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Steamy Dorm

Page 53

by Kristine Robinson

  Kate gasped.

  “Shhhhh,” Maddie admonished.

  She began to trail kisses down Kate's neck and torso. Each kiss was hot and lingering and left all of Kate's nerves aflame. The last one was left just above Kate's belly button, and then without warning, Maddie's fingers were plunged beneath the hem of Kate's panties.

  Kate gasped once more, as Maddies' fingers hovered over her sex, grazing but not quite touching her. Kate could feel her wetness growing and before she could think of her dignity, she was pleading again.

  “Please! Please Maddie do it! Do it!”

  “You're too cute when you beg,” Maddie murmured. “So cute that I want you to keep doing it.”

  Kate was mortified to hear herself whimper again. It was a whiny and pitiful sound, and yet Maddie seemed to be really enjoying it. She quirked an eyebrow and ran her tongue slowly across her bottom lip, as she stared down at Kate's exposed body. Kate felt her skin burn beautifully beneath Maddie's intense stare.

  Their eyes met. Kate felled filled with the focus in Maddie's stare. It was as if Maddie's eyes were made only for her. Kate felt as if she were made to be looked at by Maddie. She had never felt so whole and so very seen.

  Maddie leaned forward, her fingers still just beneath the waistband of Kate's panties. Maddie's palm rested lightly against Kate's lower belly, but her fingers touched only air, stretching the lace of Kate's panties as they were pulled away from her body.

  Maddie came down close to Kate's face, so close that the Kate felt the warmth of Maddie's breath against the hollow of her throat.

  “Say it again,” Maddie demanded. There was a mixture of demand and need in her gruff tone.

  “What?” Kate gasped.

  “Beg me,” Maddie said. “Tell me how much you want me to touch you, and then maybe I'll do it.”

  Maddie tilted her head to the left.

  “Maybe,” she reiterated in a whisper.

  Kate's cheek blazed at the unabashed power move, but still something about it was so primal and the urgency in Maddie's voice urged her forward.

  Fighting against the shame, that was still somehow thrilling, Kate began to plead.

  “Please, Maddie...I want you...I want you to touch me..I want your hands on me so badly.”

  Maddie raised her top lip into something that was almost a snarl. It was a concentrated and feirce sort of expression. And then she plunged her fingers inside of Kate.

  Kate cried out, shocked by both Maddie's immediacy and forcefulness. Kate arched her back as Maddie slipped a third finger inside of her. Maddie stroked and twisted and increased her tempo, until Kate was screaming and writhing around her. Kate cried out, something between a shriek and a groan, as Maddie began to spasmodically flick with her index finger and rotate her middle finger in a swirling, counterclockwise motion. Kate could feel her own wetness, as Maddie slipped in and out of her. She felt that she might levitate right off the bed, each time Maddie's index finger flicked out, catching her at the very top of her woman's center, her most sensitive nub.

  When Kate was at the very peak of her orgasm, thrashing and gasping, Maddie brought her face close to hers.

  “Say my name,” she ordered in a hard whisper.

  Kate shrieked her name as she hit the height of her orgasm, exploding around Maddie's skilled hand. And then after, she'd had a moment to steady herself, Kate got to work returning the favor. She enjoyed Maddie's orgasms even more than she had enjoyed her own.


  They went out that night. Kate felt slightly odd about going a date after the two of them had gone to bed, but she told herself to stop being silly. She'd had an impulse and she'd acted on it. This was college and now was the time to act impulsively, if she was ever going to do it.

  Kate smiled as she followed Maddie out into the early evening air. The breeze was glorious against her skin.

  “Can you believe how warm it still is?” Kate asked. “I mean, it's September, but it still feels like it's the middle of the summer.”

  “Right,” Maddie agreed with a sideways smile. “It's nice out now, but earlier today it was way too hot.”

  “Oh, you don't like hot weather?” Kate asked, as the two of them began down the sidewalk, heading towards the center of campus.

  Maddie shook her head.

  “Nah,” she said. “I'm definitely more a fall/winter person. I like it in the cool to cold range. Hot and sticky is not for me.”

  Kate laughed.

  “So, what are we doing anyway?” Kate asked.

  “You're gonna love it,” Maddie said. “They're showing one of my favorite movies in the entire world. The film club is playing it on a huge screen out in the quad.”

  “What's the movie called?”

  “Of Human Bondage,” Maddie replied.

  Kate quirked an eyebrow.

  “Is this something kinky?” she laughed.

  “No,” Maddie said. “People always think that when I talk about this movie, and I talk about it a lot, because it is probably the most incredible film ever made. See it's this old black and white movie-I think it's based on a book-Anyway, it's mostly about how no one ever loves each other equally. Like one person in the relationship, always loves the other more. So one person is always in bondage to the other. I think the person who made it believed that all love was a little unrequited.”

  Kate furrowed her brow and nodded.

  “Hmmm,” she said. “That's an interesting idea. I hope it's not true though.”

  Maddie shrugged.

  “Why? I sort of like it when movies and books are truthful. When they're honest about how awful life can be. Love can be really awful. What I like about this movie is that it doesn't dress love up in a bunch of cheesy Hollywood cliches. It really shows that love can be beautiful, but also dark and fleeting, and way way too uneven.”

  “Wow,” Kate laughed. “This really must be some movie. It's made you very philosophical.”

  They were at the center of the campus now and Kate could see a crowd already forming in the middle of the expansive lawn. Several people were laying out blankets and towels to sit on, and a large projector screen had been hung against the back of the Media Arts building.

  Maddie grabbed Kate's hand and led her across the lawn. They picked a spot on the edge of the quad and nestled themselves into the hollow of the roots of as large oak tree. Maddie sat with her back against the trunk and Kate slid between Maddie's legs, leaning up against her and fiddling with the loose threads at the bottom of her cargo pants.

  They cuddled as they waited for the movie to start. It was already dusky and growing darker by the minute. Kate enjoyed the cool night air and the sensation of Maddie's body against her.

  Soon the movie began and Kate found herself really enjoying it. The waitress, Mildred, was so salty and self-assured. On the one hand, Kate felt badly for the poor artist who was in love with her. On the other, Mildred was getting hers. She was a carefree single lady, doing as she pleased. Besides that artist was sort of asking to get treated like crap. He was so fawning and pathetic and falling all over himself to please her.

  Kate was really started to get involved in the movie, when she felt a hand trailing along her neck. Kate tensed and her lips parted, as Maddie swiped her hair aside, exposing the back of her neck. Kate felt Maddie shift behind her, squirming down closer to her.

  Kate sighed as Maddie's lips touched the back of her neck. Maddie's lips trailed along the back of her neck. Her breathe was warm and sent shivers down Kate's spine.

  Kate gasped as Maddie began to kiss her neck with increased speed and intensity. Kate felt Maddie's hand grasping at her hip. She arched her back and sighed, pressing back into Maddie's firm body.

  Kate glanced around warily. There were several other couples and small groups of students nearby, but it was dark and they all seemed to be intently focused on the movie. Kate felt self-conscious, but also somehow excited by the close proximity of so many other people.

  She whi
mpered and willed herself to keep quiet, as Maddie's hand began to rise, edging its way up her body and creeping under her t-shirt. Maddie pulled Kate in closer, using one arm to hug her tighter against her own body, and with the other she sent her hand further up Kate's torso. Maddie found Kate's breast and eased her fingertips underneath of her sports bra.

  Kate reached a hand back and clamped down on Maddie's thigh. She placed her other hand over her own mouth, as Maddie began to tease and caress her. Kate breathed heavily into the palm of her hand, struggling to suppress a series of moans that would surely draw the stares of all the moviegoers around her.

  Maddie continued to pull and tweak at the hardened peaks of her breasts. She kept this up for a long time. So long that Kate wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to stand it, and she only kept her hand on the one breast; the left one. Kate's left breast cried out in sensation. It was painful and pleasurable and intense and glorious all at once. Kate's right breast ached for attention. It tingled so acutely that the sensation continued all the way down the ride side of her body, creating a jittery stirring in her gut.

  Midway through the film, Maddie eased up her wondrous assault and brought her hand back down to Kate's jutted hip point. Kate felt disappointed by this turn of events, but still loosened her grip on Maddie's knee and tried to regain control of her breathing.

  For several moments the two of them just sat there, and Kate tried to focus on the doomed plight of Mildred and Philip. Then without warning, Maddie darted her right hand up under Kate's shirt and began to knead and twist at this breast, if possible, with an even greater focus and intensity than she'd bestowed on the left.

  Kate gasped louder than she had yet, and was mortified when a woman several feet away looked back over her shoulder to see what the commotion was. Still, she could only think about this event, one that normally would have caused her copious amounts of shame, for a second. Something was happening that Kate couldn't quite believe. She wasn't even sure if it was possible.

  Kate felt the beginnings of an orgasm building. Was that even something that could happen? Could a person orgasm from only having their breasts touched?

  Kate arched again, pressing here chest further into Maddie's unforgiving fingers and as she did she caught the slope of an oak tree root in the space between her legs. The root dug firmly into her woman's center and this was the final action that sent Kate crashing over the edge.

  Kate bit down on the side of her hand to stifle her cries.

  When she was done she slid back up towards Maddie, trembling and wiping a fresh sheen of sweat from her brow.

  Maddie smiled in a self-congratulatory way, quirked an eyebrow, and left a chaste kiss upon her forehead.

  “You're welcome Katie-cat,” she whispered.


  Over the next few weeks, Kate saw a lot of Maddie. That first day in her dorm room was the only day that she'd had to make the first move. After that, Maddie was always the one to call. She was always the one to schedule dates and phone her. Maddie even sent her sweet little text messages throughout the day.

  “So, everything is going pretty good with you and Maddie, then?” Natalie asked. “You guys have been seeing a lot of each lately.”

  Kate blushed and fussed with a strand of hair, that had fallen free of her ponytail.

  “Everything is going wonderful,” Kate gushed. “She took me to a party last night, and even introduced me to everyone as her girlfriend! Can you believe that? I was so worried that this thing between us might be just physical at first, but we really connect.”

  Kate sighed, dreamily.

  “She just really gets me, you know? Like I need someone like her. She keeps me balanced. Last week, I was going to skip my dance class to study for an Economics test, and Maddie reminded me that I love dancing. So I went to my class, and Maddie was right. I had way more fun dancing than I ever do studying economics, or business administration, or the foundations of marketing theory or any of that.”

  Natalie frowned.

  “Right,” she said. “It does seem like you're not really into the business stuff, but maybe you should change your major or go talk to your adviser before you get into trouble. Didn't you say one of your professors already talked to you about your grades?”

  Kate bit her lip.

  “Actually..” she faltered. “It was the head of the business school. I'm on a scholarship, so once my grades started slipping she really took it seriously. I don't know..I told her that I would try harder...”

  Kate trailed off and looked at her feet.

  “But, didn't your grades start to fall once you started hanging out with Maddie all the time?” Natalie asked. “Is Maddie maybe too much of a distraction?”

  Kate shook her head.

  “No,” she said. “I can see how it would look that way, but this is really more about me than it is about my relationship with Maddie. I've realized that I really don't like business. I love dancing and I want to pursue something related to dance or theater. I'm just too afraid to tell my parents. That's why I can't just bite the bullet and change my major. But in the meantime, it's nice to have someone so supportive and encouraging on my side. Really, Maddie isn't making the situation worse. She's encouraging me to pursue my passion, but I think that I would be having trouble anyway. Business just isn't for me. I just don't care about it.”

  Natalie furrowed her brow and gave a small smile.

  “Well, if Maddie makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. You're an amazing girl and you have such a sweet heart. You deserve all the happiness in the world. If you think that Maddie will give you that happiness, then I'm all for it!”

  Kate's heart brightened upon hearing this and a glow spread across her features.

  “Thanks Natalie.”

  “You're too welcome boo!” Natalie cried, reaching out to give Kate's knee a little shake.

  Kate paused for a moment, suddenly caught up once more, with a worry that had been circulating in her mind, for the better part of a week.

  “There is just one thing,” Kate began.

  “What's that?” Natalie asked.

  “Well, you know how you told me that Maddie is a person who can get things that people need? She's like the go-to supplier of stuff?”

  Natalie nodded, a crinkle forming between her perfectly-arched brows.

  “Well,” Kate continued. “I think that some of the stuff that Maddie supplies might not be so good. Like it may not all be on the up and up. See...I saw Maddie make a deal with someone last week. We were in the student center, just hanging out between classes, and this girl came up to Maddie and asked for her 'delivery'. Maddie didn't even bat an eye. She pulled this wad of papers out of bag and the girl handed Maddie a wad of money.”

  “Right,” Natalie said, a look of concern becoming more pronounced upon her features.

  “You see, this wad of was a legend to the final for Marketing 102. It had all the answers. How would Maddie even get that?”

  Natalie shook her head.

  “I don't know,” she said. “Did you ask her?”

  Kate nodded and chewed her bottom lip.

  “I did. She just brushed me off and said not to worry about it. I've been trying not to. Do you think I should be worried about it?”

  Natalie thought for a moment before answering.

  “I think that you have to decide that,” Natalie answered, finally. “Moral ambiguity and all that. You've gotta be the one to decide if it bothers you. She's not physically harming anyone and that would be the only way that it would be a clear-cut case of right or wrong. This is tricky...It's an ethics thing.”

  “I think...” Kate said. “I think that I'm not going to let it bother me. I really like Maddie and nobody else has ever made me feel so special. Everybody acts a little wild in college. Cheating on tests isn't so bad. That's something that I can live with.”


  Kate leaned and stretched, nestling her own body into Maddie's. She felt the cu
rve of Maddie's muscled physique pressed against her back and buttocks. Kate loved spooning with Maddie. She loved it more than anything else. The sensation of Maddie's warmth, and her dual softness and hardness, it was absolutely exquisite.

  Maddie began to trail soft kisses down the back of Kate's neck and Kate shivered under the contact.

  “You're so beautiful, baby,” Maddie whispered into her ear. “I've never seen a girl more beautiful than you. You're everything.”

  Kate sighed and leaned farther back. She reached a hand back, caressing the short bristles of Maddie's hair.

  Maddie reached a hand down and began to stroke Kate's rear.

  Kate giggled and shied away.

  “Maddie! That tickles!” she protested.

  Maddie flipped Kate onto her back and flung a leg across Kate to straddle her.

  Kate could feel the heat emanating from beneath Maddie's thin pajama bottoms.

  “Let me show you something else that might tickle,” Maddie whispered.

  Kate held her breath as Maddie hoisted up the hem of Kate's knee-length nightgown. She lifted her hips as Maddie pulled her cotton underwear down.

  Maddie blew lightly on her exposed sex and Kate shivered.

  Maddie brought her lips down to meet Kate's dewy lips.

  “No Stop,” Kate whispered.

  Maddie raised her head, her eyes filled with concern.

  “What is it, babe?” she asked.

  Kate giggled.

  “No, nothing wrong. It's just...”

  “Just what?”

  “I want to do that for you,” Kate whispered. “I want to put my mouth on you.”

  Kate raised herself up on her elbows, trembling with anticipation. So far in their relationship, Kate hadn't tasted Maddie. Maddie seemed to enjoy leading their love-making sessions. She seemed to prefer touching over being touched.

  “C'mon,” Kate prodded, viewing the look of hesitation on Maddie's face. “I don't want to be a pillow princess. I want to do things for you too. I want to bring you to climax too.”


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