Blundell's Improvement

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Blundell's Improvement Page 2

by W. W. Jacobs

"half-kill some-body, or save somebody's life, and let her seeyou do it. Couldn't you dive off the quay and save some-body's life fromdrowning?"

  "Yes, I could," said Blundell, "if somebody would only tumble in."

  "You might pretend that you thought you saw somebody drowning," suggestedMr. Turnbull.

  "And be laughed at," said Mr. Blundell, who knew his Venia by heart.

  "You always seem to be able to think of objections," complained Mr.Turnbull; "I've noticed that in you before."

  "I'd go in fast enough if there was anybody there," said Blundell. "I'mnot much of a swimmer, but--"

  "All the better," interrupted the other; "that would make it all the moredaring."

  "And I don't much care if I'm drowned," pursued the younger man,gloomily.

  Mr. Turnbull thrust his hands in his pockets and took a turn or two upand down the room. His brows were knitted and his lips pursed. In thepresence of this mental stress Mr. Blundell preserved a respectfulsilence.

  "We'll all four go for a walk on the quay on Sunday afternoon," said Mr.Turnbull, at last.

  "On the chance?" inquired his staring friend.

  "On the chance," assented the other; "it's just possible Daly might fallin."

  "He might if we walked up and down five million times," said Blundell,unpleasantly.

  "He might if we walked up and down three or four times," said Mr.Turnbull, "especially if you happened to stumble."

  "I never stumble," said the matter-of-fact Mr. Blundell. "I don't knowanybody more sure-footed than I am."

  "Or thick-headed," added the exasperated Mr. Turnbull.

  Mr. Blundell regarded him patiently; he had a strong suspicion that hisfriend had been drinking.

  "Stumbling," said Mr. Turnbull, conquering his annoyance with an effort"stumbling is a thing that might happen to anybody. You trip your footagainst a stone and lurch up against Daly; he tumbles overboard, and youoff with your jacket and dive in off the quay after him. He can't swim astroke."

  Mr. Blundell caught his breath and gazed at him in speechless amaze.

  "There's sure to be several people on the quay if it's a fine afternoon,"continued his instructor. "You'll have half Dunchurch round you,praising you and patting you on the back--all in front of Venia, mindyou. It'll be put in all the papers and you'll get a medal."

  "And suppose we are both drowned?" said Mr. Blundell, soberly.

  "Drowned? Fiddlesticks !" said Mr. Turnbull. "However, pleaseyourself. If you're afraid----"

  "I'll do it," said Blundell, decidedly.

  "And mind," said the other, "don't do it as if it's as easy as kissingyour fingers; be half-drowned yourself, or at least pretend to be. Andwhen you're on the quay take your time about coming round. Be longerthan Daly is; you don't want him to get all the pity."

  "All right," said the other.

  "After a time you can open your eyes," went on his instructor; "then, ifI were you, I should say, 'Good-bye, Venia,' and close 'em again. Workit up affecting, and send messages to your aunts."

  "It sounds all right," said Blundell.

  "It is all right," said Mr. Turnbull. "That's just the bare idea I'vegiven you. It's for you to improve upon it. You've got two days tothink about it."

  Mr. Blundell thanked him, and for the next two days thought of littleelse. Being a careful man he made his will, and it was in acomparatively cheerful frame of mind that he made his way on Sundayafternoon to Mr. Turnbull's.

  The sergeant was already there conversing in low tones with Venia by thewindow, while Mr. Turnbull, sitting opposite in an oaken armchair,regarded him with an expression which would have shocked Iago.

  "We were just thinking of having a blow down by the water," he said, asBlundell entered.

  "What! a hot day like this?" said Venia.

  "I was just thinking how beautifully cool it is in here," said thesergeant, who was hoping for a repetition of the previous Sunday'sperformance.

  "It's cooler outside," said Mr. Turnbull, with a wilful ignoring offacts; "much cooler when you get used to it."

  He led the way with Blundell, and Venia and the sergeant, keeping as muchas possible in the shade of the dust-powdered hedges, followed. The sunwas blazing in the sky, and scarce half-a-dozen people were to be seen onthe little curved quay which constituted the usual Sunday afternoonpromenade. The water, a dozen feet below, lapped cool and green againstthe stone sides.

  At the extreme end of the quay, underneath the lantern, they all stopped,ostensibly to admire a full-rigged ship sailing slowly by in thedistance, but really to effect the change of partners necessary to theafter-noon's business. The change gave Mr. Turnbull some trouble ere itwas effected, but he was successful at last, and, walking behind the twoyoung men, waited somewhat nervously for developments.

  Twice they paraded the length of the quay and nothing happened. The shipwas still visible, and, the sergeant halting to gaze at it, the companylost their formation, and he led the complaisant Venia off from beneathher father's very nose.

  "You're a pretty manager, you are, John Blundell," said the incensed Mr.Turnbull.

  "I know what I'm about," said Blundell, slowly.

  "Well, why don't you do it?" demanded the other. "I suppose you aregoing to wait until there are more people about, and then perhaps some ofthem will see you push him over."

  "It isn't that," said Blundell, slowly, "but you told me to improve onyour plan, you know, and I've been thinking out improvements."

  "Well?" said the other.

  "It doesn't seem much good saving Daly," said Blundell; "that's what I'vebeen thinking. He would be in as much danger as I should, and he'd getas much sympathy; perhaps more."

  "Do you mean to tell me that you are backing out of it?" demanded Mr.Turnbull.

  "No," said Blundell, slowly, "but it would be much better if I savedsomebody else. I don't want Daly to be pitied."

  "Bah! you are backing out of it," said the irritated Mr. Turnbull."You're afraid of a little cold water."

  "Bah! you are backing out of it,' said the irritated Mr.Turnbull."]

  "No, I'm not," said Blundell; "but it would be better in every way tosave somebody else. She'll see Daly standing there doing nothing, whileI am struggling for my life. I've thought it all out very carefully. Iknow I'm not quick, but I'm sure, and when I make up my mind to do athing, I do it. You ought to know that."

  "That's all very well," said the other; "but who else is there to pushin?"

  "That's all right," said Blundell, vaguely. "Don't you worry about that;I shall find somebody."

  Mr. Turnbull turned and cast a speculative eye along the quay. As arule, he had great confidence in Blundell's determination, but on thisoccasion he had his doubts.

  "Well, it's a riddle to me," he said, slowly. "I give it up. It seems--Halloa! Good heavens, be careful. You nearly had me in then."

  "Did I?" said Blundell, thickly. "I'm very sorry."

  Mr. Turnbull, angry at such carelessness, accepted the apology in agrudging spirit and trudged along in silence. Then he started nervouslyas a monstrous and unworthy suspicion occurred to him. It was anincredible thing to suppose, but at the same time he felt that there wasnothing like being on the safe side, and in tones not quite free fromsignificance he intimated his desire of changing places with his awkwardfriend.

  "It's all right," said Blundell, soothingly.

  "I know it is," said Mr. Turnbull, regarding him fixedly; "but I preferthis side. You very near had me over just now."

  "I staggered," said Mr. Blundell.

  "Another inch and I should have been overboard," said Mr. Turnbull, witha shudder. "That would have been a nice how d'ye do."

  Mr. Blundell coughed and looked seaward. "Accidents will happen," hemurmured.

  They reached the end of the quay again and stood talking, and when theyturned once more the sergeant was surprised and gratified at the easewith which he bore off Venia. Mr. Turnbull and Blundell followed so
melittle way behind, and the former gentleman's suspicions were somewhatlulled by finding that his friend made no attempt to take the insideplace. He looked about him with interest for a likely victim, but invain.

  "What are you looking at?" he demanded, impatiently, as

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