Truth or Consequences

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Truth or Consequences Page 27

by Diana Duncan

  “Oh, how awful! What happened to him?”

  “He was sold to a Moorish goldsmith who trained him in his craft. He became a master in his trade and hand-crafted a special ring for the woman at home he couldn’t forget. Years later, King William III bartered for the release of his captive subjects. The Moorish goldsmith offered Richard his only daughter in marriage and half his wealth if he would stay. He declined and returned to Claddagh to find the woman who owned his heart.”

  Zoe held her breath. “Please don’t tell me she had married someone else while he was gone?”

  He chuckled. “No. She had waited for him all those years, hoping he would some day return to her. He gave her the ring and they were married. He set up a goldsmith shop in the town of Claddagh, where I presume, they lived happily ever after.”

  She sighed. “That is the most romantic story.”

  “The ring symbolizes a trinity.” He extended his hand. She placed the ring on his palm and he pointed to the elements. “The hands signify friendship, the crown is for loyalty and the heart for love.” His face was earnest, his gaze intense. “This particular ring is an O’Rourke family heirloom. It’s over two hundred years old, and is always bequeathed to the eldest grandson. My family…I…would be honored if you’d wear it.”

  Zoe studied the ring sparkling on Aidan’s palm, and then looked up at the love gleaming in his eyes. Her breath caught. She had always been alone. Never had anyone. Yet, now she shared in a noble heritage. She belonged to a family who extended back generations. She belonged to Aidan. Happiness overflowed, spilled out of her heart. Someday, she would give the ring to her and Aidan’s grandson.

  Aidan. Her own special miracle.

  “May I?” He offered the ring, and her left hand trembled as she held it out to him. He slipped the Claddagh over her fingertip. “I pledge you my friendship. My loyalty. And my love.” He gave her a tender kiss and slid the ring down her finger. “Forever.”

  The heirloom was warm and solid on her hand. It fit as if it had been made for her. Indeed, maybe it had.

  Aidan wrapped his arms around her and took her down to the bed. His tender smile embraced her in the shelter of his love. “Welcome home, Zoe.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6728-6


  Copyright © 2005 by Diana Ball

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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