Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 67

by Kristine Robinson

  “Come and sit down,” she invited.

  The red glow, from a lava lamp on her bedside table, added a pink hue to her face. I suddenly wondered if that’s what she looked like after having sex. I shook my head and stared quickly down at my laptop.

  “Okay,” I said, “I thought we could take a look at the Chapter 1 and 2 summary for a start and then see if there are any specific things we need to focus on,” I rattled off.

  “Sure!” she said.

  Jenna put her iPad down, turned and looked at me. My eyes couldn’t help wandering back to the full curves under her t-shirt.

  “Wow!” she said, “I’m a lesbian and even I don’t stare like you do!”

  She leaned back, making her breasts more prominent. She wasn’t shy.

  “I – err – no, I’m not-”

  I looked down again and couldn’t find anywhere to escape to. The room suddenly seemed stifling. I got up quickly off the bed and put my laptop under my arm.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, without looking at her, “I’ve got to go.”

  I only remembered to exhale as I reached the stairs that led down to my floor. Why was I staring at her like that, I thought. No other women had the same effect on me.

  Well almost no other women. At a party in my senior year in high school, I had been watching from the side lines as usual and my gaze fell upon one of my classmates. She had her arm resting on a dark wood piano and was kissing a boy from my class. I watched her turn her head as she kissed him. They kissed for a long time. I looked down at her legs leading up and up to her short, tight dress. She had been advertising for sure and got a sale! I looked at the curve of her firm butt and her small breasts peaking slightly out of the top of her dress. I suddenly wanted to be the boy who was kissing her, as I felt a warm sensation developing between my legs. My pussy started to throb. I had dismissed the incident as normal confusing teenage hormones, but now I felt the same thing for Jenna.

  Chapter 3

  I checked the corridor as I headed into the main entrance to the res. No Jenna. Safe. For the next two days I constantly checked for her head of green hair and ducked out of sight whenever I saw it. I was able to eventually forget my foolishness when I heard the news from our professor one afternoon. We were going to be visiting my “Mecca” at the end of the week! I immediately messaged a friend from my High School engineering club.

  “OMG! We’re going to visit the Seattle SpaceX!”

  “No ways!” he replied, “I’m totally jealous!”

  The night before the trip I could not get to sleep. SpaceX was my dream place to work and they had internships too. I was a good student, but I didn’t think I would be one of the select few chosen for their internship programs.

  I looked at my mobile at 21:09, when a message came through.

  “You betta post lots of pics!” it read.

  In Grade 11, our science team had come third in the Team America Rocketry challenge and in our final year, our satellite had come second in the CubeSat Launch Initiative! We had a brilliant teacher who inspired us to always persevere and never be afraid to do things differently. I had a photo of him and our CubeSat team on my desk.

  Eventually exhaustion weighed down my eyelids and kept them closed for a few hours. I woke up a few seconds before my alarm and jumped out of bed. I had already laid out my clothes for the day. My brother had treated me to extra cash and I’d bought a new top and a pair of jeans. The writing on the t-shirt was probably a bit corny, but I loved it. It read: “Mars or bust!” It was the perfect day to wear it, anyhow. I sent my brother a picture of it and he replied: “lol. Still such a nerd!”

  He hadn’t gone to study further after school, but was making some decent money as a professional waiter at a swanky Italian restaurant in Seattle. I was the first one in my family to go to University and my parents always reminded me how proud they were. I hated it when they did it in front of my brother though. I had idealized him when I was growing up. He always had lots of friends and was able to make new friends easily, unlike me. The only place I fitted in was with the nerds, but I finally began to enjoy the company of the geek gang in high school.

  As our bus pulled up outside the SpaceX building, I took a photo of the building signage and posted it online. All four of my geek crew responded within minutes.


  The professor insisted I complete an application for the summer internship at SpaceX, but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t think I stood a chance. That wasn’t the only thing on my mind as I watched the university fountain from the lab window. I had to talk to Jenna. If she would talk to me. I messaged her at the end of class.

  “Can we meet this evening?”

  As I walked to my next class, I checked my mobile twice for a response, but no messages came through. After class, I headed back to the res and took a nap. When I woke up and checked the time it was already past five. I saw a flashing message icon on the screen though and quickly pressed it.

  She’d agreed to meet me at a nearby coffee shop off campus at 19:00.

  “I’ll c u there,” I replied quickly.

  I hoped it wasn’t too late to reply, but my mobile beeped in response a second later. She sent a smiley face!

  I arrived at the cozy coffee shop early. A two-piece female band was doing a sound check on the small stage in the corner. I found an empty sofa on the far side, opposite the stage and ordered a hot chocolate. I needed to warm up and wake up from my post-nap grogginess.

  The bell at the door tinkled and I looked up into Jenna’s face. She was right on time. Her green hair peaked out from underneath a floppy woolen hat.

  “Hi Jenna,” I said.

  “Hi Kaela,” she replied, “It’s great to see you again!”

  I smiled and exhaled slowly. Maybe she wasn’t as mad at me as I thought. She sat down and took off her half gloves.

  “I’m sorry for running out on you the other night,” I said.

  I studied the mosaic pattern on the table.

  “It was very rude,” I added.

  “No worries,” Jenna responded immediately, “I know I freak people out sometimes, being so direct.”

  I sat up straight suddenly as she put her hand on top of mine. She giggled and I slowly relaxed and giggled too. We listened to the band playing folk songs on their acoustic guitars and got to know more about each other.

  “I was confused,” I said, “I’ve never felt like that –”

  “For a woman?” Jenna finished.

  I nodded. “For a woman,” I said, “I’ve always been more into science than people, to be honest.”

  “Well you’re real cute for a geek,” Jenna joked.

  “But seriously,” she added, “If you need someone to talk to about your feelings or anything, I’m here.”

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  I looked at the sheets of rain outside and told her about my background. I hadn’t told anyone else at the university. I mentioned my exciting trip earlier in the week too and the internship. She insisted I apply.

  “Come on Kaela, go for it!” she implored, “Promise me you’ll do it!”

  I finally promised I would. The following afternoon I clicked the ‘send’ button and sighed. What were the chances, I thought, as the screen responded “Thank you for your application.” Jenna’s voice popped into my head. “You’re perfect for it!” I laughed and was about to close the laptop’s lid, when a strange icon popped up on the bottom of the screen. It was a video of two girls kissing. Where had that come from, I wondered? I wouldn’t usually click on dodgy links, but my finger went ahead and clicked anyway.

  The landing page showed very attractive young women, mostly with tattoos and piercings. They reminded me of Jenna with their multicolor shaved and spiked hair and alternative dress sense.

  A girl with short spikey white hair and a full-sleeve sugar-skull tattoo caught my attention. She had an almond-shaped face, pale skin and was sitting on the ground with her legs up against her chest. She h
ad a petite body. I clicked on her profile and watched her intro video.

  She was dressed in vintage lingerie; a black bustier, frilly purple panties, suspenders and old-school stockings, with a single stripe up the back of the leg. She turned and beckoned me to follow her.

  “You sit there,” she said, pointing to a chair.

  The camera swung around to face her from the chair.

  “Good!” she said and winked.

  Swamp country music played in the background as she began to sashay around the empty bar. She swayed her hips to the music and leaned forward, giving me a better view of her cleavage. Her breasts peaked out over her bustier and disappeared as she swung around and exposed her frilly butt to the camera. I wanted to lean forward and slap it with my hand, but then she did it herself and I giggled.

  A few seconds later, the camera swung to a doorway and another girl appeared. She was taller and curvier. Her breasts were large and reminded me of Jenna’s. The petite girl came back into the frame and pulled the other girl close. She brought her bright red lips to the other girls and they kissed.

  The screen faded and a message popped up.

  “Want to see more?” it read.

  “Register now and we can play!”

  I sighed. Just when I was enjoying the view!


  “How did you know I love Star Trek?”

  I looked down at the two tickets to the Museum of Pop Culture in Jenna’s hand.

  “Good guess!” she replied, “I love them too!”

  I grinned at her broader than the Cheshire cat.


  In response, she jumped up and down and waved the tickets around.

  “Oh yeah!” she replied, “And we’ve got to dress up for the occasion!”

  Jenna wore a short red Star Trek dress, when we went to the exhibition. Her long legs looked great, but I wasn’t willing to expose my short legs to the world. She danced around in a circle, when I opened my dorm room door and I couldn’t help staring again. And she couldn’t help teasing me for it.

  “You like this huh?” she said, sticking her rear in my direction.

  I straightened my back and scowled at her.

  “Inappropriate behavior, lieutenant!” I joked.

  “Yes, commander!” she replied and mock saluted me.

  When Jenna stepped off the “Borg” display at the exhibition, I started a barrage of questions.

  “Whoa!” she said, “We sure could use a ‘collective mind’ now!” she joked.

  “Jenna!” I said, shaking my head.

  “Okay, okay,” she replied, “I’ve always known I was different. I’d say I knew for sure that I was lesbian from about ten years old.”

  I nodded as I walked closer to the original Star Trek uniforms on display.

  “And yes, I have had sex with a woman before,” she continued, “it just feels right to me.”

  We arrived at the display with the same dress Jenna was wearing.

  “There it is!” I cried, “Go stand next to her! We have to take a photo!”

  Jenna leaped next to the exhibition model and I framed them up in my mobile screen.

  “Awesome!” I said.

  I thought she looked cuter than the model, but I may have been a bit biased.

  “Are you attracted to men and women?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” I replied.

  I turned to the weapons display and sighed. I didn’t feel ready to tell her I was a virgin, even though it was easy to talk to her.

  “It’s okay,” Jenna said, “It can be pretty confusing.”

  “Thanks for understanding,” I said.

  We walked into the room which displayed the old Star Trek ship’s command area and we both whooped with delight. I was glad for the distraction, as we rushed closer. I had never had a female friend who enjoyed sci-fi before and was really enjoying Jenna’s company. I felt good when I was around her, but the more time I spent with her, the more my other strange feelings for her grew.


  The next time I was in Jenna’s room, I didn’t run away. I leant up against the wall on the far side of her bed.

  “What’s it like to kiss another woman?” I asked her.

  She took a bite of a nectarine she was eating, put it back on the plate and shuffled closer. My shoulders pressed against the wall.

  “Wha-” I began.

  My question was abruptly ended as her lips met mine. The sweet juice of the nectarine moistened her lips and tantalized my tongue. I expected her to pull away after a second, but she didn’t. Her tongue locked onto mine and twirled around it like a DNA chain. As her soft lips played with mine, I felt a strange feeling. It came from below my stomach, from between my legs. It was a throbbing sensation and all I knew was that I didn’t want her to stop. I had never kissed a guy like that before, and after kissing Jenna, didn’t think I would ever want to.

  After a few seconds, which felt more like minutes, she pulled away. I stared at her.

  “And?” she asked.

  I blinked and couldn’t respond.

  “I – err -”

  “Wow!” I added.

  “Did you like it?” she asked.

  All I could do was nod my head and grin at her. Her light blue eyes lit up as she laughed.

  “Can we do that again?” I joked.

  Jenna sat back on the bed. “Hmm, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  Didn’t she like me, I wondered. Maybe I wasn’t her type.

  “You’re still figuring things out, Kaela,” she replied, “I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  Oh please do, I thought, looking down at her bed covers.

  “Besides, I think I’m starting to develop feelings for you,” she added.

  I looked up quickly. Her eyes were open wide, like a manga character, waiting for me to respond. I couldn’t think of anything else to say as the blood rushed to my cheeks and I looked away.

  “Ditto,” was all I came up with.

  She put her hand on top of mine. Its warmth seeped through into my tingling skin. When I looked back her, her smile made me relax.

  “Maybe we should take things slow,” she said.

  I knew that was a good idea, but all I wanted to do was pull her closer and kiss her sweet, fruity lips.

  Chapter 4

  “You’re going to love it!” Jenna said.

  She had convinced me to go to a lesbian hangout in town, but now that the night had arrived, I wasn’t feeling so convinced anymore.

  The sign inside read “Beware of pickpockets and loose women!” I sniggered and sipped the virgin citrus cocktail Jenna handed me. I was usually tucked up in my single bed with a book by that time of the night, but there I was out at a lesbian hangout!

  “I want to introduce you to some of my friends,” Jenna said.

  She led me to a corner of the room where a group of women were seated around a table. They looked older than Jenna and I, and I immediately put up my defenses. Jenna took hold of my hand, out of the view of the other ladies. I exhaled slowly and tried to smile.

  “Nice to meet you, Kaela!”

  And it was nice to meet them too. They all chatted to me and made me feel welcome immediately. I watched two ladies kissing on the dancefloor and felt a warmth developing between my legs, like when Jenna had kissed me. I tried not to stare, but found it hard not to.

  “How you doing?” Jenna asked.

  I peeled my eyes away from the two women and tucked a strand of my straightened hair behind my ear.

  “Great!” I said, “I like it here!”

  “Oh good!” Jenna replied.

  I glanced back at the dancefloor, but when I felt Jenna’s hand on my thigh underneath the table, I quickly turned back to our corner. I smiled at her and she didn’t move her hand. We hadn’t done anything other than kiss since the first time she’d kissed me. I couldn’t believe it was already a month ago.

; “You said you do karate,” one of Jenna’s friends asked. “I do too,” she added.

  “Yeah,” I replied, “What style?”

  “Kyokushin,” she said, “And you?”


  When I looked closer at her, I suddenly noticed that her nose was slightly crooked.

  She laughed. “Yes, it was broken in karate,” she said.

  I felt my cheeks glow and leaned back in my chair.

  “But I still love it!” she continued, “You should come and watch one of our classes, Kaela!”

  “Yeah, Ginny took out a bouncer once. It was amazing!” Jenna said.

  Ginny laughed and mock punched the air. I did miss my training, I realized. The exercise and constant challenge did keep me sane, or at least saner. Maybe I would go and watch a class. I didn’t have to join. My sensei would be disappointed if I joined another school, but would probably be happy if I picked up training again.

  Jenna moved her hand off my thigh and I missed its warmth immediately, but I would feel more of her warmth and her adventurous hands later that night.

  When I walked into the bathroom, before we left, I saw the same two girls from the dancefloor. They were kissing again, in an open stall. They weren’t just kissing though. The taller girl, with long black hair down to her waist, had her hands up underneath the other girl’s sweater. They both turned and looked at me.

  “Come join us, sexy!” the black haired one said.

  I looked behind me and then stepped into their stall. The shorter girl pushed me up against the wall. I breathed in deeply and exhaled quickly as she leaned closer and kissed my neck.

  “Ouch!” I cried.

  She pulled away and giggled. She’d bitten my neck! I didn’t know how I was going to explain that mark! Then I felt the other woman’s hands on my breasts. She squeezed them over my bra. I groaned and pulled the shorter one closer. I pressed my lips against hers.

  Jenna had awoken something in me. She’d stirred up my body and my desires! And they demanded satisfaction immediately!


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