Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 148

by Kristine Robinson

  “Are you alright?” He says with a small smirk, but as I consider him, he seems to school his expression into a more neutral expression. He quirks a brow as I continue to stare wordlessly at him, running a hand through his shaggy black hair.

  “I’m… fine.” I finally manage, and he rumbles another laugh.

  “That’s for sure.” He murmurs quietly, and I’m unsure of whether or not he intended for me to hear him. I feel my cheeks reddening once more, and curse myself for how easily embarrassed I seem to be. I can’t ignore how appealing the shaggy haired man is, however. He’s fresh from the shower, droplets of water beading down his neck from his still wet hair. The other basketball players keep their hair cropped short, and now that I think of it, Ricky seems the only one with hair that reaches below his eyebrows. There’s something about him, something unidentifiable even though he seems rather subdued in our interaction. He simply allows me to take him in, even as I feel my eyes travelling further and further south. My eyes jolt to his face once more as he flicks his tongue out to moisten his lips, and I swear my legs will buckle beneath me if I don’t tear my eyes away from this fine hunk of a man. “You alright?” He asks quietly, and I draw my lip between my teeth, smothering any inappropriate replies.

  “Fine.” I repeat, and he grins a secretive little grin. There’s some sense of mystery that radiates from his aura, and I feel myself drawn to his dark eyes and sly smile.

  “Good.” He says, and I wait for him to continue. He seems to have no intentions of doing so, and I draw my lip between my teeth, wondering if there’s something I can say to prolong the conversation. I want to tell him that I think he’s particularly ‘fine’ himself, but I don’t have the nerve to do so. He seems to sense my unease, and offers me an easy smile. I return the expression uncertainly, and I part my lips to speak but before I can, he interrupts me. “I should be getting back to my dorm room.” He says, and that seems to be the end of our conversation. Before he can walk away entirely, I call out after him.

  “Wait!” I implore, and he pauses, turning to consider me with curious eyes. “Isn’t there usually some kind of party after these games? Aren’t you going?” I inquire uncertainly, and he responds with a dismissive chuckle. I narrow my eyes at the non verbal response, crossing my arms over my chest and tilting my head imploringly at him. He quirks his lips in a broad smile, and his eyes seem to twinkle with mischief in spite of how subdued he has been throughout our interaction.

  “Parties aren’t really my scene. The other guys tend to get too wasted, and I’m just not feeling it. I’m sure you can understand that.” He murmurs slyly. I can’t help the shocked bulging of my eyes at his dismissal of what are perhaps the biggest parties on the entire campus. A party that was partly in his honor-- no! Not one party, but a series of parties throughout the season, for him and his teammates, and he chooses not to attend. While I certainly understand my own reasons for not attending, namely being the reason that I’m forbidden from them, I can’t understand why he would choose to spend an evening alone in his dorm.

  “But… why? Aren’t your teammates expecting you?” I sputter. He considers me for a long moment, and I realize belatedly that I may seem a bit too invested in his desire to attend a silly college party. I try to rein myself in, but before I can dismiss the issue entirely, he shrugs a shoulder.

  “Yeah. I’m sure they are, or, would be if I’d ever attended one of the post game parties. I just… don’t care.” He says coolly. I stare at him in shock, and he averts his eyes, brushing a hand through his shaggy black hair once more. What seems to be casual disregard for what the rest of the team thinks of him is surprising, but rather attractive if I’m being honest. I wish for a moment, I could go against what was expected of me. I wish I could, for one night, go to one of those wild parties. I wish I could lock lips with this mysterious stud of a man, maybe take him home with me. I just wish…

  “Anyway. I’m heading off for the night. You’d better get to your dorm, too. Wouldn’t want to get caught up with the wrong company.” He says coolly, and I can’t help feeling as if he is trying to get away from me. Before I can get too swept up in my insecurity, he offers me a sly little wink before slipping away.

  I watch him go, the stirring between my thighs growing ever more obvious. I draw my lip between my teeth, following him with my eyes until he disappears into the darkness altogether. I belatedly realize that he likely had a point, telling me to had back to my own place. Though the university has always been relatively safe at night, I didn’t want to take any unneeded chances. I stare after him for a moment longer, a shiver shooting down my spine. I turn in the direction of my dorm, and though I wish I could say otherwise, my thoughts won’t stray from not just one, but two basketball players.Jason should be the last thing on my mind, but I can’t help thinking of him as well as the man who had just slipped away. The short haired basketball player is more obvious about his attraction to me, if a bit cruder about it. It’s nice to be openly appreciated, even if it’s for something as shallow as my looks. However, I can’t help feeling as if Ricky is keeping a wild beast pinned down inside him. There’s something about the way he looked at me, the way he allowed me to simply take in his perfectly sculpted form… I can’t help but wonder what he looks like under that basketball jersey. I imagine more cleanly sculpted abs, lean muscle where Jason, from what I’ve seen, is somewhat beefier. The thought of being pinned between the two of them flashes briefly through my mind, and I swallow the lump forming in my throat. I’m a good girl, for the most part. At least, i try to be. I listen to my dad’s wishes, and try to follow each of them to the letter. I would never do anything to ruin his reputation, and I know that dating either of the basketball stars would lead to an inevitable scandal. The fact of the matter is, I shouldn’t be thinking about dating either of them, let alone be torn between the thoughts of both of them.

  I guess I never really outgrew that rebellious phase. Not really. Just like the beast that I’m certain lies in wait, deep within Ricky Mason, there is a beast that lies within me. A beast that longs to entangle with both of the men, to sink it’s teeth into their supple flesh, to do nothing short of devouring the two of them. As I try to avoid getting swept up in these crude thoughts, all I know is that I have to do everything in my power to restrain the beast. To restrain myself. I’m not a kid anymore, not some foolish teenager. I can’t go chasing every bad boy who catches my eye.

  Swallowing a sigh, I meander in the direction of my dorm, finding boredom in the still of the night. Though there is the steady bass beat indicative of a party in the distance, it only reminds me of how I am strictly forbidden from attending any of these parties. It was always the same spiel. Parties lead to drinking, drinking leads to sex, and sex leads to scandal.

  I try to push the thought from my head, opening the door to my dorm and stepping inside. I nudge the door closed behind me, for the first time cursing the loneliness of being alone in this dorm room. A roommate would likely be irritating, but at the very least I wouldn’t have to deal with the overwhelming silence that permeated the entire place. Even a dog would be nice, but pets were strictly forbidden-- though that seemed a more likely rule to break than the dating rule. Deciding that homework can wait, I decide to turn in early, as lame as that may seem. Raging hormones can be rather exhausting, I’ve realized as of the last few moments. I strip out of my clothes, not bothering to change into a pair of pajamas before tucking myself beneath my covers.


  The morning finds me rushing to get ready for class, and cursing the homework I had not completed the night before. I hear a knock at my door, and as I pull up my jeans, I stumble towards it. I grab the knob, twisting it and pulling it open. I stare through wide eyes at the figure standing outside my doorway, at the foamy toothbrush in my mouth drops free as my lips part in surprise. Jason smirks, crouching to pick up the toothbrush. He looks up at me, tilting his head curiously.

  “Rough morning, babe?” He says
slyly. I snatch my toothbrush from his hand, tossing it in the confines of my dorm and stepping out the door. He watches me all the while, and I feel inexplicably exposed beneath his gaze.

  “I’m not your babe.” I spit, perhaps a bit too late. He grins good naturedly, offering his arm to me.

  “How about letting the star player of the basketball team walk you to class?” He suggests, and I roll my eyes in spite of the stirring in my gut. I resolve to ignore him, edging past him to make my way to class. He falls into step beside me, and I try not to show just how frazzled his presence is making me. “That wasn’t a no.” He says observantly, and I scoff, though I do not dismiss him. It couldn’t hurt for him to simply walk me to class, and perhaps it would be enough to get him off my back for a while. The walk is silent for the most part, but as we grow near the building my next class is in, he clears his throat somewhat awkwardly. I consider him from the corner of my eye, and he brushes a hand through his short cropped hair.

  “Is there something on your mind, Jason?” I drawl, and he chuckles in response.

  “You.” He says bluntly, and though I feel a warmth pooling between my thighs, I try to dismiss him.

  “What’s new?” I retort. He seems all too amused by the situation, as if somehow sensing my discomfort. I am entirely ready to ditch him so I’m not late for class, but as I move to slip away, he grabs me gently by the hand. I hesitate, my breath catching in my throat as I turn to consider him. He stares earnestly at me, for once without his signature smirk. His smile is genuine, and he releases my hand, drawing his hand back towards himself.

  “Go out with me.” He says, apparently unable to articulate himself past that single demand. My eyes widen in surprise, and I am simultaneously enthralled and horrified. Though he’s always shown an interest in me, or more specifically, what lie beneath my jeans, he’s never outright asked me out before. I was certain he knew of the scandal that would arise, I know he’s aware of how much my father hates him. Hell, I’ve never even shown any indication that I might return his interest. In fact, I’ve done just the obvious. Which is what should make this so easy.

  “Ok.” I blurt, internally cursing myself for my idiotic response. His eyes light up, and he pumps his fist victoriously. My heart flutters in my chest, and I exhale sharply. “But I have class now. We’ll discuss it later.” I tell him under no uncertain terms. He nods, offering me a wink before slipping away. I swallow the vestiges of regret that linger at the back of my throat, knowing that it’s too late to take back the acceptance at this point. I turn, slipping into the building and off in the direction of my class. Though I’m certain I will be unable to focus on the subject, it will at least give me some time to gather my thoughts.

  Class seems to pass all too quickly, but I suppose time flies when you’re miserably caught in your own mind. The teacher assigns some homework, and thankfully doesn’t mention the work I neglected to turn in. I follow the surge of students rushing from the classroom, trying not to agonize too much. However, the plan of dismissing my thoughts of cute basketball players is dashed as I, once again, slam into a familiar figure. He looms over me, quirking his lips in a curious smile. I feel dread pooling in my gut, and I realize I feel almost guilty for accepting Jason’s date proposal. In spite of how irrational it was, I felt as if I were somehow betraying the man before me by accepting his rival’s invitation.

  “Jenny.” He says cordially, offering me his arm. I know I should dismiss him. I know I should tell him that Jason has asked me out, and that I shouldn’t encourage the glint in his eyes. However, I can’t stop myself from taking him by the arm, allowing him to lead me down the halls. As we’re walking, he suddenly pulls me off path, into a janitor’s closet. At once, his lips are upon my own. I would gasp in shock, were I able to draw breath. Instead, I simply groan in appreciation, tangling my hands in his long hair. He presses me back against the door, pressing his knee between my thighs as he thoroughly explores my mouth with his tongue. I find myself pressing against his knee without entirely realizing what I’m doing. He pulls away from our kiss, and I realize with a start that my scent is radiating from his entire being-- specifically from his knee. I blush in embarrassment, and he grins good naturedly, leaning in to press another chaste kiss to my lips. This is all moving so fast, and I shouldn’t be enjoying this situation so much, but… god, he’s so gorgeous. I nip his bottom lip teasingly, and he exhales a sigh, cupping my cheek in his hand. I press my cheek into his palm.

  “You have such a way with words.” I say sarcastically.

  “I’ve been told.” He replies teasingly. He brushes my hair away from my eyes, considering me with a fond expression. “But, if you want words… how about these: Will you go out with me?” He murmurs. I should be panicking. I shouldn’t be melting beneath those dark eyes, essentially putty in those warm and calloused hands.

  “Of course…” I reply softly. He grins, looking very much the cat that got the canary. I pout at him, leaning in for a final kiss. He obliges me, capturing my lips in a possessive and passionate kiss. I can almost feel my lips bruising from the force, and it sends an aching shudder to my core.

  “Great…” He begins, pausing uncertainly. “Alright, you go ahead and slip out of here. I’ll leave in five minutes or so to make it look less obvious.” He offers. I redden at the implications, as well as the realization that the broom closet reeks of my desire.

  “Okay… thanks. I’ll see you later, Ricky.” I murmur before stepping out of closet. I quickly shuffle away, thanking whatever powers may be that the halls are empty for the time being. I make my way out of the building, only realizing what a mess I had made for myself as I step into the brisk air of the outdoor campus. Two dates with two devastatingly handsome men, that my father would kill me for even glancing at. One date would be bad enough! Two dates with the same guy, even worse, but this… my father would kill me.

  I try to swallow my panic as I slip away from the building, making my way past the sciences and engineering building on the way to my dorm.

  “Jenny! Jenny Parker!” A masculine voice calls out, and panic grips me even harder than before. Was there another, third stud who had me in his sights? I turn to face my would be dreamboat, only to be faced with a rather plain looking man with thick rimmed glasses. He pushes his glasses up on his nose as he approaches me, and I curse myself for stopping.

  “I really need to get to my dorm--” I begin, trying to get myself an out. He rolls his eyes, flipping his hair out of his eyes.

  “Believe me, I’m not interested. I simply have some… intel that you might find of interest.” The man says brusquely. I quirk a brow, feeling borderline offended that this dweeb doesn’t find me to his tastes, but then I realize who he is. Jim Reagan, the towel boy for the basketball team. The openly gay towel boy. I redden in embarrassment, cursing myself for my assumption.

  “Oh, hi Jim. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you at first.” I apologize. He shrugs his shoulders, not looking awfully offended.

  “I have a forgettable face.” He admits. I try to smother a laugh, succeeding only partially. He waits for me to regain my composure, and once I do, I gesture for him to continue speaking. “Anyway, I overheard some talk in the locker room, and I thought you might find it of interest.” He offers, pushing his glasses up once more as they slip lower on his nose. I tilt my head curiously, and he glances around to make sure there’s no one else in the immediate area. “There’s a bit of a wager going on in the locker room, and… well, it involves you.” He mutters. My eyes widen in surprise, but all at once I know what he means. “Ricky and Jason are trying to see who can bed you first. It’s altogether juvenile, and I thought you deserved better than that.” He confirms, and I feel my heart drop into my stomach. I can’t believe I had been so enchanted with the basketball players. I can’t believe they had played me so effectively. Most importantly…

  “I can’t believe they thought they’d get away with this.” I say with a devious smile. Jim quirks a brow,
and I grab him by the hand, dragging him towards my dorm. “Come on! We have planning to do!” I announce excitedly.

  “I didn’t sign up for all this... “ He replies reluctantly, but follows along obligingly.

  Jason and Ricky think they’ve got this bet in the bag. Well, now that I know what’s going on, it’s time to turn the tables on both of them. They’re going to regret ever making this bet, and perhaps ever running into me.


  Morning finds me examining my reflection in the mirror, putting on just the right amount of makeup to drive any man who sees me wild. The reserved clothes I normally wear are closeted for the time being, and instead I put on a pair of short shorts, and a sexy little tank top. My bra straps are visible, their dark tones a sharp contrast to my paler skin. To be honest, I feel a little bit like a teenager again. Today marks my date with Jason, and unknown to either of them, my date with Ricky as well. If they want to see a good girl gone bad, I’ll allow it, but I doubt they’ll be as happy with the result as they think. I hear a knock on my door, and quirking a smile, I step away from the mirror to pull it open. As expected, Jason waits on the other side looking entirely too sure of himself. His cocky and self assured expression drops somewhat as he considers my wardrobe change, and I can see a hint of red flushing his cheeks.


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