AMP_Phase 1_Cyborg Invasion

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AMP_Phase 1_Cyborg Invasion Page 4

by Brian K. Larson


  “Don’t make me come over there and pull the damn plug myself.”

  “Okay, very well sir…I understand,” Griffin said, lowering his head before terminating the wireless call.

  He looked down at Beverly, “I’m sorry, Bev. I…Ahem,” Griffin choked, “I…I have to order him to be taken off of life support now.”

  Beverly, drained of willpower and numb, stood to walk out of the room. She kissed her son’s cheek, then turned and began to leave, tears pouring down her cheeks as she couldn’t bear to watch.

  Griffin looked at the head nurse and nodded for her to proceed.

  The nurse, giving a sigh, turned to her panel and began the shutdown procedure to terminate Bennie’s life.

  The major’s data pad vibrated displaying the General’s picture, then he accepted the call, “Sir, I just gave the order…”

  “Stop! We just received a transmission! They made it…that son of a bitch made it!”

  Griffin covered the ear piece and shouted with a lift in his voice, “Stop the termination! You’re certain of this?”

  “Do you really think I would call to prank you over a matter like this?”

  “No sir, most likely not…thank you sir.”

  “Make sure the patient is prepped for surgery as soon as they get back.”

  “We’re going to do an implant…right?”

  “Yes, they have the tech. Bennie can be healed and we get to advance the governments capabilities,” Makenzie smiled, rubbing his hands slowly together.

  Beverly ran up to Griffin and squeezed him hard, “Thank you…thank you for supporting me as long as you did.”

  “Bev, if it was anyone else…”

  “I know, I know…that doesn’t change the fact that I am truly grateful.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  General McKenzie’s Office

  September 24th, 2064 09:00

  “Major? McKenzie here... ...yes, the colonel and Cassie just left my office. I have the tech. Tucker will be on his way over this afternoon for the procedure. Make sure Doctor Rhodes has everything he needs... ...yes, that’s right. I’m moving the box to our top secret control center. I want Calvin on board with our team as well..., he was out there, we need him... ...Major...’s imperative that he’s on our team... ...great...that’s it then, meet up at the secret location once the procedure is complete...yeah, it was sheer luck that Tucker had a chip in his head... think the transplant will be a success? What does Rhodes say about it? He’s confident that both will survive? Excellent Major, nice work.”

  Major Griffin disconnected his data pad, turned to Beverly and embraced her, “It’s going to be alright. Bennie’s being prepped for the surgery we talked about.”

  Beverly sobbed, but this time with joy that her son was finally going to have his life saving surgery...whatever it was that they had developed. She didn’t really care where it came from as long as it could save Bennie.

  “Tom, you sure he’ll be alright?”

  “Doctor Rhodes is our finest surgeon. He’ll be in great hands.”

  Beverly wiped her tears away as Griffin looked down at her. It was a magical moment when the two locked lips.

  * * *


  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Memorial Hospital

  Earth Date: Sept. 24th, 2064 21:00

  “Nice job Doctor,” the surgical attendant commented.

  “Thanks,” Doctor Rhodes answered with a smile, “The component extraction was a fairly simple one.”

  “Doctor, you don’t have to be modest,” the attendant smiled through her mask, “I mean really, ‘alien tech transplant’ has to be the top weirdest thing I’ve ever assisted with.”

  After my trip to the Kirkwood Gap and the things I’ve seen over the last month, well, let’s just say this is simple compared to all that.”

  “What exactly did you see, Doctor?”

  “I’ve seen things that would make your hair stand on end, but I’m not allowed to tell you or anyone else...and this little jewel,” holding the chip in the air with a pair of forceps, “You never I make myself clear on this?”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  Rhodes set the chip down on the metal tray, still clamped with the forceps. It was cylindrical in shape, but came to a point, like a cone, which had a small thin wire like strand that protruded from the end.

  The team studied the chip and performed several tests while they were prepping Bennie for the transplant.

  “I never got to get a close look at this until now.”

  “Doctor, the Colonel is ready for recovery.”

  “Hmm, let me have a look at your sewing skills,” Rhodes said, looking over at the closing nurse.

  He stepped momentarily over to Tucker’s table and quickly glanced at the wound, “Not bad...maybe next week you can sew me a new comforter.”

  “Sure thing, Doctor,” the nurse smiled with her eyes, “I’ll make it from cadaver skins if you’d like.”

  “Oh sure, that will go great with my lampshades I had Collins make me last month.”


  “Just kidding...go ahead and send him to recovery. I want to get a few more minutes with this before I do the implant.”

  “Very well, Doctor,” the nurse said, then pushed Tucker’s gurney out of the operating room and off to recovery.

  Rhodes quickly turned back to the chip and set a high powered microscope over the wire, “Hmmm...this is interesting.”


  “Yes, well...let’s just say that this is very amazing technology.”

  “Bennie’s going to be one lucky camper.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as saying that.”

  “What do you mean, Doc?”

  “We really don’t know how this chip will react in another host. My guess is that it takes DNA from the host and begins duplicating the host cells. That’s what makes the thing grow inside.”

  “Kind of creepy if you ask me,” the attendant shivered.

  “I thought so too, but at the same time...very interesting.”

  “I don’t think I’d like this inside of me. That’s for sure.”

  “Fascinating,” Rhodes exclaimed, “This wire...or fiber...or whatever it is, is made up of the same material I took samples of inside the alien complex.”


  “It’s more than that, but there’s an enzyme...sort of a byproduct of DNA harvest and cell conversion.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “What that means, is that I think I can duplicate this technology.”

  “Don’t you need that organic material from the alien complex to duplicate the chip?”

  “To a certain degree, yes.”

  “You brought some home with you...didn’t you,” the nurse smiled again with her eyes.

  “Well, yes...I did bring a couple of vials. Just enough to make a couple of prototypes from. Once I have a working duplicate, I’m confident I could mass produce the chip.”

  “To what end, Doctor?”

  “We are going to revolutionize medicine.”

  “Gee, doc. I don’t see who’d want a computer chip implanted in their bodies...let alone inside your head.”


  “Brain...which is inside your head...eww, that’s so gross.”

  “Oh come now, it must not be that bad or you’d never have made it on my team.”

  “Well, that’s different.”

  “Ms. Rollins, are you flirting with me?”

  “No, sir. I’d never do that.”

  “Uh huh...sure you wouldn’t.”


  “Nurse Rollins...”

  “What?” she asked, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Okay, let’s clean this chip up, sterilize it, and
then we’ll be ready.”

  “I’ll take care of that for”

  “Thank you Nurse Rollins, but this little jewel’s not leaving my sight.”

  “Oh come on...I’m just going to take it over...”

  Rhodes never let her finish, “No way, no’s not leaving my sight.”

  “Okay, doctor...I understand.”

  “No, I really don’t think you do.”

  “You think I’m going to steal this...that’s it, isn’t it?”

  “We can’t be too careful. I’ve been instructed to trust no one.”

  “Doctor Rhodes...I’ve been called many things in my life, but never a thief!”

  “Nothing personal you job’s on the line here.”

  “Well...that does sort of hurt my feelings...”

  “If you really want to clean the thing, that’s fine...just in my sight.”

  “Very well, doctor.”

  “Still friends?”

  “Yeah, still friends...”

  “Okay, let’s get this chip ready for Bennie, shall we?”

  “It would be my pleasure, Doctor.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Secret Lab Complex

  September 24th, 2064 23:30

  Preston and his peer, Hawthorn was escorted by the general’s aide to the elevator that would open up a new realm to the two officers. Neither of them fully understood the gravity of this new alien tech that had been recovered by the Salvage-5 crew.

  “How deep is this complex anyway,” Lieutenant Hawthorn asked.

  “It’s a ways...maybe four hundred feet?”

  “Why so far below the ground?” Preston asked.

  “It’s an old converted base. It was once an ammunitions depot a couple hundred years ago. Now, it serves as one of the country’s most top secret complexes for testing and housing the alien tech.”

  “How long did it take to build this?”

  “Lieutenant’s, I must ask you to hold your questions,” Nadine nodded, then pushed her glasses up on her nose, “The general will be more than happy to answer any and all questions. But up here, we don’t refer to this as an alien lab complex.”

  “Okay,” Hawthorn said, “How would you like us to say it?”

  The three came to the end of a long hallway. Two guards, armed with machine guns, stood at the desk where a third man sat.

  “Evening, miss,” the man at the desk said, looking up, “These two?”

  “Yep. They’ll need their hands and retina scan before letting them go down.”

  “Gentleman,” the man said, looking at Hawthorn first, “Place your hand on the scanner and look into this.”

  The Sergeant held up a device to Hawthorn’s eyes. The scanner lit up with the pressure from his hand. The small device held to his eyes flashed, making him jump. The Sergeant grabbed his wrist and held his hand still to the pad, letting the scan finish the print from his hand. Then the pad faded.

  “Okay, next...and try not to flinch.”

  Preston placed his hand on the scanner and it immediately lit up under his skin. The Sergeant placed the device over Preston’s eyes and clicked the button causing the thing to flash. The Lieutenant stood firm, allowing the scan to complete before removing his hand.

  “Very well done, Lieutenant. Give me another couple of seconds and you’ll be cleared,” the Sergeant said. Then the machine on the desk popped out two ID badges and they each were instructed to take their own.

  Nadine turned to face the men, “You will now refer to this complex as Project Gamma.”

  “Project Gamma, huh?” Preston smiled, “Sounds cool.”

  “You both have been permanently assigned to The Gamma Project. You must obtain clearance from the General to exit the complex.”

  “Or else?” Hawthorn mused.

  “Or else, Tweedledee and Tweedledum here will use you for target practice.”

  The two gulped at the sound of Nadine’s voice and the seriousness in her eyes. The two guards smiled and nodded.

  “Don’t even try to gain access from below to the elevator without clearance...”

  “...the elevator will not function unless the general himself, or his next in command, punches in the code from down below,” the Sergeant finished for Nadine.

  “Understood,” the two nearly said in unison.

  “Now you can enter the lab anytime from the top side down, you just need the clearance comin’ back up.”

  “Good to know,” Hawthorn nodded.

  Nadine stepped over to the elevator and pressed a red button. Then she leaned close to an intercom, “Project Gamma access, Nadine-one- one- zero.”

  A mechanical voice acknowledged her access, “Access Nadine- one- one-zero, confirmed. Voice recognition, confirmed. Prepare for retina authorization.”

  Nadine changed her stance and remained still as a beam of light passed over her left eye. The panel turned green and the door slid open, “Access granted, please enter the man trap,” the computer voice instructed.

  The three entered the elevator and a clear Plexiglas door slid closed, sealing them inside. Then the outside metal doors slid closed.

  “Better hold on,” Nadine cautioned.

  “Why?” Preston began, but was abruptly interrupted by an immediate drop.

  The two smiled at the momentary near weightlessness, grabbing the side rails.

  The elevator car dropped so quickly that their uniform coattails lifted in the air. But before they knew it, the car slowed causing them to feel the forces on their legs before coming to a complete stop.

  The doors slid open and Nadine smiled at the two as she strolled past, “You’ll get used to it soon enough.”

  “That was some ride alright,” Hawthorn said, dabbing at the spittle on the corners of his mouth.

  They walked through a large room full of technicians dressed in white lab coats. There were banks upon banks of computer stations and the entire room was buzzing with activity.

  Nadine escorted the men through a maze of cubicles and came to a closed door. She knocked and cracked it open, “General?”

  “Ah. Good, send em’ in,” they could hear from inside the room.

  Preston stood, saluting with Hawthorn, before General McKenzie in his new office.

  Hawthorn towered over even the general. The tall skinny kid didn’t know what to make of the strange lights that shone form an odd looking case that was neatly placed on the desk.

  The general relaxed behind the rosewood desk with the sealed box, “At ease, men.”

  An eerie glow from the silver case cast dancing shadows around the room.

  The two relaxed, their stance, Wow, this is so cool,” Hawthorn exclaimed. “What’s causing this?”

  “This,” General McKenzie said, “is what we recovered from the alien complex at the Kirkwood Gap.”

  “Can’t wait to get my hands on it...”

  “...inside this case,” the general continued without interruption, “is what appears to be a computer core. This is what we think controls the chips that are implanted inside the host. Your jobs will be to reverse engineer this technology and interface it with our own. We need the ability to send instructions to each individual chip we manufacture.”

  “We’ll do our best, General,” Preston said.

  “I know you will...that’s why you were both hand selected for this project.”

  “Project Gamma, Sir?”

  “Yes, Hawthorn. Project Gamma is what we’re calling it.”

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” Preston eagerly said, “Let’s get this thing started.”

  “You will be in charge of the box...I’m promoting both of you to Captain,” McKenzie said reaching in his drawer.

  He handed them each a small jewel box which contained their new rank insignias, “Thanks, General,” Preston said with a wide smile, “Wasn’t expecting this...”

will be the only time you get to say you didn’t expect something...this project will be both challenging and rewarding...but failure is not an option. You need to start expecting the unexpected.”

  “Yes, sir!” Preston said with a salute.

  Hawthorn quickly joined Preston and held their attention until the General acknowledged in return.

  “At ease, men. Doctor Rhodes will be in charge of the chip, you two will be in charge of this box. We’re also bringing in a civilian consultant to assist you on your task.”

  “You’re bringing a civi down here?” Preston said in protest.

  “I don’t see how a civilian could be any help to us, Sir,” Hawthorn said in agreement.

  “It’s not up for debate... and trust me on this one. This civilian has some special skills essential to the successful completion of your assignment.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What’s his name, sir?” Preston asked.

  “Calvin Jones.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Memorial Hospital

  September 25th, 2064 00:16

  “Doctor, the incision in Bennie’s neck is complete,” the assistant said.

  “Thank you Ms. Rollins,” taking the chip by the forceps, “Well, here goes nothing.”

  “Why doctor, you seem unsure of yourself.”

  “Wouldn’t you? I mean, if this goes south on us...I just have one piece of advice,” he said, standing before his patient.

  “...and that would be?”



  “Yep, that’s fast!”

  “Maybe you ought to tell me just exactly what you saw out there?”

  “...I told you, I can’t...”

  “...before you insert this thing? I think you owe me that much.”

  Doctor Rhodes turned from his patient and set the forceps back on the metal tray with a clink, “I will tell you that one of these chips took over one of the crew of Salvage-5.”

  “Lieutenant Savage...”

  “Yes, that’s right. The Lieutenant...Melissa...she was a fine officer and an excellent teammate. However, this thing...this changed her. It was awful seeing her change before our eyes.”


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