AMP_Phase 1_Cyborg Invasion

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AMP_Phase 1_Cyborg Invasion Page 6

by Brian K. Larson

  Bennie hopped off the table, “Then I suggest you keep me happy, right?”

  “Right...anything you say. Computer, terminate privacy protocol.”

  The intercom immediately began squawking the General’s voice, “Rhodes! Rhodes...get out of there...what’s going on in there!”

  “General, I’ve got the situation under control.”

  “Let me out of here,” Bennie threatened.

  “General? I suggest not making him mad.”

  “Pff, yeah...okay...sure thing sonny. I’ll let you out of there...Not!”

  “ best comply. He’s agreed to work with us...”

  “Yes, General...I have agreed to work with you...I just learned that I lost the love of my life. I’m having quite a hard time maintaining over here...So unless you open this, I’m going to lose it and I can’t be responsible for what happens.”

  The emotions raced through Bennie’s veins as he became more frustrated at being locked in the room. He focused his mind on the General.


  The General shook his head slightly and tapped the side of his head with his hand.

  Do not the door, General.

  McKenzie reached over and pressed the security code, opening the door. The Plexiglas lowered exposing the observation chamber to the holding room.

  Then the General shook his head trying to come out of a daze, “What? How’d this door get open?! Rhodes!”

  “It wasn’t Rhodes,” Bennie smiled.

  “It was you?”

  That’s right, General, and then the voice that echoed within his mind faded.

  Bennie’s knees buckled and Rhodes caught him, helping him back to the edge of the bed.

  “Take it easy, son. You’re still recovering from major surgery.”

  “I want to see my father.”

  “Just as soon as he’s awake I’ll take you to see him. I promise.”

  Bennie nodded in agreement, “Now how about some food, I’m starving.”

  Rhodes turned to the General, “He’s going to be alright. I think a good meal will be in order.”

  “I’ll have the kitchen prepare you a nice steak dinner. How’s that sound?”

  “Sounds great to me, General.”

  “Fine. Rhodes, I want you to finish your exam. Then let me know when you leave the complex. Don’t be gone too long, either.”

  The General turned and left the two alone in the exam room.

  “He seems pretty up tight, Doc.”

  “Yeah...he is.”

  Bennie smiled and chuckled under his breath, “Shmuck!”

  “Let me check you out the rest of the way, shall we?”

  “You’re the doc.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Secret Lab Complex

  September 25th, 2064 17:00

  Calvin Jones stood at the back of the elevator, his bulging eyes watching the doors open. His death grip on the railing was all that kept him from collapsing.

  A robotic voice came from a speaker on the inside of the car, “Occupant, my sensors indicate an elevated heart rate and rapid, shallow breathing. These are signs of severe stress. Do you require assistance?

  “No!” Calvin panted, exiting the elevator.

  “Very well, sir. Please enjoy your stay...and remember to eat right and get plenty of exercise.”

  “Gee thanks, computer...I’m still pretty fit.”

  General McKenzie approached from the end of the hall, “Jones! Good to see you.”

  “Yeah, right...likewise I’m sure,” he answered, resting his hands on his knees.

  “What’s the matter, Cal? Say,” McKenzie said, sizing Calvin up and down, “Tucker was right, you have put on some pounds...that lil ol’ elevator plunge get to ya? Well, it does get easier.”

  “Come on General, I looked the same when we left on our mission.”

  “Right...just keep on in your delusion...I’m surprised you fit in a space suit.”

  “Hey, watch was just a few pounds...okay?”

  The general chuckled, “Come on slugger, I want you to meet the rest of your team.”

  “Lead the way, General.”

  “By the way, thanks for agreeing to help us on this end...did I mention you did a stand up job on the mission?”

  “Hey, I’m only happy to help...but I doubt I had any real choice anyway...and no, you never mentioned it.”

  “Well, you did...the United Territories of Land and Space are completely indebted to you and your service to this country.”

  “Don’t mention it...oh that’s right, you never did.”

  “I promise to give a press release.”


  “Any time, that’s what I’m here for.”

  They approached a room with darkened windows in the center of the complex.

  “Calvin, do you want to do the honors?”

  “What? I get to enter first? Swell...”

  “Calvin...I’m trying very hard here...don’t do anything stupid.”

  Calvin leaned forward and allowed the beam to scan his eye.

  “Retina scan confirmed...access granted, please enter the man trap,” the computer voice instructed.

  “Thank your computer, how kind of you.”

  “Welcome Calvin, I hope your stay is enjoyable,” the computer sounding voice replied.

  “Humph,” the General said, “That’s odd, the computer never talks to me that way.”

  Calvin grinned as the two entered the cylinder, “That’s because I speak computer.”

  The laser scanned Calvin’s eye again and spun the chamber door to the open position.

  “Wow, these are some pretty nice digs here.”

  The General stepped through the only entrance to the room and extended his arm in the direction of the two men busy inspecting a glowing box.

  Preston and Hawthorn both stood to attention when they noticed McKenzie entering the room, “General!”

  “At ease men. Let me introduce to you one of the men that helped bring this little box back home. Calvin Jones, this is Captains Preston and Hawthorn.”

  Calvin extended his hand to them and the two shook, “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones,” Hawthorn said with a smile.

  “ can call me Cal.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Cal,” Preston asked, “What were you doing before the Salvage-5 mission? If you don’t mind me asking?”

  “No problem. I don’t mind ya askin’. I was busted out of jail by my good friend Colonel Tucker Petersen.”

  The two slapped their knees and busted out with an uncontrolled laugh.

  “You’re pretty funny, Calvin. I can see it’s going to be a blast working with you.”

  “He’s not kidding, Hawthorn,” McKenzie said, “But we don’t like to talk about do we Calvin?”

  “Nope, ain’t gonna tell ya that I was high in the mountains on the trail of this alien tech. Nope, not even going to tell you that the Vatican is involved up to here...” Calving raised his hand level to his eyebrows, but the general didn’t allow him to finish.


  “Ohhh, I know I’m in trouble when the General uses my last name.”

  “I guess that means, we’re in trouble quite often then,” Preston laughed, poking Hawthorn in the ribs.

  “That’s enough you two! Zip it!”

  “Sorry sir.”

  “Calvin has no authorization to discuss anything other than this box and how to make it interface with the it?”

  “Yes, sir,” the two officers answered.

  “Now, I suggest you three had better get busy with your assignments. I’ll be back later to check your progress.

  The two stood to attention again and offered the General their salute.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

Harbor, WA

  Memorial Hospital

  September 28th, 2064 10:30

  Cassandra stood outside Tucker Petersen’s room as Major Griffin Wheeled Bennie toward her.

  “Cassie,” the Major yelled down the hall, “How are you? Glad to see you.”

  “You must be Bennie?” Cass said with a smile.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Bennie answered, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Well, if it’s what you heard from your father, they’re all lies,” she smiled in return.

  “How is he?” the Major asked Cassie.

  “He’s about to wake up. Come on Ben. Let’s go see your father, shall we?”

  “That’s what I’m here for.”

  Cassandra wheeled Bennie into the room and parked him next to the bed. Tucker’s eye fluttered and opened to focus on the woman standing over him, “Ca…Cass?” his parched whisper asked.

  “There you are, Mister.”

  “How long?”

  “You were out nearly three days.”

  “Three days?”

  “Yes, Dr. Rhodes said that your brain had to heal after the chip removal.”

  “The chip…right…how’s Ben?”

  “Why don’t you see for yourself,” Cass answered.

  She moved aside to reveal the young man grinning in the wheelchair.


  “Hi Dad.”

  “Son! I’m so happy to see you…how are you feeling?”

  “Doc says I’m as good as new, if not better than I was before.”

  “You okay with having this inside of you?”

  “Yeah, I think it’s kind of cool.”

  “The doctor says, he needs to take it easy for a few weeks,” Cass said.

  “You guys are welcome to crash at my pad while you two convalesce.”

  “You’ll take care of us both?”

  “Come on Dad, it’ll be fun…maybe we can actually be a family again.”

  “How much have you told him already, Cassie?”


  “Great…now just don’t get any ideas of me settling down too awfully soon…”

  “Now Tuck,” Cass winked, “You don’t have to worry about our military life, we all know you have about two more years of service…and as luck would have it, there’s another mission we’re being asked to go out on.”

  “Oh really…we’re being asked? Guess I didn’t think the General would have allowed me to have another command again.”

  “It’s not the General’s idea! ’Sides he’s been transferred to another top secret facility.”

  “With the alien tech I presume?”

  “Of course.”

  “So whose idea was this anyway?”

  “It seems that the uncle of that fellow you shot in the knee…”

  “Oh, come on now…I had to…”

  “Relax Tuck. He actually thanked you for doing that…”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, seems he’s been wanting to do that himself for a long time.”

  “Only happy to help…so what’s the mission?”

  “The mag-ring at the CSMO 253 Mathilde was damaged when a thruster jet misfired on one of the container transports…the Company wants us to go out and facilitate the repair.”

  “Oh, how fun…I hope Hargrove and Samuels have the place fixed up before we go back…which is when again?”

  “There’s no rush on this…just means that no one can rotate out until it’s fixed…”

  “Okay, so that doesn’t answer my question: when?”

  “We can depart in six months. That’s the optimal launch time.”

  “Okay then…it’s a date…sounds like a cake walk compared to our last mission.”

  “Well, it’s a little more than just repairing this ring…”

  “Go on…”

  “Seems the Company has officially contracted the military to place these mag-rings throughout our system at strategic locations…just think of the opportunities…”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa…back the truck up…I’m not going to…”


  “Jeez, where do you find these people,” he said, smiling at Ben as he pointed with his thumb.

  “Well, Whattya say?”

  “Do I really have a choice?”


  “Okay, then…it’s a date,” Tucker said. He reached over to his table but it was just out of reach.

  “Here, let me help ya,” Cass said, picking up a slightly used cigar. She held it to his lips and lit it for him.

  Outside the room alarm bells rang and the charge nurse looked up in disgust, “What the hell is going on in there?”

  She rushed into the room, leaving Major Griffin in the hall, “She’s going to have her hands full with him for a few days.”

  All the major could hear was the nurse yelling at the Colonel about something as smoke wafted from the room. Then the nurse stormed back to her station muttering a few choice words.

  A minute later, Cass wheeled Ben out of the room.

  The Major could hear the Colonel carrying on as the door closed behind them, “Ah, come on…love you too… bye, bye now, see ya soon…jeez, where do they find these people anyway?”

  Cassandra smiled as the Major began to take Bennie back to the complex, “I feel sorry for that nurse.”

  “Not as much as I feel sorry for you on your next mission, Cass,” the Major answered. “Come on, Ben. The Doctor has a few more tests to run before he lets you go home.”

  Bennie extended his arm out and pointed down the hallway, “TALLYHO!”

  * * *


  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Secret Lab Complex

  September 28th, 2064 12:30

  “The subject has been stable for nearly three months, sir,” Nadine said, turning from Griffin.

  They stood before a silver container. Nadine was busy checking the console, reviewing the latest readings.

  “How much longer before Rhodes has his first prototype?” Griffin asked, hand on chin.

  “Major, he’s really close to understanding the chip inside Ben.”

  “What seems to be his hold up?”

  “He’s having difficulty identifying a suitable enzyme replacement for the alien substance.”

  “It’s imperative that we implant the prototype soon.”

  “I agree, Major. This subject won’t last too much longer.”

  “What’s your estimation?”

  “Another three days, five on the outside. More than that and there will be too much cell degradation and the chip will reject the host.”

  “I understand...So, tell me Nadine.”

  “Yes Major?”

  “How do you do it?”


  “You know, check on our test subject every day and not be bothered by it?”

  “Major, I’ve learned a long time ago to put my personal feelings aside and do my job. Sometimes, I admit, it’s hard. But it gets easier every day...and you Major? How do you sleep nights knowing you caused this to happen?”

  “That’s why I’m asking you.”

  “I’ll bet it’s even harder knowing that you’ve fallen in love with Beverly...what happens when she finds out it was you?”

  “She’ll never find out.”

  “Let’s just hope not. Major, I think you’re a little too close. Perhaps you need me to intervene and take over some of your know, until you can sleep nights again.”

  “That’s quite enough.”

  “What’s the matter Major? Are you afraid you can’t handle the pressure?”

  “Oh, I can handle the pressure just fine.”

  “I see...then it has to be that you’re feeling guilty about Bennie, Bev’s only son...only child...being nearly killed by your hand.”

  Major Griffin leaned close to Nadine, “You stay out of this.”

>   “Major,” Nadine laughed, “I think I hit a nerve.”

  “You leave it alone now.”

  “Or what, Major?”

  “Or I’ll have the Company remove you from the gamma project.”

  “The Company? Remove me?”

  “Yes, that’s right...the Company.”

  “Ha, the Company won’t replace me...they’re the ones that placed me.”

  “Just stay away from Beverly.”

  “Fine...I’ll stay away from Beverly. But you have to distance yourself. You’re too close, Tom.”

  “My private life is of no concern to you. Who I see is none of you, or the Company’s business.”

  “’s the Company’s business if you don’t get results.”

  “I have done everything that the General has assigned me to do.”

  “Yes, Tom. You have,” Nadine leaned closer to Griffin and planted her index finger between his eyes. This caused him to lean backward, “Just know that I’m watching.” Her finger tapped his forehead with each word. “Don’t screw this up.” One last tap and Nadine turned away to fuss with the instruments again. “I will inform the Company if you let your relationships with our test subjects interfere with your ability to carry out your orders.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me, Nadine.”

  “Let’s hope not.”

  “Are there any other test subjects ready once this one is no longer viable?”

  “No. Sadly there are not...but I’m sure you can find more, Major,” Nadine said, a smile escaping at the corner of her mouth.

  “I’m sure I could...I’ll be waiting for instructions.”

  “, shall we go check on the three stooges in the box lab?”

  “Lead the way,” Griffin answered.

  Nadine’s data pad vibrated in her lab coat. She looked at it and then answered the call, “Nadine... ...really... ...excellent, I’ll be right there.”

  Nadine returned her data pad to her coat pocket and smiled at Griffin, “It would seem Rhodes may have had a break through. I’ll go check on him, you go on ahead. If they make any significant progress, I expect you will inform me. Otherwise, I’ll read your report this evening.”

  Griffin nodded, and then the two entered the man trap to exit the private room. The cylinder rotated around, isolating the rest of the complex from this room.


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