Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 110

by Kristine Robinson

  “Thank you,” Cronkite said. “You look amazing as always. I'm sure that Lexie told you that me and her had a thing before we found out about how I taught at the school she went to. We never did anything, if that matters to you, but we should have! I mean, now it seems to turn Lexie off a little bit, because she's a serious person and thinks about the impact it would have on my job.”

  “That's good point, I'd never thought about how it could get you in trouble,” Stephanie said. “I mean, I guess I knew that it could, but I just never thought about it. It's crazy to think that the school could come in here and all of sudden decide that you don't have a job anymore because you decided to meet some of your students at a bowling place.”

  Lexie was walking across the bowling alley with two pairs of shoes.

  “Looks like you ladies will need to check out what stones you'll be throwing down the lanes,” Cronkite said. “That's really the best part about all of this, being able to whip a big, heavy ball down toward a bunch of pins that are going to go flying. It makes me feel powerful, like I could break anything. Although maybe it's a little silly to equate the ability to destroy with actual power. Real power isn't like that inherently.”

  Stephanie loved the way that Cronkite slipped into talking about political theory so easily. It was nice to be around someone who thought about things in a bigger light than what was going on in the next five minutes, or what was going to happen at the next party. Stephanie was so sick of people thinking shallow thoughts and acting shallowly.

  “Tell me about yourself,” Stephanie said. “I know that sounds kind of corny, especially because we see each other so often. But really, I don't know that much about you. And I'd like to know more.”

  “Well,” Cronkite said. “I graduated from high school a number of years early. That allowed me to springboard ahead of peers and start doing my own thing. So I took college classes and a bunch of other stuff that helped me prepare for not only undergraduate but also graduate level classes. It was a rocky road for a long time, but now things are really paying off.”

  “I bet it was so much work,” Stephanie said. “I'm glad that you made it through all of that, though. It sounds like it was quite the experience.”

  “It was,” Cronkite said. “But I wouldn't be who I am today without it. Now let's bowl!”

  Bowling was a fun distraction, and one that the three women could hold an ongoing conversation while still being engage in it. It wasn't like sports where you had to be completely locked in or things would be missed. It was something paced well, and relaxing. It wasn't something that made her grit her teeth, or wish that she could have a drink to calm her down. Lexie and Cronkite were having an equally good time, and there was no awkwardness between the two. Stephanie was a little bit relieved that they hadn't done anything, but she also knew that was a silly thing to be relieved about. So what if they had done something. It didn't matter. Emotional connections were so much stronger than physical ones. But whatever kind of relationship they used to have, it seemed to Stephanie like it have become a warm and welcoming friendship. That was something that Stephanie found attractive about Cronkite, the way she'd been able to foster a relationship and not just have bad blood between her and someone that she'd liked a lot. Because, as Stephanie was painfully aware, there wasn't any assurance that things were going to work out between her and Cronkite, so she liked to know that it wasn't going to turn into some super shitty situation that no one wanted to be a part of.

  Bowling slowly played out, and everyone scored fairly well. No one was super concerned with who won, because they'd really been playing to get to know each other and that seemed to have worked out pretty well.

  “Well, it was nice hanging out,” Cronkite said. “Sorry that I made Lexie come with, but I think both of you are so cute together! I'll tell you what, why don't you both come to my piano recital tomorrow and we'll make a date of it! The three of us! I know it sounds a little extravagant, but really it isn't at all. I happen to be really good friends with the guy who runs the place, so there isn't any chance that things will go wrong. And we'll be able to sit in at a table all our own, elevated above everyone and off to the left of the stage a little bit. It really is totally worth it, and I think we should totally do it. But you and Lexie would have to want to as well, so I hope you both say yes!”

  “Yes!” Stephanie and Lexie said at the same time.

  They left the bowling alley feeling like the world was their oyster, like there was nothing in the world that could go wrong and they would conquer all. And maybe they would! Stephanie wasn't counting anything out.

  “What do you think of this dinner thing? You know Cronkite better than me,” Stephanie said. “I'm not sure what to make of it. I mean, it sounds pretty cool, and I'm not hating on it at all, but at the same time it's a lot of pressure. And won't people be able to see us? I guess she probably would have thought of that if it was a thing. Maybe it's not a thing, I don't know.”

  “I think it'll be blast,” Lexie said. “And I also think there is a really good chance that she'll want to take both of us home, so to speak. I know that might sound a little bit forward, or fast, or whatever, but this is exactly what she likes to do. And I'm into it, don't get me wrong, but you need to figure out if you're into it as well so you can either tell me that it's all good if I come, or maybe I should stay home? I don't know!”

  Stephanie wrinkled her noes while she drove back to their apartment.

  “It would seem really weird to not have you there,” Stephanie said. “And if Cronkite and I slept together, that would be so cool if you were part of it! I mean, holy shit! That would be a super awesome bonding experience and something that we could look back on for the rest of our lives!”

  Lexie giggled.

  “I'm glad that you see it that way,” Lexie said. “Because a lot of people are so narrow minded that they don't see it that way at all. The way that see it is this—if someone else sleeps with the person I want to sleep with, then I need become upset. But it doesn't have to be that way! And isn't for me, I can assure.”

  Stephanie smiled. She knew that she could count on Lexie to say the right things. And she was eternally grateful for the way that Lexie had hooked her up with Cronkite. It really was something special—Lexie was a great friend.

  “Lexie, I just want you to know that I think you're a great friend,” Stephanie said. “And I'm not just saying that because of, well, you know. I'm saying it because I mean it and I want to.”

  Lexie smiled big and nuzzled the top of her head against Stephanie's shoulder.

  “Well, Stephanie,” Lexie said. “I just want you to know that you're my best friend, so I want the best for you. And that sometimes includes something that I think, or thought, was the best for me. It's like Christmas gifts, you don't get people stuff that you don't want. You get people stuff that is so awesome you want it, even though you know it's for someone else.”

  When they got to the apartment they snuggled on the couch. Each talked about what they were going to wear to the recital tomorrow, and how good they were going to look in it. Each one knew that Cronkite would look like a million bucks, and that everyone there would know that two young, beautiful women were there with her. Maybe people would assume that they were friends, but then again it probably wouldn't take too much critical thinking to figure out that Stephanie and Lexie were with Cronkite in a capacity besides just friendship. Maybe people would keep their minds out of the gutter, but that would certainly be a first.

  The next evening arrived before either of them new it, and both of them were dressed to kill. Stephanie wore an all black satin outfit that clung to her like a drowning man claws at a buoy in the ocean, and Lexie wore a demure white dress that should off her cleavage a little bit.

  Both of them were ready to see how many people were going to be at this musical event, and how well dressed everyone else was. They both looked ready for a very nice evening out on the town, but they got the feeling that some of
the people in the audience were going to be wearing diamonds that cost as much as all of Stephanie and Lexie's accumulative college debt.

  Stephanie and Lexie both rode together to Cronkite's house, and from there they hopped into a limousine and started the trek to the super nice side of town. Not that Cronkite lived on the bad side of town at all, it was just that Ames had just went through another massive wave of gentrification, so places that used to be pretty nice were now completely awesome. It was kind of strange to think about, but around this giant auditorium that served as venue for all sorts of things were a bunch of super rich, mostly retired white folk. They were all nice enough, but it meant that, most of the time, only a certain kind of play or act came to town.

  “I'm so glad that they're letting me play,” Stephanie said. “Finally! I mean, I've been telling them I'm amazing on the keys for years, and how long did it take them to book me? Nearly half a decade. It's just so silly sometimes how slow to respond people are. I totally get that there are ways to do things right, and ways to do things wrong, but I want things done on a time frame that isn't so long!”

  Stephanie listened and wondered what it was like to be a woman and be that successful. It must have been a good feeling, considering how many people were coming just to listen to her play.

  “You girls enjoy yourself as you set above everyone else and eat your dinner,” Cronkite said “It actually wasn't a big deal at all to have another seat added. No one even asked me. If they would have I wouldn't have really explained anyway because it's kind of none of their business.”

  The ride to the auditorium seemed to fly by. Soon they were parked outside, stepping out of the limo onto a red carpet. It was an amazing feeling to walk down the carpet with her arm intertwined with Cronkite's. Lexie was with them the whole way, and when the three ladies walked in, an packed house of thousands of people jumped to their feet and roared their approval.

  Stephanie and Lexie took a seat while Cronkite made her way over to the piano. She started slow, choosing to lead out with a piece that Stephanie knew but couldn't place, then moved into her own music. It was wonderful to listen to her play, the way the notes sounded. It wasn't like when a man plays and he really strikes each note with enough zest that the piano wire sings with a throaty zest, but instead the kind of light finesse that wasn't often seen when it came to pianists. Stephanie was really impressed, and she could tell that Lexie was as well. Because it wasn't easy to do what Cronkite was doing, and what was easy was allowing a passion to become a hobby, or just something one does to pass the time. That would have been the easy way out. But instead Cronkite struggled for years and years to learn how to play, and then she practiced for time untold, then she patiently waited for her time. And now it was her time.

  There was always something super sexy about musicians making love to their instruments and their music. Cronkite especially loved it, rocking back and forth ever so slowly on the piano's bench, smiling a small, innocent smile to herself. It really was awesome to see her have such an amazing time, and not just a fun time, but moments of intimacy and vulnerability.

  Eventually, after an hour or so of playing, Cronkite started to wrap everything up with a crescendo. It truly was moving, and Stephanie appreciated that Cronkite had decided to really put herself out there instead of throwing a softball and doing something safe. Stephanie could tell that the performance had been real, raw, and something that was unique in a one-of-a-kind sort of way.

  When Cronkite made it back to the table, the applause had been going for nearly twenty minutes and was still going strong.

  “They liked it! They really liked it,” Cronkite said. “I can't believe they're still applauding me!”

  After things had settled down they all three made their way back to the limo. Had been an amazing dinner and an even better performance. There was a lot to be said about someone who had studied their craft to the point of mastery being willing to share it with the rest of them. Cronkite was certainly one of those people, and Stephanie was glad that they were all three going home together. She wasn't sure yet what they would do, if anything, but she did know that she was ready for whatever came. She had a very real crush on Cronkite, and over the last day or so had started to cultivate one on Lexie as well. There had always been some kind of connection between her and Lexie, but usually they just played it off, neither one wanting to own up to the fact that they should probably be more than friends. But that could wait for another time, right now Stephanie was totally enthralled with what would happen after they got back to Cronkite's house, which they had just pulled up to.

  “I hope you ladies had a wonderful night,” Cronkite said. “It really, really makes me happy that you decided to come out. I know that you could have been doing a multitude of other things. Oh, and also, I want to tell you how absolutely fantastic both of you look. It really is great that I was made to feel so beautiful at your sides. And you know what? You really do need to believe me when I say that the two of you really do make me look more beautiful!”

  Cronkite was on cloud nine, and made everyone drinks before putting on music and dancing around. It was a nice vibe that Cronkite conjured up, with old school drinks and blues music. It made it seem like they were in another era, one that never really existed, where people could do whatever they wanted without being judged by society.

  “Come to me, Stephanie, I must teach you how to dance,” Cronkite said. “And you, as well, Lexie.”

  Cronkite spent the next hour having both of the girls dance with her and each other. Eventually Cronkite put her arms around both of them and started to kiss them all over. It was like being enraptured by something that was hard to explain, something that felt so right that Stephanie wondered why they hadn't been doing it the whole time. So all three women kissed with passion, with love, and with abandon. They groped each other gently, and slowly pulled each other's clothes off. It was one of those moments that each one of them knew they would want to savor forever. It was also one of those moments that was made completely hilarious when Cronkite bra tangled and both Stephanie and Lexie had to help her to remove it.

  “You ladies are something else,” Cronkite said. “I want you to go down on me, Stephanie. Please.”

  Stephanie pushed Cronkite back on the couch and slowly started kissing her way from her lips down to her navel, and then down even further. Cronkite writhed with pleasure, moaning, and pushing against the back of Stephanie's head.

  “Oh my God,” Cronkite said. “You feel so good! Please don't stop, please! You have no idea how long I've wanted you to do this. Since the first day I saw you in my class I knew that I had to have you like this. Oh, God, you're so good! A natural.”

  Stephanie loved the response she was getting from Cronkite, and how Lexie petted her hair and played with it while she was busy between Cronkite's thighs.

  “You're getting me there,” Cronkite said. “I'm close, just a little further. Don't stop, don't stop. Oh my God. Just like that. Yes, just like that.”

  Suddenly Cronkite's whole body went tense and she really pushed on the back of Stephanie's head.

  “I'm coming, I'm coming, don't stop,” Cronkite said. “Please don't stop.”

  But Stephanie had no intention of stopping because this is exactly what she'd wanted to have happen. She'd been hoping the whole recital that she'd be able to get Cronkite off quickly and smoothly with her tongue to start the night out, because after that it was always easy to get along and hang out. There wasn't ever that awkward sitting around like, “Well, I wish you would have got me off.” Now that Cronkite had been brought to orgasm, they could all really play.

  “Come here, baby,” Cronkite said. “That's right, Lexie, I'm talking to you. I want to eat your cute little sex while Stephanie goes down on me.”

  Lexie crawled across the bed to Stephanie and positioned her pelvis above Cronkite's head. Lexie slowly lowered her love flower to Cronkite's waiting mouth, and moaned as the more experienced lesbian worked Lexie's
love box with all the experience of a seasoned lover.

  “Oh my God,” Lexie said. “I can't believe that this is happening. This is so amazing. Oh my God.”

  Stephanie crawled around the other two women and lay on her back so that Lexie could easily eat her while she was being eaten by Cronkite. It was so much fun to watch all of it happen. Stephanie had no regrets about going through with it, and was glad that Lexie had pushed her to actually do something about her crush instead of just having a crush she never did anything about.

  “You're both so sexy,” ,” Stephanie said. “I can't believe that I'm so lucky that I get to play with both of you at the same time. It just seems so amazing to me that either of you are interested in me at all. I know that's probably a stupid thing to say in the middle of all this.”

  Lexie giggled, but couldn't really get much of a noise out because of her mouth being full. It was a strange predicament to be in, Stephanie found, when she wanted to talk to both of the women that were playing with her, but not being able to because of how the play was keeping her mouth fairly busy. There just wasn't enough mouths on her for her to completely indulge in her own whims, so instead she focused everything on going down on the beautiful sex in front of her.

  Stephanie ran her tongue through the folds, taking care to savor the taste of her lover like someone in the desert who might not ever be able to take a drink again about to leave a well. There seemed to be no end to the wonder of going down on another woman. It was so great to feel someone eating her, while she ate someone else. She realized somewhere in the back of her mind that contrary instructions might have been given, as they were, all three, connected head to the V of lady legs in front of them.

  Stephanie wasn't sure if she was going to have the same sort of orgasm that she did with a man that she did with a woman, or if things were going to be even better than that, somehow. Stephanie couldn't wait to find out, as she felt something strange, yet familiar, moving through her body. At first it was a tingle, but then it grew. As if a trickle in the side of a dam slowly growing to a raging torrent, it was an amazing thing to feel her body react to the stimulation that was being heaped on her from all sides.


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