Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 81

by Kristine Robinson


  The air outside was crisp and nice. It held that promise of cooler temperatures as the street lights came on. I needed a few things and headed toward the corner grocery. It was a small place that bordered a couple of neighborhoods. I came here often as it was the grocery most convenient to my apartment.

  The store did a fair amount of business and this evening was no exception. I got in line behind a tall man and looked around at the odds and ends that were displayed in the impulse buy area. I sighed in a bored manner. Behind me, I heard someone clear their throat, and I glanced behind me at the person. My heart stomach dropped, and my irritation surged. Tori was behind me in line. Her hair as perfect as ever even in her dressed downed clothes.

  "Miss Shelton," Tori said blandly in her professional tone.

  I was not at work, and I felt irate that my private time I had been invaded by this woman who made my work life hell. "I don't believe it," I muttered.

  "Nice to see you, as well," Tori said in a tone that I swear sounded sarcastic.

  I ground my teeth together. "I might have to put up with you during work but--"

  My tirade got cut short as a man burst through the doors yelling, "This is a robbery!" The man wore dark clothes with a ski mask pulled over his face. I saw the flash of movement and stared at the gun the man raised as he yelled, "Everyone, stay still!" The robber looked over at the cashier and tossed him a sack. "Empty the register," the man barked out at the cashier.

  The cashier was an older gentleman, and the man's face was set in hard lines of disgust as he reached down. To my surprise, the cashier brought up a gun and aimed it at the robber. "Not in my store," the cashier growled out. I knew what was going to happen, but could not move. I felt Tori crash into my side and knock me to the floor. The woman covered me protectively as the gunshots rang out. There was clang of the doors and Tori looked around. The robber had fled, and the cashier was already dialing the police.

  I was stunned and stayed on the floor shaking. I had never been in a robbery before. What was I supposed to do? "Are you okay?" Tori asked.

  I looked up at the woman who was still leaning over me. I saw the softness in her eyes, the concern that I had never seen before. I blinked up at her through tears and shook my head. "I don't know," I said honestly. "Is he gone?"

  "Yeah," Tori said softly. "Come on, let's get you up," she said in a firm but gentle voice. Tori helped me to my feet. Once I was standing, Tori stayed close by, and her hand stayed protectively at my elbow as she guided me out the door to one of the benches set up outside. I sank down gratefully on the cold stone bench. "The shock will wear off," Tori softly said as she sat down beside me.

  I nodded. Maybe it would. Right then I just sat and replayed the scene in my head. If Tori had not have been there, if she had not pushed me down, I shook my head as tears welled up in my eyes. I blinked at a gentle pressure on my shoulder. Tori watched me with concern filled eyes. After a moment, I burst into tears. I leaned into the woman who wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. She whispered to me, but the words were lost in the sound of my sobs.

  Chapter 3

  The police came after a few minutes, and we all gave our accounts of what had happened. When the police told me I could leave, I numbly scooped up my purse. "Let me walk you home," Tori softly said as she walked over to me.

  I started to tell her not to bother, that I was fine, but instead, I just nodded. We fell into step beside each other as I pointed down the street. "I live just over there," I said as I wiped a stray tear from my cheek. I wondered how weak this made me look to Tori. Somehow, I felt like she would give me, even more, grief than normal.

  When we got to my building, Tori walked up with me. I did not mind. After the shock of the robbery, I felt vulnerable and jumpy. Every corner and shadow seemed just a bit more threatening to me. "Home sweet home," I mumbled as I unlocked my door. Tori came in with me.

  "Let's get some tea in you to calm your nerves," Tori said conversationally. She sounded like she just wanted to talk, so I let her. I understood the feeling of just needing to do something. I nodded and followed her into the kitchen. I laid things out, and she set about making up some tea for us. It had taken a little time before we were seated at the kitchen table sipping the warm beverages.

  We did not bother much with small talk. We just sat there and drank our teas while each of us was lost in thought. The night was quiet. It is odd how quiet it is after something like that happens. It is as if everything holds its breath until it is sure that the worst is over.

  "You seem much calmer," Tori said as she finished her tea.

  I nodded. "I am. Thank you," I said uncomfortably. I had been about to tell this woman off in the store, and now here we were. Life was so odd sometimes. I noted how blue her eyes were as she studied me for a moment. There was an odd flutter in my stomach that made me blush.

  "Don’t mention it," Tori said. "Get some rest and if you need to feel free to take tomorrow off." She stood up, and I followed her toward the door of my apartment.

  I shook my head and assured her, "I'll be fine."

  Tori just gave me a nod before she slipped out the front door. I leaned against the door and sighed.


  That night my dreams seemed to seek out Tori at every turn. I saw her on streets that were both familiar and foreign. I even saw her sitting at a family dinner that I knew she was not at. At the end of the dinner, I followed her. She waited for me in the hallway and grabbed me when I walked near. Before the blink of an eye, she was kissing me in a deeply possessive way. My knees felt weak, and I trembled in the demanding woman's arms.

  I wanted her approval. I was hungry for her approval suddenly as if it was all that mattered. Whatever she wanted me to do, I knew that I would do it for her without reservation. She kissed me, and I succumbed to her. I undressed for her pleasure and danced for her. She sat haughtily on a throne above me, and I felt this right and fitting.

  My body ached for her to touch me but Tori sat motionless and passive as she watched me through emotionless eyes. I whimpered, "Why won't you touch me?"

  "You aren't perfect, yet," Tori said blandly. She dismissed me with a wave of her hand and guards seized me. I screamed and begged, but Tori paid me no attention.

  My eyes came open, and I groaned. Did I seriously just dream about my boss? I had to get a grip. I had to see the woman the next day I could not have visions of me dancing naked for her flashing behind my eyelids. Even in the dream though Tori had confused me. At first, she was hot and demanding; then she was aloof and indifferent. Which was the real Tori?


  The next morning Tori seemed no different. I took stock of the woman as I watched her throughout the day. Some people had heard about the robbery and asked me about it as they knew I lived close by. No one seemed to know that Tori was even involved in the incident.

  "Tori?" Danny looked at me in disbelief.

  With a nod, I assured him, "I'm serious. I would be dead if Tori didn't push me down."

  "Hard to imagine that," Danny said thoughtfully. "If she did all that, why do you think she's brushing it off?"

  I did not have a clue. I just shook my head. My eyes went to the glass wall of the meeting room where Tori was talking with the accountants about some new guidelines. She seemed as calm and cool as ever. Her hair was impeccably styled in her angled bob. She gave the appearance that nothing exciting had happened to her in her whole life. I knew differently, though.

  As I watched her, my dream came to mind, and I flushed as I remembered the feel of her kiss in the dream. Danny gave me a weird look, but I just shrugged it off.

  Maybe robberies were not what Tori considered exciting, I mused. I mulled over it for the next couple days before I realized that my thinking had shifted where the blond woman was concerned. Before I had viewed her as my boss, now I saw her as a woman. She was not just some cold, emotionless monster here to tear apart my work life. No, Tori, was warm and brave. S
he was also undeniably attractive.

  I did not need my dreams to tell me that the woman's plump breasts beckoned the eye. More times than I could count, my eyes went to the curve of her hips as she moved about the office. I wondered what she looked like without all those clothes in the way.

  After my revelation, I came into work ready to show her that I was interested. Being nice and helpful would be a great start, I decided. I offered to help and complimented her ideas, her wardrobe and everything else I could think of just shy of actually holding up a sign. Tori remained stubbornly aloof and professional. She did seem to talk more to me, but there was never any emotion behind it. The woman seemed wholly focused on her job. Tori was an intense person, and maybe that's just how she coped. I funneled myself into my work when I needed clarity. She very well could be doing the same thing.

  "Hey, Tori," I said as I popped my head into her office gave the blond a warm smile. "Danny is going out to grab lunches. Do you want anything?"

  Tori did not look up as she shook her head. "No. Thank you," she said in a distracted tone of voice. Files were piled up to one side of her desk in a neat stack. Tori seemed to be focused on whatever document was in front of her.

  "Okay then," I said as I let the door close. I sighed and walked on. What did it honestly take to get the woman's attention?

  The next day I brought her some coffee with everyone else's orders even though she had not asked for any. "Brought you some coffee. It's just how you like it," I cheerfully said as I came in and sat the cup down carefully. "Two sugars, hold the creamer," I said as the woman picked up the coffee and took a sip.

  "Thank you," Tori said. The woman's eyes barely acknowledged me. "Did you need something else?"

  I said softly, "No and you are welcome. Have a great day."

  Tori mumbled something that sounded like, "You too." I left the office with my shoulders sagging. No matter how I approached the woman, nothing seemed to get through to her.

  If Tori appreciated my new warmth, she certainly did not let on. A few weeks had passed with no acknowledgment before I began to wonder if she just was not into me or perhaps was not into women at all. It was entirely possible she was not into women. She certainly had never given me any indication that she was.

  Danny and I were out at a job site when I asked him in a conspiratorial tone, "Do you think Tori is gay?"

  The man's reaction was priceless. He knew that I was a lesbian, and he had no problem with that, but the look on his face was as if his brain had blown a circuit. "Uh, I wasn't aware robots dated," he said finally with a lopsided grin.

  I had to laugh. I suppose Tori did act robotic at times. "She has to date, though, right?" I asked no one in particular.

  "Sure. I'm not sure what species that would be, but sure," Danny said with a chuckle.

  Danny was forever making jokes. Get him the least bit uncomfortable, and Danny would try pulling out every corny joke and pun he knew. I gave the man an indulgent smile. We had worked together for several years, and I considered him a friend. "Okay, no more intimate questions. Let's talk about this hot tub's dimensions," I said with a laugh.

  "Now that I can do," Danny said with relief.

  "Are you still coming to my house for TV night?" TV night was a night where Danny and a couple of other friends of mine came over to my apartment. Mostly we watched old TV shows. Each week one person in the group got to bring their favorite old TV show to share with the group.

  "I wouldn't miss it. It's my turn this week," Danny said as he rubbed his hands together evilly.

  I laughed, "Are you bringing 'Andy Griffith' again?"

  "No," Danny said firmly. "I learned my lesson the hard way last time."

  "Well, Gloria had a point. You can't show that particular show without having some dessert. They are always eating dessert," I said with a smile but patted him on the shoulder. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be great. I'll see you Sunday."

  We quickly turned our talk back to the hot tub that we were standing over, but I was still smiling at Danny's lighthearted antics. Did it matter if Tori was gay? No, but sadly I had begun to crush on the emotionless woman


  I had finally found it. My centerfold project of the year. I stared at the 1920s home and smiled. The owners had bought the fixer-upper as an investment and now wanted it turned into their dream home. The house had great bones. I admired the architecture. This would be several months' worth of work but worth every hour of it.

  Armed with my planning book in hand, I unlocked the front door and went inside. I had all the owner's likes, dislikes, color swatches, themes, everything they could want to be thrown onto these sturdy bones and made into a living space they would cherish. That day was spent sketching and pooling every ounce of creativity I had.

  It was late when I got back to the office. Tori's light was still on, and I could see her blond head bent over studying something on her desk. The offices were mostly glass, and I watched her work for a moment before I screwed up my courage to pop my head through the glass door to her office. "Working late?" I asked lamely.

  Tori's head came up like she had not been aware of me until then. "Yes," she said in a distracted tone of voice before looking back down.

  "Okay," I said softly. "Good night."

  Tori mumbled something that could have been "Good night." I sighed and went on down the hallway to my office where I deposited my planner before I headed home for the night. It had been a long day, and I wanted nothing more than to have a long soak in the tub. As excited as I was about the new project I was just as downtrodden about my lack of forward movement with Tori. The woman had seemed increasingly distracted as of late. I wanted to ask her about it, but I did not feel we were close enough to even going through the robbery together.


  The next day I vowed to try again with Tori. I should just ask her if I wanted to know something. I thought we had been getting a bit closer, but I felt the time I had come for some drastic action on my part. When I made it to the office, I saw Deon in Tori's office. I frowned a bit but went and looked around the building. Tori was always here at this time.

  When I could not find the blond woman, I went back to the director's office and saw Deon filling out some paperwork still. I pushed the door open, and Deon looked up with a smile. "Morning, Kate," Deon said with a bright smile as he signed off on what looked like a form for the city.

  "Morning," I said. I looked around at the room for a moment then asked, "Where's Tori?"

  Deon shook his head. "Had to send her to the office up in Vermont. It's a mess up there," he said in a tone of disgust. "She'll sort it out in no time, I'm sure."

  "Yeah," I said softly. Tori had left without even so much as telling me. Well, that put things firmly in perspective for me. Tori was not interested in me and probably was not even gay. I sighed. When Deon gave me a quizzical look, I just shrugged. "Gotta get out to the new project. See you, Deon," I said with a smile and wave.

  The spunky man gave me a wave back as he clicked his pen with determination. He was wrestling the forms when I left. Armed with my plans, measuring equipment, and sketch pad, I drove back to my project house with the determination that today I was going to get the house designs mapped out and decide on which room to start in even as I shoved Tori out of my mind. The best way to rid yourself of bad energy was to pour all of your energy into something, or at least that was my theory, so I poured all of the energy I had wasted on Tori into my project and was rewarded with the progress I made.

  Chapter 4

  The project came along nicely over that first week. I was pleased with its progression as the week drew to a close. Still pleased with myself, I whistled a soft song as I looked through the frozen yogurts and picked a couple of flavors that I thought looked nice. I made my way through the store occasionally thinking about the robbery or Tori but mostly picking up some food for the weekend and week to come.

  The line was long at the register, and I queued up b
ehind the last person without paying much attention to the person in front of me. "Long wait, huh?" A voice made me look up. A dark-haired woman gave me a smile. "Sorry, just bored," She said apologetically.

  "It's fine. It does look like we are in for a long wait," I said as I looked over the five people ahead of us in line. "I don't think I have seen you in here before. Do you live near here?"

  The woman nodded. "Just moved into a building up on East Avenue," she said as she nodded in the direction of her home. I was familiar with East Avenue.


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