Victoria: A Life

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Victoria: A Life Page 69

by A. N. Wilson

Corelli, Marie, 533

  Cork, first royal visit to, 144

  Corn Laws, abolition of, 89–90, 108, 121–2, 126, 134, 137, 146, 155, 167, 223, 291, 452

  Corneille, Pierre, 84

  Cornelius, Peter, 117–18

  Cornwallis-West, Patsy (‘the Irish Savage’), 356

  Corry, Monty, 364, 374

  elevated as Lord Rowton, 401–2

  Cory, William, Johnson, 520

  Council of Trent, 116

  Cowley, Lord, 148, 173

  Cowper, Emily, 88

  Cranborne, Lord, 495

  Crapper, Thomas, 278

  Crathie and Ballater Volunteers, 541

  Creevey, Thomas, 27–8

  Creighton, Mandell, Bishop of London, 538–9, 552, 556

  Crick, Francis, 31

  Crimean War, 207, 217, 284, 376, 378, 383, 548

  Charge of the Light Brigade, 188–9

  conduct of, 176–82, 185–9, 193–5, 197–8, 202–5

  ending of, 203–5

  and war reporting, 188, 224

  Cromwell, Oliver, 5, 17, 415

  Cross, Lord, 487

  Crystal Palace, 157, 159, 261

  moved to Sydenham, 171, 199

  Cubitt, Thomas, 115, 156

  Cullen, Paul, Archbishop of Armagh, 151

  Culne-Seymour, Admiral Sir, 571–2

  Cult of Death, nineteenth-century, 387

  Cumberland, Duchess of, 29

  Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of (King of Hanover), 5, 23, 52, 66, 102, 220

  Cumberland, Prince George, Duke of (King of Hanover), 56, 303

  cycling, politicians and, 538

  Cyprus, 385

  Dagmar of Denmark, Princess, 358–9

  daguerrotypes, 100–1

  Daily News, 379–80, 438

  Daily Telegraph, 563

  Dalhousie, Lord, 211

  Dalkeith, Lord, 394

  d’Alton, Eduard Joseph, 115

  Danish–German war, 277, 283–4, 300, 303, 308

  Dante, 240, 292, 307, 366


  Battenberg wedding at, 436–8

  Princess Alice’s funeral and tomb, 389–90, 396

  unreformed court at, 516–17

  Darwin, Charles, 19, 70, 142

  Davidson, Randall, 85, 497, 505, 509, 536, 539, 542, 568

  appointed Dean of Windsor, 407–9, 424–30

  and Brown memoir, 426–9, 509

  Davitt, Michael, 414

  Davys, Rev. George, 50–1

  de Gaulle, General, 543

  de la Rey, Koos, 563

  death duties, introduction of, 509

  Delhi, retaking of, 214

  Delhi Durbar, 485

  democracy, 3–4, 61–2, 137, 327, 367–8, 501–2

  Prussian contempt for, 220–1, 267

  Dennehy, General Thomas, 462

  Denvir, Bishop, 145

  Derby, Earl of, 170, 177, 193, 239, 268, 309, 431

  and foreign policy, 369, 379, 382

  forms government, 166–8

  and reform, 290–1

  and royal finances, 339–40

  his second administration, 222–3

  Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, 37

  Devonshire, 6th Duke of, 113–14

  Devonshire, 7th Duke of, see Hartington, Lord

  Diana, Princess of Wales, 294

  Dickens, Charles, 9, 45, 493

  Dilke, Sir Charles, 340, 399, 410–11, 417, 431–2, 441

  Dilke, Charles Wentworth, 411

  Disraeli, Benjamin

  allows Prince Leopold access to papers, 418

  and Bulgarian atrocities, 379–81

  comes to power, 308–9

  and Congress of Berlin, 384–5

  and ‘Conservative progress’, 168

  correspondence with Queen, 7–8, 574

  his death, 400–3

  early political career, 142, 163, 167–70, 177, 265, 290–2, 308

  elevated as Lord Beaconsfield, 380

  and foreign policy, 359–60, 373–5, 377–81, 391–3, 396

  and Gladstone’s revival, 394–6

  and High Church controversy, 363–4, 366–7

  and Irish question, 309–10, 354

  jingoism and populism, 292

  and Kensington Museums, 276

  and Napoleon III’s set, 174

  and popularity of monarchy, 367–8

  pragmatism, 381

  and Prince of Wales’s marriage, 275

  and Prince of Wales’s visit to India, 369, 371

  and Princess Alice’s death, 388–9

  and Queen’s title Empress of India, 368, 372–3

  religious views, 309

  and repeal of Corn Laws, 108, 121–2

  and rise of popular Toryism, 367–8

  and royal finances, 340, 344

  Distribution of Seats Bill, 300

  Dixie, Lady Florence, 422–3

  Dixon, Mr (MP), 344

  Dolly’s Brae village, 145

  Dom Ferdinand of Portugal, 249

  Dominion of Canada, 305

  Don Pacifico, 153

  Dona, Empress of Germany, 463, 469, 497, 549

  Donisthorpe, Mr (of Leeds), 218–19

  Donizetti, Gaetano, 64, 141

  d’Orsay, Count, 174

  Douglas, Lord Alfred, 322, 422, 520

  Douro, Marquis of, 70

  Doyle, John (‘HB’), 88, 90

  Drayton Park, 112–13

  Drumlanrig, Viscount (Lord Kelhead), 519–21

  Drummond, Major and Mrs, 191–2

  Dublin, 144, 345, 351–2, 354, 413, 451

  Duchy of Lancaster, 341–2, 417, 478

  Duff, David, 418

  Duleep Singh, Maharajah, 191–2, 224, 460–1, 463, 486, 509

  Dundas, Sir David, 40

  Duse, Eleonora, 517

  Dutch East India Company, 527

  Dyce, William, 117–18

  East End of London, 459, 467, 473, 532

  East India Company, 189–90, 192, 210–11, 222–3, 369, 460

  Eastern Question (and Russo-Turkish War), 147, 360, 373–85, 394

  Ecclesiastical Titles Act, 149, 151

  Eddy, Prince (Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale)

  attends Gladstone’s birthday, 453

  birth and childhood, 282, 346

  his death, 497–9

  his effigy, 498, 572

  proposed marriage, 489–90, 495–7

  scandals, 488–9

  Edensor village, 113

  Edgar, Tom, 561

  Edinburgh Review, 331

  Edinburgh, Duke of, see Alfred, Prince

  Edinburgh, Philip, Duke of, 273, 390, 517

  Edinburgh, royal visits, 48–9, 119

  Edinburgh University, 226

  Education Bill, 536–7

  Edward III, Coronation Chair of, 464

  Edward VII, King (‘Bertie’, Prince of Wales)

  antipathy to John Brown, 427

  antipathy to Munshi, 546, 570

  antipathy to Wilhelm II, 470, 474–7, 568–9, 573

  appointed Duke of Saxony, 15

  and army command, 337

  and Battenberg wedding, 437

  biographers of, 34, 59

  his birth, 106, 117

  and birth of Prince John, 346

  childhood, 124, 132, 199, 202

  confirmation, 224–5

  contracts typhoid fever, 262, 347–51

  his coronation, 544

  and Daisy Brooke scandal, 492–4

and Disraeli’s funeral, 403

  education, 225–6, 229–30, 250

  and entente cordiale, 468

  and his father’s death, 254–5, 270

  his geniality, 243

  and Gladstone’s birthday, 453

  and Gladstone’s funeral, 511

  iconoclasm at Windsor, 574

  images of, 131–2, 134

  and John Brown letters, 421–2

  lack of intellect, 132–3

  Levant tour, 270–1, 284

  his marriage, 207, 237–9, 274–5

  his names, 282–3

  his papers after death, 8, 11–13

  phrenological profile, 132–3

  popularity as king, 573

  possible public roles for, 350–2, 368

  and Prince Eddy’s funeral, 498–9

  and Prince George’s wedding, 502–3

  and Prince Leopold’s death, 432

  and Princess Alice’s funeral, 389–90

  Queen compared with, 316–18, 322

  Queen’s aversion to, 131–2, 199, 238, 250, 356, 498, 574

  and Queen’s death, 568–9

  and Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 550

  and Queen’s funeral, 570–2

  and Queen’s published journals, 297

  renounces Saxe-Coburg-Gotha title, 516, 567

  and Sarah Bernhardt, 544

  tour of America, 242–3

  and Tranby Croft scandal, 491–2

  and Tsar Alexander III’s death, 518

  visits India, 369–71

  visits Cornwall, 124

  and Warwickshire Scandal, 345–6

  and women, 232, 239, 248–51, 271–2, 322, 326, 345–7, 356, 492–4

  Edward VIII, King, 11, 229, 294, 513, 542

  egg-cups, presented to Queen by John Brown, 287

  Egremont, Lord, 81

  Egypt, 373–5, 440–2, 444, 447, 508

  Eichtal, Baron, 133

  Ekaterinburg, 270, 489

  Elgin, 7th Earl of, 176

  Elgin, Lord (Viceroy of India), 523–4

  Eliot, George, 7, 245

  Elisabeth, Duchess of Coburg, 50

  Elisabeth, Grand Duchess, 270, 388, 390, 436, 517

  Elizabeth, Princess, 41

  Elizabeth I, Queen, 44, 85, 434, 484, 543

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 273, 303, 351, 390, 551

  importance of visit to Ireland, 454

  Elizabeth, Queen (the Queen Mother), 294, 551

  Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 15

  Ella of Hesse-Darmstadt, Princess, see Elisabeth, Grand Duchess

  Ellis, Alix, 521

  Ellis, John, 156

  Elveden Estate, 460

  Ely, Lady, 386–7, 391, 429, 436–8, 471

  Emich Charles of Leiningen, Prince, 28, 45

  Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont, Princess, 419

  Ena, Queen of Spain, 130, 439, 532

  Enfield rifles, 212

  Engels, Friedrich, 137, 146, 302, 332

  Ensor, R. C. K., 368

  Eos (greyhound), 103

  Epidemiological Society of London, 172

  Ernst of Hesse-Darmstadt, Prince, 388, 390, 516–17, 542

  Ernst of Hohenlohe, Prince, 53, 74

  Ernst of Leiningen, Prince, 255

  Erroll, Lady Leila, 536

  Esher, Lord, 11, 55, 58

  Essex, Lord, 343–4

  Esterhazy, Prince Nicholas, 71

  Eton College, 83, 240, 274, 411–12, 460, 505, 520, 567

  Eugénie, Empress of France, 175–6, 195–6, 200, 213–14, 411

  assassination attempt, 221–2

  her flight from Paris, 336–7, 345

  meets Cecil Rhodes, 530

  and memorial to the Prince Imperial, 414

  opens Suez Canal, 465

  Eupatoria, 195

  Evans, Dr, 336

  Ewelme, living of, 354

  Factory Acts, 137, 177, 288

  Fairbrother, Louisa, 155, 496

  Fawcett, Mr (Postmaster General), 417

  feminism, Queen’s antipathy to, 334

  Feodore of Hohenlohe, Princess, 28, 45–9, 53–4, 74, 86, 174, 234, 276–7

  her death, 353, 355

  Ferdinand, King of Naples, 240

  Ferguson, Major, 535

  Fernhill races, 56

  Fife, Earl of, 479

  First Vatican Council, 365

  Fisher, Elizabeth, see Conroy, Lady Elizabeth

  Fisher, Major General George, 33–5

  Fisher, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 39, 42, 75

  Fitzalan, Lord, 71

  Fitzalan-Howard, Lady Victoria, 295

  Fitzgerald, Mabel, 562

  Fitzherbert, Mrs, 27

  Fitzwilliam, Lord, 85

  flagellation, 83–4

  Foley, J. H., 261

  Fox, Charles James, 37, 394


  alliance with Britain, 162, 174, 195, 205

  ‘banquet’ campaign, 134–5

  Bonapartist coup, 164–6

  claims to Nice and Savoy, 241

  and entente cordiale, 468, 573

  Luxembourg purchase, 304–5

  pre-Revolutionary, 169

  revolution of 1848, 134–6, 164, 201

  franchise, extension of

  and 1832 Act, 18, 61–2, 90, 137, 139, 147, 164, 168, 239, 290

  and 1867 Act, 290–2, 300, 305–6, 337, 367, 418

  and 1884 Act, 433–5, 450

  Francis, John, 109

  Franco-Prussian War, 201, 304–5, 332, 335–6, 345, 470

  Frank, Dr, 491

  Frankfurt, 35, 142, 148, 303

  Franz of Teck, Prince, 495–6

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 515, 571

  Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria, 277–8, 305, 468

  Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 25, 28, 267

  Frederika of Hanover, Princess, 358

  Free Trade, 89–90, 108, 121, 131–2, 134, 137, 143, 146–7, 155, 167–8

  French Revolution, 14

  Frere, Sir Bartle, 369, 392

  Friedrich Wilhelm (‘Fritz’) III, Emperor of Germany

  and Battenberg wedding, 436

  becomes Emperor, 371

  and birth of Wilhelm II, 230

  Bismarck’s denigration of, 266, 272, 466

  and Bismarck’s wars, 279, 283, 302–4

  his birthday, 228

  his funeral, 470

  illness and death, 465–6, 468–9, 567

  his marriage, 202–3, 205–7, 209, 215–16

  and Prussian politics, 266–7, 272

  and Queen’s Golden Jubilee, 463–4

  Friedrich William IV, King of Prussia, 117, 202, 220–1, 266

  Frogmore Mausoleum, 260–1, 299, 324, 402, 462, 556, 572–3

  Froude, J. A., 3, 292

  Fuad Pasha, 178

  Fulford, Roger, 229

  Gainsborough, Frances, Countess of, 153

  Gallipoli, 187

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 241, 292, 305–6, 365

  Gatacre, General Sir William, 564

  George I, King, 488

  George II, King, 24

  George III, King, 15, 32, 64, 84, 91, 110, 303, 484, 546

  his death, 38, 41

  his funeral, 483

  and insanity in royal family, 5, 208–9, 268–9

  and succession, 22–4

  George IV, King (Prince Regent), 5, 29, 37, 68, 81, 125, 250

  coronation, 85–6

  his death, 55, 57, 74, 254

  Edinburgh visit, 48–9

  pays attention to
Princess Feodore, 47–8

  and Queen Caroline, 5, 23, 36

  and Queen’s childhood, 47–8, 52–3

  and royal finances, 340

  and royal residences, 111, 114

  and succession, 21–3

  George V, King (Duke of York), 229, 346, 477, 511, 514, 517, 538, 540, 572

  his marriage, 502–3

  George VI, King, 294, 534, 536

  George I, King of Greece, 273, 571

  German army, expansion of, 468

  German navy, 508

  German Red Cross, 304


  possible threat to India, 211

  Prince Albert/Stockmar vision for, 147–8, 206–7, 241–2, 266–7, 272–3, 301

  secret treaty with Austria, 468

  ‘year of the three emperors’, 467

  see also Prussia

  Gibbs, Mr (tutor), 225

  Gibraltar, 25, 35, 52, 153

  Gilbert, Sir Alfred, 498

  Gilbert, W. S., 575

  Gladstone, Herbert, 451

  Gladstone, Mrs, 446, 451, 510

  Gladstone, William Ewart

  and annexation of Cyprus, 385

  approach to foreign policy, 331–2

  Balmoral visits, 343, 518

  and Bulgarian atrocities, 379–81, 394, 548

  career finally ends, 508–11

  and Chartist rally, 139

  and coinage, 478

  and Davidson appointment, 424–5

  his death, 510–11

  defeat in Jubilee year, 456–7

  early political career, 168, 177, 223, 240, 266, 290–2, 308, 354

  and Ecclesiastical Titles Act, 149

  and Egypt and the Sudan, 440–1, 444–7

  and extension of franchise, 433–5

  and General Gordon’s fate, 444–6, 559

  and German unification, 279

  and High Church controversy, 363–4

  holiday in Rome, 292

  ill health, 504–5, 508–9

  and Irish question, 306–10, 315–16, 319, 326–7, 448–56, 504, 506–8

  love of Italy, 240

  and Maynooth grant, 307–9

  opinion of Dr Jenner, 318

  and Palmerston’s death, 288

  political revival, 380–1, 391, 394–7, 409–10

  and popularity of monarchy, 367–8

  populism, 292–3

  and Prince Albert’s death, 267–8

  and Prince Imperial memorial, 415

  and Prince Leopold’s public role, 430–1

  and Queen’s idleness, 317, 319

  Queen’s relations with, 307–8, 311–12, 343–4, 363, 367, 397, 504–5, 509–10

  and Queen’s title Empress of India, 372

  record of rows with Queen, 430

  reform programme, 326–7

  returns to office, 504–8

  and royal finances, 340, 342–4, 417

  Gloucester, Duchess of, 37, 47, 96, 150


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