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The Legend- Revealed

Page 10

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Galdean’s eyes grew so large, they looked like they would pop. Rynik could not help but let a deep resounding belly laugh out as he watched his friend. It wasn’t often Galdean was caught by surprise. Soon, all joined in with the laughter including Galdean and Perthorn!

  They all settled down to an evening feast and found lodging beneath the trees. Four Dragons formed a circle, and inside the circle slept Kaida, Molakei, Flower Bird, Kiel and Perthorn. Protected and sound asleep.

  Zelspar looked across to Kaida. She was slumped over Zlemtec’s outstretched arm, under the cover of his wing. Both seemed to wear the identical soft smile on their faces. He noted, Something is different between those two. Before he could ponder more, two shadows approached and broke through the circle. They circled and came to rest next to Kaida. Sigrunn and Tyrianua had returned.

  Chapter 23

  Flegmorr shifted his weight on the hard ground and not finding it any more pleasant, gave a quick spell to add a mat of thick moss to sleep upon and a feathered pillow for his head.

  Glik, who had hung upside down from a branch, slowly uncurled his tail and flew off into the night. His nose had picked up the scent. He would find it. His tongue clicked as he flew, dodging trees and low hanging branches.

  His feet reached out and located his prize. A large maroon fruit had burst open and was dripping its sweet nectar. He landed and used his jaws to clamp down into the fruit, squeezing the juices down. When consumed, he tossed the deflated fruit aside and found a supply of bloated fruit spilt across the ground. One after another, he drank them dry, grinning a toothy lopsided grin. His tail twitched and rattled softly.

  He had more than his fill, slobbering juice down his mouth and onto his engorged belly. He flapped his wings and was ready to head home. He tried to get airborne but his tail kept dragging him down. Angry, he bent down and bit into it sending sharp screeches into the air!

  He tottered in a zig-zagging manner, causing his tail to rattle even louder, making his head pound at the noise. His wings flapped quickly as he turned around to grab his tail, to silence the intrusion but his tail turned too. Around and around he went until he flopped down, his head spinning faster than his body. Still at last, his tail curled around him and covered him as he whistled a light snore.

  Flegmorr woke before the light could penetrate the foliage of the trees. “Glik! Where are you? You miserable Flaptail, I’ll wear your hide if you don’t get back here!”

  Glik awoke feeling a stern vibration rippling in the air. He scratched at his tail, unwinding it from his wings and half-flopped across the ground, crashing into the bushes until he could climb above them. Finally he made his way and landed with a heavy thud onto Flegmorr’s hat, sending it down over his eyes.

  “Glik, I’ve told you to stay away from that fermented fruit! Ick, you smell of rotten fruit flesh. You better sober up or you’ll be walking the rest of the way.”

  He didn’t dare say a word. Instead, he just re-adjusted himself onto Flegmorr’s shoulder and gave his companion an intoxicated grin.

  “Hmpfft,” was Flegmorr’s only response as they followed behind his enemy and the Dragons.

  Glik rode contentedly, giving an occasional crooked smile when his night feast squirted down the back of Flegmorr’s once solid blue cloak. His tongue clicked happily on their journey. Flegmorr had made a habit of ripping off his hat and fanning in front of his face, trying desperately to rid the air of the foul smell around him.

  Chapter 24

  The morning broke with shards of light peering through the trees. Already, a fire glowed bright as Flower Bird worked on the morning meal. Its aroma wafted towards Kaida, stirring her gently from her slumber and rousing the wolves. One by one, the peoples awoke and set about repacking their bed rolls and packs.

  Zelspar kept watch over the small group of the peoples as Rynik, Galdean and Zlemtec moved through the trees to collect enough for their morning meals. Among the standard greens growing on the forest floor, they had found trees which dangled large golden fruits. Upon further searching, along the front of the tree line, a cluster of trees which bore a bounty of purple fruits were found. They brought back huge limbs of the ripened fruits for all to enjoy.

  Perthorn called out to Kiel, “Boy. Where is my roasted morning brew? You know I’m fuddle-brained until I’ve had my cup or two!”

  Kiel muttered under his breath, why don’t you just conjure up one….

  “Be careful my young apprentice. If conjuring you want I could always conjure up something special for you!”

  Kiel’s head whipped back to look at the Master Magician. Dash it all, he thought, his ears ring before my words pass my lips.

  “Quite true,” Perthorn replied with a smidgen of a gloat lifting up the corners of his lips.

  “I’ll have my drink now, if you please.”

  Kiel stirred the drink and brought the large mug over to his Master. “Fresh from the fire and strong enough to wake a Giant.”

  “Giants I can do without, but not my morning brew!” Perthorn inhaled the steam rising from the cup and the first hint of a smile crossed his face. He tucked his long mustache under his chin and took a large swallow. He closed his eyes briefly, enjoying the passage from lips, to tongue, to throat. “Ahhh! Now that is worth waking up in the morning!”

  Kiel visibly relaxed. He returned to the fire and warmed hunks of bread to smother with fruit preserves. He offered the same to the others and in return was given strips of cured meat. He took a leaf platter to Perthorn and set it down in time to get his offered mug for another pour. After returning with a fresh mug of steaming brew, Kiel finally sat to enjoy his meal.

  The noise around the fire was the happy sounds of the food being enjoyed and sharing of how each made a particular food.

  Zelspar looked on with amusement. He had never spent this much time around the peoples and they proved to be most interesting. His head tilted as he watched them interact. He had hardly thought of Kaida as a peoples, since she had been born and raised with the Dragons, but now as he watched them eating and conversing, he saw they were not much different than the Dragons.

  Oh, to be sure, Zelspar thought, they were small wingless creatures but they acted much the same as Dragons. They ate, shared, talked and even poked fun at one another. In a moment of reflection, he thought of Starleira. The Queen of the Mursei would be happy to watch the peoples. This was her dream back on Verlaunde, to live in a place with peace. Now, with their Dragon Child, they have learned to communicate with the peoples and in time, will learn more from one another.

  Flower Bird left the fire and approached the old White Dragon. “I bring you a sweet treat I make from the heart shape berries. I make good with nuts mixed in. Is sweet to eat and gives energy.”

  Zelspar’s yellow eyes sparkled golden. He opened his hand and she filled it with the goodies she brought. He didn’t know how to respond. This wingless female peoples had thought to bring him something she made. He felt a warmth spread from below his neck to his face which left him flushed.

  “Thanks be to you,” he managed to convey. Flower Bird smiled and stood still.

  Zelspar took the food to his mouth and chewed slowly. His eyes sparkled as he tasted the unique mixture she had brought to him. The flavors he had not known together. Such a perfect blending! His smile grew large and pleased Flower Bird. She gave Zelspar another gift, her dazzling smile. She turned and went back to the fireside to clean up the area.

  Molakei asked Kaida, “Where are the wolves?”

  “They said they will run ahead of us. They know we will travel faster so they left to make better travel time. They also go to make sure nothing bad is waiting,” she answered. She did not know the threat was somewhere behind them, trailing them with every passing moment.

  The King of Mursei spoke. “We need to get ready to go to Rutenthrall Castle. Now since we are all together, we can spread out the loads. Kaida, you will fly with Zlemtec. Galdean, Zelspar and myself will carry the four of

  Flower Bird quickly brought her packs and placed them by Zelspar. Molakei looked from his daughter, then to the King of the Mursei. Flower Bird smiled and waved him on towards the king. He answered her with a nod and brought his packs towards Rynik.

  Galdean looked at Perthorn and smiled. “That leaves you and your apprentice to ride with me.”

  Kiel lugged their belongings up to Galdean and carefully stepped around the Dragon as he strapped them around his neck. Once everyone had their parcels in place, the Dragons lowered to allow their riders to climb onto their backs.

  This time, Perthorn took firm hold of the strapping as Kiel clutched tightly around his waist. A new energy rippled within each Dragon.

  The call went up in unison, “Fly fast! Fly direct!” Each Dragon took large strides and scooped the air with their wings bringing a quickened heart rate to the riders. The newness of flying with the Dragons had not worn off, as each rider again caught their breath and hung on tightly.

  Time passed as quickly as the landscape underneath them. In the distance, the King of Mursei could see the first stony glimpse of Rutenthrall Castle. He dipped his head and pushed towards their target wondering if they would be met with a welcome or if something had gone wrong since they had left the castle’s walls.

  As they closed in, they saw the small river that had no beginning or end that circled around the castled. They flew up over the walls and swooped down to land within the large castle ward. Just moments later, the huge wooden doors that led to the interior of the castle, swung open.

  King Togar walked out, flanked by his guards. The guards wings nervously shook as they looked anywhere except at the Dragons.

  King Togar smiled broadly. “You have returned, my friends.” He walked out to stand in front of the massive Dragons leaving the guards quivering behind him.

  Rynik answered, “We have returned with our friends. Are we welcome here?”

  “Yes, all are welcome. Have your friends climb down, I would like to meet them,” replied King Togar.

  Kaida was the first to jump down and walk towards the new creature. Her eyes were flashing a bright blue as she walked puzzled around him. She found her voice and asked,“What form of peoples are you? I have never seen peoples with wings!”

  King Togar was not put off by her curiosity and smiled warmly to her. “We are known as a group, the Solteriem folk. We are Faeries.”

  Kaida stepped closer. “You can fly?” Kaida’s face was both full of wonder and puzzlement. Her hand hovered mid-air. She longed to touch those beautiful wings that looked far different than a Dragon’s wing.

  To answer her, King Togar quickly fluttered his bronze wings and buzzed around Kaida, causing her and the others to catch their breaths before he descended.

  Kaida, with eyes wide in wonder walked closer. She towered over King Togar. She asked, “Will you grow taller with age?”

  This sent King Togar into a burst of laughter. “I am considered middle-aged being an adult of four hundred and seventy-three years old.”

  Kaida’s eyes looked from the Faery to her companions and back again. “I am Kaida.”

  She turned and pointed to her companions and introduced them to King Togar.

  “Welcome all.” The King of the Faeries tipped his head to the peoples and the Dragons. “King of Mursei, I thank you for returning this way.”

  “King Togar, we are most grateful to you and your help in us finding our Kaida,” he said.

  Zelspar asked, “Have you decided on what to do regarding your sister and the peoples with whom I minimized with the Draga Stone?”

  A ruffle of his wings and the sudden spark in his eyes answered before his words could.

  “Yes, yes. The answer is clear! Even though Jengar is my sister and twin, she has caused our Faery folk more trouble than necessary.” Saying this, King Togar laughed before continuing. “Now, the amount of trouble she can cause, is small! She and most of our people are now not much bigger than my littlest finger.”

  Rynik and Galdean roared a laugh that shook the very ground they all stood upon, causing an instant alarm in both Perthorn and Kiel.

  The King of Mursei composed himself and asked, “Where are your Solteriem folk?”

  “Ah yes. I was about to get to that. Jengar, even being so small, still has a large impact on those her same size. She convinced a group of the shrunken ones to release her from her prison in the bottle. I can only imagine the type of threats she used to get her way. My guards here,” he waved his hands to his right and left, “overheard her plans. She has led them back through the tunnels in the mountain. The tunnels our folk originally took to find this land in times of extreme cold and dwindling food supplies. It will lead them to the Upper world.”

  “Thunder and Lightning!” Perthorn exclaimed. “So we will have to deal with the vile varmints there too?”

  King Togar addressed Perthorn. “We, the Solteriem folk, even at my stature, have never been a viable threat to the Magicians, and certainly not to Dragons. No, there is no worry we will be in any danger from them, even if we cross paths. Besides, they have taken to the tunnels, our way is up over the mountain.”

  Zelspar asked, “How many of your folk remain here with you?”

  “My loyal guards and myself, as well as a small group of followers. A total of eighty-two of us will make the trip.”

  Rynik responded, “We can take you up the mountain. It would take you far too long and too much energy to fly. Perhaps the smaller folk would not mind being carried in one of our packs? It would protect them from the winds weaving havoc against their wings.”

  “We gladly accept your generous offer. We have prepared items we need and have them just inside the doors. Would your friends help us carry them out?” King Togar’s eyes shone brightly as he added, “There is also the treasure to consider….” Having the undivided attention of the Dragons he said, “First, you need to bring our belongings out and move them far away from the walls.”

  Kaida waved to Molakei and Flower Bird. Kiel and Perthorn joined them. They approached the large doorway and peered inside. Kaida caught her breath. The castle was filled with beautiful hanging rugs and polished slabs of stone on the walls that reflected the images in front of them.

  It was not much to carry, for people of their size. Several trunks and bags and parcels but being items of the Faeries, they weren’t very large. Once they all were removed and set towards the center of the ward, King Togar motioned for the King of Mursei to approach.

  “From one king to another, I offer my treasury! You are far too large to fit through the castle doorway. You will need to tear off the top of the store house.” Togar pointed to the tall tower above the Keep. “I am sure you will succeed. The power of all of you will open it up like splitting open a ripened fruit.”

  “King Togar, that would destroy your castle! What if you wish to return?”

  “King of Mursei, our people have lived here a long time. We built our castle long ago. Whatever damaged is caused can be repaired if we ever return. The castle itself holds no fondness in my soul. It has been, for a very long time, a place of discontent. We go with you in the hopes of a better way of life. Tear down the storage house. Reap your reward!”

  And so, with the mild persuasion from King Togar, the Dragons came to the storage house. Their razor sharp talons dug deep at the fitted stones and pulled them away. Dust and chunks of stone fell down into the ward. With a mighty pull, the top circular wall was torn away.

  Those below gasped in surprise as a rain of sparkling gems and flattened circles of gold poured out from the storage tower. Chests of gold and silver fell into the heap of treasures, being jostled open, exposed flashing stones of every color!

  The gleam in the Dragons’ eyes nearly shone more than the treasure itself. They quickly went to work on packing the treasures into side bags. When those were full, they melted some of the gold to fashion a large box and poured the rest of the treasure inside. The large box could
be strapped onto them for carrying back to their lairs.

  “Your gifts are many,” replied King Mursei. “Too generous for taking you up to our World. As your folk never forget a harm or a good, neither do Dragons. Whatever your need, you may always come to us. You have proven to be honorable and good to your word. You must journey with us to our land and meet our Hails of Dragons. They should come to know you and your desire to live in peace.”

  King Togar bowed deeply to the King of Mursei. “It will be our honor to meet the Dragons above. Our history tells us long ago, we were all allies. It is my wish to return to the old ways.”

  “Then, we should start our journey,” said the King of Mursei.

  Kaida spoke out, “But what about Sigrunn and Tyrianua? How will they find us? We can’t leave them here!”

  A low growl came from behind them. Tyrianua padded close to Kaida, shaking out his fur. “We will go through the tunnels. Do not worry for us, we will make our way. We will find you.” He pushed his side against Kaida as a wolf embrace. “Besides, we need to see what awaits above. If there is any trouble….”

  Kaida’s eyes flashed with alarm.

  Tyrianua pawed at her leg, “We will be safe. Remember, we are not mere wolves.” He rippled his fur and once again the flash of bright blue traveled the hidden spirals and shapes across his body and transformed the wolf to the deity he was. “We will find you.”

  Kaida hugged him close and said her goodbye to him and Sigrunn before she climbed up on Zlemtec, ready for the journey.

  There was a sudden bustle of activity and noise as the group of peoples, Faeries and Dragons prepared for the trip.

  Sigrunn turned to Tyrianua and said, “Yes. We will find her. She is of the age to know. It will be her battle to fight….”

  Tyrianua replied, “Yes. It is what she was born for. All Dragons know of the Legend but not all of them understand what particular part of the Legend Kaida plays. Not all will be happy with her path but it was cast in the stars, long ago.”


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