Stealing Scarlett

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Stealing Scarlett Page 14

by Isabella Snow

  “Are you mad, driving in this weather?” He gently chided the person on the other end. “Just sit tight; it’s going to take a good hour before I can reach you.”

  Chase walked back into the dining room, a concerned look on his face. Rattling off something to Rosalia in Italian, the old woman gasped and jumped up from the table. Silvio followed suit, and the two of them abandoned their meals, running off on what appeared to be some kind of vital mission.

  “A friend of mine has overturned an overpriced car.” He set the phone down on the table. “Emergency services can’t get through due to an avalanche on the opposite side of the mountain, and air rescue could take hours, so I’m going to try myself.”

  “You’re going out in that?” Scarlett glanced outside and flinched at the pounding snowstorm.

  Rosalia and Silvio returned, handing him a bag of supplies, worried looks on their faces.

  Taking a step closer, he brushed the back of his fingertips across Scarlett’s cheek. “Is that concern I see in those lovely blue eyes?”

  Flushing hotly, she turned her head away. “I’d say that to any random idiot about to recklessly endanger himself.”

  He placed his phone in the palm of her hand and bent down to kiss her cheek. “If you haven’t noticed, there aren’t any phone lines up here. Hold on to this, in case I need to contact you. I keep a second cell in the Rover.”

  Before she could beg him to stay, his coat was halfway on, and he was almost at the door. As he pulled the handle toward him, he turned and flashed her a brilliant smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in time to tuck you in.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Scarlett.” Feather light kisses grazed her closed eyelids as her body began to rouse from sleep.

  Her eyes felt swollen and puffy, having cried herself to sleep some time ago. Instinctively turning toward the warmth beside her, she snuggled between a pair of muscular arms as they closed around her. The embrace tightened slightly, and she opened her eyes, struggling to wake herself up completely.

  “Rosalia said you were crying.” Chase pulled her close. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Scarlett was suddenly awake, adrenaline kicking in as her earlier fears came rushing back. “Are you all right? Is your friend all right?” She sat up quickly, climbing into his lap like a child, her legs circling his back as she placed her arms around his neck.

  “We’re both fine, thank you.” Holding her tight, he leaned back and gave her quizzical look. “Is this the same woman who hates me?” His tone was gently mocking.

  Raising her gaze to his, she lifted her arm and prepared to wallop him ‑‑ and then gasped. “Your face!” Her eyes filled with concern as her fingers touched his cheek.

  “Just a little dirt.” He smiled and nuzzled the bare skin at her shoulder. “Perhaps you’d like to help clean me up.”

  Her nipples hardened at the suggestive tone in his voice, her eyes closing as his lips traced her décolletage.

  “The bath is certainly big enough for two people.” She giggled.

  “That’s not quite what I had in mind.” In the blink of an eye, he was on his feet and walking toward the door, Scarlett’s pliant body in his arms.

  “I can’t go out there like this,” she protested meekly. “I’m not decent!”

  “Everyone else is sound asleep,” he reassured her. “Besides, you’re far more decent now than you’re about to become.”

  She gave him a mock swat on the shoulder, and he grinned as he carried her downstairs. Stealing through the dark hall, she looked around for any sign of the elderly Italian couple, quite relieved to see no indication of them. When they reached the end of the corridor, he pulled a heavy curtain aside to reveal a large sliding-glass door. He flipped the lock and gave the handle a tug, sliding it halfway open.

  The cold winter air went straight through her, and she buried her face in his chest to keep from squealing. “It’s a little chilly out here, don’t you think?” she shrieked into his shirt.

  “Not for long.” Closing the door behind them, he carried her down a set of stone steps and flipped a switch on a nearby pole.

  Scarlett’s breath caught at the sight. A genuine winter spa, complete with inviting bubbles and steam, stood before them. He carried her over to the side of the Jacuzzi and placed her directly into the water. Groaning as the hot water covered her body, she couldn’t help smiling as the jets began to massage away a healthy amount of stress and tension.

  She opened her eyes and found him staring at her. He took his time undressing, seemingly unbothered by the frigid temperature. As the last piece of clothing hit the deck, he climbed up the steps and lowered himself in beside her.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this all night.” He jerked her against him and covered her mouth, his hands tearing her nightgown off in one movement. Her panties quickly followed suit. She moaned against his lips as he hoisted her out of the water, pulling her arms around his neck as he continued to kiss her. Her breasts strained at his chest, the cold air teasing them without mercy.

  If he’d been able to control her body on land, it was that much easier for him in the water. She felt completely weightless as he manipulated her hips and thighs, molding her against his muscular form. Squeezing a nipple between his fingers, he bent down and nipped at the tiny pink bud, flicking his tongue against the tip.

  “Please,” she mewled saucily. “I need to be fucked.”

  He stiffened for a moment, and she peered up at him through lowered lashes. The glazed look in his eyes belied his arousal, despite the controlled exterior he might project. “Are you begging?” He pinched her other nipple, firmly rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Yes.” She lowered her lashes coyly.

  There was a slight pause before he spun her around, placing the palms of her hands on the Jacuzzi wall. Molding his chest to her back, he spread her legs apart and tilted her hips backward, letting her legs rest against either side of his waist. Sliding his cock between her thighs, he let it rest against the entrance of her womanhood, its pulsing thickness teasing her swollen lips. Reaching around the front of her body, his deft fingers found the silky folds of her sex, parting them easily.

  She pressed herself downward, moaning as his thumb grazed her clit. His cock teased her soft folds, promising a reprisal of yesterday’s delights. His free hand covered one of her breasts, tugging her nipple until she wriggled with pleasure against him.

  “I don’t hear you begging.” He dipped his head and bit the nape of her neck.

  “Please,” she cried aloud, her cool, wet locks teasing her warm skin.

  “Please, who?” His fingers slid across her clit in a circular movement, and she braced herself against the Jacuzzi’s surface.

  “I’m not going to call you Master!” Her tone was stubborn as she reached for her other breast and began to knead it roughly, groaning as her desire increased.

  “I think you might.” He chuckled as she wantonly explored her own body.

  “You’re wrong.” Pressing down once more, she gasped as his cock slipped into her.

  A deep groan filled her throat, and she tried to bear down on his erection, eager to have the rest of him inside of her.

  “I’m rarely wrong.” He yanked her hand away from her nipple and forced it back down to the Jacuzzi wall.

  The force of the move sent shivers down her spine, bringing a lusty cry to her lips. Leaving his shaft exactly where it was, he dragged his teeth across her shoulders while his fingers teased the tiny jewel between her thighs. Sensing orgasm was just a few strokes away, she began to undulate against his touch, eager to bring it to a head.

  “Fuck me.” She pressed her hips backward.

  He growled loudly and bit the nape of her neck. “Who owns your body?”

  His voice sent a rush of wetness through her pussy, and he chuckled behind her. “I do.” She turned her head away, defiance getting the best of her.

  Covering her han
ds with his own, he jerked them into the air and pulled them behind her back, thrusting himself into her pussy. Screaming with delight, her head rolled from side to side, her hair thrashing about in the winter air. Orgasm was building deep within, and she felt a haze descending over her mind. She could barely keep her eyes open, the pleasure was so intense.

  “Who owns your body, Scarlett?”

  She moaned, no longer able to deny him. “You do.”

  “Good.” His cock slowed to a deliberately maddening pace. “Last chance to please me.”

  She knew she’d lose her mind if he kept teasing her like this. “Please…Master.” The words were but a whisper, yet fully loud enough to get her exactly what she wanted.

  As he slid between her warm folds, she could no longer control herself, screams of ecstasy leaving her mouth with every exhalation. Strong fingers tightening around her wrists as he filled every inch of her sex, a blinding climax overtook them both, their moans of pleasure erupting like fireworks. Shuddering violently, she collapsed backwards against his powerful chest, sighing as his arms wrapped around her. Without a doubt, there were worse fates to be had than slavery.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Scarlet awoke slowly, a warm glow spreading through her body as Chase’s slumbering form came into view. Pulling the sheet around her naked form, she could barely remember being carried upstairs after their late-night romp in the spa. But she could definitely remember the romp.

  Smiling blissfully at the memory, she jumped at the unexpected sound of his phone ringing on the bedside table. Giving him a quick glance, he appeared too deep in sleep to warrant waking him, so she decided to let it ring, fully expecting a voicemail system to intercept the call. After seven maddening rings, it was clear that wouldn’t be happening. Flipping it open, she pressed the call button and placed it against her ear. “Chase Turner’s phone.” She tried to sound professional.

  “Oh!” A woman’s voice came through the earpiece. “May I speak with Chase, please?”

  “He’s unavailable at the moment, may I take a message?” Scarlett turned herself away from Chase and threw her legs over the side of the bed.

  “But of course. He certainly earned a rest last night.” The other woman laughed softly.

  Scarlett felt herself go pale. She didn’t like the way this was going. “If you’ll just leave your name and number, I’ll pass it on to him.”

  “Please just tell him Natalia sends her love and looks forward to seeing him again soon.”

  She said a few other things as well, but Scarlett couldn’t begin to guess what. Her ears began to ring, drowning out the woman’s voice. Her chest started pounding, and she felt like she was going to vomit. By the time she could hear again, the phone was dead.

  Had she really been so foolish as to think herself the only woman in his life?

  Giving him a cursory glance, she glared at him while he slept. The cad must have really outdone himself last night. Two women in so short a space of time? She felt sick. A bitter pill to swallow, but one she intended to force down quickly. Fury building at a breakneck pace, she climbed out of bed and quickly dressed herself. Tiptoeing around the room, she gathered up her belongings; no way was she going to be here when he woke up. She was going home now.

  If she had to walk to the next country first, that was fine with her. If she died on the way, so be it. All she cared about was getting away from him while her heart still had a chance to recover. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she took one final look at him as tears began to well up in her eyes. She wanted to slap him, pummel him, beat him senseless while he slept. But that would involve touching him ‑‑ something she vowed never to do again.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The snow was thigh-high as she made her way toward the bottom of the hill. As the sun went down the temperature began to fall, covering everything with a thin layer of ice. Her calves were tender from the constant scraping as her legs drove through it. She’d considered taking the road, but didn’t want to run the risk of him spotting her if he had a mind to track her down.

  The Michelin coat was completely soaked from the half-dozen times she’d taken a fall, and she was now beginning to lose sensation in her arms and fingers. She contemplated turning back, just to ensure survival through the night, but that would prove twice as difficult, with the journey being completely uphill.

  Every bone in her body ached, but she had plenty of rage to keep her motivated. The sound of that woman’s voice replaying in her head was enough to keep her heart pounding ‑‑ which was the only thing keeping her from collapsing at this point. If she hadn’t been in such a tizzy when she left, she would’ve thought to take his damned phone with her. She could’ve at least let the police know she was out in the wilderness somewhere. But she hadn’t been thinking rationally and was now facing a night without shelter. She could only hope her sense of direction was better than her sense of men.

  * * * * *

  Chase stretched his arms in the air, the pain in his shoulder a reminder of last night’s horror. He was just thankful Natalia had survived, and thankful he’d been able to get her home in one piece. Rolling over onto his side, he reached for Scarlett’s lithe body and then frowned at the empty space beside him. Massaging the back of his neck with one hand, he pushed himself up with the other and sat up at the edge of the bed. Leaning forward, he peered into the bathroom, hoping to find it occupied. It wasn’t.

  An inexplicable feeling began to gnaw at his stomach as he climbed out of bed and dressed himself. Scanning the room he noticed a distinct absence of her possessions ‑‑ including her small suitcase. He pulled his shoes on quickly and headed downstairs, taking the steps two at a time.

  “Rosalia?” He searched the downstairs rooms for the old woman, but couldn’t find her anywhere. For a moment, he began to relax. Perhaps the two women were doing whatever women do when they get together.


  Chase spun around to find a smiling Rosalia standing in the hall behind him. Alone. When asked if she knew where Scarlett was, the old woman shrugged and informed him that she hadn’t made an appearance yet today. In that one moment, he knew his worst fear had come true. She’d left ‑‑ subjecting herself to one of the worst blizzards Savina had ever seen.

  “Damn it.” Chase felt like he was going to be ill.

  As though knowing something terrible had happened, Rosalia called out for her husband, who materialized within seconds. She asked if he’d seen Scarlett today, and he shook his head no. The couple stared at Chase with widening eyes, seemingly too afraid to ask what was going on.

  A question he fully intended to ask Scarlett himself, once he got his hands on her.

  * * * * *

  Having combed every inch of road in either direction, it soon became apparent that Scarlett hadn’t followed it. Which meant she’d actually chosen to hike down the mountainside, in what were sure to be treacherous conditions. He never would’ve thought her so foolish as to venture into an area completely unknown to her. The entire side of the mountain lay riddled with gaps beneath the snow. She couldn’t possibly know how to avoid them and would surely die if she encountered one. Even if she managed to evade them, what could she possibly hope to achieve by freezing to death?

  Returning to the chateau, he parked the Rover and grabbed his backpack. Leaping from the vehicle, he canvassed the area, sighing with relief when a trail of footsteps finally materialized. Thank God! With the moon full as it was, it should be relatively easy to follow them. Casting his flashlight in every direction, he called out her name as he started descending the mountain, hoping she might be able to hear him ‑‑ assuming she was still conscious. Shaking the thought from his head, he increased his pace, doing his best to slide down the edge of the mountain as quickly as possible.

  As he reached a plateau, her footsteps veered to the right, and he turned onto the new path. Squinting into the darkness, a large, dark object loomed off in the distance, and he found himself grow
ing hopeful. He’d heard of a holiday cabin in the area, but had never known its exact location. He hurried toward it on the chance the owners may have given her refuge. He was just about to start moving again when his mobile phone began to vibrate inside his coat. Throwing down his gear, he tore the jacket open and fished the phone out of his inner pocket.

  “Hello?” He closed his eyes and hoped for good news.


  “Natalia, hello,” he greeted her distractedly. “I’m afraid I can’t talk right now.”

  “Yes, your lady friend mentioned you were exhausted.” She giggled.

  Chase stood up straight. “When did she say this?” His stomach churned queasily.

  “This morning when I spoke with her,” she replied. “I was calling to thank my knight in shining armor.”

  He hadn’t even realized his phone had rung this morning, he’d been so out of it. He certainly hadn’t realized the two women had spoken to each other. Squeezing his eyes shut, he pressed his fingers to his temple. It all made perfect sense now. He could kick himself for letting Scarlett’s imagination run wild about Natalia. He’d just been so flattered by the jealously, he couldn’t resist egging her on.

  “Natalia, I’m afraid we’ll have to continue this later as I really must be going.” Snapping the phone shut, he stuffed it back into his coat and zipped it up. His problems had just mushroomed from lost woman, to lost, and likely, furious woman.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Shhhh.” Cool hands placed a warm cloth against Scarlett’s forehead as she lay on her back.

  Only just beginning to get sensation back in her fingers, she shuddered to think the state she would have been in by morning had she not found shelter when she did. Another pair of hands bundled a thick comforter around her body, forming a light blue cocoon. Her gaze made its way around the room, the candlelight dancing around as her head spun from the fever.


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