Someone Like Her (A K2 Team Novel)

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Someone Like Her (A K2 Team Novel) Page 9

by Owens, Sandra

  The door from the garage opened and Jamie Turner walked in. Maria’s eyes widened just before she buried her face in Jake’s neck.

  “Shit,” Jake murmured. He let go of her legs and, when her feet were planted on the floor, he whipped off his shirt, slipping it on her.

  Stepping in front of her to block her from view, he glared at Turner. “Saint, what the hell are you doing here?”

  Turner glared right back, his eyes sending a message that Jake was scum. “The boss sent me, and now I understand why.”

  Maria peeked around Jake. “Hi, Jamie. As you can see, we weren’t expecting you, and when I see my brother he’s dead meat.” With her chin up, she marched out of the kitchen. “God, this is so embarrassing,” she muttered as she left.

  “Just what are your intentions, Romeo? Maria’s not a woman you can toy with.”

  “Fuck. I know.” Jake swiped a hand through his hair. He felt like a teenager caught making out by his parents. To keep from standing there like a guilty child, he picked up the ice cream bowl and busied himself at the sink washing it.

  “And not just because she’s Kincaid’s sister,” Saint said. “She’s special, not your kind of woman.”

  Jake spun, clanging the bowl against the counter. “You think I don’t know that?”

  Saint shrugged. “I thought you did.”

  “What’re you going to tell the boss?”

  “For now, nothing unless he asks a direct question. I won’t lie to him for you, though.”

  As if that was a surprise. Saint didn’t lie for anyone. He also didn’t cuss, drink, or sleep with every woman who crossed his path, thus his nickname. Kincaid probably wouldn’t blink twice if it was Saint panting after Maria.

  “And I’d never ask you to, but the boss seems to forget Maria’s an adult, free to make her own decisions. I’m not forcing her to do anything she doesn’t want, and I’m not out to hurt her.”

  Saint turned a chair around and straddled it. “That may be, but in the end you will. Unless . . .”

  Unless Maria was the one woman he’d give up his lifestyle for. Jake remained silent, refusing to take the bait. He never promised something he couldn’t deliver. A contemplative light Jake didn’t care for appeared in Saint’s eyes.

  “You know, I’ve seen the way you look at her. It’s different from how you look at other women. Maybe it’s time you grew up, Jake. Stopped chasing skirts and settle down with a good woman.” He glanced at the doorway through which Maria had disappeared. “Someone like her.”

  Who the hell did Saint think he was, Jake’s confessor? “I’m tired of this conversation. There’s an empty bedroom, last door on the right.”

  “First, I need you to bring me up to date on where everything stands.”

  “Tomorrow.” Jake headed to his room, stopping at Maria’s closed door. He considered knocking and asking if she was all right, but what was there to say? She was once again off-limits, and it was probably for the best. Saint was right. Eventually, he would hurt her.

  He showered, something he’d planned for them to do together. Cleaning the sticky chocolate off her body was a chore he’d looked forward to. As the water streamed over him, he closed his eyes and imagined Maria standing in front of him and what he’d do. He’d yet to see her naked, but from what he had seen of her, a picture formed clearly in his mind.

  As the fantasy developed, Jake slipped his hand around his erection and pretended it was her soft fingers holding him tightly and milking him. “Maria,” he rasped as he came. His body jerked with a violence he’d never before experienced. Christ. If she could do this to him without even being next to him, what would it be like to have the real her?

  He leaned his forehead on the wall, his breath harsh to his ears. Unbelievable. He’d climaxed twice tonight, and neither time had it been how he’d wanted. To be wrapped in her slick heat, to hold her close and watch her come, that was what he wanted more than he’d ever wanted anything.

  Still, he didn’t know what to do about it. Saint’s words rang in his ears.

  Someone like her.


  The smell of coffee floated down the hall, and Maria eyed her bedroom door. All she had to do was open it and walk out—just pretend nothing embarrassing had happened the night before.

  She’d tried several times to contact Logan to give him a piece of her mind, but he wasn’t answering his phone. He had to know why she was calling, and he was a coward for refusing to talk to her. It was past time he stopped trying to control her life. Her brother was just too used to protecting her and didn’t know how to let go. She got it, she did. He’d spent most of his life taking care of her. But enough was enough.

  A knock sounded on her door. “Maria, you up?” Jamie said.

  “Be right there.” As the sound of his footsteps faded, she inhaled a deep breath and left the sanctuary of her room. As she walked down the hall, her heartbeat picked up speed at seeing Jake. She’d tossed and turned all night thinking about him. God, the things he’d made her feel. He’d certainly proven she wasn’t immune to sex, at least when it was with him.

  She wanted Jamie gone so she and Jake could pick up where they’d left off. There was so much more he had to teach her, and she couldn’t wait to start. To think she’d gone twenty-four years believing there was no pleasure in sex. But sex was what Lovey Dovey had, and Maria had seen no pleasure on her mother’s face when she brought her men home or after they left.

  It wasn’t just sex with Jake, and she finally understood what making love meant. She wanted more. Lots more. Maria walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face, a smile intended for Jake.

  The only man in the room was Jamie. Her smile wavered. “Jake’s not up yet?” Even as she asked the question, she knew he was gone, could feel his absence.

  Pity flashed in Jamie’s eyes. “Ah, he left early this morning for Pensacola. The boss’s orders.”

  “So he couldn’t even say good-bye?”

  “It was the crack of dawn, Maria. He didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Rat bastard.”

  “Jake said—”

  “Him, too, but I was referring to my brother. I’m twenty-four years old. I don’t need Logan interfering in my life.”

  “Sit down.”

  She eyed the door, wanting nothing more than to lock herself in her room and have a good cry.

  “Come on, sit. I’m a good listener, and you can burn my ears off while calling the two of them the nastiest names you can think of.”

  “You don’t cuss. It seems wrong to speak the words in my mind right now to you.” She slid into the chair, and he put a cup of coffee in front of her. “Why don’t you cuss? I’ve always wondered about that. I mean, you’re around guys all day long whose every other word starts with an F.”

  His gaze shifted to the window over the sink. “That’s a story for another day.”

  “The coffee’s perfect,” she said after taking a sip, changing the subject as it was obvious he wasn’t going to share.

  “Half coffee, half vanilla-flavored cream, and three spoons of sugar.”

  She lifted a brow, surprised he knew how she took her coffee.

  “Jake told me how to make it for you.”

  His smile was sweet. Why couldn’t she have fallen for him instead of bad-boy Jake? Jamie was a gorgeous man, blond and blue-eyed, and a friend to everyone. He wouldn’t have left without saying good-bye. No, she had to go and want a man who would probably forget about her within an hour of heading back to Pensacola, and would probably have another woman in his bed by nightfall.

  Jamie tilted his head and studied her as if debating what to say. Probably wanted to warn her about Jake. “I know what you’re thinking, the same thing my brother would say if he were here. Stay away from Jake, he’ll only hurt you.”

  “Actually, you’re
wrong. I probably shouldn’t say this, and if the boss heard me he’d kick my butt halfway to China, but I’m going to say it anyway. Jake’s halfway in love with you, but the fool just doesn’t know it.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. What? “Would you repeat that, please? I don’t think I heard you right.”

  “You heard me. He’s brushing it off to lust, but he’s never looked at another woman the way he does you. There’s not another woman he’s been with—and you know as well as me there’s been many—who he would fret over whether or not I had their coffee preference memorized. He doesn’t know I saw him, but he stood in front of your bedroom door and glared at it for five minutes this morning before he left.”

  Well then. The day just turned brighter. “Why are you telling me this? I mean, I expected you to warn me off, but it sounds like you’re doing just the opposite. And what should I do about it?”

  “I’ll answer your questions, but first tell me this. Are you in love with him?”

  Before she spoke, she took a moment to examine her feelings toward Jake. There had been something between them from the very beginning, but he’d put up a wall and a “Do Not Enter” sign on the door. Partly, she suspected, because of her age but mostly because Logan had threatened Jake with death if he came near her.

  “I take it as a good sign that you’re giving it some thought instead of immediately popping out a ‘yes,’ which I half expected you to do.”

  “Okay, here’s your answer.” Her phone buzzed with an incoming text. She pulled it out of her pocket, read it, and smiled. “It’s from Jake. He wants to know if you made me breakfast and if I ate it. I think I’ll text him back and tell him you tried to feed me an omelet with broccoli and green peppers.”

  Jamie laughed and grabbed her phone. “Jake’s the cook, not me.” He typed some words and handed it back. “Send it,” he said.

  She read his message. Saint could give you lessons on cooking for me. I think I’m in love with him. “Oh, Lord.” She grinned. “You dare me?”

  “It’ll drive him crazy. His mom was a chef before she retired, and he prides himself on his cooking skills.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Why hadn’t she? What else didn’t she know about him? “Here goes nothing then.” She pushed “Send.” What she wouldn’t give to see Jake’s face when he read it. Would he get a pang of jealousy? He’d know it was a joke but, still, if he felt something for her it should bother him that Jamie was with her instead of him.

  She slipped the phone into her pocket. “Okay, back to my answer. I don’t love him, but I think I could. I like him a lot though, and I really believe if he met the right woman he could change. That could be just wishful thinking and he could end up hurting me, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  “The boss won’t be happy if you and Jake hook up, but it’s your life and you’re all grown-up now, able to make your own decisions. I say go for it. Buchanan needs his life turned upside down.” He stood and collected their cups. “So, what’s the plan for today?”

  “I have classes from ten to four, then I need to make arrangements to clean out my apartment. Hopefully, I can salvage a few things.”

  “If we leave in thirty minutes, we’ll have time to stop for breakfast.”

  She glanced at the clock. “Great, I’m hungry all of a sudden.”

  When she got out of the shower her phone beeped. Another text from Jake. She read it and burst into laughter. You won’t be happy with Saint. His pecker’s only an inch long. Mine on the other hand . . .

  Maybe he was jealous. After considering her reply, she texted him back. So you claim. I wouldn’t know since you left without even saying good-bye, much less showing me your goods.

  Jake finished his breakfast and glanced at the bill. His phone buzzed, and he read Maria’s response. She wasn’t happy with him. Like that was a surprise. So what if it’d been five in the morning? He should have told her he had been ordered home.

  Outside of the diner he stared back down the road he’d just traveled. He was half tempted to turn around and go back. It would mean the loss of his job, but there were other places he could work. Of course, he’d have to move and then he’d never see her.

  Disappearing from her life would probably be the best thing he could do for her. It would sure as hell make the boss happy. With a sigh, he turned the car in the direction of home—only a few miles away. He was feeling rather selfish where Maria was concerned, and until he figured out just what he wanted from her, he’d best not make Kincaid any madder.

  She had better be kidding about thinking she was in love with Saint. The man would make a perfect husband, but he’d bore her within a month. Maria was all fire and passion. She’d burn through Saint so fast he wouldn’t know what hit him.

  She had a little more than a week of school left, which meant Saint would be glued to her until it was time for her to come home. What if she did start to fall for him? Jake clinched his teeth. He should be with her, protecting her. What if Fortunada somehow found her?

  He pulled into his driveway and turned off the car. Snatching his phone out of his pocket, he called Saint.

  “I’ve asked her to marry me, and she said yes,” Saint said in greeting.

  The man wasn’t as funny as he believed. “I already told her your pecker’s only an inch long, so I know you’re lying.”

  “Ah, but it grows to an amazing length for her.”

  “Shut up, Saint.”

  “The girl’s getting to you. Never thought I’d see the day. So, what’s up? You home?”

  “Just pulled into the driveway. I wanted to make sure you’re not letting her out of your sight and that you’re keeping an eye out for Fortunada.”

  “Rest easy. I won’t let anything happen to her. I’ve gone through your report, and the Tango’s mug shot’s imprinted on my brain. She’s got classes until four today, then we’re going to her apartment to see what can be salvaged.”

  He should be with her when she returned home. “Not much I’m afraid. The bastard did a thorough job of destroying her things. Do me a favor and keep in touch. If something goes down, I’m coming back whether the boss approves or not.”

  “No problem. By the way, what’s with that cat of hers?”

  “Whatcha mean?”

  “He growls at me. Won’t let me near him. It’s weird because I like cats and usually they like me.”

  Jake developed a sudden fondness for the fat fur ball. “He’s my bud. You can’t have him.”

  “Got it. Hands off the girl and her cat.”

  “Damn straight.” He clicked off. Just as he entered his condo his phone buzzed, and he glanced at the ID.

  “Yo, boss.”

  “You home?”

  “Walking in my door as we speak.”

  “Good. I’m working from home. Don’t want to leave Dani. Be at my house in thirty.” As usual, he hung up without saying good-bye.

  Some time to get his act together before facing Kincaid would have been welcomed. Jake tossed his tote on the bed, shaved, changed clothes, and was out the door in twenty. He pulled into the Kincaids’ driveway two minutes early. Dani opened the door when he knocked.

  “Good God,” he said. “Are you having triplets?”

  “Actually, I think I’m having a cow. A full-grown one.” She pressed her swollen belly against his stomach and kissed his cheek. “How are you, Jake?”

  Now there was a loaded question. “I’ve been better, and I’ve been worse. If you could steal us some time, I’d love to have a private conversation.”

  “Consider it done.”

  Dani Kincaid was one of his best friends, a woman he could talk to and trust to keep their conversations private, even from her husband. She’d been married to Evan Prescott, the boss’s closest friend, when Jake first met her.

  After Prescott had b
een killed in Afghanistan on a mission, Kincaid had gone to their home in Asheville to protect Dani from a stalker and the two had fallen in love. She’d softened her husband’s hard edges, but the edges were still there, and Jake didn’t doubt he was about to be on the receiving end.

  He followed her through the kitchen out to the deck where Kincaid sat drinking coffee, his computer open in front of him. The day was cloudless, the Gulf barely making a whisper as the waves lapped the shore. Jake had always loved Kincaid’s house, and idly wondered if there were any like it for sale in the area. Not that he could afford a place this grand, but Maria . . . Damn, what the hell was wrong with his brain? Slamming the door on thoughts of her, he put on his game face, a wise thing to do before an encounter with the boss.

  “Coffee, Jake?” Dani asked.

  “Would love some, but sit down. I’ll get it.” She was so big and ready to pop out their son that just walking back into the kitchen might trigger labor. He knew his way around and after filling his cup, returned to the deck and took a seat opposite Kincaid.

  The boss leaned over and soundly kissed his wife. “Now, get lost, sweetheart. Buchanan and I have some serious talking to do.”

  Dani glanced at Jake and winked. “I don’t think so. You’re angry with him right now, so I’m sticking around to make sure you don’t kill him.”

  If anyone else refused Kincaid’s orders, there would’ve been hell to pay. All he did in response to his wife’s disobedience was chuckle. Jake would love to know her secret. Especially now. He made a million-dollar wager with himself that he could guess the first words out of Kincaid’s mouth.

  Cold black eyes focused on him. “Anything go on between you and my sister you’d rather me not know about?”

  Bingo. It was the moment of truth, so he lied. A bit. “Not a thing and not because I’m not interested.”

  “She’s not for you, Romeo.”

  Christ, he hated that name. He’d once been proud of it—the proof of his manliness—back when he was stupid enough to think his conquests said something about who he was.


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