Dirty Boss (An Office Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

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Dirty Boss (An Office Romance) (The Maxwell Family) Page 23

by Alycia Taylor

  I laughed. “But brownies do sound so good now.”

  “Do you have any?”

  “No. Sadly not. You should know by now that I barely have anything in my kitchen.”

  “Well, I happen to have some in my kitchen.”

  “I’m not sure if I’m impressed or concerned by the amount of brownies you seem to own.”

  “I stock up on them now just in case you come over.”

  “So, should we go back to your place?” I said and chuckled.

  He laughed. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Oh whether we can do that all over again.”

  “Are you telling me that there is another Club Duvet at your house?”

  “Yes, and mine comes with brownies.”

  “You win. Let’s go!”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Six months had passed since I’d gotten the news that I’d won, and they had by far been the best six months of my life. Reagan and I had immediately started dating, and she’d also joined the team on a more permanent basis. There was no way that I wanted her to stop working with me just because we were now going out. I had hoped it wouldn’t ruin our relationship, but I was happy to see that, if anything, it had just gotten stronger. We didn’t have to hide it anymore, but we still maintained a sense of professionalism when we were at work together. Except for those nights when we found ourselves in the office alone, that is. I’d figured out the cleaning lady’s hours of work, so we knew when we had enough time to enjoy the office together. I still kept a bottle of brandy in my desk drawer for those moments. I was walking around the golf course now with Kason, and the two of us were talking about how different my life was now.

  “So, is this your longest relationship?” he asked.

  I chuckled. It probably didn’t say much for me that my longest relationship was six months, but I had just never met anyone that I wanted to be with for longer than that. I usually got bored within the first few weeks of meeting someone. But I just didn’t get bored of Reagan at all. Every day I learned something new about her, and every day I found myself wanting to know more and more. This had never happened to me before. It was good to know that something like this really existed. I had often thought that people were just making it up to make themselves feel better. As it turned out, love was real, and it was wonderful.

  “I hate to admit it, but yes. This is my longest relationship. Who knew that I would’ve met someone at work? It all happened so quickly too. One minute I was saying how I wasn’t interested in relationships, and the next I was falling in love with my employee.”

  “And I think it’s done a lot of good for your public image. Remember how I always used to tell you that you would do better in your career if you were married? Well, I wasn’t entirely wrong. But it wasn’t so much marriage as the idea of someone in power being in love. Everyone wants to believe in it. It’s done you good.”

  I laughed. “I remember that. I used to think that you were wrong, but you’re right. People have responded so well to Reagan and I being together. How about you? Things going well? You look happy. In fact, you look happier than usual. Has something happened?”

  “I wasn’t sure if I should say anything but I can’t really help myself. Yeah, something has happened. I have a date tonight.”

  I turned to look at him in surprise. That was the last thing I had expected him to say. I had no idea that he was even looking for anyone, given all he’d been through lately.. I thought he’d be staying clear of women for a lot longer. I was getting ready to launch into why I thought it was a bad idea, but first I needed to establish who he was going out with and why he was doing it.

  “A date? Really? With who?” I said as casually as possible. I hated telling people what to do, but I really wanted to make sure that Kason didn’t get into trouble again. I couldn’t stand to see him go through the pain all over again.

  “The cleaning lady.”

  “What? You’re kidding me!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was horrified. I was just about to tell him that he had lost it mind when I saw a smile playing on his face.

  He burst out laughing before I had the chance to say anything. “Yeah, I’m just kidding. But it was worth doing that just for the look on your face.”

  “You almost gave me a heart attack. So you don’t have a date?”

  “I do. But just not with the cleaning lady.”

  “Oh, you’re so infuriating! With who?” I demanded. I could see that he was vastly enjoying this little game he was playing with me.

  “With Linda,” he said and smiled.

  “Linda? Linda as in your ex-wife Linda? Or have you met someone else that just happens to share the same name? Because that would be crazy.”

  He grinned. “Linda as in my ex-wife. We’ve kept in touch. Mostly with me going on and on about how much I messed up. I kept asking her out, and she kept saying no. She finally agreed to go for coffee with me last week, and it went so well. We spent most of our time laughing at how stupid we had both been. She told me that I wasn’t the only one in the wrong and that she should’ve tried harder with the relationship too. It had been a marriage of convenience for both of us, and neither one of us wanted to admit that we were actually well-suited for each other. It was so good to see her again, Josh. And she looked incredible. I finally managed to get her to agree to go on a proper date with her. I’m taking her out for dinner, and we’re going to talk things through.”

  “That is absolutely amazing, Kason. You know I’ve always liked her.”

  “I know. I should’ve listened to you from the start. Anyway, we’ll see what happens. I don’t want to get my hopes up. But you want to know what’s funny?”

  “What’s that?”

  “We’re still married. I’ve just been calling her my ex-wife. We never did get around to getting that divorce. Which sort of makes me think that we both realized that deep down neither of us wanted to get divorced. I mean, all this time and none of us really pushed for those papers to be signed. So I’m basically going on a date with my wife.”

  I laughed. “That’s hilarious. But seriously, Kason, this is great news. She’s a great girl. I’ve always really liked her. And I always thought that the two of you were perfect for each other. It used to drive me crazy that you didn’t see that yourself. Hold on to her if you can.”

  “I’m going to try. I have a new relationship goal now.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My new goal is to be more like you and Reagan.”

  I chuckled. “Who would’ve thought that one day you’d want to be like me when it came to relationships? That’s a huge compliment, actually. Yeah, I’m very lucky. Reagan is amazing. I swear, I just don’t get enough of her. I have never once thought that I wanted a break from her. In fact, I just don’t feel right when she’s not near me. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone. Of course, it doesn’t harm that she’s so damn good looking. Six months down the line and the two of us are almost inseparable.”

  Kason laughed and pointed to Reagan who had just come out of the woods after going to retrieve her ball. She had been gone for quite some time so that ball must’ve been pretty far in. “You don’t say,” he said and grinned. It was the first time that I had brought Reagan to play golf with us, and I had been worried that Kason would’ve been unhappy. But the three of us had gotten along great, and it had been a fun day so far. I was glad to see that the two of them got along so well. It would’ve been a real blow if my girlfriend and my best friend didn’t get along.

  “I found it!” Reagan said, and we all burst out laughing. Reagan had been so good the first time she’d played golf that I thought she was a natural. Turns out she wasn’t that good at all, and that it really had been beginners luck.

  “I thought you were supposed to be good at this game,” Kason said to her.

  She chuckled. “Same here. I only played that one time with Josh, months ago. I’m sure I
was a lot better the first time around. But it’s okay; I’m more than happy to just drive around on the golf cart. That is much better than actually playing golf.”

  I smiled affectionately at Reagan and then looked at Kason. “You know, you should maybe bring Linda around next time too. Think she’d like it?”

  Kason grinned. “I have a feeling she’ll be on the golf cart with Reagan more than anything else. But yeah, it’s a good idea.”

  After a full day out on the golf course, we all made our way to the clubhouse for something to eat. We placed our orders and then Reagan said she was going to the bar to buy us all a round of beers. The moment she was out of earshot, Kason turned to me.

  “You’ve got a good thing going with this one,” he said. “Don’t let her go.”

  I looked out at Reagan, who looked impossibly cute in her golfing ensemble, and smiled. “Oh trust me, I won’t.”



  Two years later

  I woke up feeling confused. For a while, I had no idea where I was. Josh wasn’t next to me, either. Then I heard a crash coming from the kitchen, and I smiled. I suddenly remembered that I was waking up in my very first home with Josh. We’d bought the new house in Washington D.C., and today was the first time we were waking up together in it. The smell of coffee and bacon wafted into the air as the door opened and Josh walked in with a tray. I was certain that I’d never been happier in my life.

  “Did I wake you?” he said as he brought the tray over to the bed. “I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. Then I dropped a plate and it smashed.”

  I laughed. “No, you didn’t wake me. Wow, breakfast in bed. This is nice. I think I could get used to living with you.”

  “You were practically living with me before,” he said.

  It was true. We’d been going out for two years, and in that time I barely ever went home. Every time I did, I just wished I was with Josh, and I liked his home so much more than I liked my own. It was also closer to work than mine was, which meant we got to spend those extra fifteen minutes curled up together in the mornings. We were both still workaholics that liked getting up early, but not nearly as much as we used to be. And on days off, or weekends, we always slept in together. For two years I had paid rent for a place that I barely stayed at, so moving in together had only made sense. I’d been so excited when he had suggested it.

  “Yeah, but it feels different now that it’s our home and not just yours.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. It does. It feels good. It feels . . . right.”

  I smiled. “I agree. And I’m also good with waking up to a breakfast made by my boyfriend. Is this something I should be expecting every morning?”

  He laughed. “Well now, that depends. How is it that after two years I still want you as badly as I did in the beginning?”

  “I have no idea. But I’m not going to question it. I love our new home, Josh.”

  “I love it too.”

  “Isn’t it amazing how far we’ve come together? I mean, there was a time when you weren’t even sure how genuine I was.” It was strange to think back to that time. Sometimes it felt as if Josh and I had always been together. But once upon a time, he had been so mad at me that he’d actually banned me from coming into work. We still laughed about it now, even though it hadn’t been at all funny at the time.

  “I thought you were a spy! I don’t think I have ever been more devastated in my life. You would actually make a good spy, you know.”

  I laughed. “I’m not so sure about that. But I am very proud of you, Josh. I’ve wanted to tell you that for a while now. You did it! You made your dreams come true. I know it’s been two years already, but isn’t it just the best feeling in the world?”

  “It’s amazing. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to experience this. Although, let’s be honest, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “That’s true,” I said, and we both laughed.

  “So, after breakfast, I need you to get ready. We have a meeting today.”

  “A meeting? But it’s Saturday,” I groaned.

  “Since when have you complained about work? I know you love it, even if it’s the weekend.”

  “Probably since I realized how nice it was to sleep in with the man of my dreams. How warm this new bed was.”

  “Ah, flattery is not going to work this time,” he said. “I need you up and ready. We’re meeting the Handor Brothers, and you know how they are about people being late.”

  I groaned. The last time we had met them, we had been stuck in traffic, and we’d arrived ten minutes later than expected. They had not been impressed even though it hadn’t been our fault. The last thing I wanted to do was to see their disappointed faces again. “Oh no, on a Saturday of all days. They’re so boring. And I don’t think they like us all that much after the last time.”

  “I know, but we have to pretend like they’re the most interesting men in the world. Come on; I’ll take you to lunch afterward.”

  “Can’t you go without me?” I complained and took a bite of my toast. It was a simple breakfast, but somehow food always tasted better in bed.

  “Nope. Anyway, even if I did go without you, I know you’d be sitting at home and wishing that you had come with. You hate missing out on work things.”

  I sighed dramatically. He was right. I loved getting involved in his work. I’d end up just lying there wondering what they were talking about. “Fine. But only if we have lunch afterward.”


  We finished the breakfast, showered, and got ready. I didn’t dress as smartly as I normally would, mostly because it was a sunny day and it was the weekend. I had recently bought a pretty blue dress that I was dying to wear. It was a summer dress that flowed out at the sides around my knees. I would match it with a tiny white cardigan just so that I wasn’t too exposed.

  Josh whistled when he saw me.

  “You look beautiful. That dress is amazing on you. I’ve never seen it before.”

  I smiled. “Thank you. I got it the other day, and I’ve been dying to wear it. Is it okay to wear this? Or should I wear something more formal?” I asked and hoped that he wouldn’t ask me to change. It was bad enough going for a meeting on a beautiful Saturday morning, and I really didn’t feel like dressing up.

  “No, wear that. I love it. I’m going casual too. It’s the weekend.”

  “That’s what I thought too!” I said. I was glad we were at least on the same page. I was more looking forward to the lunch following the meeting. I loved talking business with Josh alone. The two of us always came up with the best ideas when we were together. I just hoped the meeting didn’t take too long, but I was sure that it would. Those brothers were the worst when it came to conversation. They droned on and on about things that weren’t important, and they absolutely loved the sound of their own voices.

  We walked over to the Washington Monument, where we were supposed to be meeting the brothers. It was an odd place to meet, but I didn’t question it. I also didn’t mind at all because it was one of my favorite places to visit. I looked up at the tall obelisk in front of me and the tranquil pool of water behind it. The structure had always amazed me. Many years ago, long before I had even met Josh, I had looked up at it and wondered if my life would ever be as significant as this structure. As I looked up, I started telling Josh all about it. How it was made to commemorate George Washington, and how it was made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss.

  “Funny word that, isn’t it? Gneiss,” I said while still looking up. “I had to look that one up because I was so sure that it was a mistake. But it’s a real word. Gneiss. Did you know this is the world’s tallest stone structure, as well as the world’s tallest obelisk? It’s amazing, isn’t it? I love that we have this right on our doorstep. I wish I knew what year it was constructed, but I’ve totally forgotten. I need to look that up. Hey, I could be a tour guide. I never knew I was so knowledgeable when it came to this monument.”<
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  I only turned around because I realized that Josh had not said a word to me. I half expected to find him gone and to see that I had talking to a stranger all this time. But Josh was standing there, staring at me rather than at the structure itself. He had a strange smile on his face.

  “What’s going on? Hey, these guys are late. I wonder if they’re just trying to get us back for the last meeting. How annoying is that? I mean, it wasn’t our fault we were stuck in traffic.”

  His smile broadened. “They’re not coming.”

  “What? Why not? Don’t tell me we got out of bed for nothing. Not that I’m complaining, of course. I didn’t really want to meet with them. But still. It’s only going to mean we will have to meet them again some other time. I was hoping to get it over with so that you and I could go and enjoy lunch together.”

  “No, we didn’t get out of bed for nothing. Although, you should know, there never was a meeting.”

  “Never a meeting?” I asked in confusion. What did he mean? And why was he still smiling at me in that way?

  “I remember you telling me once about how much you liked this place. You liked that something so big and solid was looking down on the city. You liked the way the light reflected off the water. You said it made you feel small and big at the same time and that it made you look at your life in a whole new way.”

  My eyes widened. I only barely remembered telling him that. But it was such a long time ago. I was so surprised that he remembered the conversation in so much detail.

  “Yeah, I’ve always loved this place,” I said.

  “I know. And that’s why I wanted to bring you here today. Reagan, I love you more than you love this monument. I love you more than I love Washington, D.C. itself. I love you more than being a senator. I love you. I love you. I love you. You’re everything that was missing in my life. And that’s why I wanted to bring you here today. I wanted you to know how much you mean to me, and how grateful I am to have you in my life. It wasn’t just my image that you changed; it was my whole perception on life. You changed me. Reagan, I love you, and I would like nothing more than for you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”


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