Milk and cream. She looks like she’s a milk beast. Go find out. I’ll be right behind you in case you get into trouble. But Captain, if you don’t act quickly, she may bolt and run and we’ll lose her in the forest. Stun her with your rod and ask questions later.”

  Bailey pushed me forward playfully and I grabbed Michelle with one hand. I slipped my right hand under her left knee and held it where it was and my left hand guided my rod into her sex.

  Michelle groaned and Bailey said, “Good move Captain. Pinning her to the wall will keep her from running.”

  I thrust in to the hilt and Michelle cried, “Bailey, stop it! It’s too much!”

  Bailey said, “See, Captain? They have a low threshold for resistance to your weapon. I’m afraid it may be a ruse. Pin her hard. Yeah, like that. We don’t know the beast’s physiology. You may have to penetrate some unknown defenses. Pound her lower orifice. My readings indicate that it may be a sexual organ. I can’t believe we found a species so seemingly compatible with ourselves. Whoa! Don’t let it get away! Those convulsions may be an attempt to escape your hold. I don’t think that they are, based on the way that she seems to be clinging to you, but we can’t know, so don’t take a chance. Oh, Captain, this is interesting. The readings from the creature indicate a comfort and bonding effect is taking place. Captain! This is incredible! It appears that fucking the thing makes her like you! I can’t believe this! This is unprecedented. Didn’t you tell me that grinding on a female pussy this way was either forbidden or dangerous? But the female of this species likes it! Oh my gosh! Captain, those convulsions are orgasms. That means involuntary sexual releases are taking place based on some physical arousal that she feels from you!”

  Michelle shuddered violently and cried out loudly, yelling, “Bailey, stop! Shut up! Oh this is so good.”

  Bailey said, “Captain, I’m still working on the data, but I think she’s trying to communicate with us. It might be intelligent, but right now the blood flow to the area that I would expect to house her brain is very low. Unless her brain is between her legs, she is probably severely intellectually impaired. At least during this period. We need to examine this planetary system more closely. Eevona, make the window transparent.”

  Suddenly, the wall that Michelle was leaning against disappeared completely. We didn't fall, but I felt like we did. The wall just went away. And I was left staring at the vastness of space in all directions, including downward a foot or so from where Michelle and I stood on the brink of nothingness. There were stars, but nothing else.

  I started to stumble and take a step backward, unable to help myself, but Michelle screamed, “No!” and held me tighter, throwing both her legs around my waist so that I was holding her against the wall with both her feet off the floor.

  Bailey exclaimed, “Captain, the creature has you in a death grip. I don’t know if it’s dangerous or not. It might be part of their mating habit, but she might be trying to kill you. I don’t see a way for you to get away now. I’ll do what I can, but you might be on your own. If this is part of her mating behaviors, I think you might have just been chosen as her…oh my, I hadn’t expected this! Captain, this species is at least semi-intelligent. And they seem to have a tribal nature. You are being taken through her ritualized acceptance as the tribal chief! She’s going to expect you to mate with several of the females and establish a village. Oh, or maybe I’m misreading it. Maybe its a herd, not a tribe. That makes more sense. She wants you to establish a herd. Thank goodness.”

  A few seconds later, Bailey said, “Captain, I don’t think that she will last much longer. I don’t know if they mate just once and deposit eggs inside you that you then to give birth to, or what. Damn it, there just isn’t enough information on this creature! But since I don’t know what will happen, I need you to do one final thing. I need you to collect so
me of its milk. You can do it orally. But hurry. I need a sample!”

  At that, Michelle grunted and raised up on my body, and putting one hand on her breast, she pointed the nipple at my face and squeezed. A fine stream of liquid hit me right in the face. Her aim wasn’t the greatest, but I couldn’t blame her; I was bouncing her pretty hard at that moment. Instinctively licking some of the substance from my face, I tasted sweet creamy milk. It was delicious! My eyes went wide and Michelle tried to push the teat between my lips.

  I was tiring and getting slightly dizzy and I spun us away from the wall and dropped us as gently as I could manage to the floor with Michelle on her back and me on top of her. Neither of us paid attention to the change. She was desperate to get her tit into my mouth and I was just as eager to get my mouth onto her tit. As soon as we had what we wanted, I sucked and Michelle squeezed and a flood of the stuff filled my mouth. I gulped it down and filled myself from her body a second time. And then I came, spurting deep inside Michelle’s vagina.

  Bailey said, “Good. We might as well deposit some semen so that we can test that effect as well.”

  Michelle screamed about as loudly as she could, “Bailey, shut up! Just shut up! Oh that feels good. Jimmy, take more. Take more. Keep going. Oh! I’m coming again!”

  It was like we couldn’t stop. I’d finished my climax, but we couldn’t seem to separate. I looked for Bailey and found her sitting on the floor of the shower, laughing quietly. She started to move to stand up, but I grabbed for her ankle and pulled her toward me across the wet floor.


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