Danger Close (Shadow Warriors)

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Danger Close (Shadow Warriors) Page 24

by Lindsay McKenna

  Her breath hitched as his hands encircled her hips. She opened her eyes, staring up into his, sensing his hunger was as deep as hers.

  “Your turn,” she whispered, touching the black T-shirt he wore. Her heart beat with anticipation as Jim gave her a very male smile, stepped back and pulled it off, dropping it with her clothes. Cathy stared at his broad chest, the dark hair across its expanse. He was built powerfully, sculpted muscle moving cleanly as he leaned down and removed his sneakers. Straightening, holding her gaze, Jim opened the jeans and pushed them down. Cathy’s throat tightened as she saw him remove his boxer shorts. Her entire lower body went hot and she felt dampness collecting between her thighs.

  It felt so right, so natural to her to sit down on the jacket with him. Her pulse leaped as he eased her down on her back and he lay next to her, propped up on one elbow, his gaze moving with appreciation across her long, lean form. Cathy could feel the heat of his gaze on her flesh even though he’d not touched her. A scalding sensation settled in her womb. He gave her a heated, sensual look as he claimed her mouth.

  His tongue moved slowly across her lower lip, teasing her, inviting her to participate, and she did, curving her mouth hotly against his, arching her body. The moment their hips met, ragged heat infused her as she felt his erection pressing deeply against her belly. A softened moan rose in her throat as Jim slid his hand down her back, capturing her hips, bringing her hard against him.

  His stubble rasped against her cheek, his breath moist and uneven against her as he deepened their kiss. A quiver fled through her as Jim slid his hand across her thigh, his fingers following the inward curve of her thigh. She opened to him. Cathy felt scalding hunger rise within her to the starvation level as his fingers grazed her inner thigh. She was so wet, so ready for him, and she trembled in desperation, wanting his touch, wanting him inside her.

  His mouth left hers and as he moved his fingers to her opening, Cathy arched against him, a moan of need driven out of her. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. And then, her world dissolved as his breath grazed her breast, tightening the nipple. She felt herself surrendering to his sweet assault upon her. And as his lips tugged on the first nipple, a keening cry broke from her. The slivers of electricity shot from her nipple straight into her clenching lower body. Her breath became uneven and she twisted within his arms, pressing herself against his hand, silently wanting more. Much more.

  He moved his finger just inside her, teasing her, finding that knot of nerves that shook her apart, the pleasure ripping up through her, and she arched demandingly against him, against his erection. The white-hot heat tore through her as he explored her and she sobbed his name, her fingers digging deeply into his back.

  Desperation melted with the pleasure he was wreaking from within her, his mouth settling on the other nipple, tearing her wide open with unending pleasure. She wanted to please him, too, and when she tried, he stopped her.

  “Tonight,” he growled near her ear, “is for you.”

  And God, did she need exactly that. His teeth moved against her earlobe, sending ricochets of heat down her neck and straight into her nipples, then plunging into her spasming womb. Her mind shorted out as he went deeper into her and her head tipped back as she felt the pressure deep within her build rapidly. Panting against him, thrusting and moving against his hand, she felt a massive explosion suddenly erupt and rampage through her. Arching, frozen, Cathy cried out, her world dissolving as the violent orgasm rippled powerfully through her. The surge of scorching heat was so intense all she could do was cling to Jim, hold on as he continued to milk her body, giving her even more concentrated, ongoing pleasure.

  Cathy felt him ease from within her, felt him lay her back, his knees moving between her thighs. Gasping, reeling from the orgasms, she opened her eyes and weakly lifted her arms, sliding them around his shoulders as he moved over her.

  Jim smiled down into her eyes and lifted some of the strands of her ginger-colored hair away from her damp brow. “You’re mine,” he growled, kissing her temple, inhaling her scent.

  Cathy struggled to breathe, the fireworks in her body taking her by surprise. It was Jim, she realized. Yes, there was definitely lust shared between them, but as she drowned in his shadowed, stormy gaze, Cathy realized there was more. So much more between them. No man had ever given her such raw, wild pleasure as he just did. He knew her body, had turned her inside out, and now she was barely able to think as he continued to place small, lingering kisses against her slender neck, working his way down to her taut breasts. Groaning, Cathy felt disassembled in the best of ways, hot honey in his hands, beneath his exploring lips. She quivered violently as his mouth found her first nipple. Wordlessly, she arched her hips against him, wanting him in her.

  She wasn’t disappointed as his lips left her nipple and he settled his large hands around her hips, drawing her against him. Her breath hitched as she felt the pressure of him pressing against her opening. Closing her eyes, she wrapped her hands around his arms, thrusting her hips forward, drawing him within her.

  A guttural sound caught in her throat as she felt his thickness begin to expand within her, the burning sensation competing with the pleasure. He was in no hurry, stilling himself, waiting, allowing her slick, wet body to accommodate him. The feeling of his power, the way her body clasped around him, the heat and fluids bathing them, caused her to twist and move. The primal animal need in her didn’t care if there was momentary pain mixed with raw pleasure. Something drove her to grip his biceps and buck against him, draw him even more deeply into her body. It just felt so right, so perfect to share herself with Jim. She heard him groan, opened her eyes, saw the tormented look in his eyes, his lips drawn away from his teeth.

  “I want you,” she whispered raggedly. “Don’t stop, please…I want you….” And she closed her eyes, feeling him begin to thrust slowly back and forth within her. Small, pleasurable sounds caught in her throat, letting him know how wonderful he was making her feel.

  Slipping her hands from his arms to his narrow, tense hips, she rocked forward, drawing him as deep as he could go within her. The white-hot heat soared through her and a wailing sound of enjoyment became trapped in her throat. Cathy felt him lean over her, his arms on either side of her head, the heat of his body against hers as he thrust repeatedly into her.

  His fingers tangled into her hair, holding her captive, taking her hard, taking her deep. The wild, untrammeled fire roared to life within her once more and she wrapped her long legs around his waist, small cries mingled with her panting as the sounds wrenched from between her lips.

  And just as Cathy felt the pressure grow to an impossible level, she felt her body release, the wild gratification racing outward. Jim froze above her, his hands tangled in her hair, his brow against hers, his breath raw and harsh. The combined release hurtled her to a place where only intense heat mingled with the fires of life, scalding her, making her cry out and cling to his thick, damp shoulders. Perspiration leaked down her temples, her breath coming in sharp pants, her entire body trembling violently.

  She felt Jim move then, extending her pleasure, hurling her into a universe where only his male scent, the fragrance of the sex shared between them, the hard warmth of his body against hers, existed. She felt primal, kissing his sweaty temple, seeking, finding his mouth, drowning in the splendor of his branding kiss, holding her captive beneath him.

  It took long, delicious minutes before Jim could move. He kept most of his weight off Cathy, his head buried against her neck and shoulder. God, he was weak. They’d shared something so intense and special his sated mind still couldn’t wrap around all of it. It was Cathy. It was the magic they’d shared with one another. Groaning, he kissed her pouty lips, held her drowsy green eyes, and he eased out of her. Moving beside her, Jim tucked her up against him, her head resting on his shoulder.

  Cathy could barely speak, the throbbing heat still very much alive within her. She felt his fingers thread gently through her hair and she mad
e a soft sound of satisfaction, nuzzling against his jaw. “Everything,” she whispered unsteadily, “felt so good…thank you, Jim.”

  He kissed her brow. “It took two of us to pull this off,” he reminded her huskily. God, she was hot, so alive, so damned natural and without inhibitions. His body vibrated with the scalding heat still burning deep within him after his release.

  All Cathy wanted was his large, hard body, so warm and strong, surrounding her. With Jim, she felt safe. Felt loved. Her mind was still too dissolved to think about love, but her feelings for him were intense. Alive. Savage with pulsing life. She placed her palm against his heart, the soft hair of his chest tangled among her fingers. “You make me smile,” she murmured. She felt his answer by his arms holding her a little bit tighter for a moment against him. The small waves washing upon the beach lulled her. She had felt so heavy, so weighted with her responsibilities before. Now, Cathy felt light, happy and so very, very satisfied. She didn’t know when she drifted off to sleep in Jim’s arms, feeling protected for the first time in her life. It was easy to entrust him with the care of herself.

  Jim felt Cathy awaken later in his arms. He lay on his back, Cathy’s body curved against his, her head resting on his shoulder. She moved her fingers across his chest, exploring him, touching him, sensing him. He could feel her in so many different ways. Stirring, Jim eased her onto her back and he lay beside her, absorbing her sleepy, half-opened eyes.

  “Feel rested?” he asked, sliding his hand against her velvet cheek. He liked the way the corners of her lush mouth curved upward over his barely whispered question.

  “Yes…I feel wonderful. Happy. Like a satisfied cat,” and she laughed softly, holding his shadowed gaze.

  Nodding, Jim placed his finger beneath her chin and held her warm gaze. “Best of all, we have each other. What we’ve shared so far is ours, on so many different levels. You make me feel again, Cathy. I was dead, too, in a different way, until I met you.” He leaned forward, his mouth barely grazing her glistening lips Easing away, he rasped, “We have each other. We can be each other’s strength and sanctuary….”

  A raw quiver spiraled through her as his mouth slanted gently against her lips. The need in his voice brought tears to her eyes. Almost hungrily, Cathy returned his tentative, exploratory kiss. The infusion of Jim’s strength gave her strength. He was giving to her now, filling her emotionally with more than just swift, rising passion. He was replacing her loss with his care and Cathy moaned as he eased her down onto the sand. She allowed her feelings to guide her and she gave them free rein. With Jim, Cathy realized she was safe, cherished and loved.

  “What I want,” she whispered as he left her mouth, “is to forget about everything except you, Jim.” Cathy wanted to love again and again this man who had so gently woven her within his web. Nothing mattered, only the unselfish giving and taking that they were both capable of with each other.

  “You have me,” he said thickly, cupping her cheek. “Go back to sleep….”

  Jim pulled Cathy close, feeling the warmth of her breasts against his chest. The limpness of her body and her shallow breathing told him she had, once more, fallen asleep. Eventually, Jim closed his eyes again, fulfilled as never before, never wanting this night to end.

  CATHY AWOKE gradually. Jim’s arm instinctively tightened around her as she stirred. A pink ribbon along the horizon heralded dawn. She drank in Jim’s sleeping features, thinking how boyish he looked. Was he as bullheaded as his square jaw indicated? Freeing one arm from the jacket across them, she touched his cheek, now stubbled with beard. It made his face more dangerous looking to her. His eyes barely opened and he caressed her shoulder.

  “I’m dreaming,” he muttered, smiling.

  Cathy absorbed his slight smile into her heart and propped herself up on one elbow. “Then we both are.”

  “Let’s compare then. My dream contains a wild, natural woman with such a loving, giving heart that she takes my breath away.”

  Warmth flowed through Cathy and she pushed several stray strands of his dark hair off his brow. “Someone took my breath away, too…”

  “The rogue.” Jim stared up at Cathy, thinking how fragile and feminine she looked. Her hair was a soft, tangled mass of silk, bits of sand sprinkled through it. Her face was translucent with an inner radiance and her eyes…God, her eyes held vibrant life in their depths. He watched Cathy smile and saw them flecked with the gold of happiness.

  “I happen to think the rogue was pretty good last night,” she teased throatily.

  Jim slid his hand down her darkly tanned arm. “We’re good for each other,” he corrected.


  He studied her now serious face. “What?”

  “I meant what I said last night. I want to share the next three days with you.”

  What had it cost Cathy to admit that? He wondered, because he heard the uncertainty in her voice. He rose into a sitting position, feeling the damp coolness of the ocean air. Taking the jacket, he brought it around Cathy’s shoulders and then drew her into his arms. She came without hesitation. Kissing her temple, following the slender line of her jaw, he found and met her full lips. She smelled of ocean, and of her own feminine scent that was hers alone. He drank her in hungrily, absorbing her warmth, her ability to give effortlessly in return to him. Finally, he framed her upturned face and held her smoldering emerald gaze.

  “Three days,” he promised her. “I want to share everything with you, Cathy. Not just in bed, either. I want to know you, the real you.” He smiled as he kissed her brow. “Whatever it is you possess is what I need. Do you understand?” Jim watched as she closed her eyes, her lashes like dark fans across her pink cheeks that were sprinkled with freckles. Her voice came out low and trembling.

  “No, I don’t understand. But that doesn’t matter, Jim. The only thing I know right now is that I know I need you. I want to be with you. I want to hear you talk, to tell me about yourself. I’m hungry to know you.” And then she added, with a shy smile of her own, “In and out of bed.”

  He slanted his mouth across her lips, tasting her. Her returning pressure and confidence met with his. Drinking deeply of her offering, Jim reluctantly eased away from her full lips. “Come on,” he told her in a gritty voice, “let’s go for a swim. It’s warmer in the water than out here. And we can get this sand off us.”

  They greeted the rising sun swimming side by side. The water was incredibly warm and Cathy languished like a seal pup, cavorting and laughing as Jim would dive and then suddenly attack her from below. The joy of treading water, being held in his arms and laughing with him was all she wanted. Later, he carried her out of the surf and up to the beach. They dressed, struggling with clothes against their wet bodies.

  “How about breakfast?” he asked, coming up and helping her button her blouse.

  “I’m starved,” Cathy agreed. His fingers were scarred, powerful and long, the same hands that had made such exquisite, tender love to her in the early-morning hours. She lifted her chin, smiling into his dove-gray eyes, suffused by breathless joy.

  “So am I,” Jim growled, settling his hands on her hips, drawing her against him. “First, for you and, second, for food.” He nibbled playfully on her ear until she squirmed away from him. Her laughter pealed forth with the freedom of a child’s laughter and he knew he’d never been happier than in these magical moments as she danced out of his arms.

  The sun was above the glasslike ocean as they made their way back to the hotel. Cathy was silent, glancing at Jim out of the corner of her eye from time to time. He was the most honest man she had ever met. He didn’t play games and that rattled her. Their entire relationship was based upon raw, black-and-white reality. They had met under brutal circumstances. They were holding reality at bay because they had one another. There was something about the strength in his face, the set of his jaw and his burning gray eyes that seared her soul when he gazed down at her. She had no idea where they were going with one another, unders
tanding as never before that life had to be lived in the present. Not in the past. There was no future, because in three days she might get blown away. Or Jim might. She resolved to share as much as she could with Jim, feeling that commitment flow through her. Before, Cathy had practiced life in a future mode. Not anymore. That was a luxury she could no longer afford.

  Cathy was jolted out of her reverie as they approached the exit stairs to the hotel.

  “Babe, we’d better duck up the rear stairs so no one sees us.”

  She agreed. Jim dropped her off at her room.

  “I’ll see you in the cafe in half an hour.”

  “Jim? What if the team sees us?”

  He turned, shrugging. “They would expect it. Don’t worry. I won’t embarrass you. We’ll just pretend this is the first time we’ve sat down together.”

  Cathy leaned against the door. “That is going to be very hard to do.”

  There was tenderness in his voice. “I know. Get a shower and look beautiful for all those poor bastards down there.”

  JIM WAS ORDERING coffee for both of them when Cathy appeared at the intricately carved teakwood entrance to the restaurant. He felt the same strong desire rush through his body once again as she demurely made her way over to him. He stood and seated her. There was a blush to her cheeks and he found it very hard not to drink in her delicate beauty. She was right—it was going to be very hard to pretend indifference. Boland smiled to himself. The fitted, sleeveless summer dress accentuated her dark tan and emphasized the slender quality of her body. Yet, it was a strong body, one filled with loving and giving passion.

  “You look like a rose in a dandelion patch. White becomes you.”


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