Reckless Together

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Reckless Together Page 22

by Gina Robinson

  "Well, I'm glad it's Jason." She snuggled into him and hugged him, resting her head against his chest.

  "Yeah, me too." As he rested his chin on her head, a wave of sleepiness washed over him. He blinked, trying to fight it off.

  "Your turn. What happened last night? Mom told me about running into your parents and telling them what she overheard Amber saying."

  "Yeah, Mom and Dad were pissed at her. Mom has never liked Amber."

  "She has good taste there," El said.

  "Figures you agree with her." He squeezed El. "Amber's pretty much on everyone's shit list, and Caleb isn't far behind for sleeping with her."

  "The favorite son has fallen."

  "Yeah, I may be the favorite for a while."

  "So—was Mom right? Is Amber screwing you all over in the deal? Is Harlan going to turn her in? Prison orange might be her color. I bet they'd still let her wear her Double Deltsie pin in prison."

  "El, she's not going to jail." With El in his arms, Logan was relaxing. He stifled a yawn. "Dad's lawyers and connections will see to that. It's a long story. But basically, she thought the IPO was in trouble because the company we're funding was behind schedule. Amber was worried it would have to be pushed back and we'd need to put up more money to cover operating costs until they could go public.

  "She's over-extended, and didn't have it. This Cutter guy from Core Technologies approached her, offering her to pay for insider information. She cut a deal, fed Core some details she thought weren't too vital, and used the money to fund our company. She claims she was always on our side."

  "And you believe her?"


  "What does Harlan think?" El lifted her head.

  Logan cupped it and pressed it back against his chest. He liked feeling her cuddled there. "That Amber's learned a lesson. And that he can salvage the IPO. We had to stay up until five, which is when this shark investor he knows gets up. We had a good talk with him. We're all going to get our money back and make a profit. It may take a while, though."

  "Oh." She sounded so disappointed.

  "Dad offered to fund grad school," he said. "If I decide to go."

  She pulled back to look at him, and she looked so hopeful it nearly killed him. "Will you take him up on his offer? If you decide to go."

  "Are you kidding? No way."

  Her face fell.

  "I told Dad if I opt for grad school and I still don't have my money, I'll take a loan from him. At very reasonable rates."

  "That's awesome." Her face lit up again.

  He nodded. "Yeah, and I don't know what alien invaded Dad's body, but he said he was proud of me for trying to stand on my own. He even suggested I contact the companies who've made me job offers and see if I can defer them a year and get them to pay for my first year of grad school before I start work for them."

  "Will they do that?" El stifled a yawn. "Sorry. Didn't mean to yawn. This is great news."

  "I don't know. But some companies do. It's worth a shot." He leaned down and kissed her. "I love you, El."

  He scooped her into his lap and stood up with her in his arms.

  "Are you carrying me to the table? 'Cause I can walk. I think. And our food's getting cold."

  "Fuck our food, El. I'm so damned tired, I can't even eat. I just want to take a nap next to you, naked."

  "Just sleep?" She covered her mouth as she yawned again.

  She was so sexy when she was tired. She was sexy all the time. But he was so exhausted that he felt drugged. "If I weren't so damned tired, El…My head is willing, but I'm crashing. And you are, too. In another minute, I'll pass out. But when I wake up, all bets are off. I'm going to wake up horny."

  "You better."


  Logan fell asleep almost the moment his head hit the pillow. I watched his breathing become calm and even and his face relax. I was so happy it was almost scary. And too tired to sleep. I wanted to. I tried to, but my mind was racing. Going over all the awesome possibilities. Like Logan staying at school with me. Like the two of us being together forever.

  I closed my eyes and made my mind slow down. I slowly, almost mindlessly, traced Logan's naked chest, feeling every firm muscle and rugged contour of his body. Tired as I was, I couldn't keep my hands to myself. I loved his arms. I couldn't resist squeezing his biceps and feeling the soft skin on the inside of his arms. Such a contrast—the soft and the powerful.

  His breathing, which had been deep, grew shallow and excited. I was awake now as I realized my own power. Now is the time, I thought.

  Very gently, I pulled back the blanket he'd thrown over us and traced his nipple until it stood up.

  He was so perfect. I loved looking at him. I loved touching him. I grew tight and wet. I wanted him. I wanted to be on top and chase all memories of Her away forever. I wanted him to know he could trust me to be in control and he could lose control with me.

  I slid my hand down his body, listening to his breathing, until my hand rested on the inside of his thigh. Moving slowly so I didn't wake him, I gently stroked his dick, watching it grow long and hard beneath my touch.

  Every move I made was so incredibly gentle, like I was a butterfly making love to him. Tender. Patient. I sat up slowly and the bed creaked.

  Logan stirred and inhaled deeply. I stilled my hand until he quieted down, my heart pounding until his breathing became even and shallow again.

  Slowly, gently, with incredible patience, freezing when the bed moved too much, I positioned myself in a kneeling position over him, one knee on either side of his waist.

  He was so handsome. I couldn't stop looking at him. I took a deep breath and steeled myself, hoping this worked, hoping the risk was worth it.

  I grabbed his dick. Leaned down to whisper in his ear. "It's me. El. Just me. I love you, Logan."

  I slid him inside me. Naked. Without a condom. As I started rocking on him, I tipped my head back. I had never felt such pleasure. Or fear. This had to work.


  El is on top of me, her prefect breasts bouncing as she rides me. Her hair falls down around me, tickling my chest and arms and driving me mad with desire. She's so fucking beautiful.

  I'm so turned on, I'm afraid I'll come too early. I'm afraid I don't have enough control to hang on. I smell her perfume. I'm crazy with lust and desire. I thrust up into her and the sound of her soft moans almost throws me over the edge.

  Her eyes sparkle. She smiles down and me and tosses her head back. As I stare at the creamy arc of her neck, I know she loves me and that's all that matters. She's moving back and forth on my dick, building pulses of pleasure.

  Everything's beautiful, but suddenly I feel anxious. I've been here before. I'm about to lose El.

  I try to open my eyes, but it's like they're glued shut. My heart races until my pulse is uneven and wild, part ecstasy, part revulsion and fear. Sweat beads on my forehead. My eyes will not open. I'm losing her.

  "It's me. El. Just me. I love you, Logan." Her breath is urgent in my ear.

  I actually feel her words. I want to believe her. I want to believe it's El on top of me. But I'm paralyzed with fear. Any minute now, she'll morph into the monster. I know what's coming. I have to open my eyes. I have to get her off me. This isn't El. This is a trick.

  "Logan! Logan, listen to me. I'm not Her. You can control this. It's me, El. Really me. Do you feel me?" I feel the force of her words against my face.

  The mirage on top of me squeezes my dick. I moan involuntarily. The pleasure is so intense. She plunges me deeper inside her.

  No, I won't. Not again.

  But I'm powerless to stop Her.

  "It's just me, Logan." El's voice is soft, but urgent and pleading. "Trust me. Believe me, Logan. If you want me to climb off, I will. You're in control. I'll never hurt you. I'll never force you."

  I want to believe her. The pleasure is building. I thrust again. Fighting, fighting, fighting. Trying to call out. Trying not to let Her appear.

p; Something is different. What is different?

  El grows hazy. I feel sick, disgusting, like I'm a sick perv.

  "There's no condom, Logan. I trust you so much, I didn't put a condom on you. Don't fight me. If you want me to stop, just open your eyes and tell me." It sounds like she's trying not to cry.

  I don't want to hurt, El. Shit, I don't want to hurt her. She stops moving. I feel her squeeze me again and I realize she's right. El's voice is telling the truth. There is no condom. And that's what's different. This is really El.

  Logan's eyes flew open. El was on top of him. The real El, his beautiful El, was on top of him with her hair flowing down around them.

  "A guy can't get a minute of sleep around here." He grabbed her gorgeous hips and thrust up into her.

  Tears stood in her eyes. Her face crumbled with relief.

  "I'm back," he said. "I love you, El." He thrust again.

  She gasped and rocked back into him. He let go and let her take control, matching her rhythm until she called out his name. Then he came with her with a climax so strong it took his breath away and kept coming and coming.

  When it was over, she lay on top of him.

  He held her against his chest. "I'm back, El. The nightmare is over." And he meant that literally. The nightmare was over. Even the thought of the trial no longer scared him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I sat in the packed courtroom between my dad Jason and Caleb and his parents, watching Logan testify against Dr. Rogers. Logan had asked me, and Dad, to come. After Logan and I made love, we fell asleep in each other's arms. We slept until late in the evening and woke up starving. We ordered a pizza and he told me all the details he'd never talked about before. Admitted things he'd never told anyone else, but that I already knew. There were no secrets between us now. No reason for him to be embarrassed in front of me.

  The trial was a media circus, one of the biggest stories of the week, statewide. Even reporters and news crews from Seattle were on hand. The courtroom was full of students, mostly girls. Many of them girls Logan had walked home as a security escort. Some of them wore CAPSA sweatshirts in support of Logan.

  I was so proud of Logan. He looked so handsome and confident as he sat in the witness box and calmly answered questions. Nothing scared him. Not even Dr. Rogers.

  She sat next to her lawyers, looking old and pinched. Ugly. She stared at Logan with obvious lust and longing, with obsession. Her lawyer kept leaning in to whisper to her. Her face would go blank for a minute and then the lust would return. Her lawyers couldn't coach her out of it.

  I glanced at the jury to see if they saw what I did—Dr. Rogers and the rest of it. The way Logan looked at me when he needed reassurance. The love that shone between us. That dark, unreciprocated obsession Dr. Rogers had for Logan.

  I saw the grimaces. I caught the horrified looks some of the jurors flashed Her. I watched their faces soften into sympathy for Logan. And I knew things were going to be okay. They believed him. The whole courtroom believed him.

  When his testimony was over, the judge called a recess. Logan stepped down from the stand. His mom grabbed him and hugged him before I could, murmuring her praises. Tears in her eyes. Even Harlan looked proud, and slapped Logan on the back.

  Logan finally broke free from his mom. Jason congratulated him on a job well done and stepped out of the way so Logan could get to me.

  I threw my arms around him. "You were awesome up there. Nothing intimidated you." I kissed him. "I love you, star witness."

  He grinned. "You were my rock." He grabbed my hand. "I am so glad that's over. Let's get out of here."

  We made our way through the crowd and stepped outside to the flash of cameras stuck in our faces. Reporters shouted questions at Logan. Girls screamed and shouted at him like he was a rock star.

  "My son has no comment," Harlan said to the reporters as he ran interference. "He's done his duty. Please, leave us alone now."

  We made our way through the crowds to the parking garage, losing the reporters at last. We were supposed to go to lunch with Logan's family and my dad.

  "We'll meet you at the restaurant," Logan said as he opened his car door for me.

  I slid in. He went around to his side. He took the long way to the restaurant, stopping at a park about a block away.

  "Why are we stopping?" I asked.

  "I just need to breathe for a minute." He grinned at me and got out.

  I joined him. He took my hand and led me into the park. It was a beautiful day. We stopped in front of a small pond.

  "It feels good to breathe," I said.

  "I'm glad that's over." He took my hands in his.

  "You made a lot of fans." I stared down at our hands and ran my fingers over the backs of his hands.

  He nodded. "Yeah. It might not be a bad thing to have a fan club. For a year or so."

  My gaze flew to meet his. "Does that mean?"

  "Yeah. I've decided on grad school."

  I went up on my toes to kiss him.

  He dropped my hands and cupped my face, stopping me before my lips met his. "There's more good news."

  "More?" My heart was so full. How could it hold any more?

  He nodded. "Dad thinks I'll be getting my money soon."

  "Logan! That's fantastic."

  He kept nodding. "Yeah, and as soon as I get it, I know one thing I'm going to buy for sure."

  "Spending your money already?" I laughed and clucked my tongue, teasing him.

  He didn't even crack a smile. He looked completely serious. "I'm going to get you a big-ass ring."

  My eyes went wide. "Ring? Like…" I pointed to my left ring finger.

  He nodded.

  I was totally confused. We hadn't even talked about it. I cupped his hands cupping my face and took a deep breath. "Are you proposing?"

  He laughed and leaned his forehead against mine. "Nope. No way. When I propose, you'll know it. I'll do it the proper way—with flowers and romance and all that shit. So there's no way you can refuse."

  He took a deep breath. "This is just me bringing up the subject. You know, just talking about it. Like, in the future some time, would you be totally opposed to marrying me?"

  I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling. I blinked back tears of happiness. He was so darn adorable looking at me with his heart in his eyes. "Not totally, no."

  "Good, glad there's hope. Because I can't live without you, El. I love you."

  And then he kissed me.

  So What's Next?

  Finishing a series is double-edged feat. Yay! Logan and Ellie are happily together. And, wait! It's over? What do I read now?

  I have plenty more romance in store for you coming in early summer 2014. Look for my new Switched in Love series of contemporary new adult romances all about the perils of falling in love with someone who isn't who you think they are. What happens when you find the love you're looking for in the most unusual circumstances and with the last person you ever thought you'd be attracted to? You won't want to miss them!

  Would you like to know when my next book is available? You can sign up for my new release newsletter at

  Thank You!

  Thanks for reading Reckless Together. I hope you enjoyed Logan and Ellie's story!

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  About the Author

  Gina Robinson is the award-winning author of the contemporary new adult romances Reckless Longing, Reckless Secrets, and Reckless Together and the Agent Ex series of humorous romantic suspense novels. She's currently working on a new contemporary romance/new adult series called Switched in Love, all about the perils of falling in love with someone who isn't who you think they are. What happens when you find the love you're looking for in the most unusual circumstances and with the last person you ever thought you'd be attracted to? Look for the fi
rst Switched in Love romance in early summer 2014.

  Connect with Gina Online:

  My Website:

  Twitter: @ginamrobinson


  Look for the new Switched in Love series of new adult contemporary romances in early summer 2014!

  Also by Gina Robinson:

  New Adult Romance

  Reckless Longing

  Reckless Secrets

  Reckless Together

  Contemporary Romance

  Echo Bay Christmas

  The Agent Ex Series of Romantic Suspense

  The Spy Who Left Me

  Diamonds Are Truly Forever

  Live and Let Love

  License To Love

  Love Another Day

  Surfer Sailor Lover Spy—Maui, a short story

  And more spylicious romance

  Spy Candy

  Spy Games

  Lipstick Spy School, a short story

  Fun, flirty contemporary women's fiction

  Pink Slipper

  Historical Romance

  The Last Honest Seamstress

  The Union

  The Escort




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