Back to You

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Back to You Page 13

by Hunter J. Keane

  “Lonely.” He patted the space next to him on the bed. “Come her and let me cuddle you.”

  “Ev, I don’t want to aggravate your injury.” I’d been afraid to do more than hold his hand over the last week.

  Evan groaned. “Come on. I’ll be fine. The IV is gone and so is the catheter. There’s nothing painful left for you to accidentally tug on.”

  “What about your busted back?” I countered.

  “The damage is already done. Sitting next to me isn’t going to make it worse.” He gave me a hopeful look. “If anything, it might make me feel better. You want me to feel better, don’t you?”

  “You are cruel,” I said, giving in. I sat cautiously on the edge of the bed and then scooted closer to him.

  He put his arm around my shoulders and let out a big sigh. “Now this is the medicine I’ve needed.”

  “Are you sure I’m not hurting you?” I asked. “Tell the truth.”

  “I’m not that fragile, Elle. Please stop worrying.” He kissed my cheek and then trailed his lips up to my ear. “You haven’t kissed me properly in a week.”

  “The doctor said you need to take it easy,” I reminded him.

  “I don’t think he meant that you can’t kiss me, love.” Evan was nibbling gently on my ear lobe, sending chills down my spine.

  I hesitated. “He warned you about not getting overstimulated.”

  “That was before we knew if everything was working down there,” Evan said, turning my face toward him. “I passed all the tests. You can’t hurt me, Elle.”

  “Maybe I’m still afraid you’re going to hurt me,” I said softly. “I almost lost you again, Ev. This time for good.”

  “Elle.” Evan put his hand at the back of my head and guided it down to his chest. “Do you hear that?”

  “Your heart?”

  He nodded, his chin bobbing against my head. “It’s still beating, love. I’m still here and my heart is still yours.”

  I used his shirt to wipe away my tears before lifting my head. Without saying anything, I kissed him firmly on the lips for the first time since his accident. He reacted immediately, pushing his tongue past my lips. At the same time, his hand slid under my shirt.

  “Slow down, gimpy,” I said with a laugh. “I’m not going anywhere either.”

  “You look so pretty today, Elle.” Evan’s eyes were full of adoration as he looked at me. “Are you really mine?”

  “Forever.” This time, I was the one that kissed him hungrily. When he groaned, I pulled away quickly. “What? What did I do?”

  Evan laughed. “Your hand was on my crotch, Elle. That was a good groan.”

  “Oh.” I blushed and buried my head in his chest. Evan gave up on any romantic notions he’d been entertaining and wrapped both arms around me. “I promise I won’t be such a spaz when you get out of the hospital.”

  “I kind of like you spazzy,” Evan said, kissing the top of my head. “The doctor says I might be able to leave by Friday.”

  “Friday?” I lifted my head in alarm. “You haven’t even walked yet.”

  “I’m making good progress. As long as I can get in and out of a wheelchair, there’s no reason to stay here. My rehab will be done out-patient anyway.” Evan hesitated. “The one condition is that I can’t be alone. If I fall or something, there needs to be someone around to help me. I know you’ve got the kids at home, so I’ve already asked Norma to come stay with me for a while.”

  “What? Don’t be ridiculous. She’s 83, Ev. It’s far more likely that she’ll be the one to fall down.” I put a hand on his chest. “You’ll stay with me and the kids, obviously. I’ll set you up downstairs so you won’t have to climb the stairs.” My mind was already racing. “There’s that office off the kitchen that we’ve just been using as storage. I’ll clear it out and get you a bed.”

  “Noelle, I don’t want you to go to any trouble. I’ll just be in your way,” Evan protested.

  “I’ll have Madison move all the stuff. She’s always looking for things to do to get an increase in her allowance.” I ignored Evan’s attempts to protest. “Tommy will love having someone around to play video games with him.”

  Evan put his hand over my mouth to cut me off. “Elle, I want you to think seriously about this. Letting me into your house like that is a big deal. I don’t want you to agree to something that you don’t really want to do just because you’re worried about me.”

  “You’re sweet.” I kissed him again. “But it’s already been decided. You’re moving in with us whether you want to or not.”

  “Twist my arm,” Evan grumbled with a big smile. “But I can just sleep on the couch, Elle. Really. Don’t go to any trouble.”

  “That couch is a little small for the two of us,” I said pointedly. “We need something at least as big as this bed.”

  “The smaller it is, the more we’ll have to snuggle,” Evan replied, nuzzling my neck.

  With my lips to his ear, I asked, “You said you were completely cleared down there, right? As in, everything works?”

  “Well, I still have a busted back, broken ribs, and a giant suture across my stomach,” Evan replied. “So you should probably refrain from riding me like cowgirl for a little while longer.”

  “That’s not what I met, perv.” I tried to glare at him, but his smile was too adorable. “I meant that if I decided to take you up on that ‘having kids’ thing in a couple years, would that still be an option for us?”

  “According to the doc, yes,” Evan said.

  “And according to you?”

  “Having kids with you?” He smirked. “Hell yes.”

  We stayed that way a little longer, kissing and snuggling and occasionally talking about something important. When it was time for his pain meds, I bowed out. The drugs always knocked him out for a few hours and I wanted to get started on preparing his room.

  Madison was more than eager to help me clear away the boxes we hadn’t gotten around to unpacking yet. I had her put them in the hall closet. The next day, I ordered a new bed at the only furniture store in town and it was delivered the day before Evan was due to be released from the hospital.

  His recovery was going well and he was able to walk across a room without getting weak. Evan was still experiencing some numbness in his feet, but the doctor was pretty confident that would go away as the swelling and inflammation near his spine continued to fade. When I picked Evan up from the hospital on his discharge day, he was thrilled to finally be leaving.

  “Let me know if I’m driving too fast,” I told him. “I’ll try to watch out for any bumps in the road.”

  “Elle, we’ve been over this. I’m not made of glass. I’ll be fine.” Evan reached over and squeezed my leg. “How are the kids feeling about me staying in your house?”

  “Madison won’t stop bragging about how she predicted that we’d end up together and Tommy has already set up his video game in your room.” I glanced at him. “I don’t think we’re going to get a lot of alone time.”

  Evan smiled. “That’s probably for the best. Doc says you can’t ravish me for least four more weeks.”

  “How long until you can ravish me?” I asked, giving him a flirty look.

  “How long do we have until the kids get home?” Evan replied, moving his hand higher up my leg.

  “You probably shouldn’t do that if you want me to keep this car on the road.” I had strategically avoided answering his question.

  The kids’ school had a half-day because of a coming snowstorm. Emily had picked them up and dropped them off with Norma and the three of them were anxiously awaiting Evan’s arrival. They were so excited that they didn’t even wait inside.

  “Wow,” Evan said with a laugh when he saw them standing in front of the house holding balloons and a sign that Tommy had made. “Did you do this?”

  “It was all their idea,” I said, pulling the car as close to the house as I could. Evan was able to walk, but he could only go short distances without being in
pain. “Let me get out first and remind Tommy not to tackle you.”

  “He takes after his aunt,” Evan teased.

  “Cute.” I wasn’t kidding. Evan Gray was very cute.

  After a necessary caution, I opened Evan’s door and helped him stand. Norma started crying the second she saw him take his first step. Even though I had been giving her updates, she’d said she wanted to see him walk with her own eyes.

  Madison held open the door to the house and I had Tommy grab Evan’s bag from the car. I’d already moved a lot of his stuff into his new room, but we’d had to bring home everything from the hospital. That included a lot of Get Well cards, balloons, and a giant stuffed panda that Josh had brought just to be annoying.

  “I helped Aunt Noelle get your room ready, Evan. I told her you could just stay in my room, but she said you might need some space.” Tommy was hopping up and down next to Evan. “But she did let me set up my video game console in your room. I hope you like video games. Aunt Noelle says you won’t be able to work for a while and you might be bored. Especially when I’m at school and you won’t have anyone to play with except Aunt Noelle.”

  Evan shot me a look. “Yeah, that’s going to be rough. Especially these next four weeks or so.”

  “Tom, let Evan get in the house before bombarding him with friendship, okay?” I said. His excitement was adorable, but I was worried about Evan getting too tired if it took too long to get inside.

  Rather than take him all the way to his new room, I helped him onto the couch in the living room. “You doing okay?” I asked when I saw him grimace slightly. “Do you need your pain meds? Or something to drink? Or–”

  “I see who Tommy gets his excitable personality from,” Evan said with a laugh. “I’m fine, Elle.”

  “I’m going to let you get settled in, dear,” Norma said, patting his shoulder. “I just wanted to see for myself that you are doing okay. You’ll be in excellent hands with Noelle and the kids taking care of you, but don’t hesitate to let me know if you need something.”

  “Thanks, Aunt Norma.” Evan smiled at her.

  She wiggled her fingers at us and disappeared outside. The kids and I stood in front of Evan, waiting to leap into action.

  “This is weird,” Evan said. “I feel like you’re expecting me to perform or something.”

  “We’re just waiting to help you,” I said happily.

  Evan hooked his finger at me. “I could use your help, actually. Come closer.”

  “What is it?” I stepped forward and he snatched my arm, pulling me onto the couch next to him. “Hey!”

  “You all can help me by not acting like total weirdos.” Evan poked me in the side until I squirmed and yelped. Tommy laughed like it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Fine, I give!” I shoved his hand away. “We will wait for you to ask us for help.”

  “And not be weirdos while you’re waiting?” he added.

  I sighed elaborately. “Fine.”

  Madison’s phone beeped and she looked at it, smiling at whatever it said. “I’ll be in my room if you need anything,” she mumbled, shuffling from the room without looking up.

  “It’s starting,” I whispered in a horrified voice. “She’s becoming a teenager.”

  “Well, you’ve still got Tommy,” Evan said sympathetically.

  “Can I go to Norma’s?” Tommy asked loudly, his timing perfect.

  “You want to go to Norma’s? Why?” I tried not to sound offended.

  “She’s baking cookies today and if I go over now, she’ll let me lick the bowls.” Tommy grinned, showing off his missing tooth.

  I pretended to consider his request. “I’ll let you go, but you have to promise to bring me back some of those cookies.”

  “Deal!” Tommy said happily, running for the door.

  “Put on your coat!” I yelled after him.

  Evan laughed. “And then there were two…”

  “I guess I spoke too soon on us not having any alone time,” I said. “Wanna check out that new room of yours? I feel a little bad that I never tested the new mattress.”

  “Four weeks, love,” Evan reminded me.

  “I remember.” I kissed his cheek. “It’s really good to have you home, Ev.”

  He kissed me softly on the lips. “It’s good to be home with you, Noelle.”


  “S o can I go?” Madison asked, hopping up and down.

  “I don’t know.” I frowned. “You’re a little young to be dating, Mad.”

  “I’ll be thirteen next week!” she protested. “You and Evan went to the dance together when you were thirteen. How is this any different?”

  “Because I’m the adult this time,” I said while Evan laughed. “Why am I just now finding out about this, Mad?”

  It had been three weeks since I’d brought Evan home from the hospital and he was making excellent progress in his recovery. He had physical therapy three times a week and in three more weeks, he would be cleared to go back to work. As an added bonus, his doctor had cleared him for other activities earlier that day. Now, we just needed to find some time away from the kids.

  “The dance is tonight and I didn’t know I was I going to get asked. Deacon was supposed to go with Logan, but she came down with strep yesterday.” Madison smiled hopefully. “I know you want me to have friends in this town. Going to the Snow Ball would be a really good way for me to make friends.”

  “By dating them?” I said.

  “Elle.” Evan nudged my foot under the table. “I know this Deacon kid. He’s not terrible as far as thirteen-year-old boys go.”

  Madison’s face lit up. “See? Evan is on my side.”

  “Whoa.” Evan held up his hands. “That’s not exactly what I said.”

  “Fine. Mad, you can go. But he’s coming into this house and meeting me and you will not be home a minute after ten o’clock.” I gave her my best parent-face.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Madison jumped up and down and then threw her arms around me. “I’ve got to go call Deacon.”

  I frowned as she ran up the stairs. Evan got up from the table and came over to me, holding out his hands. “Come here.”

  “What are you up to, Gray?” I asked nervously as I stood.

  “Nothing.” He put his arms around me. “I just wanted a hug.”

  “A hug?” I said skeptically. “You didn’t just do the math and realize that with Tommy at a sleepover and Madison going to the dance, you and I will have four hours alone tonight?”

  Evan gasped and tightened his arms around me. His lips moved to my ear. “You’re kidding? I hadn’t even thought of that, or the fact that I’ve been medically cleared for you to ravish me as much as you want.”

  “Both kids are still in the house right now,” I reminded him, reluctantly pulling away from his embrace. “Keep it in your pants, Gray.”

  “You know, tonight is technically our anniversary,” Evan said, turning to the table to clear the dirty dishes away.

  “How do you figure?” I said.

  “Snow Ball.” He gave me a quick smile. “Twenty years ago, you and I had our first date and our first kiss.”

  I laughed. “That’s true. How has that been twenty years? Are we really that old?”

  “Do you realize you are now responsible for a child that is the same age you were when we first met?” Evan shook his head in disbelief as he walked to the sink.

  “You don’t think Mad is going to kiss that Deacon boy tonight, do you?” I asked, the thought having just occurred to me.

  “I’d be surprised if she didn’t,” Evan said, turning on the faucet to rinse the dishes “That dance is pretty much known for being where 75% of this town had their first kiss.”

  I smacked his arm. “Why did you tell me that?”

  “What?” He rubbed his arm in mock hurt. “You had your first kiss at that dance. I didn’t tell you anything you didn’t already know.”

  “Yes, b
ut you are supposed to lie to me so I don’t freak out,” I said, grimacing. “This is where it all starts. Soon, she’ll be sneaking out and lying about going to her friend’s house. Then there’s the make-out parties and the backseats of cars. She’s going to have sex and get pregnant and I’ll be stuck raising the baby while she ties to get her GED.”

  Evan was laughing so hard that I didn’t even hear the end of my own rant. “You are a crazy lady and I love you for it. But Mad is going to be fine. It’s just a school dance.”

  “You’ve never been a teenage girl,” I said, still pouting.

  “I can’t reason with you right now, so I’m just going to finish loading the dishwasher. Let me know when you come out of that downward spiral.” He paused from his dish cleaning long enough to smack my butt.

  I knew I was being insane, but that didn’t stop me from pouting the rest of the afternoon. I offered to help Madison get ready for the dance, but she insisted she had it under control. After I returned from dropping Tommy off at his sleepover, I found Madison sitting in the living room looking far too grownup in her dress and heels. She was talking to Evan about something that made both of them jump when I came into the room.

  “You look beautiful, Mad,” I said.

  “Thanks. Deacon should be here soon.” She looked nervously toward the door.

  Evan scooted over on the couch to make room for me. “I was just telling Mad how much she looks like you did the night we went to the dance. Stunning.”

  “Except Madison will be smart enough not to go falling in love with some boy she just met,” I said pointedly.

  “I don’t know, I’d say it worked out pretty well for you.” Madison gave Evan a warm smile and then jumped to her feet when someone knocked.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Evan said. He pointed to the chair. “Sit. A lady never rushes to meet her gentleman caller.”

  Evan got up slowly, the way he always did these days, and shuffled to the door. He opened it with a stern look on his face. “Yes?”

  “Hi. I… uh… I’m Deacon. I’m here to…uh…is Madison home?”

  “She is.” Evan made no sign that he had been told Deacon would be coming. I stifled a smile behind my hand.


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