Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1)

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Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1) Page 14

by Young, Alexa

  “Yes, I’ll marry you!” she shrieks before bursting into a flood of tears.

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  Luce smiles, watching on as the guy finally stands and slides the ring onto her finger. Which is what I should be doing right now. They all cheer and the guy pops open a bottle of champagne, handing out plastic glasses. We decline ours and congratulate them before turning back to admire the view.

  I’m so pissed I can barely hide it, but Luce doesn’t seem to notice. She snuggles into me as I let myself get lost in a sea of thoughts.

  Tonight is not my night.

  * * *

  “Dray, what are you doing out here?” Luce asks, peeking out the veranda door. After we arrived back, I stripped Luce and put her into her pyjamas. She was ready to hit the hay, so when she finally dozed off after I snuggled in behind her, I decided to come out here to polish off a few glasses of bourbon. I’m peering over the balcony, looking out onto a magnificent view, but it’s not doing anything to help my present mood.

  “I’m fine, firecracker. Just go back in, it’s too cold for you out here.”

  She nods and closes the door, and I’m shocked. She never normally does as I ask, but I’m grateful she’s giving me this.

  Less than thirty seconds later, the door slides open. She’s now wearing a coat over her pyjamas. I thought I’d got off too easy. She walks over and pulls me upright, snuggling into me. I prop the glass on the table and wrap my arms around her.

  “Are you okay, Dray?” she whispers into my chest.

  “I’m fine,” I say, sighing.

  “I know you’re not.” She pulls back and scrutinises my face. She knows when I’m lying, even when I try and hide it.

  “Tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been a little distant tonight.”

  Fuck. I was hoping she hadn’t noticed.

  “And don’t say you’re fine, stop lying. Is it me? Have I done something wrong? You would tell me if I had, right,” she urges as her eyes grow all glassy.

  “You’re perfect, Luce, stop stressing.” I kiss her forehead, but even I know I’m not very convincing.

  “But I can’t help it. Instead of being in bed, you’re out here drinking. You only drink the strong stuff when you’re angry or deliberately wanting to get pissed.”


  “Are you tired of me? Is that it? ‘Cause if you are, I’d rather you just be upfront about it and let me know.” Her voice breaks a little, and my heart drops at the thought that this special weekend has turned into such a nightmare.

  “It’s the complete opposite.”

  “What? Just tell me. I’m already thinking all kinds here, so just be honest!” she pleads as I close my eyes for a brief moment.

  “Luce. Shit—fuck. This was supposed to be a surprise, but as this night can’t get any worse, I might as well fucking tell you. I was going to ask you to marry me tonight.”

  “You were?” she whispers in sheer disbelief.


  “And why didn’t you?” Her face drops, so I grab her hands.

  “I tried, baby. In the restaurant, I was about to and the guy choking took away our moment. Then on the Eye, when we got to the top, the couple opposite stole our chance again. We cannot catch a break.” I let out a loud sigh in despair.

  “I’m glad it happened,” she says.

  It’s like a knife through my heart.


  She doesn’t want me to propose?

  I drop her hands as my face falls, but she grabs and holds onto them equally as hard.

  “Dray, I didn’t mean it like that. Stop thinking the worst.”

  “But you said—”

  “I meant I’m glad it didn’t happen surrounded by strangers. I want our moment to be just us two. To be private, no one cheering and clapping. Just me and you.”

  “Really?” I whisper.

  “And as for magnificent views, have you seen this one? If you wanted the perfect setting then you definitely chose well.”

  “What are you saying?” I ask, pulling her closer.

  Her hand reaches up to stroke my cheek. “I’m saying this is our moment, so ask me.”

  I’m speechless.

  She’s right. It is perfect.

  Just us.

  I was just too blind to notice.

  I drop down to my knee and she gasps. She swipes away a tear as I reach into the pocket for the ring I almost launched off the balcony less than an hour ago.

  “Firecracker, from the moment we met, I knew we were destined to be good friends. Then it became so much more. I need you like I need my next breath. I have no life without you, baby, and now we have our little surprise on the way.” I reach up and touch her tiny stomach that has just a hint of our baby growing inside. A tear rolls down my face. “The best is yet to come. I want to make so many amazing memories. I want us to grow old and eventually take our final breath together. You are everything and more and all I’ll ever need. You would make me the happiest man alive if you agree tonight to be my wife, to spend our life together. I want to give you the world if you’ll let me. I’ll love you with all my heart, until the final beat.”

  She bursts into a flood of tears as a few more escape down my face. I quickly swipe them away and open the box. She gasps, and it’s the exact response I wanted. I knew the moment I saw it that it would take her breath away like it did mine.

  “Yes,” she finally manages to get out between sobs. I jump up and scoop her in my arms, slamming my lips against her. Her legs wrap around me as we stand there lost in this completely perfect moment.

  She pulls back a few seconds later, and I just stare as she wipes away the tears from my face. She’s just made my life complete. There was no other woman destined to own my heart but my Luce.

  “Baby, your nose is cold,” I say, moving in for another kiss. “Let me take you inside and warm you up.” I smirk, quirking a brow.

  She smiles in delight and nods in agreement as I slide back the door. We don’t waste any time in letting the celebrations begin.

  I guess it was my night after all.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It’s New Year’s Eve, and we’re getting ready to go out. Our first Christmas together as a couple was amazing. Of course I spoilt Luce, buying everything she wanted and so much more. She scolded me, but she secretly liked all the gifts. It was our last Christmas together before we’re joined by our little bundle of joy. I can’t even begin to think what next year will be like. I just imagine the present-buying will be off the charts.

  What? I can’t help myself.

  This child will want for nothing.

  I feel myself growing emotional just thinking about it.

  Luce walks through and I stop what I’m doing. She looks at me funny but fuck, she’s stunning in red. Hell, she’d look good in a bin bag.

  She’s a little self-conscious going out to celebrate when she’s pregnant. She’s starting to show, and I fucking love it. I always have my hand on her bump. She says I might have to have it surgically removed. I think that’s her attempt at telling me I’m too hands-on, but I don’t give a fuck.

  I sit and talk to the baby all the time. I even read books. Luce usually lies on the bed and strokes my head nestled against her bump as I chat away. I want our baby to come out and recognise my voice, to be comfortable from that first moment.

  I’ve arranged it with Ritchie and we’re bringing in extra help, so I can go part-time once the baby is born. Luce will work part-time, too, so between the both of us the baby will always be around one parent.

  “Baby, you look beautiful,” I say, walking forward to kiss her.

  “I don’t know if I should go. People might think I’m drinking and—”

  “Who gives a fuck? You and I know you haven’t touched a drop. You’ll be on orange juice all night. Trust me, if anyone has anything to say, they’d better be brave enough to say it to my face.” I won’t hold back against any judgmental fucker. To
night is our night.

  “See, this is why I’m having second thoughts. I don’t want there to be any trouble, you starting something. Let’s just stay in and curl up in front of the TV,” she suggests, looking hopeful.

  “Firecracker, it’s New Years Eve. We stayed in all over Christmas, and our friends are expecting us. Please, baby, we need to go out and celebrate tonight. It will be our final one as just us. Laurie is looking forward to seeing you.”

  She frowns and I can tell she doesn’t want to disappoint anyone, especially Laurie. They’ve become close over the last month. At first, it was slightly awkward with the whole Diane situation, but she’s moved on now and is happily seeing someone else. Laurie can see Luce is the only one for me and asking her to be godparent has certainly strengthened our relationship, helping her to bond more with Luce.

  “Fine.” She pouts, and I pull her into me.

  “Now, you know what that does to me.” I give her a wicked look of delight and she gasps.

  “We can’t, Dray. Don’t ruin this dress,” she warns, pursing her lips.

  “Then we’d better go.” I grab her coat and help her on with it as she picks up her clutch, ready to leave.

  Tonight should be a good night.

  * * *

  We pull up in a taxi twenty minutes later. The bar is already quite full, but Laurie has texted and grabbed us a table in a quiet corner so Luce won’t feel too on show. We inch our way through as I keep a protective arm around Luce. Her hand grips my arm tight, but when we get to the huge table and see a sea of friendly faces, I feel her hand relax. I take her coat and she goes over and joins Laurie. They immediately begin chatting away, which puts my mind at ease as I head to the bar to get a round in.

  I set down the tray fifteen minutes later and everyone helps themselves. I hand Luce her orange juice as I take my place beside her, putting my arm behind her seat. She instantly snuggles into my body and I love it as I sip on my beer.

  I watch Luce absently play with her ring. The diamond-encrusted antique is a beautiful piece of jewellery. Luce sits and admires it daily. I can’t help but smile as I lift her hand and kiss it; in less than a month, we’ll be married. I cannot wait to make her mine. She smiles at me and leans in for a kiss, and I happily oblige. We keep it pretty tame, though right now I want to lift her onto my lap and have her grind on top of me.


  I take a long sip of beer. I need something way stronger, but I promised Luce I wouldn’t hit the hard stuff. So beer it is.

  “How’s it all going with the wedding?” Laurie asks us.

  “It’s going well, but that’s because Kara is a godsend,” Luce replies, smiling.

  Neither Luce nor I are wedding people, so the fact it’s been taken out of our hands is a complete blessing. It’s only going to be a small, intimate affair. I would have given her the whole shebang, but she just wants a small gathering. Of course, Ritchie will be my best man. Luce’s friend Sam is Maid of Honour, who isn’t my biggest supporter. She hated Luce spending time with me growing up, but for Luce’s sake I hold my tongue at her little biting remarks. She’s seriously skating on thin ice, especially with the dirt I have on her.

  “She is worth every penny, and she’s such a perfectionist. She’ll definitely give you the perfect wedding.” Laurie smiles, sipping on her wine.

  “I can’t wait for you to be officially mine,” I say, kissing Luce’s cheek.

  “Dray, I am already,” she soothes. I know I’m being stupid, but I can’t wait till that moment we’re officially declared husband and wife.

  “I mean legally and for life,” I add, winking. Once the ring is on her finger, I’m never letting her go. That’s a fact.

  “I’m yours forever, don’t you know that already?” She gives me a look of reassurance and I smile.

  “I know, but it’s good to hear. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We kiss and it’s not long before the whistles and cat calls start, but I just can’t help myself despite the fact we’re in a crowded room. When Luce’s lips touch mine, everyone else just melts away.

  “Give it a rest, will you,” Ritchie huffs. I break away to smile at him. I know any kind of PDA pisses him off, but Laurie is grinning from ear to ear.

  “I love the new loved-up Dray. See, I knew you had it in you to be an amazing boyfriend, soon-to-be-husband. This warms my heart. I’m so happy for you both, I really am.” She smiles, and her eyes fill up with tears. I let go of Luce and hug her.

  “Hey, no crying. It’s New Year’s Eve,” I whisper, kissing her cheek.

  She pulls back and smiles. “You know you’re like family to me, like a younger brother.”

  “What, the devilishly handsome younger brother?” I wink as she rolls her eyes.

  “Modest, you aren’t. But seriously, I’ve always said to Ritch that I wanted you settled down. The lifestyle you led was not good for you. I know I set you up with Diane, but I see how you are with Luce. She’s your soulmate. The love you have for each other, it blows me away.”

  “Laurie, you’re family to me, too, sweetheart. You and Ritch have always been there, that’s why I want you as godparents. Fuck blood, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “Hey, we’ll always be here for you. I can’t wait to see you become a dad, but I’m warning you now I’m going to steal that baby a lot to get my cuddle fix.” She gives me a look of warning, but that won’t dissuade me.

  “That’s if you can prize the baby from my arms,” I shoot back.

  “Oh, so it’s like that, huh? How about bribing with lasagne? I’m sure that’s enough to buy me some baby time.” She nudges me playfully, and I have to admire her. They all know food is my weakness.

  “Now that could sway me, but if you throw in the recipe, we might let the baby sleep over.” Luce grins. She’s been itching to find out and make her own.

  “Sorry, that’s a recipe sworn by my ancestors to take to the grave.”

  Luce’s face drops and she pouts slightly, making me chuckle. She’s too cute. I turn to face her, seeing the disappointment there in her eyes, but we have to respect Laurie’s decision.

  Unless I can somehow get it out of Ritchie?

  “It’s fine. I have a lot of recipes myself to pass onto this one.” She strokes her small bump and my hand covers hers. “I used to love baking with my grandma when my mum was at work. I want to keep up that family tradition.”

  “Oh, God, I’m going to lose my six-pack, aren’t I?”

  She giggles as I grab her chin and kiss her.

  “That might be a possibility.” She winks, but she knows I’ll hit the gym even harder.

  It’s thirty minutes till the big countdown. I see Luce is flagging, so I pull her over onto my knee. There’s only so much orange juice one person can drink. I’ve only had four beers while everyone else is pretty merry, ready to see in the New Year. Luce tucks her head into my neck as I wrap my arms around her protectively. I kiss her forehead and she smiles contentedly until a voice pipes up in the background.

  “Oh, so this is why you brushed me off for a second date.”

  Fucking Marco.

  My head snaps up and we lock eyes. I shoot him a ‘don’t fucking mess with me’ look.

  “Looks like you’ve been busy, Luce. Bun in the oven. I thought you had more taste than to let this piece of shit knock you up.”

  Luce stiffens and I know she’s scared. Marco is wanting a rise out of me, but I’m not biting.

  Well, not yet.

  “If I’d known you weren’t so fussy, I would have fucked you on the first date.”

  Right, that’s fucking it.

  I move to stand up and place Luce in the chair beside me, but she stops me, pushing me back. I have to admire her; she doesn’t have the brute strength to hold me down, but she’s trying regardless.

  “Baby, I can’t let him speak about you that way, you know the way I work. Anyone who speaks down to you is going
to feel my fist hard in their face. Let me do this, please,” I plead.

  “So, you’re going to let your girl fight for you now? Fucking pussy!” Marco shouts, goading me even more.

  I’m going to fucking murder him.

  “Dray, don’t you dare bite. We are seeing in the New Year together, not with you in a police cell. I mean it, in less than an hour you are going to be buried inside me, bringing in the New Year our way.”

  “Fuck, I love the sound of that.”

  “Punching Marco solves nothing. Pick me, choose me, come home with me. We need you.” She grabs my hand and places it on her belly.

  Fucking blackmail.

  “Firecracker,” I beg.

  “You move, I’m gone.” The look of determination in her eyes tells me she’s not fucking playing.

  Am I really that stupid to defy her?

  It’s not like I haven’t punched Marco spark out before. The guy is a big-mouthed fucker who loves to stir the shit. But I’m not going to rise to it. I’m going to be the bigger man.

  I grab Luce’s chin between my fingers. Her eyes are filled with tears, and I kiss her gently on the lips. “Fine, you win, but I’d better be buried inside you soon or there’s going to be fucking trouble.”

  Her face breaks out into a grin. She leans in and kisses me again, this time taking it far deeper. I lose all awareness of where I am. It’s just me and Luce.

  How I fucking like it.

  Luce giggles into my mouth as she tries to pull away. I don’t want to let her go, but then I relent. She wipes the lipstick from my face, smiling.

  I hear a scuffle in the background and look over in time to see Ritchie land a punch straight in the middle of Marco’s face. He falls down like the pussy he is as Ritchie winks over at me before returning to Laurie who kisses his cheek. Marco jumps up, looking mortified as everyone around him laughs at his expense.


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