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Tempest Page 3

by Shakir Rashaan

  Honestly speaking, why wouldn’t they?

  Nine million in cash for the island free and clear…

  Another twenty million in construction and upgrades, not to mention another ten million for security and surveillance…

  Yet another five million in underground advertising to screen the initial patrons that would represent at least six or seven different countries, spanning across Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America, and even a small contingent from Down Under.

  Yeah, this might have been initially set up for people of color, but I had bigger fish to fry, not to mention heavy profits to make.

  Amenhotep asked me a couple of years ago if I wanted my own version of Hedonism.

  Now that I looked at the way this place had developed, I shook my head at the comparison.

  I wanted to leave Hedonism in the dust.

  If I got my way, I would do exactly that.

  “To put You out of Your misery, Bro…about forty million dollars, give or take a few hundred thousand.” I waited for the long whistle to flow from Osiris after the figure sank in. “Thankfully, we were able to tap into some of the returns on investments Amenhotep and I were able to receive from some of our British connections, in addition to a few million extracted from former members who violated the clauses on their agreements over the past year.”

  “Damn, You mean someone was stupid enough to violate the clauses?” Osiris wanted to laugh, but I didn’t think he would have felt completely comfortable doing it. After all, a million dollars is nothing to sneeze at, much less give away because your emotions got the best of you.

  “So, what furniture have You installed out here?” Blaze inquired, shifting our attention to her. “And how have You prepared for the inclement weather that we all know comes through here?”

  I grinned when I heard her question.

  “It’s funny you should mention that.” I laughed as I took a remote from the base of one of the Sekhmet statues. As I pressed the button to start the sequence, I yelled out, “I guess you’ve forgotten who I am!”

  The ground shook for a few moments as the bases of each of the tents slowly descended into the ground as though they were being swallowed by quicksand. Once the tents were completely out of sight, the enclosures moved over the tops of the tents, sealing them underground.

  My satellite phone rang immediately.

  “Dom…no, Sir, there is nothing on the radar; I checked before the demonstration…yes, Sir, it was needed, but we’re good to go now.”

  I hung up the phone and almost laughed at the shocked faces surrounding me as the full weight of what they’d witnessed finally sank in.

  Yeah, they were gonna learn today!

  Not that I needed an answer to the question I was about to ask, but for the sake of a good chuckle, I went ahead and asked the rhetorical. “Are there any further questions?”


  “Welcome to the rules and protocol part of the program.”

  I was glad I decided to do this part of the resort itinerary. There was no way I was getting up to do the tour. He could have it.

  I sat in the reception hall of the main building with shamise and sajira at my sides. I had amani assisting the medical staff in the first-aid building to ensure things were running smoothly. I didn’t want to take any chances, even though the staff was kink-friendly.

  We made sure the House had as much of its imprint on the island as possible. Ramesses made sure the overall operation of the island was as seamless as he could have it, while working with Dominic on the surveillance and security system, which was state-of-the-art. I was in awe of how intricate the system was, covering every square foot of the island. I took care of the travel arrangements for the entertainers and the servants, with shamise providing assistance. sajira put her accounting team together to take care of yet another arm of the ever-growing empire we’d built over the past few years.

  It was definitely a sight to behold, and the hard work was definitely worth it.

  I had the service slaves take care of serving the brunch trays to the audience while I moved around the front of where they sat, directing everyone’s attention to the PowerPoint presentation being projected from the LCD monitor connected to my laptop. Thankfully, there would only be two of these presentations today, one this morning and one in the afternoon. I knew Ramesses would be touring all day and a part of me felt a little guilty. The tours had to be somewhat exhausting, but he was in his element, so I was not about to take away from his pleasure.

  “If you take note of the protocol covering station cleanliness and safety, you will notice the standards are in line with the way we handle things at NEBU, Deshret, and Thebes.” I continued my presentation, scanning the crowd to make sure anyone wasn’t bored out of their skull.

  As my eyes moved through the crowd, I noticed an intense pair of light-brown eyes begging for my undivided attention. Looking further, I realized those eyes were attached to a fine specimen of a man. I glanced at his facial features, including a thick pair of lips that spread into a smile to show his appreciation of what his eyes beheld.

  He winked at me as he held my gaze for a few more seconds, trying to keep me engaged as best he could. I dismissed him as best as I could, but not before shamise caught the exchange between us. She looked up at me for a brief moment before returning her gaze to the audience. She knew better than to say anything at the moment, but the possessive shift in her kneeling position and body language let me know she might broach the subject later in the day.

  I wasn’t about to complain about what happened. The past few months, it had felt like there was a “no touch” policy when it came to any new men who might have wanted to approach me from a sexual perspective. Not that I minded too much because Ramesses and amani gave me all I could handle with the way they kept me in a constant state of arousal.

  Still, it would have been nice to pick up a new “piece” to break in the island properly.

  My mind briefly wondered what the mystery man, the one still staring at me, would feel like with his thick lips and tongue caressing my clit and licking my ass as I sat on his face. Hell, even our girls got slutted out from time to time to take the edge off; why shouldn’t I?

  Maybe I was getting bored because the men who threw themselves at me always made it easy to get it. Where’s the fun in that?

  I knew my Beloved had his moments where the thrill of the chase rose to the surface, but lately he’d been content with how things were. Between me, shamise, sajira, and his secretary, taliah, we spoiled that man rotten.

  If it weren’t for the light tapping of sajira’s finger against my hip, I would have lost myself in my thoughts. I tried to regain my composure, taking my eyes off the stranger, so I could get through the rest of the presentation without another pause.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoy the island and partake in the delights while you’re here. Have a great day, and if you happen to see me or my girls in passing, make sure you say hello.” I stared at the mystery man as I finished my spiel, making sure he understood the not-so-subtle invitation to introduce himself as soon as fucking possible.

  shamise was quiet for a few moments, and I could feel the tension on her body. sajira noticed it, too, although she might not have realized the reason why.

  “shamise, baby, what’s on your mind?” I asked her as the last of the guests left the reception hall. “you were stiff as a board during the last of the presentation.”

  “Yeah, sis, what happened, what did i miss?” sajira was still in “baby girl” mode, so her question came off more playful than showing concern.

  shamise hesitated for a moment, her eyes looking in the direction of the mystery man, who was standing in the doorway. I couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across my face, no matter how hard I tried. He returned my smile with one of his own before noticing the scowl on shamise’s face. Realizing he wouldn’t get a chance to speak with me alone, he stepped away and disappeared f
rom the room, leaving the three of us alone in the hall.

  shamise was not amused. “May i have permission to speak freely, my Goddess?”

  “Yes, you may, precious.”

  “i’m a little disturbed that you openly flirted with another man in front of us, my Goddess,” shamise remarked, struggling to maintain her protocol and training. I looked in her eyes and saw mild disappointment. “You’ve never done that before, my Goddess. You acted like a horny teenager, and i felt the heat rising on Your skin.”

  “Come on, sis, that man was gorgeous!” sajira giggled as she looked up at me, trying to take my side. “i mean, i know Daddy is fine and all, but our Goddess isn’t dead, you know.”

  “This was different, sis.” shamise turned toward sajira to explain herself. “If She could have cleared the room, dismissed us and fucked Him on the spot, She would have. i guess i’m used to Goddess being a little more disciplined, even in the audience of a man as fine as Him. Hell, i’ve seen Her keep Her composure around men finer than Him.”

  Damn, I hated when my Alpha slave knew me as well as shamise did. The unfortunate part was she was right.

  I kissed shamise across her forehead and then across her lips. “shamise, you’re right, I didn’t carry myself in a manner that you are used to. But even you had to admit that man was gorgeous, baby girl.”

  shamise tried her best to keep from grinning before her lips parted and she had to fan herself for a moment. She looked up at me with a guilt written all over her face. “Okay, yes, He was fine as fuck, if You don’t mind me saying so, my Goddess. To be honest, i tried to keep from staring at him the whole time, but He only had eyes for You.”

  sajira chimed, “Now that You mentioned it, my Goddess, He did seem like He was fixated on You, even though the other women around Him tried their best to get His attention.”

  Under normal circumstances, I would have taken that information as an immediate red flag, with the intent to dismiss him as a stalker. But I wanted to at least have a conversation with him to see if my suspicions were justified or if there might have been something more to discover.

  One thing was for certain, whether I wanted to admit it or not.

  He had my curiosity and my attention, but both were very hard to keep.

  The beauty of having a privately owned island was the ability to do whatever you wanted, and when it came to my Beloved and me and the things we tended to come up with, the word “whatever” could be one helluva feat.

  I was grateful for the solitude for a couple of hours. shamise was coordinating things for the entertainers tonight, sajira was tied up taking care of some things for the other compounds in the States via video conferencing, and amani had to tend to a slight emergency involving heatstroke with the medical team. With Ramesses still caught up in tours for the remainder of the afternoon, I was alone to indulge and, to be blunt, I needed to come.

  As I rubbed suntan lotion into my skin, thoughts of the mysterious stranger began to flood my mind. I preferred to tan nude, and since I didn’t have to worry about whether or not it was illegal, I allowed my body to relax while I welcomed the lustful thoughts that invaded my mind. The sun was hot on my bronzed skin as I untied my bikini top and massaged suntan lotion into my breasts.

  I lay back while enjoying the sounds of the ocean and felt the breeze caress my body, covering my face with my wide-brimmed sun hat and sunglasses to prevent a headache I knew would hit me if I didn’t take precautions. I imagined the breeze was the stranger’s hands, caressing and molesting me, and I moved my hips in flow with the wind, enjoying the burn from the sun’s rays licking my flesh. My mind slipped into a deeper zone, imagining the sun’s rays were my Beloved’s hands, making my pussy moisten with desire.

  I moaned, my sounds mingling with the crashing of the waves and the rustling of the trees, not wanting this pseudo-threesome to end any time soon. I grabbed for my two-headed bullet, slipping one egg-shaped node in my ass and the other inside my walls. The moment I turned the remote on, the familiar vibrations sent shockwaves through my clit, mercilessly coursing through my body, and I loved every minute of it.

  “Damn, fuck My ass, Daddy,” I whispered. I wasn’t ready to shout because my body wasn’t there yet. I reached out in my mind’s eye to feel his dick inside of my anal tract, feeling so slick and wet that it could have felt like he was in my pussy. I rolled and grinded my hips, imagining he was under me, with my wetness exposed for anyone to come in and take my other hole.

  I imagined the stranger coming in and sliding right in, envisioning his girth filling me up, pumping me from the top as my Beloved pumped me from underneath me, bringing me closer to an orgasm that would be so intense that I knew I would pass out.

  “Oh fuck, give it to Me! I’m almost there!” My breathing shortened and my nipples were fully engorged. I almost pleaded with my body to let me enter into the blissful paradise, so I could completely release every ounce of energy into the air. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!”

  A few moments later, I was in the throes of a full-body orgasm as my vibrator continued to prolong the trip, sending me deeper into a state of intemperate passion, my voice letting loose a sequence of unintelligible words and phrases I didn’t care if anyone heard or could make sense of.

  By the time my body expended its energy, I was completely spent with a slick grin on my face. I couldn’t help myself. It had been so long since I’d had a fantasy that intense that I didn’t notice the towel I lay on was soaked in blood. Damn! It must have snuck in on me this time around because I had been so sexually active the past few days with Ramesses before we got down here and then playing with the girls and amani.

  I quickly gathered my things and rushed into the hut to clean myself up, pissed that the fun I knew I would have this week would be stunted by my period.

  What a time for this bitch to show up!


  “I’m so pissed I want to scream!”

  I sat on the balcony of the family hut, which wasn’t far from the main building, with sajira and shamise, venting my frustration over having to deal with my period a week earlier than expected. I had planned with Ramesses and the girls to make sure that we all were safe from dealing with that bitch while working through the grand opening week.

  “Goddess, You know how it goes, if You don’t mind me saying.” sajira worked on my lower back while shamise worked on my thighs and lower legs, which I knew would be the first things hurting when my cycle started. “We planned it as best we could, and to be honest, I am spotting a little bit, and i’m not thrilled about it, either.”

  I didn’t want to admit it out loud, but I took some solace that at least one of my girls might have been on the verge of going through the same thing as I was. shamise actually had her tubes tied years ago because she had no desires to have children of her own, which was why our children loved “Auntie ‘mise” so much. Not that they didn’t love “Auntie ‘jira” as much, but shamise had been around the kids since they were toddlers.

  From the energy I felt sajira putting into the massage she was giving me, I could tell something wasn’t right with her, either.

  “Okay, little one, speak. I know something’s wrong because your energy has changed,” I commanded. “And don’t say ‘it’s nothing, Goddess,’ either, or you’ll put Me in a very bad mood. Considering I’m already going through it with My cycle, you might want to put some thought into your response.”

  sajira hesitated for a second before the emotions poured out of her. “It’s the same conversation we’ve been having for the past year, Goddess, but i didn’t want to burden You with it anymore. Ice is becoming more difficult by the month, especially now that shamise is living with us.”

  I exhaled. Ice had been becoming more difficult by the moment, and it seemed that no one could redirect his focus. He’d been especially disobedient and insubordinate toward Ramesses and me lately, to the point to where I had to break him down to his knees in front of his Mistress, Sinsual,
to get him to calm down on the home front. His and Ramesses’s relationship had deteriorated to where he no longer even came over on their traditional Poker nights to hang with Jay and the rest of the crew.

  At the rate he was heading, he would find himself on the outside looking in if he wasn’t careful. Sin’s patience was at its limit, and she had privately confided in me that she was on the verge of releasing him if his behavior didn’t improve. He even insisted on being called by his slave name, lynx, almost full time now, with the only exception being when we were in our swingers’ circles, and he withdrew from that scene the moment Sin took him as her property.

  I knew Sin, and she didn’t take kindly to her submissives embarrassing her when they were not with her. tiger, her Alpha slave, understood that from the beginning, and even he was becoming disenchanted with lynx also. I secretly wondered if tiger were simply trying to figure out what he could get out of his interaction and training of his brother submissive, otherwise, he would have whispered in his Mistress’s ear months ago to find a way to release him.

  This entire situation began to wear on both of our girls, and while Ramesses and I offered to move them to our old house, sajira was insistent upon trying to work things out with her husband. shamise did not want to abandon her sister, as she had become accustomed to living with her, despite the negative energy resonating through the house. They even stopped having sex after sajira was collared last year, which seemed to concern sajira more than it did lynx. His only concern was pleasing his Mistress from then on, which was funny to me because his actions were definitely contrary to what pleased Sin.

  As long as lynx wasn’t verbally or physically abusive, Ramesses and I maintained our distance while keeping a close eye on his interactions whenever we were at NEBU or when we were at different functions in other parts of the city. In my heart, I’d hoped he came to his senses and realized he’s hurting his wife, but at the same time, there was no other way to really make him see unless sajira left him.


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