Battle Beyond Earth Box Set

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Battle Beyond Earth Box Set Page 96

by Nick S. Thomas

  "The enemy must know there is a high value target in that building, and they want it bad."

  She watched ship after ship land to pour new troops into the fight. The bombardment continued to thin their numbers as the parks around the building were reduced to rubble and bodies, but still they attacked.

  "We have to help them. One platoon can't hold against that. That is the finest group of fighting men and women in the Alliance, but they can't achieve the impossible."

  Fortier was silent as he watched.

  "Captain! What are we going to do?" she screamed.

  He was just shaking his head in disbelief.

  "What can we do? We have no reserve. Every marine and soldier who can be spared is already engaged in combat. If something is to be done, it’ll have to be by those forces already committed."

  Caron was on the bridge, too, and looked sympathetic to her cause, but didn't know what she could offer to help.

  Alita grunted and stormed off towards the door.

  "What are you doing, Lieutenant?"

  "Whatever I can, Captain," she snapped back at him.

  He turned to confront her, but Caron stepped in between them.

  "Whatever she has to do, you’d better let her, Captain."

  "I must ask you to step aside. You may soon be our President, but you are not yet, and this is now my ship and my command."

  Alita had stopped for a moment to see how it unfolded. She knew she wouldn't get far without the Captain's agreement.

  "That's right," began Caron, "I am not your President yet, but I will be, and I expect your loyalty. Colonel Taylor and his people risked everything to save my life, and I trust them. I know them. I don't know you yet. Lieutenant Hariz is acting on my orders as Acting President, and I advise you to not get in her way."

  The Captain sighed and gestured towards Alita, as if to say she could do whatever she wanted.

  "Fine, it won't matter, anyway. There is nothing you can do."

  Caron looked to Alita with a smile. She nodded in appreciation and left the bridge. She began to weep at what she might lose, and couldn’t afford to. She keeled over and fell against a bulkhead as she felt the pain in her stomach. She was livid, but she wiped the tears and tried to pull herself together.

  “Come on, get yourself together, you idiot,” she muttered to herself.

  She smacked her forehead, trying to think of what to do next. Taylor was depending on her, and now it came down to her to find the answers.

  “How do you always make it sound so easy, Colonel Mitch Taylor?”

  * * *

  “We can’t stay here!” Jones yelled.

  The room was lit up with gunfire as explosions rang out all around. The rest of them were keeping up the fight, but they both knew the ammunition wouldn’t hold out forever. Taylor looked around for some answer to present itself. He looked to the stairs and then back. Lorenzo was hauling back another wounded woman.

  "Shit," he said to himself.

  He looked to the stairway across from him and considered going for the roof, but he didn't know how they were going to manage it now. There was only one way to go, as he looked back to where Lorenzo had vanished into the next room.

  "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking?"

  "Jones, we can't go up. They'll come in from the rooftop, and we'll be fighting on all fronts, but we can go down."

  Jones didn't look at all impressed with that idea.

  "Down there is a reinforced bunker that cannot be hit from the air. It has only one way in. There’s likely to be weapon and ammo caches, too."

  "Yes, and only one way out, too. We go down there, and we are jumping into our own grave. It'll only work if someone is coming to bail us out, and nobody is coming!"

  Taylor shrugged, and Jones understood that as bad as an option as it was, they didn't have another.

  "Come on, while we still can. Everyone fall back!" he ordered.

  He put in a direct transmission to the Indy without waiting for a response.

  "This is Taylor. We are under heavy assault and have sustained a number of casualties. We are withdrawing below the surface. There is no way out. I repeat, no way out. Urgent assistance is requested."

  He didn't wait for a reply. He reached for Jones and hauled him up onto his feet. They lay down fire as they ran. Bodies lined the floor, and yet there seemed a never-ending horde assaulting the building. Taylor felt one shot strike his armour. It bounced off, but it jolted him hard and twisted his body. He kept running to keep his balance and felt another shot hit the back of his armour as he reached the next room. The wounded were being carried by several of the platoon as everyone followed Bailey.

  "We're gonna regret this!" Jones called out.

  He looked back. The first enemy drone stepped through into the room. He and Taylor paused and fired a few shots. Taylor primed and threw a grenade. They both turned and ran onwards. The explosion ripped through the room as they were running down the stairs and making the last dash for the elevator. Eight were wounded, three unable to walk without help. They slid into the elevator, and Taylor gave Bailey the nod to turn the key. It was a tight squeeze getting them all in and almost on the limit of what they could manage.

  "Come on," whispered Jones.

  The doors began to slide shut as the first of the enemy stepped into view. Four laid down suppressing fire, and a few shots hit the doors, but they sealed shut and the elevator began to descend. Taylor was relieved, but Jones didn't look so pleased.

  "Everyone here?" he asked.

  He looked around. They were missing three. It was obvious to all, but no one wanted to say it. The look Jones was giving him was ice cold, but he wouldn't criticise any of what they were doing in front of the others. A response finally came over his radio.

  "Colonel, we are unable to reach you at this time. You are on your own."

  "Don't tell me that. We need assistance, now!"


  The signal crackled and finally died as they went deeper below the surface. Taylor didn't need to pass on what was said, as it was clear to all from his tone.

  "Is there another way out, Colonel?" Lorenzo asked.

  "No, there is nowhere to run, so we’ll get to the strongest point that we can defend and hold out till help arrives."

  "Will it?"

  "Will it what?"

  "Will help come?"

  "Of course. Plenty of people know where we are. We just have to hold tight, and we'll get through this."

  The elevator opened, and they burst out into the lobby.

  "Is there any way to lock the elevator?" Taylor asked.

  But nobody had any answers. The door began to shut after them. Bailey snatched the key out and slipped through the gap as they sealed shut. She lifted up the key with a smile. Taylor could see the lights above the elevator, and it was already rising to the surface.

  "If anyone can hack a lock, it's them. Come on, we don't have much time."

  "Find whatever you can to set up a barrier. We'll take them here. Anyone unable to fight, get them to a safe room down the hallway there, but if you can still hold a rifle, you're staying put."

  A few of them helped Lorenzo with the wounded. One was bleeding profusely and left a trail of blood on the floor as the medic carried him away.

  "Jones, with me," he said.

  The two of them split off from the others as they began their search of the facilities. It was clear he wanted to have words, too.

  "I told you what I feel about being underground. I made it quite clear, and where did you bring us? We are going to die down her," stated Jones coldly.

  Taylor stopped and pointed his finger accusingly at Jones.

  "Fuck off, I didn't bring us down here to die. I need you, so get over this phobia and pull yourself together."

  He looked surprised by his tone.

  "You think it's easy living with this fear?"

  "I never said it would be easy. Do you think it's living, my life? I
woke up in this world to find everything and every human I had ever known was gone. So don't talk to me about how difficult it is to put this shit behind you. I know. And don't think I don't see Bolormaa when I go to sleep. You think I keep taking stims just to stay awake? I'd just rather be exhausted than have to re-live those nightmares."

  "I had no idea."

  Jones’ attitude had changed completely. His defensive tone had been wiped away.

  "How do you do it, keep going on with all that inside you?"

  "Because I have to, just like you do, right now."

  Taylor turned and went on. Jones followed a few paces later, Taylor's words echoing in his head. He took a bend. Taylor was standing still and looking into a room.

  "What is it?"

  "The first bit of luck we have had so far, Jones."

  The room was an armoury, and the cages were open. Half of the weapons were missing from the racks, and ammunition lay loose on the floor where someone had been careless in a rush, but there were box loads left.

  "Maybe this wasn't such a bad plan, after all, Colonel."

  Taylor smiled, seeing Jones was starting to come around.

  * * *

  Alita was wandering the corridors of the Indy, desperately trying to put together some plan in her head. She wanted nothing more than to jump into the cockpit and go down and get them, but she couldn't figure a way of doing it without being killed before she was anywhere close.

  "Lieutenant Hariz," a voice called on her comm.

  She took a deep breath to try and calm down before answering.


  "It’s Lisa Caron here. I need a word."


  "At the Colonel's room, now."

  She rushed on quickly in the hope that there might be some good news. When she arrived, the two agents were already standing guard and waiting. They showed her through.

  "What is it?" she asked, as she could see the dire look on Caron's face.

  "Lieutenant, your Colonel has retreated below the surface."


  "They are surrounded."

  "There must be a way out."

  "I’m sorry, but no. I heard the last message he relayed to this ship. Unless help is sent, he and the others won't make it out alive."

  "How long have they got?"

  Caron shrugged. "I have no way of knowing. I’m so sorry."

  "Taylor won't give up easily."

  "No, I am sure."

  Alita paced back and forth across the small room, trying to find a miracle solution to the problem.

  "I don't know what to say, Lieutenant."

  "We have to launch a rescue effort. I won't leave them down there."

  "With what? We have no resources available. Every soldier that can be spared is already on the surface, and from what I hear; they are under increasing pressure as time goes by. It would take an army to get that platoon out alive, an army that we just don't have."

  Alita suddenly stopped. An idea had popped into her head.

  "What is it?"

  "We may not have an army, but we have something as strong as one."

  "What do you mean?"

  "It’s best you don't know, Madam President. The Captain will not sign off on what I am about to do. All that I would ask is that you keep him busy, and make sure he doesn't shoot me out of the sky when the time comes."

  "What are you going to do?" she asked suspiciously as Alita climbed into her armour.

  "You'll see soon enough. Thank you, Ma'am. I can't thank you enough," she added and rushed to the door.

  "Good luck, Lieutenant."

  She stopped and looked back for a moment.

  "Alita," she said with a smile.

  She ran down the corridor as fast as she could. It wasn't long before she reached her intended destination. The guards recognised her and let her through without any fuss. She took a deep breath and stepped inside. The doors shut behind her.

  "Alita, is it not?"

  His voice was deep and inquisitive, and more than a little intimidating.

  "You know who I am?"

  "I do," he replied. She stepped closer and quietly said his name, "Zaya."

  "You want something from me? I can see it in your eyes, but let me save you some time. The answer is no."

  "You haven't heard what I have to offer yet."

  "There is nothing you can offer. All I want is my freedom, and you cannot give me that."

  "You're wrong. I shouldn't, but I can."

  His eyes widened, as he realised she was being serious. She couldn't believe what she was about to do, but they were desperate times, and she could think of nothing else. He looked into her eyes as if studying her to discern the truth in her words.

  "Right now, Colonel Taylor and some of the best fighters we have are ensnared in a trap that could cost them their lives. Those are losses we cannot afford in this war."

  "And why is that my problem?"

  "You weren't able to beat Bolormaa by yourself. You know you can't. But with Taylor by your side, you might just have a chance. He needs help, and we have nothing left to give. But you, you might just make the difference."

  "Why would you do this? He is just one man."

  "No, he is not. He is the Dusmus Kahraman."

  Zaya began to laugh.

  "I thought your people had advanced beyond the primitive belief in mythical fairy tales?"

  "So did I, until one presented itself before my very eyes. Taylor has taken on more in this universe than you can ever imagine."

  "Then he can surely get himself out of this situation, too, without my help."

  "Like you can get yourself out of this one?" she snapped back.

  He appreciated her point and was silenced.

  "Us mere mortals. You are at our mercy. You see; the greatest warrior can be slain by sheer weight of numbers."

  There was utter silence. He seemed to be considering the potential offer.

  "Why would you trust me to do this?"

  "Because I don't have a choice. Taylor is going to die down there, and if he does, our hope of winning this war dies with him. Don't you understand? Without him, we have no chance, and neither do you. Help us. Help Taylor, and we can fight Bolormaa together."

  She felt that she was making a deal with the Devil. She thought back to how he had led Bolormaa's forces to Earth, and of the things Taylor had said of him, but she chose to ignore it all in light of the chance of saving Mitch.

  "Please, do it for yourself. You want to kill that bitch of a mother, don't you?"

  Fire seemed to burn brightly in his eyes at the prospect.

  "If you set me free, I will be free. I will not be your pet to command."

  "Yes," she replied bluntly.

  "You do whatever you want, just so long as you help me get Taylor out of there alive first. Do we have a deal?"

  He nodded firmly, and that was enough for her. She stepped into the booth beside the cell and powered down all the locks and restraints. He stood up as tall as he could, though his head was already brushing the ceiling. He reached across and took hold of his personal weapons that had been sealed beside him.

  "Don't let me regret this," said Alita.

  "You know I could kill you where you stand, and everybody aboard this ship?"

  "I do, but where would that get you?"

  He simply growled in response.

  "I am going to my ship, and I am going to help the Colonel, are you coming?"

  He just nodded. He was an intimidating sight, but she kept telling herself that it was the only way to save her beloved Mitch Taylor and all those she cared for.

  "It's not far to my ship, so try not to kill anyone."

  There was silence.

  "Stay here a moment."

  She drew out her Assegai, but kept it powered down as she stepped out of the room. She thought to beat the guards unconscious, but they both wore helmets.

  "I'll take it from here," she said.

orry, Lieutenant, our orders are to stay put until relieved in one hour’s time," said one of them.

  "Well, I am relieving you now."

  "Sorry, Sir, but those orders are direct from the Captain."

  "Well.." she began.

  The doors opened behind them. They turned and lifted their rifles, but it was too late. Zaya grabbed one of them in each of his hands and smashed them against the far wall with such force they were knocked out cold. They didn't wear the exoskeleton suits like Alita, and she wouldn't be surprised if they had broken some bones on impact.

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  "They are not dead."

  Alita gritted her teeth. She felt the anger brewing, and yet Zaya looked so calm.

  "Come on, follow me."

  They went along the corridor for twenty metres when she stopped at a console.

  "What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously.

  "Clearing us a path."

  She keyed in a few buttons, and a moment later a fire alarm began to ring.

  "That will keep things clear. All crews will come from back the way we came. At least, that's the way I remember it, so I hope so. Come on."

  She rushed onwards and was relieved to find a clear route all the way to the docking bay. She kept looking over her shoulder to check Zaya was still following her, and he was with her all the way. She was concerned he might be going along with her plan just to get off the ship, but that was a chance she had to take.

  "There’s no way to get across that space without being seen, so we're just gonna have to run."

  "This isn't much of a plan."

  "That's because I don't really have one. I'm doing all this on the fly."

  He seemed to appreciate her honesty.

  "Let’s go, no time like the now."

  She rushed out at a sprinting pace, and he easily matched her. Cries of panic rang out from the ground crews as they scattered. It must have looked like she was being chased, but she didn't have any way to explain it. They stormed into the craft and sealed the door. Alita leapt into the cockpit. She could see marines pouring into the bay.

  "That was fast," she said, "but not fast enough."

  She powered up the engines and put down full power. They didn't know whether to shoot or not, so just watched in amazement as they rocketed out of view.


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