Claimed By The Lycan

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Claimed By The Lycan Page 17

by Kristen Middleton

  “Ah… you Americans and your infatuation with vampires,” chuckled Liam. “It’s quite amusing.”

  “Almost as amusing as our infatuation with zombies,” replied Susan. “Last week there was a ‘Zombie Bar Crawl’ in town.” She grimaced. “They all showed up at Ruth’s afterwards – drunk, hungry, and… creepy. I know they do it for fun, but zombies just freak me out, you know?”

  I agreed.

  “What is a ‘Zombie Bar Crawl’?” asked Liam.

  “People dress up as zombies and basically bar-hop all night long,” she replied. “They’ll do it again on Halloween.”

  “That actually sounds like a lot of fun,” said Jimmy. “Hell, we could join them and have a regular night without obsessed fans. I wouldn’t mind getting all gored up for that.”

  “I agree,” said Liam. “Don’t get me wrong… I’m grateful we’re getting more popular, but it definitely has its drawbacks.”

  “I’m sure you’ve lost a lot of privacy,” I replied.

  He nodded. “You have no idea.”

  “So, um, where is Slade?” asked Susan.

  Liam looked over my head. “What do you know? Ask and you shall receive.”

  When I turned around and saw Slade this close, my mouth went dry. He had to have been the hottest guy I’d ever seen. Dark hair, broad shoulders, a strong jaw, and eyes as green as the grass after a rainfall.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, staring down at us, his face dark and brooding.

  “Fans,” replied Liam. “Ethan sent them up.”

  Slade stopped next to me and I lowered my trembling hands to my lap. Although he was clearly irritated that we’d joined the table, I felt like there was a static connection between us.

  “Is that right?” he smirked. “You two are fans of Venom?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I replied, smiling up at him weakly.

  His eyes darted down to my chest and then back up to my lips, so quickly that I’d almost missed it.

  “Don’t mind Slade,” said Liam. “He doesn’t like to mingle with fans the way we do. Not usually. Tonight might be an exception, though.” He winked at me and then looked back up at Slade. “Is this the one from earlier?”

  Slade ignored him and continued staring, to the point of making me uncomfortable.

  Liam laughed. “That’s what I thought. I think you actually got under his skin tonight, honey. That’s a miracle in itself.”

  “Liam,” said Slade, his voice even. “Why don’t you go find yourself a jar of peanut butter and a girl to occupy yourself for the rest of the evening?”

  The other band members laughed, but I was confused about the peanut butter.

  “Do you like peanut butter, sweetheart?” asked Liam with a gleam in his eyes as he turned to Susan.

  “Doesn’t everybody?” she asked, smiling, but also looking confused.

  Slade laughed and then I felt his eyes upon me again. Although I was secretly thrilled that he was checking me out, it was also very irritating. I wasn’t naïve and knew that he’d probably already pegged me as an easy lay.

  “So, you two are fans but neither of you were at the show last night,” he said softly.

  Stunned, I looked back up at him. “And how do you know that?”

  His smile was dazzling and made my stomach quiver. “I just do.”

  “He just does,” mimicked Liam. “Slade thinks he knows everything, but the truth is, he’s just full of shit.”

  “And that’s coming from someone who talks circles around people, just to confuse the hell out of them,” countered Slade, piercing him with a hard stare.

  “It isn’t hard,” said Liam. He smiled. “And I cannot tell a lie, it amuses the hell out of me.”

  “You mean the look of being pissed off?” chuckled Sean.

  “That too,” replied Liam, raising his beer.

  Slade pulled up another chair and sat down next to me. Our knees touched briefly and I flinched.

  “Sorry,” he said, moving his leg closer.

  “It’s okay,” I replied in a light, breathy voice. Yes, there was definitely a charge emanating from his body and it was making it difficult for me to breathe.

  “What’s your name?” he asked. His sultry eyes were hypnotic and beautiful. I almost wanted to take a picture of them with my phone, just so that I wouldn’t forget what they looked like up close.

  “Chelsey,” I replied and then quickly moved back so he could see Susan. “And that’s Susan.”

  “Hello,” she said, waving with another silly grin.

  “Hi.” His eyes moved back to me and I reminded myself to breathe normally. I was here to find Melody and not pant over Slade, no matter how hot he was. I wasn’t a star-struck groupie who would fall at his feet like most of the girls did off-stage. I was someone who needed his help and not his approval. “So, what brings you to the club this evening? Obviously, you’re not a regular.”

  “How do you know that?” I asked, wondering if we stood out that much. I had to admit, I felt a little over-dressed compared to the slinky outfits most of the girls wore. I looked like I was going out for pizza, not clubbing.

  “She’s here because she’s looking for her cousin, who’s missing,” said Liam, still watching us with an amused expression.

  Slade’s face became serious. “Really? Missing?

  “Yeah. Since last night,” I said. “Nobody has seen or heard from her since.”

  Just then, Faye Dunbar walked into the lounge and the table became quiet.

  “Great,” whispered Susan, dryly.

  Faye Dunbar, who I figured had to be somewhere in her twenties, was the richest, as well as the coldest woman in Shore Lake. I’d never met her personally, but Susan had mentioned several bad run-ins she’d had with her at the diner.

  “Faye,” said Liam, standing up. “You are a gorgeous woman, you know that?”

  Even I had to admit that she was very attractive. Tonight, she wore a cream colored dress that hugged her perfect figure, and diamond earrings that cost more than my parents’ new SUV.

  “Oh, Liam,” she said, smiling up at him. She pushed his chest playfully. “You’re such a flirt, but don’t ever, ever change.”

  He grinned. “You make a man like me want to change, sexy. Just say the words and I’ll leave my entire harem for you.”

  “I’d tire you out, Liam,” she teased back. “Just ask my harem.”

  He laughed. “That’s rich, I like that. So, can you stay and have a drink with us?”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t. I do need to speak to Slade, though,” she said, turning her eyes toward him. “Can you spare a few minutes of your time?”


  Faye’s gaze shifted to me and I felt a shiver go up my spine. There was no warmth in those eyes, and I knew instantly that the woman didn’t like me.

  “Do I know you?” she asked, staring at me like I was an uninvited guest in her home.

  “Uh, no,” I replied, trying to smile. “I don’t think so.”

  She wrinkled her nose as if smelling something foul and then her eyes moved over to Susan. “You work over at Ruth’s, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” replied Susan nervously.

  I watched as Faye reached up and patted the side of her long, blond hair. It was so shiny and sleek that I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy. She kind of reminded me of a famous actress from one of my mother’s old black-and-white movies. With her style and perfect features, I just knew I could never look as glamorous as this woman. I began to wonder if there was something going on between her and Slade, and if that was the reason she was acting so frosty.

  Faye titled her head to the side and smirked. “Funny, I didn’t think you were of age to be here tonight, Susan.”

  Susan’s smile didn’t falter and I had to give her credit. “Of course I am.”

  “Good, because I would be very angry if I had minors sneaking into my club,” she replied stiffly. “It would be bad for business and even worse f
or the person doing it.”

  Susan’s face went white. “I have an I.D.”

  “Good for you,” replied Faye, smiling coldly. “Don’t lose it.”

  Slade stood up quickly. “So, you said you needed to talk, Faye?”

  She turned, her eyes raking over the white graphic T-shirt, emphasizing his narrow waist and broad shoulders. Obviously, he still found time to work out between gigs and she noticed it as well. I normally wasn’t into muscles, but damn… everything about Slade was sexy. “Yes. Is now a good time, Slade?” she asked, turning into the friendly club owner again.

  “For you, Birthday Girl, I have as many moments as you need,” he replied, holding out his forearm.

  She linked her arm through his and beamed up at him. “My, I guess it’s true what they say about you.”

  “What’s that?” he asked with a slight grin.

  “That you’re as smooth as that voice of yours,” she replied.

  “Smooth as shit,” muttered Liam under his breath with a sneer.

  “Boys, I’ll return Slade after I’m finished with him,” said Faye over her shoulder as they began to walk away. “Oh,” she turned around. “If anyone runs into Ethan, let him know that I’m looking for him.”

  “Did you try calling him?” asked Sean.

  “He doesn’t carry a cell phone,” she replied, frowning. “Refuses to own one, actually.”

  “Why?” asked Bradan. “I couldn’t live without mine.”

  “If he doesn’t get one soon, he may not live without one either,” she replied, looking serious.

  The guys laughed but from her expression, she was clearly angry. Ethan was obviously in for an argument when he ran into her again. I wondered if they were seeing each other or somehow related.

  “Let’s go chat, shall we?” she said to Slade.

  “Lead the way.”

  I watched as they stepped toward the exit and felt another wave of envy. Not only was she everything I wasn’t, but it was obvious that she had the sexiest guy in the club wrapped around her finger.

  Jimmy cleared his throat. “So, Chelsey, tell us again about your cousin.”

  I told him everything I knew. After I finished, they asked if I had a picture of her.

  I took out my phone and scrolled through photos I’d taken. When I came to a picture of Melody at her graduation party, I handed Liam the phone.

  He bit his lip and nodded. “Yeah, actually, we did see her. Last night.”

  My eyes widened. “Seriously? You did?”

  “Sure did,” he replied.

  “Let me see,” said Bradan, holding out his hand.

  Liam handed him my phone and Jimmy also glanced at it.

  “Oh yeah,” said Jimmy. “I remember that chick.” He chuckled. “Who wouldn’t?”

  Bradan laughed and handed me back the phone. “I’m sure she’s fine. She was in good hands last night. Nothing to worry about.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Really? With whom?”

  He picked up his beer and took a swig. “Slade.”

  “WHO WERE YOUR friends?” asked Faye as we stepped out of the V.I.P. lounge.

  “Just a couple of fans,” I replied quickly. I was still stunned that Chelsey had been at our table when I’d stepped out of the bathroom. Then, when I’d sat down next to her and inhaled her human scent, it had almost been too much to handle. I was attracted to everything about her, which was unsettling for me and potentially lethal for her.

  Faye raised an eyebrow. “Just a fan… well, she obviously thinks you’re the cat’s meow.”

  I played it off. “Of course she does. All of my female fans do.”

  “Yes, I’m sure they do,” she agreed, chuckling.

  I wondered what Faye wanted with me. Not many people made me nervous, especially a woman, but there were rumors about this one that were disturbing, even for me. Rumors that included pleasure, pain, and unimaginable horror for those who crossed her. If she hadn’t agreed to pay such a high price for our band to perform at the club, I would have never gotten within ten feet of her. The only reason we were still in Shore Lake was to sing her the Birthday song, which she’d also set up and paid for.

  “In there,” she said, waving a hand toward her private office.

  “Okay,” I replied, a little relieved she wasn’t taking me into the basement. Liam had been told that there were some freaky things going on down there, including BDSM and orgies. I wasn’t into either and had no interest in seeing it live and in person.

  “Close the door,” she replied, walking around her white and black marbled desk.

  I obeyed and then sat across from her in a black leather chair.

  She took out a pack of cigarettes from the top drawer of her desk. “Your performance last night was incredible,” she said, lighting the end of one.

  “Thank you,” I replied, leaning back in the chair as she blew out a stream of smoke. “I thought we played pretty well myself.”

  She rested her chin on her hand and smiled. “So, tell me, Slade, what do you think of Shore Lake?”

  I shrugged. “It’s very… wildernessy.”

  She nodded. “Yes. Well, you get used to it. I’m originally from Vegas.”

  It wasn’t a secret. “Oh, is that right?” I asked, feigning surprise.

  She took another drag of her smoke and blew out a ring. “”Yes that is right. I have a feeling you already knew that, however.”

  I grinned sheepishly. “Not a very good poker-face?”

  “Not this time, but something tells me that you could lie through your teeth and most wouldn’t be the wiser.”

  “You’ve got me all figured out, huh?” I asked, not liking how this conversation was going. She obviously wanted something more from me. Something more than just a song.

  “Slade, dear, I know what you are,” she said in a low, amused voice.

  I tapped my fingers against the arms of the chair. “Is that right? You know what I am?”

  “Oh, yes… definitely. It’s why I brought you here.”

  I grinned. “I’m lost… could you enlighten me as to what you’re talking about?”

  “You’re a Roamer.”

  I chuckled. “A Roamer? What in the hell is that?”

  She leaned forward. “In Romania, I believe you go by ‘Vampire’. Some of the vampires here, however, prefer the term ‘Roamer’.”

  I grunted. “You’re kidding, right?”

  She blew out another stream of smoke. “I’m dead serious, Slade.”

  I leaned back in my chair. “What am I supposed to say to all of this? I mean, a vampire? Really? You believe in that shit?”

  She looked amused. “Come on now. Just admit it.”

  “There’s nothing to admit,” I replied evenly. “I’m a singer in a band. Nothing more and nothing less.”

  “Fine,” she said, standing up. “If you’re not going to do it freely, then I’m going to have to play dirty, which I rather enjoy anyway.”

  I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “Faye, you’re wasting both our time. We need to get on the road soon.”

  She walked over to a door on the other side of the office and opened it. “Bring in the girl.”

  A security guard with long, brown hair stepped out of the other room holding the arm of a disheveled-looking young woman. One that I recognized from the night before. Today, she looked like she’d just rolled out of bed and hadn’t showered or changed her clothing.

  “Hi, Slade,” she said, staring over at me with pleasure.

  Frowning, I stood up. “What’s happening here?”

  “Don’t you remember her?” asked Faye, now standing next to the blonde. She put her arm around the girl’s shoulder and smiled darkly. “She certainly remembers you.”

  For the life of me, I had no idea what Faye was trying to pull. The girl didn’t mean anything to me other than she was another fan who had tried to catch my eye.

  “Slade?” said the girl in a breathless voice. “Where have you b
een? I waited for you all morning and afternoon, but you never returned to the room.”

  I stared at her in shock. “Excuse me?”

  Her face fell. “You seriously don’t remember last night? The after-party… and then the hotel?”

  What I remembered was seeing her in the club, dancing in front of the stage, but that was it. I had gone to the after-party for only a short time, but then I’d left and gone to my hotel room. Alone.

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake,” snapped Faye. She grabbed the girl’s hair, baring her neck.

  “Ouch!” she hollered, trying to get out of Faye’s grasp. “Let me go!”

  My mouth went dry as I stared at the vein in her soft, fragile neck. I imagined my tongue licking the salty flesh right before I buried my teeth into her supple skin. It was then that I realized I hadn’t fed for a few days and it was now catching up with me. “Faye,” I growled in a raspy voice. “Enough.”

  With her long, red nail, she traced along the girl’s neck, enticing me further. “Lovely, isn’t it? I bet you’d love to sink your teeth into this little morsel.”

  “Screw this shit,” I snarled, heading toward the doorway. “I’m outta here.”

  “Are you sure about that?” asked Faye.

  The girl screeched in protest and the scent of her succulent blood filled the air, awakening the beast inside. Unable to resist my own damning urges, I soon found myself straddling the human on the carpet as she stared up at me with terror.

  “Slade?” she whispered, her lip trembling as I stared down at her, my own body quivering with need.

  “Go on,” urged Faye.

  Panting, I battled against the hunger burning inside of me, but with every breath, I felt my resistance weakening. It had been decades since I’d tasted anything this sweet and fresh. Normally, my meals were collected from plasma centers, which quelled my hunger to a point, but it still wasn’t nearly as glorifying as warm blood. Nothing was.

  “Feed. Do it,” demanded Faye, kneeling down next to us. “Rip her throat out and take what’s yours.” She gently ran a hand over the girl’s hair, smoothing it away from her face. “You do want to please Slade, don’t you, Princess?”

  The girl swallowed hard and nodded.

  I looked at Faye, who I could tell was only doing this for some kind of twisted pleasure. Her evil malice gave me the strength that I needed to resist


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