Nanny and the Beast

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Nanny and the Beast Page 6

by Georgia Le Carre

  “Thank you,” I said, unable to meet her eyes.

  She turned around to leave and I clothed myself in the shame of his callous dismissal.

  Chapter 12


  “He did what?” Charlotte yelled into the phone.

  “It’s not a big deal,” I muttered, even though I would have had the same reaction if Charlotte had said the same thing had happened to her. But with Yuri it was different. We had this crazy thing.

  “The hell it isn’t,” her voice rose angrily. “He left you fucking naked in his damn pool without even a word, or even a glance… the uncivilized bastard.”

  “I was pissed off too, but the truth is I was the aggressor. I stayed. I wanted him, Charlotte. I still do. And anyway, he doesn’t owe me anything. We’re not dating. It was just what it was…a crude meet, and—”

  “You need to do the exact same thing to him… worse even,” she cut in.

  I sighed. “Is that really the best solution you could come up with?”

  “There’s no other way,” she said. “Fuck him halfway to somewhere and then run off before he comes… let him see what that feels like.”

  “First of all, are you angry that he didn’t finish me off, or are you pissed that he abandoned me?”

  “Both!” she exclaimed.

  “Alright,” I replied, amused by her temper. “Well, I’m in a strange place. I feel no shame about what we did. It’s like I’m not in control of my body when I’m around him.”

  “So he is allowed to treat you like trash?”

  “Charlotte, I told you he had an emergency. Who knows what that phone call was all about? It did seem like a life and death thing. I mean his whole face changed. He almost became a different person.”

  “Get out of that house,” she said. “You don’t need that job, find something else. I’ll cover your rent this month.”

  “Nope,” I replied. “I’ve made up my mind to stay.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Two reasons. For Yulia. It’s not her fault I can’t keep my hands off her uncle. I promised myself I would do my best to help her. Also I want him, Charlotte. Real bad. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want him. And before you say anything, I’m going in with my eyes open. I know what he is. He’s a cad, but it’s okay, because I don’t want to marry him or get serious. That would scare even me. I just want to have a completely sexual, brief relationship with him. When it’s all over, I’ll dust my feet off and be on my way.”

  She was silent for the longest time. “Do you actually believe what you’re saying?”

  “Yes, I do. Why shouldn’t I have a torrid affair with him? Trust me, it will be hard to find a woman who says no to him. Anyway, don’t people do this kind of thing all the time?”

  “You’re not people. You don’t form emotional attachments easily, but when you do, it’s usually strong enough to mess you up bad.”

  “I’m not going to form any attachment—”

  “You don’t know that,” she interrupted.

  “Charlotte, you can’t wrap me up in cotton wool to keep me safe. Even if I end up getting hurt, I still want to do this. If I don’t, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Do you understand?” She didn’t say anything so I sighed. “Look, I need to get ready now. Yulia has a big day ahead of her.”

  “Okay. Okay, I get the message. Go and have your fun.”

  We talked shop for a bit then, but just before the conversation ended, I brought up the real reason I was still on edge. “I don’t know what he does for a living.”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “He’s a filthy rich businessman, but I overheard him say something strange on the phone yesterday.”


  “Something like ‘if any of you leave there, you’ll be dead,’ or something close to that. It didn’t sound like a figure of speech but a serious threat, if you know what I mean.”

  She went silent and I could just imagine her, scrunched up hair and furrowed forehead as she pondered what I was saying.

  “There’s also security everywhere in the house. I don’t see them outright, but I’m aware of them… and cameras, they’re everywhere.”

  “Well, he is wealthy, so the wealthy need a different level of protection…”

  “Even so.”

  She sighed. “Just in case this call is being monitored, remember what I read in the tabloids?”

  “Yeah, I remember. I’m beginning to think your tabloids might be onto something.

  “Okay, now I’m even more serious about you leaving.”

  “It’s all right. I won’t be staying for long. I’ll have my rendezvous and be on my way.”

  She chuckled. “You sound brutal.”

  “Well, so is he.”

  “That’s my girl. Now you guard your heart Miss Winters. I don’t want you to come crying to me, because I’ll have to go there and chop him into pieces.”

  I smiled quietly in response. “I won’t. I promise.”

  “Oh, before you hang up, how big is the man’s dong?”

  Heat ran up my throat and into my face. “It’ll…um…take a few tries before he’ll be able to slide fully in.”

  “Goddamn!” she squealed. “No wonder you can’t wait to bang him.”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “Have fun and do everything I wouldn’t do,” she teased and ended the call.

  Chapter 13


  Half an hour later, Yulia and I were picking out her outfit for the day from her closet of seemingly endless clothes. She decided on a lemon-yellow pinafore, a frilly white blouse and sandals with yellow flowers on them.

  Twenty minutes later, we were walking down the grand marble stairs towards the breakfast room. The beautiful hallway was bright with sunlight and I felt positive and uplifted until I saw Zelda coming towards us. A vivid reminder of how she had found me last night played in my head and I cringed with embarrassment.

  She, however, behaved as if she could recall nothing untoward. “Good morning, April and Yulia,” she greeted. “You both go over to the breakfast room and someone will bring your meals over in a second.

  Both Yulia and I had toast, eggs and bacon. Yulia instantly dug into her breakfast.

  I mentally ran through her schedule for the day while I ate. "Yulia, how well do you speak Russian?"

  She looked up briefly from her meal to gaze into my eyes. As though convinced I was asking out of genuine interest, she took out her notebook and wrote on it.

  Very well

  "Could you say something to me in Russian then?" I urged.

  She saw right through me, and rolled her eyes. After a sip of juice, she scribbled once in her writing pad.

  Why? You won’t understand.

  For a six-year old child she had an amazing vocabulary and admirable intelligence. The benefits of private schools and one-on-one tutoring, I guess.

  “I know I won’t understand, but I just wanted to hear what it sounds like.”

  Before she could respond, Yuri appeared at the doorway. My spine automatically straightened and my gaze became fixated on a blob of unmelted butter on my toast. He took a seat opposite me. I could smell his aftershave.

  His simple breakfast of toast and a couple of fruits was brought to him. Ignoring the food, he took a sip of his black coffee, and over the rim of mug, caught my eyes on his.

  Instantly, I looked away. After mentally kicking myself for doing so, I turned fully to him with the blandest smile I could muster. "Morning, Mr. Volkov.”

  “Yuri,” he corrected automatically. His gaze was on me for only a moment before it went over to Yulia.

  This callous treatment zapped me with anger.

  "Yulia, how are you this morning? Good?” he asked.

  For a few seconds the little girl became as still as a statue. She didn't meet his eyes. Then she nodded quietly, and returned to her meal.

  I wondered at her withdrawal. I’d expected her to be bright
and preppy around her devoted uncle. Instead, she was the exact opposite.

  It made me turn to watch him, and I was struck once again by just how handsome he was. This morning, his hair was brushed away from his face. At the reminder of the way my hand had pulled on the jet black mass the previous evening, a painful shot of arousal jolted me.

  Yulia turned to look at me.

  I smiled reassuringly at her before returning to my meal, but as I pushed food down my throat, all I could think about was him. The feel of his thick length in my hand, his mouth between my legs... And how he had so easily abandoned me in the middle of the pool.

  I had told Charlotte that it was all right, it didn't affect me, but some part of me still felt hurt. I wanted so badly to get back at him. Right now, dressed in the striped blue vest of his suit... with his arms bulging against his crisp white dress shirt, I wanted to rip it all from him and have him growl out my name. I wanted him wrapped around my finger. The desire turned to an irrational rage inside me.


  His dark velvet voice cut through me, and my gaze slithered up to his.

  For a few moments, he didn't say a word, his blue eyes studying the silent fury in mine.

  I felt as though he understood. As though he could sense exactly what I was feeling.

  "What will you be doing at 4pm this evening?"

  My heart jumped. "Yulia has her math tutor."

  "Good. Leave her in Margot’s charge. I'll send a car to pick you up."

  "Why?" I asked.

  His eyebrow lifted at the defiance in my voice.

  After the previous night, he no longer deserved courtesy. He could go ahead and fire me if he wanted.

  He looked away from me and to Yulia. “Yulia, would you excuse April and me for a moment? Ask Margot for a coffee refill for me."

  I watched as the little girl slid out of the chair with a concerned look for me and took her exit from the room.

  The fear in her eyes worried me so as I turned back to her uncle I asked, "Why does Yulia seem so afraid of you?"

  "It's the usual reaction most people have around me. You on the other hand seem particularly hostile."

  I took a long sip of my juice.

  "Is this because of last night?"

  I boldly met his gaze. "Last night? What about it?"

  He let his fork clatter noisily to the plate, and leaned back against his chair.

  My anger slowly began to flame the fire of desire for him that had begun from the moment he’d entered the room.

  "I had an emergency," he stated with a sigh. "Do you think I wanted to leave?”

  I looked down at my plate. Suddenly, I felt almost tearful.

  “I apologize," he murmured.

  "There's no need to. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself," I said quickly. "Why do you need me at 4 pm?”

  He answered without taking his gaze off mine, "I'm going to put a gun in your hands.”

  My brain sputtered to a stop. "What?"

  "You need to learn how to use it. Just in case you and Yulia ever encounter any danger."

  I looked away from him to process his words. Encounter any danger? What kind of danger could we possibly encounter, especially if we’re going to be escorted by his burly bodyguards at all times? Charlotte's warning came to mind. What was I truly getting myself into?

  "Scared?" he taunted.

  I returned my gaze to his. "No, but I would like to know what kind of danger we might encounter that would involve needing a gun?"

  "It’s just a precaution. I take Yulia’s safety very seriously,” he said before pushing his chair backwards and rising to his feet.

  “I don’t want to use a gun.”

  "Consider it an occupational hazard. You're the one who wanted the job," he reminded me. "You can quit at any time you choose.”

  He started to walk away but my mouth moved before I could stop it, "What about us?" I asked.

  He took two more steps, and closing the door turned the lock. Slowly, he turned to me, the corner of his mouth tilted in slight amusement. "What do you mean?"

  I shut off my brain, rose to my feet and walked to him, only stopping when my eyes were boring into his, my breasts almost brushing his chest. "You don’t want to finish the job you started last night?" I asked.

  His eyes were sparkling at my audacity. "Oh, I want to.”

  When I was with him, I felt no shame, no embarrassment, no timidity. "When?"

  Every trace of amusement left his face then. The public mask of approachability disappeared. Replacing it was the man I suspected he really was…an infinitely dark and brutal beast. "Tonight," he answered. “After we’re done with your training." Pause. "Are you sure you can handle it?"

  "Handle what? The training, or you?" I retorted.

  “Oh, I know you’ll be able to handle a gun.”

  My response shot out of my lips before I could even think about it, “Well, I got a good enough taste last night. It shouldn't be a problem for me."

  His laugh was dry and short. “Good.” He moved to unlock the door and leave the room.

  If Charlotte saw me now, she wouldn’t believe how I was taunting and provoking this guy. It was just not me. I didn’t do this kind of stuff. I knew I was playing with fire, but I couldn’t stop myself. "Can you?” I asked.

  He stopped. “Can I what?”

  "Handle me?”

  He charged me in an instant. One moment I was standing in front of him and in the next, my back was slammed against the table, plates and cutlery were crashing to the floor, the front of my shirt was gripped in his fist to hold me in place. My hand searched desperately for the edge of the table and the rest of my fake confidence.

  His gaze roamed hungrily over my jutting breasts as my chest heaved. His eyes were veiled. "Put your claws away wild cat. I don't think you understand what you want to get yourself into."

  I found the guts to smile. “Make up your mind. Yesterday, I was a little rabbit.”

  He went along with my show searching my eyes thoroughly. "Be ready at four.”

  My hand shot out to grab his crotch. He was rock hard and my heart jumped at the incontestable evidence of his response to me. "I already am, let's fucking get this over with."

  "Over? Ah, little rabbit. You have no idea." He tapped the table twice as the laugh bubbled from him. Without another word, he turned around and walked away.

  The moment he left, I pulled myself upright and tried to stand, but my knees buckled under me. I grabbed onto the table to keep from crumpling to the floor. Still fighting to breathe properly, I looked up to see Yulia watching me from the door.

  She looked as though she were about to cry.

  This immediately snapped me back to the present. "Yulia," I called out.

  For a few seconds she just stared at me, then she ran towards me. I got to my haunches and she burst into my arms. Her hands went around my shoulder as if she was trying to comfort me. I couldn't understand what was going on. "Sweetie, are you all right?”

  She didn’t answer, just gave an odd sobbing sound.

  I leaned away from her and met her tear soaked face. "Don't cry.” I consoled. "Why are you crying?”

  Consoling her only made her cry even more. Her sobbing evoked emotions in me that I couldn't understand, and I felt the tears trickle down my own eyes. I realized that she pitied me. For some reason, she thought I’d been wounded by her uncle. We remained like that for a long while, neither of us saying a word until eventually, she let me go and I rose to my feet.

  "What's the matter? Won’t you tell me, please?” I begged, searching her reddened, unhappy eyes.

  She only shook her head and as expected, didn’t say a word.

  I’d never been so confused.

  Chapter 14


  April Winters distracted me.

  Distracted was a euphemism for what she was doing to me. Hell, I didn’t know whether I was coming or going with this woman. I couldn’t stop fucking th
inking about her. Her soft skin. That taunting red mouth. Those fuck-me eyes, those legs. God, those damn legs. And her sweet pussy. It’d taken everything I had to walk away last night. And now instead of concentrating on what was happening in front of me, I was damn well fantasizing about her.

  Before me was a circle of five men ramming their boots into a cowering fool. They were close to killing him, and in that moment, I wanted to allow it.

  I knew they were waiting on me. Had it been under my late father’s, or even brother’s command, they wouldn't have needed to. They could have simply filleted him and presented their victim’s heart in a silver box. I’m not into wet work. I don’t enjoy it, and I believe it is the best way to end up behind bars. I’m not a sociopath… I’m a psychopath. But for the first time in a very long time wet work had become necessary.

  A fresh burst of fury burned through me once again, I shot up from the metal chair, making it crash noisily to the floor.

  It made them stop kicking the moron on the floor. He gave a low groan.

  My back was to them, my hands in my pocket. "Any news from the hospital?”

  "He's in a coma... The jump broke his spine," Ivan explained the state of the man this coward had almost sent to his grave.

  I wouldn’t mind, but he was the only one with the information I needed. Fucking fool. "You've awoken the cops..." I muttered with irritation. I turned around and walked to the man huddled on the floor. His face was a bloodied, unrecognizable mess. "Now they're going to keep their eyes on everything until all this blows over you fucking dog.” There didn't seem a word brutal enough to soothe the anger I wanted to unleash on him.

  I heard his dying grunts and felt nothing. He was a traitor. For a second, I saw Yulia’s face when I told her that her parents were dead. My feet itched to kick his worthless body, but I held back.

  He was nothing. Nothing. I would win this war. I would exact my revenge on all who betrayed me. One by one. There would be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It was only a matter of time. “Finish him,” I said coldly and walked away.


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