Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 159

by Kristine Robinson

  “Colton, I can get your bass set up if you want to go over the set with Dean,” Aaron offered.

  “That would be great, man,” Colton said with a clap to Aaron’s shoulder.


  When the time came for the band to play I had already managed to memorize the set list. Colton’s band was doing all cover songs for this gig, and luckily I knew all of the songs. It had been decided that I would sing lead on two songs: Volbeat’s Lola Montez and The Light by Disturbed. For the rest of the set, I would be singing back up to Jack.

  Singing back up wasn’t too nerve racking at all. I got to do something I enjoyed without having to be the center of attention since most people were focused on Jack who was front and center on stage. When Jack motioned me to come to the front of the stage and take his place, and I heard the intro music to Lola Montez I felt my nerves kick in. I briefly glanced over at Colton, who winked at me and blew me a kiss. Setting aside the shock that he would do that in front of so many people, he made the butterflies in my stomach flutter for a completely different reason. Focusing on that, instead of my stage fright, I was able to close my eyes and jump into the song. “Feel the fire where she walks, Lola Montez so beautiful…”

  The crowd loved it, and their cheers helped me open up and really get into the song. By the end of it, I was moving up and down the stage, interacting with the audience, and having a great time. Jack stepped up and sang a couple more songs after that, and then I wrapped it up with the final song, The Light. Colton's band was amazing, and playing with them made me feel alive. For once in my life, I felt like I was doing something I loved and I couldn't stop smiling. The crowd goes crazy whistling and shouting their love for the band. The next thing I know, Colton grabs my hand and pulls me against him, and then he kisses, hard. His kiss is so all-consuming that I don't even have time to consider the fact that everyone is watching us. All too soon, Colton pulls back and smiles at me.

  “You are amazing,” he told me as his eyes roamed over my face.

  “So are you.” I smiled up at him, and this time I kissed him.

  That night, Colton stayed in my room with me and we ordered in Chinese takeout and watched movies. Just before I fell asleep in his arms I thought to myself that this could really be my life. I could give up my boring work as an attorney and actually put effort into doing something I love; something where I would actually want to get out of bed in the morning instead of having to force myself through every boring day.


  Telling Colton goodbye the next morning was really hard. We may have only spent one weekend together, but I didn’t want our time together to end. In an effort to prolong our time together I invite Colton to breakfast before I head back home, and he happily accepts.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go,” Colton said over breakfast, taking my hand across the table. “I haven’t enjoyed being with anyone as much as I have with you.”

  “Neither have I,” I told him, then I lifted his hand to my mouth and placed a chaste kiss across his knuckles.

  Colton walked me to my car. “Don’t be a stranger, okay,” he told me after I opened my car door.

  “You either,” I said. I gave him one last kiss, and then I got into my car and drove back home to Atlanta.


  Sleep that night was nearly impossible as I tossed and turned thinking about Colton and dreading Monday morning. I dreamed about what it might feel like to have Colton’s hot, naked body pressed up against mine. To feel his warmth wrapped around me as he thrust his hot, hard length inside of me again, and again. I felt myself grow hard beneath the sheets and reached down, wrapping my hand around myself and stroking in time with Colton’s thrusts inside my fantasy. As fantasy Colton thrust faster, and deeper, I moved my hand faster, up and down until I was thrusting up, off of the bed and into my own hand. “Agh, fuck! Colton, fuck!” I cried out when my climax ripped through me and my hot release shot out across my chest. Grabbing a t-shirt from beside my bed, I quickly cleaned up and finally fell into a deep sleep.

  When my alarm went off at six in the morning I groaned and forced myself out of the bed. I hadn't shaved all weekend, and staring in the mirror I considered going to work and sporting the light growth that grazed my face. I felt like it added a little something to my appearance and made me look less cookie cutter; a little more rugged than my usual clean-shaven look. However, by the time I had gotten out of the shower I decided to shave it off. No doubt my bosses would not find a few days of growth in the facial hair department as something professional in the looks department.

  Charlene was the first one to greet me when I walked into the office with several files for new clients that the partners wanted me to handle. As I settled in and began reviewing the files I couldn't help but miss Colton and the wonderful weekend he'd just given me. I made my way through the files and worked with Charlene to set up appointments with all of the new clients as soon as possible. Despite the fact that I managed to stay busy all day long, I was utterly bored out of my mind, and Charlene's open flirting wasn't making the day any better.

  “Have you seen the reviews for that new Ouija movie? I really want to see it, but I don’t think it would be a good movie for me to see by myself. Scary movies should be watched in pairs; don’t you think?”

  I knew what she wanted; She wanted me to offer to take her to the movies, but it wasn’t happening. This day had been bad enough without me faking my way through a movie with someone I was not remotely interested in. It might be different if Charlene just wanted to be friends, but I knew she would never settle for friendship. It was becoming hard enough to fake my way through every day at work. There was no way I could handle a fake relationship too.

  “I don’t really like those kinds of movies,” I lied. “I’ve got a lot to do around the house tonight, so I won’t be getting out anyway. I heard Sam saying something about wanting to see that movie last week. You should see if he wants to go.” Charlene looked at me like I had just ruined her whole day, and then she left my office clearly pouting.

  When I got home that night I poured myself a glass of wine and made a sandwich for my dinner. After having the best weekend of my life, living my dream if only for a moment, and meeting an incredible man, going back to my boring life as an attorney was hard to swallow. More than anything I wanted to throw caution to the wind and find a way to follow my dreams. When my phone went off with a text from Colton I nearly jumped with excitement.

  You should come back. The band misses you. Our fans miss your voice.

  My happiness at seeing a text from Colton was momentarily knocked down a notch. I was glad to have made a good impression on his band and their fans, but I was honestly hoping he was going to say he missed me. I guess it had only been a few days. Probably not enough time for most people to develop feelings for someone.

  Tell them thanks for letting me play. Maybe we can do it again sometime.

  I sent the text reply and laid my phone back down, not expecting to hear much more at the moment. I was surprised when I heard my phone go off again so soon.

  I miss you a lot.

  I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face as I stared down at Colton’s text. A part of me had expected to not hear from him again, and I definitely didn’t expect to hear from him so soon after coming home. Unlike me, Colton was living the life he loved and he met new people all of the time. It wouldn’t be hard for a gorgeous man like him to find someone who would be around, and free to spend time with him whenever. Someone who wasn’t afraid of living the life they dreamed of; not following along with every little thing their parents told them they should do. Lost in my own thoughts, I forgot to reply to Colton’s text and the next thing I knew my phone started ringing in my hand and a picture Colton had taken of us over the weekend flashed across the screen.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Hey, you answered,” Colton said, sounding relieved.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I answ

  “You responded to my first text so fast, then after I text that I missed you I got nothing.”

  “Sorry. I guess I was just letting that sink in.”

  “So, is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Colton asked me.

  “Definitely a good thing. I had an incredibly boring day and I’m embarrassed to say I was having a little pity party for myself when your texts came through. Honestly, hearing that you were missing me was the highlight of my day.”

  “I’m sorry that your day was so horrible. Anything I can do?”

  “Trust me, just hearing your voice, you’ve already made it better.”

  “Well, I am glad I could help out Mr. Emerson,” Colton said and I could hear the smile in his voice now. I laid back on the couch and we talked until Colton had to go for band practice. I went to bed wondering what it would take for me to give up my dull life and follow my dreams like Colton, and in my dreams I did it and Colton welcomed me into his life with open arms.


  The next day I woke up and went to work just like every other day, and just like every other day the work was dull and boring; the same kind of cases again and again. Charlene seemed to be pouting every time I had to interact with her, no doubt as a result of me refusing to ask her out last night as she had so blatantly hinted she wanted me to. Throughout the day, Colton sent me random text messages and they were the only things that made me genuinely smile as I completed tasks.

  As the week goes by I manage to make it through my boring days by sending witty texts back and forth with Colton whenever I can throughout the day. When I went into court I always had to turn off my phone, and when I would cut it back on I’d have multiple funny text messages from Colton. He was using humor in his attempts at convincing me to run away and join the band, and it was working.

  I decide to tell my parents at one of our Thursday night dinners that I am going to resign my position at the law firm and pursue music. Like every other Thursday, Arleen meets me at the door and tells me that my parents are ready for me in the dining room. When I see what my mother has set out for dinner I am momentarily taken back. My mother has always made more than one carb at dinner, and there is usually something fried whether it is fried chicken or fried okra. However, tonight she has made a decidedly healthier meal. I see baked white fish, steamed broccoli, roasted carrots, and salad.

  “Hey mom and dad,” I say as I enter the room, and take my seat across from my mother on my father’s right side.

  “Hello dear,” my mother replied, but my dad just kind of grunted as he stared at the food on his plate like it was the enemy.

  I made my plate and watched as my dad just pushed food around his plate, only taking a bite here and there.

  "Mom, I'm happy for something fresh and different for dinner, but why the change? I know it wasn't dad's idea," I say pointing at my dad who had still hardly eaten anything off of his plate.

  “You know, your dad had a doctor’s appointment yesterday,” said my mom.


  “It turns out he has high blood pressure, so the doctor has started him on some new medication to help bring it down.”

  “And, I have to eat healthy crap like this from now on,” my dad chimed in.

  “Howard,” my mother chastises him. “It’s not that bad. Besides, the doctor said if you don’t get your blood pressure under control you could wind up in the hospital.”

  “Wow, so it’s that serious?” I asked.

  “Yes, dear. Your father is supposed to watch what he eats, take his medicine, and avoid stress wherever he can.”

  I nodded my understanding while my heart secretly broke. If my father’s health was dependent on avoiding stress, then there was no way I could tell him I was quitting my job and leaving to try to make a career out of music and singing. I couldn’t risk upsetting him and sending his blood pressure through the roof. So I ate my dinner and made the usual small talk with my parents, bypassing my mother’s hints about Charlene again as if I still had no idea what or who she could be talking about.

  When I get home that night I call Colton and he picks up on my mood right away.

  “Dean, what’s wrong,” he asked me right after we get on the phone.

  I sigh and rub my hands over my face trying to get it together as I give up on my dream and come to terms with the fact that I might be stuck in a career I hate for a very long time. "I had decided to do it. To finally do something for me, and see what I could make of myself in music; leave my job as an attorney behind."

  I paused, and Colton filled in the gap. “What do you mean you had decided? Did something happen to change your mind?”

  “I didn’t go through with it. My dad just found out he had high blood pressure issues and one of the things that can cause it to rise is stress. I couldn’t bring myself to do anything that would cause him unnecessary stress. I know that if I told him I wanted to give up on my Harvard degree, and just stop being an attorney it would send him through the roof. He’s been an attorney for the past forty years and he’s always pushing me to make partner before I turn thirty like he did. He would never understand if I told him I didn’t want any of that because I want to sing instead.”

  “I know you don’t want to upset your dad, babe, but how much longer do you plan on living a life that makes you miserable.”

  I had to take a moment because through everything I was feeling right now, hearing Colton call me babe had my heart doing flips. "Colton, I know how bad this sounds. I know that if I was smart I would have told my parents before I ever went to Harvard and put a stop to all of this before it started. I've always done what was expected of me, though, so I don't know how I can suddenly break the norm especially now."

  I was getting more upset the longer we talked about this. It had taken me a long time to work up the courage to be honest with my parents and decide to pursue a career I enjoyed. Then as soon as I do, I lose my chance before I ever get the chance to say it out loud.

  “Dean, I’m so sorry,” Colton said, breaking the silence. I can hear the sincerity in his voice.

  “It’s okay,” I told him. “I think I’m just going to call it a night early. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay.”

  “Alright, but if you change your mind and want to talk just call me back. I don’t care how late it is.”

  “Thanks, Colton. Good night.”

  “Good night, Dean.”

  I hung up and took a shower before crawling into bed and I worked to let my dreams go as I tried to fall asleep. It was going to be a long, sleepless night.


  The only good thing about the next day is that it is Friday, which means I have a two-day break from this place as soon as I make it through the day. Just before lunch, Charlene makes another attempt at getting me to ask her out on a date. With each attempt, she becomes more and more obvious. I feel bad for her because she doesn't seem to know how to take a hint. This time I luck out and I get saved from her advances in the best way possible. Charlene was in the middle of pitching another movie to me, when someone knocked at my office door and slowly pushed it open. When I looked up and saw Colton standing in my office doorway I almost burst in excitement.

  “Hey,” Colton said with a smile, and I couldn’t stop my smile in return.

  “I’m sorry, but Mr. Emerson isn’t seeing any new clients today,” Charlene butted in sounding anything but sorry.

  “Charlene, this is my friend Colton,” I told her.

  She looked back and for between us, clearly not impressed by Colton in his ripped jeans and sleeveless shirt.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. When I asked where your office was I was told that you were free.”

  Charlene opened her mouth to say something, but I spoke up before she could. “You’re not interrupting anything. I was actually getting ready to head out. I finished with my case work early for the day.”

  “Great,” Colton said beaming at me.

bsp; I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the office. Colton walked me to my car and before I knew what he was doing he had me turned around with my back pressed against my car, and his mouth came down on mine. I forgot about the world around me, and the fact that people from my office might see us together. It was just Colton and me. His kiss was hot and needy, and he took my face in his hands and slipped his tongue inside my mouth. He had my body trapped between my car and his firm torso, and I knew that our kiss was affecting him just as much as it was me because I could feel his hardness pressing into my waist.

  When he finally pulled his mouth away from mine, he rested his forehead against mine and groaned. “God, I’ve been dying to do that since you left Charleston.”

  “Yeah,” I said through my heavy breathing.

  “You won’t get in trouble if anyone sees us, will you?” Colton asked, nodding back towards my office building.

  “What I do when I’m not working is none of their business,” I tell him. He looks shocked, and honestly, I am a little shocked myself.

  “I wasn’t sure if they knew you’re gay. That woman in your office seemed pretty possessive of you. I’m pretty sure she hates me for stealing you away from her already.”

  I laughed. “Oh, you have no idea. Did you drive here?”

  “Yeah,” He said nodding towards his car.

  “Follow me to my place and then we can go grab something to eat if you want.”

  “Sounds good,” Colton agreed, and he leaned in and gave me another quick kiss before he walked to his car.


  Colton had the whole weekend free, and I was excited for him to stay with me. On Saturday we spent the day visiting some of my favorite places, and we even went roller skating before grabbing something to eat on the way back to my place.

  “What do you say we rent a movie and stay in for the rest of the night?” I asked Colton when we got back to my house.

  “You read my mind,” Colton agreed, pulling me in for a slow kiss.


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