Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Seduced by an Irresistible Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 21

by Henrietta Harding

  “Frank, go bring the coach. We’ll drive these fair ladies to Strabolgi, and then be on our way home.”

  Mister Frank went off to bring the vehicle. Dr Frederick walked to Helena and stood beside her. Helena inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled. She felt like placing her head on his hard chest and listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat. She shook her head.

  Mister Frank was back in a jiffy with the coach. Miss Helena got in first, followed by her maid. Dr Frederick got in after them and sat opposite them.

  “Let her go, Frank,” he shouted to Mister Frank who was outside in the driver’s seat.

  Helena closed her eyes for a while. She thought of nothing and immersed herself in the gentle sway of the coach. When she opened her eyes again, they were already at the end of the street. She looked up at Dr Frederick and saw that he had his eyes on her. His eyes were staring at her, but his attention was far away. He was thinking about something.

  “Thank you, Dr Frederick,” she said.

  “It is a pleasure, Miss Helena. For you, I could leave my profession to be a chauffeur,” Dr Frederick teased.

  Helena laughed.

  Lord Jeffrey has never made me laugh. Am I doing the right thing allowing Lord Jeffrey into my life? Is my father’s position worth the rest of my life?

  Dr Frederick had closed his eyes. Helena couldn’t tell whether he was meditating or asleep. Helena felt a small nudge by her side. She looked to Miss Justina.

  “What is it?” she asked in a low tone.

  “I wanted to tell you something.”

  “I am not in the mood for idle gossip, Justina.”

  “This is more important than gossip.”

  “Can’t it wait till when we get home?”

  “I saw Lord Jeffrey –”

  “Lord Jeffrey, again,” Helena said harshly.

  “I am aware that Lord Jeffrey is not of your fancy. But you could do better than always say things that always discredit the man,” Helena said to her.

  “I am not claiming things I didn’t see.”

  “I don’t really want to know, even the things you saw or see,” Helena reprimanded.

  Miss Justina shook her head. Her eyes were watery. Helena knew she had hurt her. She attempted to touch her arm, but Miss Justina jerked it away.

  “Mister Frank, please stop the vehicle,” Miss Justina said.

  Her loud voice woke Dr Frederick who rubbed his eyes. He looked surprised as Miss Justina got down from the stationary vehicle. Helena heard her climb in the front of the coach, leaving her and Dr Frederick alone in the cabin. Dr Frederick’s confused expression was funny, but Helena didn’t laugh.

  The coach started moving again. Dr Fredrick left his seat and moved to sit beside Helena. Helena had the yearning to embrace him again. In the solitude of the coach’s cabin, she laid her head on his chest.

  Helena tried to think happy thoughts. Lord Jeffrey had spoilt the day for her. Helena sought Dr Frederick’s hand and entwined her fingers with his. The rough calluses on his palm and fingers triggered a sweet familiar feeling. Helena closed her eyes.

  “He was greatly annoyed, wasn’t he?” Dr Frederick said.

  Understanding who he spoke about, Helena nodded.

  “He doesn’t have a right to be,” she said.

  She raised her head from the stolidity of his chest.

  “Who I choose to dance with is totally dependent on my whim. And I chose you,” she said.

  Dr Frederick said nothing at first. He seemed to be slowly ingesting the quiet words she spoke.

  “So why are you disturbed?” he asked her.

  “Lord Jeffrey – you wouldn’t understand,” Helena said.

  She looked at his lips. They were round and tantalising to see. Helena felt their allure and couldn’t hold herself. Helena enjoined her mouth with his, tasting his essence. His hands moved quickly, roving under the fabric of her gown and running on her lap till it got there, to her centre. Her crotch was already expectant, eager, waiting, and wet. Dr Frederick took hold of her lower lip with his mouth as his fingers dove into her.

  Helena felt the intrusion, his calloused skin even making the entrance rougher and all the sweeter. Helena moaned under her breath, scared she would alert her angry maid and the driver, separated from them just by a piece of wood.

  Dr Frederick’s expert fingers did not stop. His ministrations changed from the slow rhythm to a faster pace. The intense pleasure caused her hips to buck to his intrusions. His thumb sought the swollen bud on top of the wet lips and found it, rubbing it till Helena was sure her heart would burst. Helena could not hold her reactions any longer. She gripped the edge of the window and placed her legs on the opposite wall as her body shook in incredible pleasure.

  Dr Frederick kept pushing his fingers in and out of her until Helena felt the energy that had being building in her explode in an overflow of pleasure. Helena cried out gently, kissing Dr Frederick tenderly on the lips. She eased his hands away from her gently.

  She looked outside.

  Time flies at such a rate.

  Helena was at her house’s gate. And the coach had come to a stop.

  Chapter 18

  Unfair Comparisons

  Helena looked out the window once again for her friend’s coach, but it was long gone on the dust road. Helena mopped her eyes with her ’kerchief. There were no tears in it, yet. Helena wasn’t sure she could go the rest of the day dry-eyed. The Prince had received a letter summoning him back to Ireland as soon as possible, and given that the twins were scheduled to go back by the end of the week, they decided it only made sense to go with him. Helena wasn’t present when this happened, but Alistair told her that when Lady Lavinia heard that the Prince was to leave immediately, she couldn’t bear it.

  “She kept shaking her head and after sometime ran into her room. We and her mother tried to no avail to get her out. Prince Drew did get her out after a while and got her to stop crying,” Alistair told her as they spoke before he got into their carriage in their house.

  Lady Lavinia was leaving with them. She quickly sent a rider to tell Helena. Helena got to Albemarle as quick as she could. She met her friend standing by a carriage, holding tight to Prince Drew’s arm. When Lady Lavinia saw her, her reaction was effusive.

  “Helena,” she cried, running to hug her friend.

  Helena was always the strong one and had managed to survive the saccharine reactions, escort to Wellington, and the trip back alone without crying. Her friend had left with promises of a return.

  But when will she return?

  She would return surely if she was to marry Prince Drew. Helena wasn’t scared that she wouldn’t return, she was scared of how she would survive before her return. Lady Lavinia was her source of humour and happiness.

  She’s always sure to brighten a moody day.

  Now, Lady Lavinia had left her family to be with the love of her life. Helena was choosing a man she would otherwise detest because of her family.

  Life is so unfair.

  When Helena got home, she became even angrier at the turn of the day. She recognised Lord Jeffrey’s coach instantly.

  “Damn this deuced day, could it get ever worse?” Helena swore.

  Mister Booth who had driven her to Wellington and back with the curricle looked to her. Helena looked back at him. She wasn’t happy and didn’t bother to smile. She dared him with her eyes, dared him to speak about her latest outburst. Mister Booth turned forward without as much as a peep. The curricle had hardly stopped when Helena alighted and went into the garden.

  I’m not sure I’m ready to see Lord Jeffrey just yet.

  Helena walked quickly to the bench in the garden and sat down. She took a deep breath, an attempt to get her emotions under control. Yesterday had been just as annoying until Dr Frederick touched her with his hands. Helena squeezed her thighs together. The pleasure had run over just as she got home.

  She remembered how Dr Frederick kissed her lip before she opened
the door of the coach and walked into her gate. Her cherry still ached with the throbbing of dull pleasure. Helena wished Dr Frederick was here once again. Even without his touching her, his words and presence were balm enough. Lord Jeffrey’s stern eyes and sharp tongue would only irk her more. There was a sudden crunching of leaves.

  Someone was coming.

  Helena looked up, readying herself for Lord Jeffrey’s presence. The lacy edge of the petticoat calmed Helena’s frayed nerves. It was Miss Justina.

  “I assumed you’d come in,” Miss Justina said, walking to stand in front of her mistress.

  “I assumed so also, till I came into the compound.”

  Miss Justina smiled. Helena looked at her maid.

  Her smile speaks a thousand words. She understands me.

  Helena wondered what she would do if Miss Justina suddenly had to leave too. Her entire world might just come crashing down.

  “For how long has he been here?” Helena asked.

  Miss Justina sat down beside her and extended a book to her. Helena collected it and rubbed it between her palms. She looked at the front page. It was the sequel to the book she had been reading before, Priestly Desires. She had started on it two days ago.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Reading would soothe her. Miss Justina knew that.

  “About an hour, I’d have to warn you that he’s made good friends with your parents. He brought exotic fish today. The Baroness was ecstatic,” Miss Justina said.

  Helena shook her head. Lord Jeffrey was worming his way into her parents’ hearts.

  For a man, you want – need to marry, is that really a bad thing?

  Helena didn’t know what was bad anymore. She did know her father being removed as the Baron was definitely bad. And that as a gauge was good enough.

  “Did he ask of me?”

  “Not from me, I made sure I stayed far away from him. One of the stewards came to ask me of your whereabouts, but I said I didn’t know,” Miss Justina replied, smiling.

  Helena slapped her maid playfully on the arm and smiled back. Miss Justina was there when the rider told her of Lady Lavinia’s imminent departure. She knew where she was. She just wanted to spite Lord Jeffrey.

  Helena opened the book as Miss Justina stood up.

  “I’ll be back,” Miss Justina said as she walked away.

  Helena opened the book and tried to read, but the rigour of the long ride from Wellington took its toll. Helena closed the book and laid her head on the bench before closing her eyes. It must have only been a moment before a tap on her shoulder woke her up.

  “Why do you sleep out in the open and in such an unladylike position?” a harsh voice said.

  It was Miss Justina, with Lord Jeffrey beside her. Helena sat up. She felt anger, pure anger at Lord Jeffrey.

  Why would he wake her up just to chastise her?

  He must have seen the defiance in her eyes because he turned and walked away. Helena heard him tell his driver to drive away, followed by the clatter of hooves and rumble of wheels on the stone floor.

  Helena stood up and walked out of the garden. Miss Justina followed closely behind. Helena saw her mother at the top of the stairs, staring out to Lord Jeffrey’s departing coach.

  “Helena, where were you? Lord Jeffrey just left,” the Baroness said.

  Helena walked up the stairs and stood beside her mother.

  “I just came back. I was in the garden,” she replied.

  The Baroness edged close to her daughter and spoke in a lowered voice, “Lord Jeffrey really is a fine young man.”

  Helena couldn’t convince herself enough to say yes. She nodded.

  “So what do you think of him? I know you think I’m always eager for you to marry, but he would make an even better husband,” the Baroness said.

  She didn’t speak. She wasn’t sure about that. Lord Jeffrey’s highhandedness was everything she didn’t want in a man.

  “You aren’t responding,” the Baroness said.

  “I am not sure of anything yet. I don’t know what you discuss with him, but I would advise that we make no assumptions yet,” Helena said.

  “What does that mean?”

  Helena just shook her head. She didn’t know what it meant either. She needed to marry him. Did she want to marry him? She wasn’t sure anymore.

  “Lord Jeffrey will take good care of you. Look at the things he’s doing even while you are yet to marry,” the Baroness said.

  Helena thought about Lord Jeffrey’s harsh words and threats at Miss Morgana’s party. She thought about his attitude with servants and stewards, his attitude with Miss Justina. She thought about his most recent words. Her mother’s last statement was so apt, though not in the way she meant it.

  “You don’t know him, Mother. If you did, you wouldn’t say that,”

  Helena replied.

  “I need to turn in, Mother. I’ve not had a great day,” Helena said before turning and walking inside.


  It might have been the air’s sudden stillness, or the easy warmth that rubbed at her skin, or the tiny crunch sound that the mown of the garden made. Helena wasn’t sure what woke her up. She opened her eyes. The light was too much, and she couldn’t see properly at first. Helena sat up and rubbed her eyes. After a short while, her eyes got acclimatised to the rush of light. Dr Frederick’s smiling face stared back at her.

  What a sight to wake up to see.

  Helena wrapped her hands around Dr Frederick’s neck. She kissed him. Dr Frederick stood up and eased her to her feet. His hands rested around her bottom and pushed her into his erect crotch. Helena wrapped her hands around his back, holding on to his stiff muscles. Dr Frederick broke the kiss and helped her back to her sitting position. He bent in front of her in a squatting position such that their eyes were level.

  “I’d been expecting you for so long,” Helena said.

  She knew she was smiling broadly, a bit too much, but she found it difficult to control. She was happy; delighted that Dr Frederick was here.

  “We just saw about two days ago,” Dr Frederick said.

  “We did?” Helena asked, rolling her eyes because she knew they did.

  “Well, it seems so far,” Helena added.

  Dr Frederick sat beside her.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” Helena asked.

  “We both know your ankle is fine. There was no need to wake you up. And you were such a delightful sight as you slept. I’m not overly elated that you even woke up,” Dr Frederick said.

  Helena remembered Lord Jeffrey’s actions the day before and was even more piqued. Miss Justina later told her she had told Lord Jeffrey that her mistress slept because she had a headache. Lord Jeffrey was having none of it and commanded that she be awoken.

  Just to say one sentence.

  “Is something wrong?” Dr Frederick asked her.

  “Nothing,” Helena said.

  “I love the kind of man you are,” she said.

  Dr Frederick smiled. Helena leaned into him again and welcomed his mouth when it claimed hers. There was the familiar ache, hunger that had settled itself at the pit of her belly and crept surely to the crevice between her legs. Helena placed her hand on Dr Frederick’s member through his breeches. She smiled as it grew and hardened under her palm. She acted quickly, loosening his belt and allowing his breeches to fall. His member rose and stood erect. Helena wrapped her hand around it.

  Dr Frederick’s mouth had left hers and was on her bust. After trying unsatisfactorily to suck at her nipples through the fabric of her gown, Dr Frederick unloosened the ropes of her gown and pushed her shift down, baring her breasts. His mouth started a grand feast on her breasts. Dr Frederick sucked and nibbled at each nipple one at a time, making them erect, taut, and hard and desperate to be engulfed in his wet mouth. He pushed her gown up her waist, impatient to have it over her head. The gown just lay around her abdomen; her bust lay naked.

  Helena was wet. Her crotch ached t
o be filled. Helena pulled at Dr Frederick’s member.

  “Please take me,” she whispered.

  Dr Frederick’s eyes were icy. His face was taut. He moved closer and set himself to pierce through her.

  There was a loud clattering sound all of a sudden. A coach was coming into the courtyard. Helena moved away from Dr Frederick and rushed to wear her clothes. Dr Frederick did the same. Helena got herself dressed once again and sat down. Dr Frederick, who had finished before her, chose to stand. Helena hoped it was Miss Justina, just arriving from the market.


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