Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 144

by Kristine Robinson

  So far, it's working.

  I'm just not so sure how much longer it will work for.

  Chapter Two

  Over the week for me, it's the same kind of routine. Attempt to pay attention in lectures. Get annoyed if the teacher is talking too fast or if they sound half asleep. Sometimes masturbate to certain salacious thoughts that make their way into my head. That sort of thing. I don't dare tell anyone about my thoughts, because I don't want them to think less of me. However, it gets to the point at times where I'm not sure how much longer I can keep the dreams to myself before I start acting out on them, and completely humiliating myself in college.

  I keep assuming that Peter will be the dominant one out of the three of them, and Dennis the shyest, though it's entirely possible I might be wrong. In the best case scenario that they're all chill with sexing it out with one another, it could be that Dennis is a demon in the sack. Could be.

  Anyway, I finish up my lesson, leaving me with two hours of free study and eating. I grab a burger from the canteen, craving hard, greasy shit, and I seem to offend the thin women who are grabbing their rabbit food, and there's a few fatties who are loading their trays up with grease. I'm not exactly a dream shape myself, but I'm thin enough to be comfortable, and there's no rib poking out of my skin, so that's something.

  Finishing my burger, I head off down the corridor to the music block, intending to head through the back entrance to experience the sunny day, maybe sit on a grassy knoll and catch up on the books I've been assigned to read. With the smell of freshly mown grass around me, I look forward to it. I casually glance into each door window as I pass, before grinding to a halt by Music Room 17B, when I see two very familiar figures seated in there. Dennis Caltruck and George Holman.

  George has a violin out, and he seems to be showing Dennis how it works. Dennis is tucked in a Doctor Who hoodie this time, and nods enthusiastically.

  I know at this point I'm being super nosy and potentially stalker like, but I creep closer to the glass to peer at them, liking how relaxed they are. My heart's pulsing a little faster from nervousness, from the idea of being accidentally discovered. All it takes is for one of them to glance in this direction, and I highly doubt I'll be able to dodge out of the way fast enough.

  Just as I'm willing myself to tear away and keep walking, a hand pats my shoulder. I bite back a squeal and leap to the side to register Peter Lawson standing there, larger than life, one blond eyebrow raised as he regards me with his light brown eyes.

  “Yo,” he says. “You were totally peeking at my friends, weren't you?”

  I flush bright red, and stammer, “I, uh, I'm just leaving. Bye.”

  “No. Wait. Stop. I've seen you around before. Anna, right? You're in the library sometimes when we're all there. George notices you as well.” Peter then smiles when he catches my alarmed expression. “Kind of a coincidence, isn't it? That you happen to be around when we are.”

  “I'm not a stalker,” I finally respond. “I just happen to have free periods at the same time as you guys, and I try to catch up on my studies.” I'm proud to note that I don't stutter when I declare all this.

  “Uh huh,” Peter says, not buying it. “Well. You can come in if you want. We're just talking. That way, you don't have to stare at us from a distance.”

  “I'm not staring,” I say feebly, even as Peter smiles cheerfully at me, then shoves me in through the door, where George and Dennis turn their heads to survey Peter and the newcomer.

  Well, shit. Now I'm the center of attention for the first time. All of them examine me speculatively.

  “Ah,” George says. “You found her at last.” His voice is cool and soft, and has a way of arresting your attention from the first syllable. He still manages to project it somehow, and I can immediately see how Dennis and Peter listen to him when he speaks. His dark blue eyes grow a little darker. “I've been noticing you around for a while. I was wondering if you would ever pluck up the courage to speak to us.”

  Although I'm flaming beet red, I muster up a smile, forcing my muscles into an uplifted position. “Well, I probably wouldn't have ever gotten the courage unless Peter didn't just throw me in here.”

  “Oh.” George now examines his muscular friend. “You stole her?”

  “She was peeking on you guys outside the room,” Peter replies. “Figured we might as well make it more official.”

  In the tone of their conversation, I gather that all of them had perfectly noticed me gawking at them, and none of them are bothered in the slightest. It makes me less nervous and foolish to be standing here.

  “Try us out,” George says. “Maybe you'll like us.”

  Dennis nods, his dark eyes staring at me in open interest. I smile at him, and he flushes a little as well.

  Interesting, I think. He definitely finds me attractive. Which is good, because he's a good looker himself. I'm boosted inside.

  Maybe a part of my fantasies will come true. Or maybe none of them are actually single. Which would be disappointing. Though I know they've rejected their share of women in college.

  Our discussion quickly drops into politics, as it's evident that Dennis and George were arguing about the whole right wing shift of ideals in the world today.

  “It's human nature,” George says. “Humans have a tribal mentality. We learn to associate with what we know and reject what we don't. It's how basic preservation has favored us all these years.”

  “It's stupid, though,” Dennis argues. “The only way the human race can survive is if we become global. Ditch borders and flag waving and identify ourselves as the same race.”

  “That's dumb,” Peter says. “People won't want to get rid of that stuff. We like having flags and identifying as individual people and shit.”

  “It's more complex than that, Peter, but that is essentially it,” George agrees. I decide to try and throw in my two cents, attempting to sound smart.

  “Globalism would require a massive cultural shift that we're fundamentally unprepared for. Erasing lines when we're so used to drawing them will be impossible. The only way globalism I think can be achieved is if dominant nations basically take over the others. Then it's just the same identity over a wider area.”

  “Plus, a big shift like that requires a lot of hand holding from the government. They usually don't like to let go afterwards. Think communism in Russia with Lenin and Mao Zedong. Not fun stuff.” George nods at me, impressed, before he demonstrates his violin to me, and I listen for a moment, enjoying the mournful sound it produces, the way it seems to sing his soul.

  I find myself liking their diversity, since all of them have something to say. I also notice their casual examinations of me from head to toe, and it fills me with tiny sliver of arousal, which I try to contain with a blank, serviceable smile.

  “It's beautiful music,” I compliment George. “It has real feeling in it.”

  “Interesting you should mention that,” George replies, a sardonic smile upon his face. “Did you know I've been classified as a psychopath?”

  Both my eyebrows shoot up. “Really?” No. Psychopaths aren't meant to have feelings, right?

  Dennis and Peter both nod to confirm his words. “He is.”

  “I am. But contrary to what you might think – I'm not a serial killer. I just see the world a lot differently. People differently, too. Not being able to care like a neuropath has its advantages. And I do appreciate mediums like music and art. It transcends ideals in the human psyche. And I do take care of my friends.”

  I find it hard to register what he's saying, because I have no idea what it's like to not feel emotions the same way. If I'm honest, I tend to assume a lot that everyone has the same feelings I do.

  “So... you don't get... urges?”

  George and the others laugh. “No,” he says. “It's not logical. Better to have mutually beneficial friendships. I wouldn't be friends with these people if they didn't offer something in return. It's just how it is. I will not waste my time
with people who do not want to waste their time with me.”

  “He's a good friend,” Dennis supplies, his voice higher pitched than the others. “And you always know where you stand with George. If he does manipulate us, it's usually for our own benefit as well as his.”

  “Yes. Life is easier when the people around me are happy,” George says. “It doesn't benefit me to upset the people who help me.”

  It's a cold logic, but it makes sense, and I find myself nodding along. I've never associated with anyone who has declared themselves a psychopath before, who also seems to be accepted by his friends. He plays music as well, which is odd to me.

  “Still, though,” George says, now giving me a sly smile. “I can't help but notice the way you hold your breath when you observe us. Excited to see us?”

  I don't say anything, suddenly terrified my inner thoughts are showing on my face. Dennis and Peter exchanges glances, and there's palpable tension in the room now, as if something fundamental has changed in our current interactions.

  Somehow, I get the impression that all three of them are interested in me. And I'm wondering how that's even possible. They're friends, sure. But I highly doubt friends would want to risk their friendships on one person.

  I must be mistaken, then.

  “Do you play games?” Dennis asks then, leaning forwards to observe my reaction.

  I shrug. “I've dabbled in them. I just don't give myself time to play them.”

  “Well,” he says, glancing at the others who nod their approval, “we have a gaming session after college today at Peter's house. You'd be welcome to come and join us.”

  “Yeah! Of course! We can teach you and then you'll totally suck but it'll be awesome,” Peter says, causing me to glare at him and roll my eyes.

  “I bet I'll beat the shit out of you.”

  “We can get out the Wii,” George says. “There's some social friendly games there. You have enough remotes?”

  “Yes, I have like nine.”

  “Wow.” I raise my eyebrow. “Okay. Sure. I'd have to tell my mom, though.”

  “Hmm.” George continues smiling in that strange way he has, which makes me shudder involuntarily. “I hope she wouldn't mind you coming over to where three men are playing...?”

  “Only if I don't tell her,” I say, then flush a little at the implication of my words. “I'll just say I'm going to Tori's house and get Tori to collaborate. I think she'll be more comfortable with that then to hear me announce I'm going to yours within one hour of talking.”

  “Hmm.” George winks. “Better get to it. I think we'll look forward to playing with you tonight...”

  Oh, yeah. Not suggestive at all, George.

  “We can play the party game with that board game map and all the mini games. That'll be fantastic!” Dennis gushes.

  “Calm down,” George says, “before you unleash all your inner geek at once.”

  We laugh, and then gradually make our ways to our classrooms, after exchanging numbers.

  It takes me a while to text my mother, however. I know for a fact that if I text her the lie, there's no going back. I've officially moored myself in the terriTori of no return. I'm one step closer to the dark spot in my dreams, even though I'm sure nothing more will come of it.

  That's a lie. I'm lying to myself.

  I'm not sure what will happen, but I know what I want to happen.

  And I know the suggestive glances George has been giving me, the keen interest in Dennis's soft brown eyes, and the open admiration of Peter as he inspects my physique.

  Of course I'm hoping for something more.

  I just don't think it will happen in a million years with all three of them. Maybe just one.

  I bite my lip, deliberating over the fact that I might be destroying my nice girl reputation and falling further into the pit of no return if I do this.

  Taking a deep breath, I type the message to my mother, and hit send.

  Chapter Three

  Arriving at Peter's house after college finishes, I'm surprised at the grandiosity of the place. His car was a pretty good indicator as well of how wealthy his family was, given that he drove a Tesla Model S, a purely electric car that emits no fumes – the first I've ever rode in. Dennis and George are used to hitching a ride with Peter it seems as well. George sits in the front, sitting with languid ease, and Dennis sits next to me in the back, stiff and almost scared – possibly because of the fact that I'm a woman and I'm about ten inches from where he is right now. I considered teasing him during the trip, but kept it to casual talk. Peter's house is closer to a mansion on first inspection. He has the whole rig. A swimming pool in the back, the white picket fence and a manicured garden.

  “My parents aren't in,” he informs me helpfully, as we step through teak doors into a place stylishly designed with modern architecture. The color scheme is black, gray and white, so although it's not striking in the range of colors, the tone and accent of the place compliment everything perfectly. There's a black leather sofa in the corner of a huge living room, which can seat probably about eight people. It faces a plasma screen T.V that looks like a miniature cinema. I see various consoles hooked up to it as well, including the Wii, and everyone gets to work setting it up.

  Dennis slams one of the Wii remotes in my hand, and the screen loads up with a cheerful image of little bobble head avatars, and we launch into the game with relish.

  I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst, either. The instructions aren't exactly complicated, and we actually all enjoy ourselves whilst simultaneously trying to outdo one another.

  Turns out I'm pretty competitive, too. I can see the scoreboard between the guys from previous games is quite equal, though Dennis edges top place with two more overall wins than the others. I want to add a win to this board, to stamp my mark, I suppose, and the games are stressful but fun at the same time.

  I can't help but keep looking at them, to see their laughing faces, to see if they're noticing me. One gaming round stresses me out, though, because I was so damn close to winning. I was about four spaces from the end, then Peter got this stupid teleport thing which switched my position with his, planting me firmly from first place to last place.

  You asshole! Was probably the mildest of the expletives I executed.

  When he wins, of course, because he swapped freaking places with me, I let out a scream and announce I need to cool off in the kitchen.

  I stalk off into the kitchen, which is super snazzy, of course. It takes me a moment to locate the cupboard that has the glasses in it, so I can fill up my water from the filter and ice dispenser on the freezer. That thing has to be two thousand dollars at least, it's a beast of a machine.

  Footsteps come into the room. I ignore them, because it's just one of the guys anyway, and just before I reach for the glass I intend to drink, someone suddenly presses up into me from behind, and I gasp.

  “I saw the way you've been looking at us. Ever since we first noticed you,” George hisses into my ear, his voice low and dangerous. Uncontrollable jolts of arousal shoot up my spine, and my eyes widen as he presses his lips to my neck, not kissing, not doing anything other than breathing, but each breath serves to send another shudder inside.

  “Don't think I don't see these things.” I close my eyes. Oh God. He's playing me like a fiddle at this point. My legs are like rubber, as he softly bites into my neck, and his hands reach under my shirt and slide up to my breasts. Once there, with part of my back now exposed, he squeezes them hard, and pinches my nipples. I let out a gurgling moan.

  “All of us think you're pretty,” he continues to murmur in that alluring, tantalizing tone as he presses into my back, and continues his rough massage of my breasts with surprisingly strong fingers. “And I'm willing to bet you've thought about doing it with all of us... haven't you? What a dirty girl. Pitching the three of us together, filling you up...”

  My mind is virtually wiped of all thought at this point. All I want is for him to keep doing this
to me. To take me with those strong hands, to make my body do all sorts of things. If he instructed me to strip and suck, I'd do it without question. The sheer authority he has in his voice is enticing all my senses, and my bones turn to water, making me susceptible to his whims. Every word he hisses makes me both ashamed and delighted at the same time.

  I feel the stirrings of his erection pressing into my rear, and I almost squawk when Peter and Dennis come into the kitchen as well.

  “Hey, man, what you doing?” Peter stares at George in slight alarm. “Does she want this?”

  Dennis has his hand over his mouth, and George smiles darkly at his friends.

  “Trust me. She does.” He slowly pulls off my top in front of them and unclasps my bra, revealing two pert breasts and a pair of hard nipples on my body, which is now speckling in goosebumps. “She's been longing for this for a long time. And who are we to deny that which lies in our hearts?”

  George points at his two friends, who now seem equally enthralled. “You, Peter. You've told me many times how you thought the girl that watched us is hot. You, Dennis. You're more shy about it – a virgin – but you certainly want her as well.”

  I roll my eyes back, partly to hide my flaming face, partly to moan as George's hand slips into my panties and comes into contact with the wetness there.

  “She's soaked.” He lightly flicks at my nub, and my body twitches involuntarily. “Why don't you tell them, Anna?” He briefly kisses my ear, and when I face Dennis and Peter again, I see both of them are getting excited at my desire infused face.

  I lick my lips, shivering as he strokes me down there again, before letting out, “It's true. I... I've been fantasizing about all three of you for a while.”

  “All of us?” George says, raising an eyebrow as if he's surprised, but I suspect he's not.

  “Yes,” I hiss back. “Can't always control what the brain does, right?”


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