Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 54

by Kristine Robinson

  Maddie blinked and then after one long and drawn-out moment, she gave a soft smile and raised her head in a slow nod.

  “Sure, babe,” Maddie agreed. “Have at it.”

  “Okay,” Kate whispered.

  Kate took Maddie by the shoulder and guided her back down to the bed, placing her a laying down position. Kate slid down to Maddie's knees. She gently parted Maddie's legs and then climbed in between them. Maddie grinned and pulled her pajama bottoms free from her hips, kicking her legs to yank them off completely. Kate smiled down at Maddie, enjoying the feeling of being on top, looking down at Maddie's flushed and eager face.

  Kate grabbed each of Maddie's ankles and dived forward, placing wet, firm kisses on each of Maddie's calves, whipping her head back and forth in a frantic effort to cater to each of them. Kate felt Maddie's body buckle and arch beneath her. Kate began to slow down, leaving softer smoother kisses as she made her way up Maddie's legs and began to press her lips against Maddie's muscular thighs.

  Maddie groaned and Kate heard her own name whispered with a fervent urgency.

  Kate reached up and pulled Maddie's boxers down, tugging until they were down by Maddie's ankles. Kate grabbed each of Maddie's hips, one in each hand, and then brought her face down to hover over Maddie's sex. She hovered there for a moment, luxuriating in the aroma. Maddie's smell was musky and heated. It was a delicious and layered smell. Like sweat and wetness and womanhood.

  Kate kissed Maddie softly in the very center of her lips and felt a flutter in her gut as Maddie tensed and sighed. Kate kissed her again, in the same spot, but pressed harder, pushing herself deeper into Maddie's folds and lingering longer. Maddie said her name again and Kate felt a tightening and a heat building between her own legs.

  Kate slid her tongue gently across Maddie's wetness, tasting her and drinking her in. She plunged her tongue into Maddie's folds, parting her and opening her. Maddie began to pant and writhe and Kate increased in speed. She began to exit and enter Maddie vigorously, pulling her tongue in and out, luxuriating in the feeling of Maddie squirming against her. Maddie's soft purrs and moans were a music to her.

  When it really seemed as though Maddie was close, when Kate felt sure that she was very near completion, she pulled her tongue out and raised her head to the peak of Maddie's mound. She used her thumbs to uncover Maddie's most sensitive part and taking it into her mouth, Kate sucked gently, but fervently.

  Maddie cried out, tensing her entire body, as she expelled a primal shriek.

  Kate patted Maddie's thighs, as she waited for Maddie to come down.

  “Thanks for letting me do that,” Kate whispered. “That was wonderful.”


  Several hours later, the two lay curled up on the couch in Maddie's apartment.

  “It's so nice that you're not in a dorm,” Kate purred, as she lay in Maddie's arms. “I love that we have some privacy.”

  Maddie laughed.

  “Not like that first time we got together, right? You were so loud too. You probably entertained so many freshmen that day.”

  Kate blushed.

  “Agh!” she groaned. “I hope not!”

  Maddie gave her an affectionate noogie, grinding her fist into the top of Kate's scalp.

  “Hey Katie-cat, do you want to try something?”

  Kate glanced over her shoulder.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Here, let me get it,” Maddie said.

  Maddie stood and walked over to a chest of drawers in the corner of the room. She opened the top drawer and shuffled through the items within, until she emerged with a small plastic package.

  “What is that?” Kate asked.

  Maddie hustled back over to the couch, bag in hand.

  “Don't worry about it,” Maddie laughed. “Just give it a try, It will make you feel amazing.”

  Kate suspiciously eyed the foreign substance and recalled a documentary that she'd seen with her parents last year.

  “Is that Molly?” Kate asked incredulously.

  “It's not going to do anything to you,” Maddie said. “It's just gonna make you feel awesome. Like awesome. I promise.”

  Kate shook her head frantically.

  “Maddie! That's drugs. I'm not taking drugs! Wait, is this what you supply? Do you sell Molly to people? Do you sell drugs to people?”

  Maddie rolled her eyes, now becoming visibly upset.

  “It's not that hardcore,” she snapped. “Everybody does it and it's not a big deal!”

  Kate stood and marched into the bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” Maddie called.

  Kate emerged fully dressed, hardly a minute later. Her seething anger seemed to have afforded her some kind of super speed.

  Maddie's eyes widened and her face darkened to crimson when she saw Kate.

  “You're leaving?!” she yelled. “You're leaving over something this small?! Why are you being so dramatic? You're a drama queen!”

  “Well, then I guess it's your win that I'm leaving!” Kate screamed back. “How wonderful for you not to have to spend anymore time with a great big drama queen!”

  Kate spun on her heel and stormed towards the door.

  “Katie stop!” Maddie shouted.

  Maddie grabbed Kate's arm, but Kate jerked it away.

  “Get off!” Kate screamed.

  She burst out into the hall and slammed the door shut behind her.

  Kate ran all the way back to her dorm, and Maddie didn't follow.


  Kate couldn't believe this was happening. Everything in her life had gone downhill so quickly. Kate hurried across campus, trying to ignore the glares of the students around her.

  Ever since that day when she'd angrily stormed out on Maddie, the other students had been treating her differently. She'd been getting glares and hearing whispers. People cut in front of her in the line at the dining commons, and stood blocking her path in the halls of the dorm. The only people still talking to her were Casey, Natalie, and Sandra. Kate had a sneaking suspicion that Sandra knew what was going on, but when Kate asked Sandra if she thought Maddie had anything to do with this sudden shunning, Sandra would only fidget and change the subject.

  Now, in addition to the loss of Maddie and the ostracizing she'd received from the student body at large, she also had to deal with this meeting with the dean. It had all been very sudden. She'd received an urgent phone call from the dean's secretary last night, and been told that her presence in the dean's office today was urgent. The secretary had not been forthcoming when Kate had asked what the meeting regarded. She had simply restated the urgency of the matter and ended the call.

  Kate imagined that this must be about her grades. They had only continued to fall after her break-up with Maddie. Kate was sure that she must be in danger of failing at this point. Kate couldn't make herself care about the basics of business, or the psychology of marketing campaigns, or the principles of Keynesian economic theory.

  All she wanted to do was dance, and really that was all that she had been doing. In order to ease the pain of losing Maddie, and the isolation that she felt as nearly all the other students refused to speak to or acknowledge her, Kate had been spending nearly every afternoon at the dance studio. She took every available ballet class and even a couple of tap and jazz walk-ins. She just couldn't sit still. She wanted always to be moving, to be working on her form and poise. It was such a lovely distraction from everything that was going to horribly wrong.

  When Kate arrived at the pillared building in the center of campus, she took a moment to steady her breath and still the rapid beating of her heart. Once inside, the secretary quickly ushered her into a small office in the first hall. Kate nearly jumped out of her shoes when she saw who was inside.

  Not only was there the dean, sitting poised behind her large desk, hands folded, but there were both of her parents, seated on a plush, green coach. Kate's father was tapping his foot. Her mother was twisting a tissue in her lap. The b
oth of them looked livid.

  “What's going on?” Kate asked nervously.

  “Have a seat, Kate,” the dean said, gesturing to the chair in front of her massive desk.

  “No, thank you,” Kate replied, numbly. “I'd rather just get this over with. What is it?”

  The dean pulled a wad of papers from the top drawer of her desk.

  “This was found in your possession,” the dean said, smoothly. “We were tipped off by one of the students in your dorm. It seems that, while only one was found in your room, this little smuggling act has been going on for quite some time.”

  Kate felt her whole body begin to shake, and although she already knew the answer, she couldn't stop herself from asking.

  “What smuggling act? What is that?”

  “You know what it is,” the dean snapped. “These are the answers to the English 305 final. Really. I can't understand how you could think that you'd get away with this.”

  “Wait!” Kate pleaded. “That isn't mine. I've been set up. Didn't you even consider the possibility that another student might have framed me?”

  The dean shook her head briskly.

  “Perhaps if you weren't already a scholarship student on academic probation, or if you hadn't missed half of your scheduled classes this semester, then maybe I would consider that possibility. As it is, you were on thin ice already, and this was just the final bit of weight that cracked it.”

  Kate felt tears sting at her eyes.

  “You've missed several important tests,” the dean continued. “Really? Not even bothering to show up? It's absurd and scandalous at best, and insulting to this university at worst. How could you just squander this chance that has been given to you? And I've seen you at the dance studio off campus. My daughter goes there for Acro lessons. You seem to have time for extracurricular activities and yet you can't devote time to study or come to class?”

  The dean shook her head sadly.

  “No,” she went on. “What all of this tells me is that you have poor judgment and no respect for this university. So when another student tells me that you're involved in a cheating scandal, I'm apt to believe that it's true. It certainly sounds like something that a person with poor judgment and no respect for this university would do.”

  “So, what are you saying?” Kate whispered. “What does this mean?”

  “It means that you are expelled,” the dean retorted. “Effective immediately. That's why I've asked your parents to be here. We'll save you the trouble of bothering to take your finals. You can collect your items and leave campus. Today.”

  Kate gasped and clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from crying out.

  Her parents rose, and Kate watched as her mother choked back tears, gripping her father's shoulder to keep from stumbling.

  The three left the office in shocked silence, and that silence continued the entire way back to the dorm. Kate collected her belongings and gave a tearful good-bye to Natalie, who promised to give Kate's good-bye to both Casey and Sandra.

  It wasn't until they were in the car that Kate's parents began to let loose.

  “This is an embarrassment, Katherine!” her father began. “A complete and absolute embarrassment!”

  “I can't tell you how embarrassed we are!” her mother interjected. “No! Not just embarrassed, disappointed. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in you. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in anyone.”

  “I'm utterly flabbergasted!” her father shouted.

  “What on earth are you going to do with yourself now?” her mother demanded.

  Kate swallowed heavily before answering.

  “I don't think I want a career in business anyway,” she said. “I think that I might want to do something different with my life.”

  “Well, getting expelled wasn't exactly the smartest way to go about it!” her mother sneered.

  Kate bit her lip and fought back tears.

  She looked out the car window, watching the scenery pass as her college fell further and further behind. She tried to tune out the admonitions of her parents.


  “Order up! Three plates for table five!”

  “I've got it, Thelma!” Kate called.

  She swung her hips, as she made her way over to the cook's window. She expertly balanced the three plates and shimmied out from behind the counter. She'd gotten quite good at this amateur juggling act in only two months.

  “Here you guys go!” Kate greeted table five cheerfully. “Burger...grilled cheese....and then...the American chop suey must be yours!”

  Kate cantered away from the smiling family and began clearing and wiping some of the evacuated booths. Today was the first day in quite a while that Kate felt cheerful.

  After leaving the university in disgrace, Kate had fallen into a real slump. Her parents had nagged at her endlessly, harping on her poor choices. When she'd told them about her relationship with Maddie, it had only made everything worse. They hadn't cared that she was absolutely heartbroken. They didn't care that the first person she had ever really cared about had probably been the one to set her up and get her expelled. Kate felt betrayed, her heart stamped on and trampled, and her parents only continued the emotional stampede. Kate had felt not only betrayed by Maddie's callousness, but betrayed by her own parent's dismissal of her feelings as well. Kate had spent quite a long time feeling sorry for herself. She still practiced Ballet, clearing out space in the garage, much to her mother's protests and disapproval.

  After a few weeks of listlessness, broken only by bouts of Ballet in the mid-morning, her father came home with what he deemed to be good news.

  “I've found a college that will accept you, despite your transgressions,” he'd said. “One of my colleagues is rather influential at the local junior college. He says he's willing to pull some strings to move you through the admissions process and get you started by the winter semester.”

  “Yes!” her mother had exclaimed cheerfully. “Oh, that's wonderful. We'll be able to enjoy our Christmas, knowing that you're headed back to school in January.”

  Kate's father had nodded.

  “Yes, and they have a very respectable Business department. You'll do fine there and still have a good chance of making something of yourself.”

  But Kate had shaken her head.

  “I told you both, I don't want to do Business. That's a part of the reason that I was struggling so much in my studies to begin with, before I got framed and all that, I still wasn't doing very well. It's because I wasn't enjoying it. Business isn't for me. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do, but I know that I love to dance. Maybe I could go major in Theater Studies or maybe get a degree in sports management. The maybe I could at least manage a dance studio. I want to do something with dance. I just love it so much...”

  “Absolutely not!” her mother had screeched.

  “I'm not paying for that!” her father had bellowed. “You can get that out of your head right now! There isn't any way that I'll pay for some useless, nonsense degree!”

  For a bit, Kate's sadness had worsened, and then suddenly, it was over and she was climbing out of the funk that she'd allowed herself to fall into. Yes, some unfortunate events had occurred, but she was the better for it. Maybe it hadn't worked out with Maddie, but Kate had learned something important from the experience. She had learned what was important to her and who she wanted to be. More than that, she had gained the confidence to stand up to her parents. It was as though Kate had been sleepwalking her entire life and Maddie had been a sharp and biting ice-bucket of water to the face. Maddie had woken her up. Kate still didn't know exactly what she was going to do, or how she would support herself. She desperately wanted to study dance and her parents weren't going to pay for it. Despite these truths, Kate was grateful to Maddie.

  If Maddie hadn't ever entered her life, she might still be plodding along, her parents' unthinking over-achieving robot. Now she had a heart. She had passion. She had herself. And she
knew that she would always be so, so thankful that Maddie had given her this. Maddie had given Kate herself.

  At the end of her shift, Kate clocked out and took her share of tips from the shift manager. It had been another good day. She'd made over one-hundred dollars in tips, and it had only been a six hour shift. Yesterday had been a good day too.

  Kate supposed that's why she was feeling so unusually chipper today. Her savings was starting to add up. It was very nearly beginning to amount to something. Every day that Kate's earnings accumulated, her spirits heightened and while she wasn't quite sure what she was getting closer to, she knew that she was that it was coming.

  There was promise in the future and happiness can find you when you least expect it to. That was something else that Kate had learned from Maddie. Without Maddie's arrival, Kate supposed that she would have remained content in discontent. She wouldn't ever have realized that she wasn't completely satisfied, that she wasn't getting what she wanted from life. Maddie had pulled the passion from her soul, and while it was true that she had stomped on Kate's trust, the experience had been worth it. It was only the price that Kate had had to pay for all that she'd gained. Yes, the price had been high, but Kate knew that it could have been so much higher. She could spent the rest of her life in sheltered ignorance and dissatisfaction. She could have spent her life never knowing what it was to feel fully in control of her own life. Even if her life wouldn't ever be easy again, at least it would be her own.

  She Fills Me Up

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A First Time Lesbian Romance

  I grew up not knowing what it feels like to be loved. There's an empty space in my heart that never gets filled, no matter what I do. I don't get attention from my mother, so I get it from strangers. After all, no matter what happens in life, it's good to know that someone out there wants you. And sometimes, I just want to be needed every once in a while. One romp in my past lingers in my memory – of a beautiful woman with eyes like the pacific Ocean.


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