Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 206

by Kristine Robinson

  Jose nodded and began to collect the plates. A few of the other men helped. Soon enough the table was cleared.

  “Like we were saying before everyone helps out everyone else… with everything,” Nathan said with a wink.

  Ark nodded. He wasn’t sure how the others could help him but he’d enjoyed the dinner and under the festive atmosphere he was finally beginning to relax.

  “We got this ranch for men like us a while ago. Nathan bought the land a few years back,” Greg said.

  “Won it from some stupid bastard who was damn foolish enough to gamble with me. Never trust an Englishman in a game of cards,” Nathan said. A smile of pride crossed his face.

  “The standard here is to share. We bought you fair and square and you’ll need to work off the price of your purchase. We’ll go through a training period where we’ll teach you the ways of the ranch. If things are working out and you want to stay on we’ll have a ceremony and have you in as a member of the ranch,” Gregg said.

  “How long will I have to work to pay off my purchase,” Ark asked. He was nervous. A training period at the ranch sounded… odd. All the innuendos as well didn’t make him sound that comfortable either.

  “It will take about a month or so. We’ll teach you how to be a ranch hand. If you don’t end up wanting to stay you can find work elsewhere once the month is up,” Gregg said.

  Ark nodded.

  “It’s a good deal and the men here are generally happy. Some might say they are quite gay,” Nathan said with a laugh.

  Ark cocked his head to the side and looked at the man, another innuendo.

  “Get your things together,” Gregg said.

  “I don’t have things,” Ark said.

  “Right, right, well get yourself together and I’ll show you to your room,” Gregg said.

  Ark rose to his feet, as did Gregg. He followed Gregg out of the room. The two walked outside to a second building behind the main house. The building was a dormitory with rows of rooms.

  “We’d put you next to Jose but we were afraid he might steal your chastity,” Gregg said. “You’ll have the room at the end.”

  The two walked down a corridor in the building. A row of doors lined both sides of the corridor. Some of the doors were open revealing bedrooms with beds, and dresses. Some of the rooms were clean; others were a mess with boots and dirty clothes tossed about.

  Gregg walked to the last room and opened the door. “I have a key for you. You can protect your privacy that way. There is a dresser there, for when you get some clothes. We’ll provide you a few outfits for the next few days. You can pay us back with labor if you decide to keep anything. There’s the bed. The linens are fresh and washed. There is a basin there for washing and the outhouse is outback. I’ll leave you to yourself. It’s getting a bit late and the day starts when the cock crows.” Gregg handed him a skeleton key and walked out of the room. Ark could hear the man’s footsteps recede down the hallway.

  He washed himself. There was a bar of soap and he scrubbed himself all over until he was almost raw. When he was fresh and clean he lay in the bed. It was soft and the linens smelled fresh. They were indeed freshly laundered.

  Ark hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time. He also hadn’t been alone and comfortable in a long time. He lay on the bed and smelled the sheets. They were crisp and comforting. He began to think about his position. Nathan and Gregg seemed nice and they were handsome. Ark felt his cock twinge. It began to strain up with heat from the nest of his dark pubic hair. It quickly became thick and swollen as he thought more about the two men that had bought him.

  His balls hung low between his legs while his dick pushed powerfully upwards strainging to his belly button. He’d never felt such an inense sensation before. He just kept thinking of Gregg and Nathan, the leanness of Nathan and the fullness of Gregg. He wanted them. He wasn’t sure what he wanted of them but he felt a need.

  Ark’s fingers began to inch their way down his naked body. He’d tossed off his clothes long before. A thin trail of hair led down from his belly button to his cock and the strong thigh muscles of his legs began to tighten and loosen as his hand reached his cock. The shaft was sculpted with large veins that moved up to a thick head. He took his hand and wrapped it around his cock pulling down on his foreskin and exposing the helmet head of his penis. Ark began to stroke his prick faster and began to pant and groan as the sensations of masturbation began to make him shudder.

  A light smear of liquid began to ooze out of his slit. The pre cum dibbled down over his throbbing member as he continued to stroke his dick up and down. He picked up speed making his testicles move with the rhythm of his cock. He felt his balls gradually tighten drawing up under the thickness of his dick. He slowed down for a moment wanting to savor for the feeling. Wanting at the same time desperately for Gregg or Nathan to walk in on him and to see him touching himself. He pinched his nipple and bit his lip.

  He had to turn up the pace. He wanted this feeling. He ached for it. The feeling coming out of his cock dictated his every move. Ark felt more liquid pouring out of his cum slit. It made his penis head shiny. Ark imagined Nathan and Gregg kissing him. Licking at his nipples and both of them slowly making their way down to his hard shaft. Ark spread his legs wide and pushed his hips forward imaging Nathan between his legs and taking his cock and pushing up against his asshole. He’d never even thought of something like this. It was all so crazy but he wanted Nathan’s cock inside of him. He imagine Nathan’s dick driving all the way up his ass. Ark’s hand quickened stroking faster and with more purpose as he thought about Nathan’s cock inside of him.

  Dribbles of cream glistened on his cock and the top of his hand as he thrust his hips into his hand. He could feel his asshole tighten and imagined Nathan over him as he would cup Gregg’s cock in his mouth.

  “Fuck me, fuck me,” Ark whispered. “I want to taste your cum.”

  The image of Nathan inside of him and another hard cock in his mouth was becoming to much for Ark. He felt his balls rise up towards his cock and his dick exploded. Semen shot out of his cum slit and he squeezed the shaft milking out every last drop. He collapsed on the bed feeling dizzy and not knowing what exactly had happened. He’d never touched himself before. He’d never thought of another man before. He never, he never, he never felt so good.


  Sleep came to him quickly and when the cock crowed before the sun had risen Ark felt more rested than he had in a long time. The window above his bed showed the outside. The flat land of the ranch was covered in morning dew and at the edges of the horizon was a large mountain range. The tips of the mountains were covered in snow.

  The knock on the door in the morning was light but consistent. Rap, rap, rap.

  “You awake Ark,” Gregg’s voice said from behind the door.

  “One minute,” Ark said. He put on his clothes. They smelled badly of sweat and dirt. Ark unlocked the door and Gregg stood there in work clothes. A pair of new jeans were draped over his arm along with a few work shirts.

  “I brought some clothes for you. The jeans might be a little big for you, you have a belt?”

  Ark nodded and took the jeans from Gregg. He walked back into the room and took off his pants. Gregg stared at the young man’s naked ass. The curve of his buttocks was round and his cheeks looked firm. Gregg felt a tightening in his pants as Ark put on the new jeans. When Ark took off his shirt he showed off a defined chest. An eagle of hair covered his chest and Gregg’s pants became even more form fitting.

  “Okay. I’m already,” Ark said as he buttoned the last of his button on his shirt. He slid his shoes back on and walked towards Gregg.

  “Yes. Yes. You are. Okay well today we have a few things need doing. Everything been a bag of nails here on the ranch and we need to be much more organized. We’ll take in the cattle first and then see that the ones that haven’t been branded yet get done.”

  Ark nodded and followed Gregg outside. The two mounted horses. Gregg back
on his black stallion whose eyes looked excited and Ark back on his mottled colored horse. He felt more comfortable on his steed this time and the horse responded more comfortably when Ark pulled the reins, pressed the girth with his thighs or dug the stirrups in.

  Jose was outside when the two left the ranch and he gave a slow laconic wave.

  “He’s been here for quite awhile. One of the first men that came to us. A real feast in the sack. He may be a bit mischievous but he does well when you lay with him.”

  Ark just nodded. He was too busy smelling the air, which was sharp and clean, and looking at the way the morning sun was dancing on Gregg’s horse’s coat. The black sheen of hair turned into different shades of black, at times a dark purple, at other times the horse’s hair looked like it was the bottom of a well.

  “Is Nathan coming,” Ark asked.

  “Why you taking a liking to him already?”

  “Just curious.”

  Gregg grunted and nodded. “He might be along later in the day. Knowing him though he’ll probably waste the day singing songs to the birds with his guitar. About the only thing he is good for is sucking and cooking.”

  The two rode on for another mile or two and the mountains were coming closer. The terrain got a bit rockier and the grass a bit sparser.

  “I’m not sure why but the cattle always head up this way. I think they just want to lick the cream off the mountain tops,” Gregg said pointing to the snow covered peaks. “Not that I can blame them. Who doesn’t like to lick the cream off the top?”

  Ark looked around and soon saw the cattle come into view. It was a large herd, fifty or so strong, with several muscled bulls. The bulls had long horns and shiny coats.

  “We should have brought Roscoe with us. Hell of a dog. Really able to herd up the cows well,” Gregg said. He took off his hat and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. The sun was beginning to rise but little beads of sweat were already running down Gregg’s forehead.

  The two men circled the cattle and began to round them up but they wouldn’t stay still and the cattle would wonder off easily.

  “Need to take control of the bulls,” Ark said. He raced off on his horse and got the bulls together. “Then the heifers will follow.”

  With the bulls rounded up the rest of the cows followed along making the drive back to the ranch easy. The ride back was quick and there was a spring in Ark’s horses step, almost as if the horse was proud of his rider.

  “That was good work there Ark,” Gregg said when the cattle had been penned up. The two had dismounted and were leaning over the wooden fence. Gregg leaned over and massaged Ark’s shoulders. They were stiff at first but began to melt under Gregg’s hands. “When you are more used to things you’ll relax and things well get even easier. Now we should brand them.”

  The two heated the brand in a small fire they made. The color of the iron showing when the brand would be good. “A black iron is too cold for the cows. It has to be hot enough to burn the hair. A red iron though is too hot and will cause too much damage to the cows,” Gregg said. When the iron was the color of grey ashes they brought up the first cow to brand.

  The heifer had light hair so they didn’t need to clip it. Gregg showed Ark how to do it. He quickly pressed the brand onto the cow’s shoulder and rocked the handle slightly to apply the brand evenly. “Rocking the handle will also prevent over burn or under burn on any side. You need to hold it for a few seconds. If you lift too soon the brand will just be temporary and if you hold it too long the wound will take too long to heal,” Gregg said.

  He handed the brand to Ark and pointed at the next cow. Ark patted the cow’s hide to make sure it was dry and Gregg hopped over the fence and held it close. Ark let the brand turn ashen gray and then pressed it against the cow’s hide. After a few seconds he lifted the brand. It was perfect, two arrows touching tips.

  “What does the brand mean?”

  “Well here at two points it’s all men and it’s the symbol of two ‘arrows’ touching tips.”


  “It’s supposed to represent our cocks. We are men that like to spend time with men.”

  “So you don’t see women.”

  “No. We love men and we hope that you’ll love us too,” Gregg said. He patted Ark’s shoulder and went to get the next cow.

  “What do you want from me,” Ark said when Gregg had brought up the next branding victim.

  “Me? I want some passion, some excitement. Nathan he wants more stability and of course a healthy cock,” Gregg said with a laugh.

  “I’ve never done that before.”

  “We know. We could tell right away. Some of the men we’ve gotten off the auction before. We set up a fund off the sale of the cattle to buy people’s freedom. If they want to stay they do, if they want to go they do. Most so far have stayed. We offer a good life here.”

  “Dinner last night was good.”

  “That’s just the beginning my friend,” Gregg said. He patted Ark on the shoulder and Ark put his hand around the man’s waist. He could feel a sense of arousal running through him. He’d never felt this way before and he could smell the scent of Gregg’s flesh. It was turning him on.

  “You ever shot a gun before,” Gregg said patting Ark on the ass.

  “Occassionally. Ma had a rifle she cared with us. Was an okay shot. I could take down rabbits, but squirrels were too small and the gun was just a .22 couldn’t take down a deer.”

  “Let’s set some cans up. I want to see how good your aim is,” Gregg said.

  The ton got some old baked bean cans from inside the house. The empties were piled up in a corner just for this use. They walked outside and put a few of the cans on various fest posts.

  “Now take a shot at the close one first,” Gregg said handing ark a .22. The gun burst off and the can went flying. “Okay shot my ass,” Gregg said. “You are a modest one aint you.”

  “No one ever taught me how to brag,” Ark replied.

  Gregg nodded and pulled out a six shooter.

  “What’s that for, that’s not good for shooting game.”

  “No but some people don’t like the game we play.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “In town, well there are a lot of people that aren’t fond of the way we live here. It’s important that we can defend ourselves.”

  Ark nodded. He remembered his uncle. He took the revolver from Gregg and shot at the cans knocking off six cans with six shots. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.

  Gregg took a turn himself replacing the bullets and firing off the rounds at a fast pace. He was able to knock over five of the six cans.


  “You’re a good shot,” Ark said.

  “Not as good as you though.”

  “No. Not as good as me,” Ark said with a laugh.

  The sun was beginning to set but Nathan hadn’t rung the dinner bell yet.

  “I’m gonna wash up. We have some time before supper. Why don’t you take a bath yourself. Relax for a bit,” Gregg said.

  Ark nodded. He was beginning to feel more and more comfortable at the ranch. He walked around the grounds for a while taking in everything. The ranch was bigger than he had imagined. There was a small vegetable garden. He saw Jose and a few others working at it. He went into the stable as well and saw the rows of horses. They were all well feed and the hay to feed them was pale and golden in color. There was plenty of leafy material in the bales that were stacked by the door. The square blocks didn’t have much in the way of dried weeds or thistles either. The smell of the hay was glorious and filled Ark’s nostril. It was a good rustic smell and he was happy.

  He was walking back towards his room when he heard the guitar strumming. Nathan’s voice was accompanying the song. Ark slowly walked forward not wanting to disturb the player. The sound was coming from Nathan’s bedroom. He could hear the music out of an open window. Ark took a seat underneath the window and let his ears fill with the slow st
rumming of music. After ten or fifteen minutes the music stopped. Ark rose to his feet and peeked in the window. Nathan was taking off his clothes. The man’s chiseled features made Ark’s cock push against his new stiff jeans. Nathan stood naked in the middle of the room and he had an erection. The biggest that Ark had ever seen. Nathan began to stroke it.

  “Ark, Ark, Ark,” Nathan whispered aloud. He bucked his hips forward and thrust his hand back over his cock. “Fuck me, fuck me, Ark.”

  Meanwhile Ark had let his own hand go down his pants. He was mimicking Nathan and was quickly fisting his own cock. He wanted to see Nathan cum. He wanted to make Nathan cum.

  “What’s going on,” Gregg said entering the room. He saw Nathan naked fucking his hand.

  “You like what you see,” Nathan said to Gregg.

  “Yes. I think you need to get fucked,” Gregg said. He tore off his clothes exposing his bear hide of a chest and strong muscles. His cock was pushing at the air and was thick like his body. He began to stroke his meat.

  “I want you to fuck me. I want Ark to fuck me,” Nathan said.

  “Well first me,” Gregg said. He pushed Nathan against the wall and the British man braced himself against it. Gregg buried his face between Nathan’s ass cheeks and began to slide his tongue in and out of Nathan’s asshole.

  “Oh, oh, fuck me,” Nathan said. “Your tongue feels good.”

  “My dick is gonna feel even better,” Gregg said. The man knew what he was doing. He’d been at it for long enough that he could tell how to arouse Nathan, what got him off. He tortured him with his tongue. Playing with his asshole.

  Nathan groaned. He couldn’t think straight.

  Outside Ark was watching with his mouth open. He’d never seen too men together before. It was beautiful and erotic. He kept his hand firmly on his cock stroking it. He was afraid to cum too soon. Everything that he saw charged him up even more.

  “Are you ready,” Gregg said. “You want to be fucked you little slut.”


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