Nanny and the Beast

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Nanny and the Beast Page 8

by Georgia Le Carre

  Only then, did I lift my head and let out a strange wail of bewilderment.

  Chapter 16


  I dragged my luggage down the stairs before anyone else awoke, and hid it in the closet by the foyer. Exhausted from a night of sleep deprivation, I spent most of the night worrying about how I would tell Yulia I was leaving. I’d promised I would stay and help her. I knew she was frightened about something, but I just couldn’t keep my word. Yuri was devoted to her and he would eventually find someone else to help her.

  I straightened and wiped the sweat away from my brow.

  My heart jumped when I heard a sound behind me. I spun around and to my horror, Yuri and his immense and rude companion were watching me, their hands in their pockets. They were magnificently dressed, clothed in tailored luxury suits I was sure cost more than everything Charlotte and I owned. There must be cameras around the house. They must have seen me creep down the stairs.

  I met Yuri’s eyes boldly, refusing to cower.

  He didn’t say anything, but his cold stare was a demand for an explanation.

  “I’m leaving,” I declared, lifting my chin. “I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s not a good idea to remain in this house.” My words sounded borderline silly, but I didn't care, they could think what they wanted.

  Yuri continued on his way without a word, and I was left staring after him in shock. He didn’t care whether I stayed or went! Something inside me broke.

  “You can’t leave,” I heard his companion say.

  I dragged my gaze back to him. “What?” In truth, he intimidated me. He was the kind of man I would cross the street to avoid.

  His face looked stern. “We have business in Positano, we’ll be back in two days, so please remain with Yulia until then.”


  “It is important. Do it for the child.”

  I nodded.

  “Thank you,” he said with a nod, then walked off too.

  I was left staring after both of them, as the gigantic front door banged shut. The sound seemed to shake the house…and my heart. I felt so on edge, and unsettled. A dark cast of sadness overcame me and I was left with the hollow feeling of a reeling, cold loss. I really was just a fuck toy for him. I’d given myself so easily too. I felt like a slut. Something a rich man had used and discarded. My only use now was as a nanny for his niece.

  Fine. I comforted myself by reminding myself that this was what the devil did. He made us do the unthinkable. I would stay for those two days and then I would go. Fortunately, my heart wasn’t broken. Only my ego had been dented and only a little. I was a fool, but everyone made mistakes. Yuri would go down in history as my greatest mistake.

  Never again, would I let a man take me down this path.

  Chapter 17


  I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s not a good idea to remain in this house.

  What the fuck! I was so fucking furious, I actually saw red. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. I just wanted to throw her over my shoulder, march upstairs, and fuck her until she came to her fucking senses.

  But I didn’t have that luxury. I couldn’t fuck it all up, because my dick wanted pussy. The only thing I could do was walk away. I knew to even attempt to call her out on her bullshit would have only made it worse. Irretrievably worse.

  She intended to walk away. Just like that. Well, fuck her. I didn’t need her. What did she think? She was the only woman with a pussy between her legs? I could replace her in a heartbeat. And I would. When this shit was over, I would go out there and fuck twenty redheads until I got her out of my system.

  This was for the best. I’d broken my most sacred rule. Never mix business with pleasure. I was getting too entangled. Last night, instead of concentrating on the plan, I couldn’t stop thinking of her, and wanting to go to her. I didn’t need this shit in my life. A woman was for fucking, pure and simple. Anything more and they got you by the balls. No woman was twisting me around her little finger.

  Not April Winters. Not anybody.

  I realized that Alex had stayed behind to talk to her. It made me even angrier to think of him talking to her. Did he want to fuck her too? I swallowed the ball of fury in my throat. Would she open her legs for him the way she did for me? My fists clenched, then opened when I heard his footsteps close behind me.

  I wrenched the door open and walked out. It was already hot and balmy. I heard the door slam and Alex joined me on the steps. We didn’t speak as we walked to the car.

  I slid in as Alex got in on the other side. “I’ll replace her,” I said coldly.

  “She’s going to stay until we get back. Yulia needs someone to be with her,” he replied.

  I felt a jolt of pleasure run through my body, but I didn’t say anything.

  “But it is a good idea to replace her. I’ll ask Zelda to start arranging new interviews.”

  I turned my head and looked out of the window. Alex was right. It would be the best solution. Replace her and get back on track with my life.

  I had let things get too far.

  Too crazy.

  Chapter 18


  Yulia and I spent the afternoon on the floor of her massive, baby pink tiled bathroom.

  To kind of make up for the bad news that I would soon have to break to her about leaving, I promised her an activity of her choosing after her lessons. Her immediate request had been to dye her hair color to match mine.

  She was only a child and I really didn’t want to use dye on her beautiful virgin hair, but I had an idea. I asked Zelda if she could get me some American red Kool-Aid. I had to spell it for her, but in less than an hour, she had located a supplier and got me the four packets I’d requested.

  I gave little Yulia a choice. We could put the Kool-Aid on for an hour and her hair would be a little bit red or we could leave it on for three hours and it would be almost as red as mine. I warned her that three hours with a shower cap on would be annoying, but she was determined.

  I thought she might cave in, but bullheaded determination must run in this family’s blood. She kept the Kool-Aid in her hair for the full three hours.

  A batch of freshly baked scones courtesy of the Chef kept us company, as she sat atop the counter, and I blow dried her mid-back length hair. Her mouth was stuffed with the pastries and at the amused look I gave her, she smiled and offered me a bite. I accepted it, purposely nipping her hand in the process.

  With an impish grin, she pulled her hand away, just in time to save it. I really liked this child. If only things had been different, I knew I could have gotten her to talk. With a sigh of regret, I turned my attention back to her hair, and her blue-eyed uncle.

  I missed him, and not in a heartfelt way, but in a sexually frustrated way. My pussy felt hot and strangely swollen from the violent fucking Yuri had subjected it to and my body felt empty.

  When I was done with Yulia’s hair, I ran my fingers down the red mass and turned her around to face the gigantic mirror.

  I’d expected her reaction to be joy or at least surprise at the new look, but when she stopped chewing and went quiet at her image…I was confused.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  Seconds passed and she didn't say a word. Then she smiled, but it was such sad smile that my heart broke.

  “What is it darling?” I pleaded.

  She began to cry.

  I knew she couldn’t be the adult she was trying so hard to be by masking her emotions. I wanted so much to help her, but I didn’t know how to. “Please don’t cry, my darling. I’m here for you. Just tell me what’s wrong. Please. What is it? Maybe I can help,” I begged as I pulled her into my arms.

  But she wouldn’t speak. Just cried her little heart out, her chest heaving with the choking sobs.

  I held her tightly to my chest and waited patiently, patting her back to comfort her. I didn’t know how I would be able to leave her in such a fragile state. Part of me began to think I couldn’t
do it. I would just have to stay away from her uncle and help this poor suffering soul. If I didn’t help her I would suffer far more than, if I got my heartbroken by a cold, heartless man.

  Lifting her from the counter, I carried her back to her bedroom and laid her on her huge Princess bed. Then for the first time, I fitted my body next to hers. Was it her inability to speak that hurt her or the loss of her parents that haunted her?

  She had so much more than I ever did when growing up. I’d been bounced around foster homes until eventually I grew past the age of being wanted, or even being able to be adopted. Rather than being angry at the unfairness of life, I had just returned its chill and aloofness to everything and everyone around me without apology. Except Charlotte.

  And now this poor little girl. I could almost believe that right now she was sadder than I’d ever been.

  I cradled her in my arms and rested my head against hers. I knew from experience that the tears would probably be a good release for whatever demons were tormenting her.

  Eventually, she quieted down. When she shuffled, and tried to pull out of my arms, I immediately let her go. Sitting up, I watched her.

  She got off the bed and headed over to her chest of toys by the windows. She brought out a photograph in a gold frame.

  I waited patiently.

  She came over to me with it. I knew I was being shown into the world inside her head. This was very important to her.

  With a great show respect, I took the framed photograph from her and looked at it. It was the image of a man who bore some resemblance to Yuri, but there was something weak about his jaw, his mouth or his eyes. I didn’t know what it was. I only knew he wasn’t Yuri.

  He however wasn’t what held my attention. It was the woman by his side. Yulia was the exact replica of her. The wind was in her hair. She was laughing, carefree. My heart took a dive into my stomach. I’d never seen Yulia laugh. Not once.

  I was so engrossed by the photo that it was only when Yulia nudged me with her notepad, did I turn around to gaze into her eyes. I looked down at what she had scribbled down and the words seized my heart.

  Mama and Papa were murdered.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, shocked.

  She opened her mouth as though she might speak, but suddenly she shook her head as if reminding herself not to. She took the photograph from me and returned it to its original place. Then she climbed into bed beside me and shut her eyes.

  I understood what she was doing. She was deliberately closing the cruel world out. I could see tears slipping out of her closed lids. I let her cry. She needed it.

  I waited until she was so exhausted that she fell asleep. I wished I too, could fall asleep and forget the world around me, but my mind wouldn’t slow down. Then, I got up and called Charlotte.

  Chapter 19


  “Yulia showed me a photo of her Mom and Dad,” I said the moment she picked up.

  “What?” she asked, her voice groggy with sleep.

  “The poor child cried herself to sleep,” I added sadly.

  Charlotte yawned, and it was only then that I realized that she’d been asleep. My eyes darted to the clock on Yulia’s wall. It was past three in the afternoon. “What’s going on? Why are you sleeping at this time?”

  “I’ll tell you later,” she croaked.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I am,” she responded. “You’re the one who sounds like you have the weight of the whole world on your shoulders.”

  “It’s nothing. Call me back when you’re awake, okay?”

  “No, let’s talk now,” she said, alertness coming into her voice. “I won’t be able to sleep otherwise.”

  My heart swelled at her boundless selflessness whenever it came to me. After what had happened with Yuri, it was just the warmth my bruised soul needed. She’d been this way with me from the first day we met. Inseparable friends.

  I went straight for it. “I slept with Yuri last night.”


  “Are you asleep or just stunned?”


  I could almost picture her rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

  “You actually did it?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. A part of me thought you wouldn't. You tend to run away from things that are too threatening to your peace of mind.”

  “Well, you’re not too far wrong. I packed up my stuff. Right now, my suitcase is in a closet in the foyer.”

  “As expected. Does that mean he was a disappointment?”

  “The opposite. I’m still sore.”

  “Damn. A good fuck. So why the hell are you leaving?”

  I gave her a half-truth. “He’s dangerous Charlotte. I was at his company yesterday, and there were guns everywhere. I think I even saw a dead body too.”

  She was silent for a moment. “And?”

  Her reaction shocked me. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Yeah. You saw a dead body.”


  “What does that have to do with you? Your only business is with his niece. Are you that scared you’ll fall for him?”

  “I’m not going to fall for him.”


  “You know what? It’s fine.”

  “By the way, I did more research on your boss. He owns a conglomerate, according to good ole Google. Construction, Manufacturing, Real estate, investing. Cyber security. A whole host of other things and now, you tell me he can fuck well too. What I wouldn’t give to be you right now.”

  “Uh, well is putting it lightly.”

  “Did you confirm his dick size?”


  “What? That was the main point of all this.”

  “I didn’t,” I said. “All I remember was the ceiling… It was green. “

  “Still, you should be able to gauge it? Did you guys do it on a bed?”

  “I was pinned against a wall.”

  “Damn, can I take your place? I think quitting is the right call to make. Recommend me as your replacement.”

  “Charlotte,” I exclaimed, exasperated.

  “I’m not joking.”

  “That’s the whole problem,” I replied.

  She sighed. “Can you come back to the apartment, tonight?”

  I was about to refuse, but then I thought why the hell not? I could take Yulia with me. See what Charlotte made of her. “It might be possible. He’s away on a business trip for a couple of days, so I could come with Yulia. It will be a breath of fresh air for her.” I paused. “There’s security everywhere though. I don’t think it’ll be that easy. Let me think…”

  “Circumvent them. Go out for ice cream or something, and lose them from there.”

  “Um, I know you’re already excited by the idea, but these men aren’t Mr. Hensen look-a-likes,” I said referring to our lanky high school math teacher. “One of them could quite easily snap both of our necks at the same time.”

  “Uhh, that’s murder.”

  “Exactly. It seems like something they could be quite easily provoked into doing.”

  She sighed heavily. “Get yourself and the little girl out of the house tonight. I’ll meet you both at the place where we bought my red shoes,” she said mysteriously. She was so into this spy shit. “We’ll figure something out. Don’t worry,” she added.

  “All right,” I agreed, and the call came to an end.

  Chapter 20


  “How’s Yulia?”

  Two words. A simple question, but Brain hesitated, just a fraction of a second, but that was enough.

  I stopped in my tracks, and turned around to glance at the thick-headed brute. His eyes darted nervously away, so I turned fully to face him. My heart felt like lead.

  He cleared his throat. “We’re sure she’s all right, boss. The Nanny took her away last night, but they should be returning soon.

  “What?” I bellowed.
/>   He swallowed hard. “There is no reason why they shouldn’t be returning soon,” he repeated fearfully.

  “Where did she take my niece to?” I asked refusing to believe my ears as I turned to watch Alex disembark from the plane.

  Brain began to stutter out a response as I unbuttoned my sleeves, and roll them up my forearms while my mind raced with possibilities.

  Instinctively, he took a step back, but before he could take another, his heavy hunk of muscle and flesh body was on the tarmac.

  My wrist throbbed painfully at the slam into his face, but before I could go after him again, Alex was on me.

  The man stood to his feet unsteadily and with his hands held up as if to appease me, and stumbled off. The four others who had acted as our escorts made no move.

  I jerked my arm free of Alex’s hold, and while flexing my throbbing hand, I made for the waiting black Mercedes.

  My chauffeur jumped out of the driver’s seat on my approach, and opened the passenger door for me.

  I slammed the door shut and slid into the driver’s seat he’d vacated instead. The engine was running. I put the car into motion and screeched away from the tarmac.

  I dialed April’s number on my way, but just as I had expected, it was turned off so I set my GPS system with the address she had included in her resume.

  It was an apartment in a rundown neighborhood in Hammersmith, and it didn't take me long to arrive. By the time I did, my temper was close to exploding. Yulia wasn’t meant to leave the house without security! That was the one unbreakable law I’d given to the entire staff and they had broken it. And certainly not to a place like this where no reconnaissance had been carried in beforehand.

  I banged on the chipped painted white door, and began to count to twenty before I damn well broke it down.


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