Hunger Awakened (The Feral Book 1)

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Hunger Awakened (The Feral Book 1) Page 24

by Charlene Hartnady

  Worry churned inside her. She shook off her troubled thoughts, craning her neck so that she could catch a glimpse of their new house. Still a skeleton of what it would be in a couple of months.

  The new proposed village was going to be something. Vicky was helping The Feral, her new community, to prepare for the future. She was helping train the guys. All of them just as clueless as Talon once had been.

  The towers wouldn’t work for humans. They reminded her of the house Rapunzel had been held captive in. Tall, without any stairs or elevators. The Feral had no need for them since they could fly. For humans, on the other hand, there was no way to come and go. Humans couldn’t fly. It would take time, but it would work out for more of the Feral men. She felt sure. Just as things had worked out for her and Talon.

  He swooped into the tower. The one they had made into their temporary home. Oliver meowed in greeting.

  “Not now, Olly,” Talon growled as soon as he was in his human form. He quickly closed the distance between them. “Good cat,” he added as Oliver proceeded to wrap himself around Talon’s legs. Somehow managing to avoid tripping over or standing on Oliver, he made his way over to her. “I missed you too, boy,” he said without looking down. “There happens to be a pussy I missed more.”

  Her heart raced just watching him stalk towards her. “There’s something I—” She yelped as he picked her up, kissing her. His mouth was hot and insistent. His touch rough.

  She groaned as he pulled at her leggings. “Need. Them. Off,” he said between kisses.

  She heard a ripping noise. “Hey,” she chided, not really meaning it.

  “Your fault,” he smiled, “you should have worn a skirt or a dress.” He still tugged at the leggings and nipped at her lower lip, cupping her now naked pussy. A zing of need coursed through her big time as his finger brushed against her clit. Maybe this conversation could wait.

  No. She needed to say it now. Needed to show him, and then … have the other conversation before she lost her nerve. She pushed at his chest. “Hold on.”

  Talon was ripping the last of her leggings off and picking her up. His finger found her clit again and she moaned. “Wait, Talon, I want to show you something.”

  “I want to show you something too,” he growled.


  “No?” He put her down, looking hurt, then worried. “Are you okay? Are you unwell?” He cupped her cheeks.

  “I’m fine.”

  He was still frowning, still cupping her cheeks and looking deeply into her eyes.

  “I swear, I’m fine. Let me go for a sec, I want to show you something.” She felt her cheeks heat, feeling stupid all of a sudden.

  Talon dropped his hands. He didn’t look too sure of himself. “You once told me you don’t like surprises … well, I’m not sure I like them either.”

  “This, you’ll like.” At least she hoped he would. Vicky took a step back and unzipped her hoodie. She took a deep breath before pulling it open.

  Talon’s eyes dropped to her chest. His eyes widened and he sucked in a breath. Then he smiled. “You mean it?” She could see his chest heave, his eyes burn with excitement. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Yes, I love you very much. I want nothing more than to be mated to you.”

  His cock went from semi to erect. It even twitched. He made that rasping, twittering noise. “I love you too. Your breasts look amazing in white paint. They look …” He growled low. “They look so good. What am I saying? They always look good but most especially in white paint.”

  She laughed at how he said all of that. Her heart swelled at how happy he looked.

  “Can I have you now, please?” He gripped her hips. “I want to make you mine.”

  “I’m already yours.” She cupped his chin.

  “Officially.” He kissed her. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “You’ve made so many changes. I thought it’s only fair that I try to honor some of your customs.”

  “It means a lot.” He palmed her breast.

  “There’s one other thing …”

  He cocked his head. “Okay.”

  “I want to start trying for a family soon as well, but only if you’re okay with it.”

  He let her go, his eyes clouding. Talon shook his head. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

  Shit! This is what she had been afraid of. “Look, I completely understand. I know you’re worried because of what happened with Lark. It doesn’t have to be right now. Or even this year, but soon-ish. I turned thirty-six last month. Human women don’t stay fertile forever. The older I get, the less chance I have …” she clasped his hand and squeezed, “we have of becoming pregnant. It also becomes riskier. All I ask is that you give it some thought. I think you would make such a wonderful father.”

  “I would like nothing more than to watch you swell with my clutch. Nothing more than to raise babies with you.” He smiled but it was fleeting and sad.

  “We can talk about it and see how things go. I just wanted you to know how I feel before we take the next step. Are you okay with exploring the option? Talking about it at least?”

  Talon nodded. “Yes, but I don’t want to risk you. I can’t lose you, Vicky. I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you.” His eyes clouded again. She knew the look well. It was shame and guilt.

  “You can say that, you know?” Vicky touched the side of his arm. “It doesn’t mean you didn’t love Lark, or care for her.”

  “I did, but this …” He wrapped a hand around her waist. “What we have is so special. It’s …” He put his forehead to hers for a moment. “You are my heart, Vicky. If I lost you, I would … I …” He shook his head.

  “You’d be sad.” She helped out.

  “I’d be more than just plain sad. I’d die with the emotion.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me. I’m a human.” She smiled.

  “Exactly. You’re puny and weak. You’re soft,” he gripped her ass and squeezed, “so very soft.” It came out as more of a groan.

  She gasped. “That’s just another way of saying fat!” Vicky pretended to give him a dirty look, knowing it wasn’t true. That he hadn’t meant it like that.

  “You’re not fat. You’re absolutely perfect. I love how soft you feel.” He squeezed again, pulling her against him. “I love these.” He moved away slightly so that he could cup her breasts.

  Vicky giggled. “To think when we first met I didn’t believe you found me attractive. I thought I was too short, too plump and that my boobs were too big. I can’t remember the exact words you used, only how pissed off I was. Oh yes… filled out and you said it like it was a bad thing.”

  “I find you hugely attractive.” he protested. “I love your breasts, I love every inch of you.” He kneaded her boobs a few more times.

  Vicky arched her back and groaned, letting her hoodie fall to the ground.

  “Did I mention how much I missed you?”

  “You may have.”

  Talon picked her up and headed for the bed. “Scoot, Olly.” He gently pushed their cat off and placed her on the center of the mattress. The fur cover felt soft against her back and her ass. “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

  His cock jutted from between his legs. His face pinched. His eyes blazing with need, with such hunger.

  “I can’t wait either.”

  He crouched over her, kissing her softly. A contrast to his words. Then he moved down, gripping her thighs, pulling them open. His eyes were on her pussy. He leaned in and licked from her clit to her channel and back again. Long, languid licks that had her panting from the word go.

  She thread her fingers into his short hair, loving the silky texture. Loving his tongue even more, even though he was driving her crazy right now. Giving her enough to get her worked up but not enough to get off.




  His tongue was wet and hot and slightly rough. Maybe the feline in him? She di

dn’t care. It felt amazing. She pulled her head back and moaned long and hard. “More,” she groaned. “Need …”

  Then he zoned in on her clit, his tongue moving from side to side in slow, easy flicks.

  “Yes!” she yelled. Better, but not quite enough. Not yet anyway.




  Just as that heavy feeling began to take up residence in her stomach. Just as her yells turned urgent, he moved down, tongue fucking her. His tongue was big. It felt good but again, it wasn’t nearly enough. Her moans changed, now they held a frustrated edge. Who could blame her? Talon was driving her nuts. She needed to come and yesterday. This time when his mouth closed on her clit, he suckled. He also slid two fingers deep inside her, using hard, easy thrusts.

  “Oh … oh … oh, god!” Vicky yelled as her orgasm finally hit. Her back bowed. Her ass pushing down into the mattress. One of her hands clutched at his hair, the other grabbed onto one of the furs. When he finally let her come down, her mouth was dry, probably from the panting and moaning. Her whole body felt weak yet strangely buzzed. She’d come to realize that it was need. It didn’t matter that she had just come hard. Her hunger for this man was not yet sated. Not nearly. She also felt excitement.

  “I’m going to make you my mate in the traditional Feral way.” His eyes were bright. Fevered.

  “Oh really?” She grinned, feeling a little worried.

  “Yes, really.”

  “Sounds good.” She squealed as he flipped her over onto her belly. She began to push herself up onto her knees.

  “No.” A deep growl. “Stay down.”

  “Like this?” She was flat on her stomach, her breasts squashed against the furs.

  “Open your legs as wide as you can … yeah, like that,” he said when she did as he instructed. His cock brushed her ass as he slid on top of her. He placed his hands over hers, holding her down. Completely caging her in with his body.

  Part of her loved it, while another part wanted to panic. “Um … you’re really heavy.” She could barely breathe. “You weigh a ton.”

  “I would never hurt you. You need to trust me, okay?”

  Shit, she was struggling to breathe and he really did a weigh a ton. Instead of saying all that, she nodded. “Yes. I trust you,” she gasped. Vicky concentrated on taking small breaths. She couldn’t move an inch.

  “Good. When this is done, you’ll be my mate and I’ll be yours.” He was silent for a good few seconds, then prompted her. “This is where you’re supposed to agree.” There was an edge of humor in his voice, which was thick with need.

  “Yes. I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine,” she pushed out.

  “Trust me,” he growled into the shell of her ear, making her shiver in both trepidation and excitement.

  She was panting at this point, only able to take small shallow breaths. Flattened on the mattress and unable to move. Her heart beat faster and for a just a second she was tempted to tell him to stop. It was too much … too … Then Talon thrust into her, bottoming out in one motion.

  A loud, really deep groan left her throat. His cock hit unexplored places inside her. Lord! Was it this angle maybe? She panted harder. Lungs straining. He pulled out and thrust back in and her eyes rolled back. Definitely. Not being able to get sufficient air into her lungs only heightened it. His dick was hard and thick and deep. His body firmly against hers. Talon picked up a steady rhythm, pulling all the way out before pushing all the way back in. His breathing was ragged. His hands still over hers so that she couldn’t move a muscle. She could only feel. He kissed the side of her neck, her ear, that place where her neck and shoulder met. He nipped at her too. His teeth felt good just there. Gooseflesh rose up on her arms, her legs, her whole body.

  Long, easy strokes quickly turned short, quick but still deep. Her moans turned to mewls which in turn became yells. Short and choppy and very much in time with his thrusts. She could feel her body coil and tighten around him. Could feel the slow build as she fought for air, for sanity. Both of their bodies were slick from the exertion.

  Talon nipped at her earlobe. “So good,” he groaned. “So mine.” Then he gripped the skin at the base of her neck in his teeth. Not hard enough to break the skin but she was sure there would be a mark. Only, she didn’t care. Her whole body tensed. Every muscle poised. Even though she was flat down on the bed, she almost felt a moment of suspension.

  Talon made a growly screeching noise. His chest vibrated and his body tensed but by now she was freefalling. Both hands clutching at the furs that lined their bed. Her eyes were wide, her throat hurt. It was because she was all-out screaming. The sound primal and animal-like. Talon jerked, rocking into her, pushing harder, keeping her up there. Waves of pleasure coursed through her, they seemed to originate from everywhere and all at once. Who knew that seeing stars was actually a thing? It was. Vicky was seeing them. It was intense. Her muscles were going to ache tomorrow for sure, was the first thought she had as he slowed. As her brain began to work again. Her throat was going to be raw too, was her next thought, as he released her neck. He pulled up off her and she could breathe. She gulped in big lungfuls of air as Talon moved them onto their sides. He spooned her, his cock still hard up against her. They normally went several rounds at a time but right now she felt wiped out and boneless.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  That too. She felt loved. Seriously loved. Vicky gripped his hands and squeezed. She tried to make the twittering noise but failed dismally. They both erupted in laughter.

  “You know how you told me never to say human and female and not to talk about eating horses?” She could hear he was still smiling hard. Breathing just as hard.

  “Yeah.” Her voice was hoarse. Vicky giggled, guessing where this was going.

  “Well, don’t ever try to do that again. It sounded just plain wrong.” He kissed the back of her neck. Then he stilled and pushed out a heavy breath.

  “What is it?” She turned in his arms, so that she could look at him.

  His eyes were solemn, filled with emotion. “I love you so much, Vicky. I’m so proud to call you my mate.”

  “I feel the same way.” She reached up and kissed him. It was soft and tender. Her chest felt tight with love for the big shifter.

  He swallowed thickly. “I do want a family but I think we should wait. I feel like the biggest coward saying it, but I need to be sure first that nothing will go wrong.” He twisted a strand of her hair around his finger.

  “How will you possibly be able to tell such a thing by waiting.” She stroked his jaw. “Things sometimes go wrong.”

  “I don’t mean it like that.” He clenched his jaw for a second.” “I’m not normally a coward but in this instance, I would rather be a yellow-belly than lose you.” He wrapped an arm around her. “It is just a matter of time before more males take human females as mates. Just a matter of time before …” His jaw tensed again and he swallowed hard. “Before they are with clutch. I think we should wait until we are sure human females are not susceptible to the sickness.”

  “We’re only just mated. Let’s just enjoy being together. Let’s enjoy being a couple first. There is no harm in taking our time.” She didn’t like the worry lines on his forehead. “I can see you’re still anxious.”

  “I’m worried for my people, I’m also concerned for our future mates, for you.” There was a growl to his voice. “There are no guarantees you won’t be afflicted.”

  “It’s not something we need worry about right now though.” She kissed him. “We’ll have to wait and see. I think we humans are going to be just fine. You’ll see.”

  “I hope you are right.” He pulled her close, his arms tightening around her. Vicky was so close that she could feel the beating of his heart. Could hear how hers was perfectly in sync.

  Book 2 is on pre-order now

  About the Author

  Charlene Hartnady is a USA Today Bestselling author. She loves to write ab
out all things paranormal, including vampires, elves and shifters of all kinds. She lives on a couple of acres in the country with her gorgeous husband and three sons. They have an array of pets including a couple of horses.

  She is lucky enough to be able to write full time, so most days you can find her at her computer writing up a storm. Charlene believes that it is the small things that truly matter, like that feeling you get when you start a new book, or a particularly beautiful sunset.

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  Also by Charlene Hartnady

  The Chosen Series:

  1# Chosen by the Vampire Kings

  2# Stolen by the Alpha Wolf

  3# Unlikely Mates

  4# Awakened by the Vampire Prince

  5#Mated to the Vampire Kings (Short Novel)

  6#Wolf Whisperer (Novella)

  7# Wanted by the Elven King

  The Program Series (Vampire Novels):

  Book 1: A Mate for York

  Book 2: A Mate for Gideon

  Book 3: A Mate for Lazarus

  Book 4: A Mate for Griffin

  Book 5: A Mate for Lance

  Book 6: A Mate for Kai

  Book 7: A Mate for Titan

  The Bride Hunt Series (Dragon Shifter Novels):

  Book 1: Royal Dragon


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