Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 204

by Kristine Robinson

  The sweat was dripping off all of us. The heat in the room was nothing compared to three bodies writhing in complete orgasmic agony. I was going to test that theory. I could feel that Evan was getting there with the help of my mouth drawing a road map to his pleasure.

  I slapped his thighs and momentarily distracted him long enough to bring the temperature down between his legs. It wouldn’t remain that way for long, but I wanted as much as I could get before turning him over to the advances of Dawson. He was having way too much fun at his parents’ expense, but there was no denying we were having more than enough fun for any man.

  “I see someone has been learning quickly. It’s almost like he has a better understanding than all of us what it takes to make this work between the three of us. I look forward to penning my autobiography and making both of you quite prominent in many chapters. I can only imagine what my father’s reaction will be when he gets wind from some of his cronies about the book that is going to open his eyes to what has been slapping him across the face for years.” Dawson was finding a sort of freedom from making this place our playground of pleasure.

  I slipped my lips up and down the heated missile between Evan’s finely toned legs. I made sure there was a nice tight seal, but that didn’t stop the evidence of my excitement from him dripping from my mouth. It gave it a slippery touch and I was easily able to contain him within my fist. The first few inches were inundated with the pleasure of my mouth and the velvety feel of my lips bringing him a sort of pleasure that he could only think about fondly.

  “I usually don’t get the chance to watch a man go down on another. It’s quite fascinating to see you work your magic. The way you swallow him whole and leave it there for few seconds to make him adjust to the tightness is absolutely to die for. I don’t suppose you could turn your attention to me. I know that wasn’t the plan, but I would really like you to do the same thing.” How was I supposed to refuse an invitation so decadent than that one? I kept my hand on Evan as I swallowed the obvious arousal of Dawson.

  I don’t think that he was ready for how I had attacked him without any warning. He squirted a little which reminded me of how Evan had done the same thing. It made me smile to think that I could make them both react in much the same way. Dawson had no filter and what he wanted to say was exactly what was coming out of his mouth.

  “I fucking love the way that you eat my cock. You know exactly how to put the right pressure. It doesn’t hurt that your mouth is on fire. I know that you can feel me lying heavily on your tongue and you can taste my seed dripping like a faucet. I would love to grab you by your years and make you continue this, but I did promise that Evan should be the one taken care of.” It was hard for me to pull away and both of them had what I was looking for in spades. There was not a dud amongst them and their equipment was the envy of many that would find themselves staring at them in the locker room. I wasn’t exactly a slouch and I knew what I possessed was rivaling their own.

  “I was wondering when you were going to get back to what you were doing.” The tall and imposing figure of his manhood was soaking wet and looking like a delicious sausage. It was piping hot to the touch and I once again went to work with rapid motions of my mouth bringing him to the breaking point and stopping to start all over again. It was my all time favorite to sustain his excitement and to keep him from losing it entirely.

  “I think that it would be a great idea if I were to kiss you. In here, we can do anything we want and my father can’t do anything about it. He can yell and scream all he wants, but it’s not going to stop how I’m going to express myself physically to my lover’s and friends.” I did feel that we were friends, but the added benefits were not exactly lost on me.

  I had my hand on Dawson while I was performing a sensual and sloppy mouth job on Evan. He was in heaven, with a big smile on his face which was only going to get bigger when I gave him a reason to let the dam burst from between his legs. An avalanche of excitement bore down on me and a white hot blast of his seed made me almost pass out from the sheer joy.

  I was keyed to the most excitement I had in my life and I didn’t want it to slip away out of my grasp anytime soon. I made him drive his hips off the bench. His cock was still spurting in an ongoing fashion. I was in love with both of their bodies and I could spend days or even weeks getting to know every nook and cranny.

  I knew what Dawson wanted and I felt obligated to get Evan ready for business. This was essentially our first date not including the two other times where I had let them both have a crack at what they were missing. We no longer had to take matters into our own hands.

  Dawson was following my lead and then he pulled me by the hair to let him see how Evan was brought back after such an explosive finale. There was no denying that they were both ready. Dawson straddled his lap and lowered his sizzling presence down along the length of him.

  “I’ve never been in this position before, but I can seriously think this is not going to be the one and only time. With the three of us, I’m sure that we can get into some unique positions.” Speaking of one of them, I decided to climb onto the bench. They could turn and suck my cock one after the other. Dawson was bouncing up and down in Evan’s lap and the resounding crack of their flesh making contact was fuelling my desire to fuck both of their mouths at the same time.

  There was no way that I could last. I was being given more than they should have. I decided to share the wealth by spewing all over their faces. They groaned with desire. I could see that Evan was milking Dawson. Evan was fucking him with abandon. They both came to the finish line together. I was left wondering how it was possible that we had found one another. It was time to get back to his parents.

  It looked like his father was fuming inside, but his mother was trying to be that calming influence to keep him from saying anything that he was going to regret.

  He finally got fed up and threw down his napkin before grabbing his glass of champagne on his way out. The truth was out there and he was going to have to face his own prejudice. He was stuck in his old ways and there was no way that he was going to accept this without some serious soul searching.

  We left there with a looming cloud of uncertainty in the air. His mother whispered to him that it was about time. They shared a bond not easily broken by matters of the heart. It was quite obvious she knew all along but did not want to do anything to push her son into admitting something that he wasn’t ready to. I think he would have done it a whole lot sooner had it not been for his father’s disapproval. He would get over it, but it would take some time with a few olive branches of peace to make being around each other more palatable.

  We got in the truck and I was walking funny, but feeling like there was nothing that was going to wipe the smile from my face. “I was able to live one of my fantasies about being spit roasted, but I’m sure that both of you have your own. We are in a unique position of talking openly and honestly without judgment.” I wasn’t sure what kind of Pandora’s Box I was opening, but I was willing to stretch my wings creatively in the bedroom. It was time to stop living for my father and start living for myself. The best way to do that was to put aside any misconceptions and let things progress naturally between the three of us. This was a taboo notion, but we were not ashamed.

  “I would be very careful about what you say. I have a box of toys which are not exactly for the faint of heart. You’re still a little naïve, but I’m willing to take you underneath my tutelage. I’m sure that the both of you are ready to take things to the next level. This relationship is not for everybody, but I think for the three of us, it will make us happy.” Evan did have me thinking that maybe I was biting off more than I could chew.

  “I didn’t want to mention this, but I’ve always wanted to do something public. It’s going to be very interesting to see how all of us react in certain situations. We are all going to constantly surprise one another and make it impossible to feel stagnant.” They both had their hands on my knees. It was almost like
they were thinking the same thing. They gradually made their way up until they were cupping my privates.

  I looked down at the both of them and then over to see how they were smiling like they were getting away with something. I sat back and it was only a matter of waiting to see what was going to happen next. Expanding my horizon by leaving my father and coming here to the city of sin was the best thing that I’d ever done for myself. I was no longer hiding in the dark and we were ready to be open with our relationship.

  There were a lot of people going to feel like we were disgusting, but their opinions meant very little to me or the two that I had claimed for my own.

  Sold To The Cowboys

  An Erotic & Western Gay Menage Romance

  “I brought some clothes for you. The jeans might be a little big for you, you have a belt?”

  Ark nodded and took the jeans from Gregg. He walked back into the room and took off his pants. Gregg stared at the young man’s naked ass. The curve of his buttocks was round and his cheeks looked firm. Gregg felt a tightening in his pants as Ark put on the new jeans. When Ark took off his shirt he showed off a defined chest. An eagle of hair covered his chest and Gregg’s pants became even more form fitting.

  * * *


  Ark almost fell off the horse. Josh, his step brother, was goading the beast to move faster constantly bringing his hand to the stallion’s ass and biting into it’s flesh with the sharp stir ups. The speed of the ride and Ark’s loose grip around his brother made the young man unstable. Ark went to grip his older brother.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” Josh said.

  “I’m about to fall off.”

  “Don’t fucking fall off,” Josh yelled.

  The speed of the ride made it difficult to hear but Ark could tell by the tone that Josh meant business. His older brother hadn’t told him much about what they were doing, where they were going or what was happening but that was often his way. He didn’t really speak much to Ark besides occasionally commanding to clean the house, feed the horses, or clean out the manure in the barn. The last few months at home had been hard for Ark, especially with the death of his mother. The death of his mother had been mysterious. The doctor that had come to the ranch to examine the body had talked in whispers to Ark’s stepfather. The funeral had been just the three of them on a rainy day.

  Ark had had to dig the grave. Josh had said that since it was his mother that had died that he should do the honors. Blisters from the hours of shoveling had covered Ark’s hands for weeks after the digging. When the hole had been completed Ark’s stepfather had put his wife in the grave tenderly and then told Ark to fill it.

  “Ain’t nothing to do now son,” Ark’s stepfather had said patting his shoulder. “Life is terrible. Ain’t nothing to do but get on with it.”

  And so Ark had found himself putting dirt on the body of his deceased mother. With each shovel of dirt he was reminded of a different memory, a different aspect of her. His first memory of her was the way she smelled, it was of dried lilacs. There weren’t many flowers on the ranch, but his mother always kept lilacs on hand and when she went into town she would always buy new seeds and varieties. Ark remembered the taste of the food she made as well, which was bland, but made with love. Ark’s stepfather always complained about the lack of salt she put in the food, how everything always tasted the same. Ark also remembered the fighting. They’d been living on the ranch for 2 years. His mother had been desperate and needed someone and the stepfather was the first man to take in the two of them. The stepfather drank and there was also Josh who took a perverse delight in torturing his new younger brother.

  Ark had his suspicions about Josh and they’d been confirmed. Ark had found the poison that killed his mother in Josh’s things one afternoon when Josh had told him to clean his room.

  “You found it,” Josh had said.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s what killed your mother.”

  “What,” Ark had said. He’d begun to cry. He didn’t want to think of his mother death again. He’d been putting it out of his mind and focusing on the labors at hand, the endless amount of chores that Josh had put upon him. It had been a way for him to survive.

  “This,” Josh had said picking up the bottle of poison that Ark had put on the bedside table of Josh’s bedroom. “This cost me a pretty penny but your mother, God bless her soul, was getting in the way. She was an expense and so are you.”

  Ark had started to cry heavily. He considered going to talk to Josh’s father but the man had never paid him any mind and had ignored him even when he had had important things to say.

  So Josh had left him crying in the room for hours until the day had turned into night. The stepbrother had given him the silent treatment for days afterwards as well not saying a thing to him just pointing. Pointing at the horses telling Ark to feed them. He pointed at the barn to tell Ark to clean the barn. He pointed at the house to tell Ark to clean the house.

  Days had passed and eventually Josh had started to talk to him but when he spoke it was only curses. In the meantime Ark’s stepfather had slid into the bottle. The house was filled with the memories of Ark’s mother, dried lilac leaves and petals sat in the kitchen. Outside the season’s flowers were beginning to bloom but Ark knew that without the help and dedication of his mother the lilac’s would quickly die.

  The sun had just risen when Josh had pointed to the horse in the stable.

  “Get on,” Josh had said.

  “Where are we going,” Ark said. He was unsure if Josh would bother answering.

  “We are going to the market.”

  “But the town isn’t this way. It’s over to the east. We are heading west.”

  “It’s a different type of market.”


  The town was quiet when the two arrived in the early evening. A few people walked on the dusty streets and an old man sat on a rocking chair with a pipe. He eyed the two new comers and spat on the ground.

  “Get off,” Josh said.

  Ark eased himself off the horse and watched as Josh trotted his ride a few hundred meters to what looked like a saloon nearby. After tying the horse to a post Josh yelled at Ark.

  “Are you coming?”

  Ark ran after his older stepbrother who had stepped into the building. When Ark entered he couldn’t’ see. Clouds of cigar and cigarette smoke fogged the room. His eyes slowly adjusted, tearing slightly due to the pollution of the room. There was a bar with an old bartender that wiped the table and a few men that were playing poker on a table that looked like it was missing one of its legs. Everyone eyed Ark when he came in.

  There were wooden stairs that had seen better days and one of steps towards the top of the landing was missing. Ark could see his brother talking to a dapper man on the upper floor. Josh pointed down at Ark and continued to talk to the man in his vest, slacks, and bowtie. He then waved for him to come up.

  Walking up the stairs caused creaks of pressure and Ark worried that another stair would go missing soon.

  “You a virgin,” the bow tied man said.

  “What,” Ark said. He didn’t understand what was happening. He was 18 years old. Old enough to have had it, that’s what it was called but he’d never been with a woman before.

  “You ever been fucked,” the man said.

  Ark just stared at the man. The bowtie, vest, and slacks that had looked clean and sharp from far away looked ragged close up.

  “Just go with him,” Josh said opening a door.

  A bedroom was revealed. The room had nothing in it besides a worn bed. The sheets were stained and torn. A lone pillow lay at the head of the bed. The man took his hand and led him into the room.

  “Take off your pants,” the man said.

  Ark just stood and did nothing.

  “You need help? You need me to repeat my instructions?”

  Ark undid his pants and let them drop around his ankles.

  “You are a pretty boy.
Those long locks of your hair, that light beard. You’d fetch a fine price here. You even been fucked in the arse?”

  “What? No!”

  “Bend over. Let me see.”


  The man came over and pushed him onto the bed roughly. Ark suddenly felt hot breath on his asshole.

  “Looks tight enough. I think you can get a better price being sold off. Well I’ll give that brother of yours the money and tomorrow, the auction. You’ll stay here tonight. Five star accommodations,” the man said. He walked out of the room and Ark could see Josh in the doorway.

  “See you later bastard,” Josh said to him.

  A key turned in the hole and Ark was locked in. He lay on the bed. It was only after a five minutes of silence had passed that he pulled up his pants. He walked over to the door and tried the knob. He was trapped. His mother was dead. He was alone in a world that he didn’t know anything about and tomorrow, tomorrow he would be sold to the highest bidder.


  Sleep had been slow to come to Ark. He’d dreamt of his brother, he’d dreamt of his step father, he hadn’t dreamt of his mother. She was a black hole in his subconscious. Her absence was like a missing tooth, a cavity, that made chewing awkward and painful.

  His biological father had always been missing, like how the space between teeth will slowly fill in. He’d never noticed his absence. It’d always been Ark and his mother. His mother had told him once, just once, what had happened to his father. He’d been shot in a gun fight protecting Ark’s uncle. The two men had both died.

  “Why did Pa get into the duel,” Ark had asked his mother.


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