Saving Bliss

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Saving Bliss Page 6

by Rachael Brownell


  "Are you sure?"

  I nod. I wish I had heard something more. Maybe I would understand what's going on right now if I had.

  "Do you want to talk about it?"

  Owen's eyes finally break contact with mine, but they haven't left me. I can feel his stare as his eyes travel the contours of my body. I have a feeling that talking is the last thing that Owen wants to do right now.

  "I can't talk about it. Not yet."

  Reaching out, I put my hand on his shoulder. Owen's eyes snap back up to mine instantly, and he moves in, completely trapping me. I can feel the sharp edges of his frame pushing against me. When I find the courage to look up, Owen is staring down at me, his chest rising and falling rapidly, brushing against my breasts with each intake of breath. Hungry eyes are seeking mine for permission. Giving in to the weakness I feel right now, I nod.

  His lips are on mine, devouring me. He’s not gentle; that’s not what he needs, and that’s not what I want. I run my hands up his chest, over each ridge, admiring the feel of his body under my fingertips. Grabbing me by the wrists, he pulls my hands above my head and pins them there with one hand. His other hand travels the length of my body, discovering it just as I did. When his grip loosens, I pull my hands from his and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling myself higher and tighter against his body. His erection brushes against my belly, causing Owen to jump back.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

  Without another word, he rushes through his door, slamming it behind him. I'm left leaning against the wall for strength, wanting so much more than just a kiss. What possessed him to finally kiss me, I have no idea, but I'm not going to question it, either. I don't care. I just want him to do it again. Soon.

  Weeks go by, and I don't mention the kiss. I want to. I want to reach over, grab his face, and latch on for dear life. I don't do that, either. I can’t muster the courage.

  My classes are starting to kick my ass. It would help if I enjoyed them, if I were taking classes that interested me, but I'm not. I hate every course my father signed me up for. I thought about dropping them and signing up for different classes, electives that would be fun. I thought about it, but I knew the consequences would be costly and decided against it. So here I sit, trying to grasp the concepts my professor is talking about, taking notes profusely on my laptop.

  Thanksgiving break is coming up, and I can't wait for the reprieve. I was excited about going home and spending some time with friends and family. Then my parents dropped a bomb on me. They're going out of the country for the holiday weekend. At first, I was excited, then my father told me I wasn't invited.

  I tried not to let the news get me down. I would fix dinner here. Avery could come over and keep me company. That plan fell through the next day when she told me she was going on a cruise with her parents. Again, I was not invited.

  My last resort is Owen. That's not true. He's the one person I would love to spend my holidays with. I'm sure he has obligations, though. He has a family, I think, and friends, I think, that have probably invited him to take part in their celebration. A traditional holiday meal with good food and great memories. Maybe he’ll invite me along?

  I wait as long as possible to ask what his plans are. I've tried to avoid personal conversations with Owen since that night. He hasn't brought up the kiss. and I'm thinking it's because he regrets it. I understand that things happen "in the moment" when tensions run high. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

  "So, what are your plans for this coming weekend?" I ask with caution over dinner Sunday night. We'd been out all day, at the coffee shop, so I could study with a group of friends. Owen was there, but he never said a word. He sat in the corner, watching me the entire time. I felt his eyes caressing the length of my body. I may have taken advantage at times, pushing my chest out when I was sure he was watching. I was teasing him, but I was also teasing myself.

  "That depends. Where are you going to be?" The way he says it, the tone of his voice, tells me that the decision is not his, it's mine.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I go where you go, Bliss. That's part of the job."

  "You mean my father won't even give you holidays off to spend with your family?"

  He flinches slightly when I mention his family. If I hadn't been looking for his reaction so closely, I never would have noticed. His eyes look sad for only a mere second before he rebounds, serious facade back in place.

  “I didn’t ask for holidays off.”

  Owen breaks eye contact and returns to eating. I let the conversation fade, but it’s not over. I’ll find out what he wants to do, and then we’ll do it. If he’s stuck with me, the least I can do is make his holidays memorable and fun.

  Ideas and plans start running through my head. The only hitch in the plan is how I’m going to make it happen without Owen knowing what’s going on. He’s with me every second of every day. Avery owes me. She’s going to have to pay up. It’s a good thing she would do just about anything to get Owen to notice her. In fact, I’m sure she would do whatever it took to get his attention.



  My dreams have felt even more real lately. The last one I had, the night I kissed Bliss, felt more than real. It felt like it was happening at that moment. It felt like I was living it as I dreamed it. The really fucked up part? Bliss was in the dream. Chelsea wasn't there, Bliss was. I dreamt of everything as it actually happened only Bliss was in Chelsea's place.

  Ever since, Bliss has been acting weird. I know it has a lot to do with the fact that I kissed her and then ran. It was the only thing I could think to do at the moment. I needed to know that she was real, that I wasn't dreaming anymore. Then, I wanted to keep kissing her. I wanted to remove the barriers between us and take her against the wall. I wanted more, so much more, but I knew it would have been a bad idea. So, I ran. I apologized to Bliss and ran.

  She hasn't mentioned the kiss, and neither have I. Why bring it up if she doesn't want to talk about it? It's not like I want to talk about it. Just thinking about it gets me excited. Like right now. I'm staring at Bliss and my pants are becoming increasingly uncomfortable. I remember how soft her lips were. I remember the taste of her tongue. Most of all, I remember how it felt like she was practically climbing up my body to get closer to me. That was my favorite part.

  I shift in my seat, and Bliss looks in my direction, smiling. I wish her damn study group would wrap up. We've been here most of the day. I need to get home and take care of myself in a cold fucking shower. That's been my routine. Watch her, fantasize about her, and then get back to the apartment and lock myself in my bathroom. I've had more cold showers in the last few weeks than I have in all my life. They suck.

  Once we finally we make it back to the apartment, Bliss orders dinner while I take care of some personal business. I hear my phone ringing as I get out of the shower. I snag it after only the second ring, but I don't answer. I'm not sure if I want to. It's Jay. The only reason he would be calling me is if he has information. I stare at my door for a second before sliding my finger across the screen. As much as I don't want to talk to him right now, I need this information.


  "I have some information for you. What's your email?" Straight down to business. Some people never change.

  "Why don't you just tell me what you found?"

  "Because that would require talking to you, and I want to do that as little as possible. I'm sure you understand." I don't miss the hatred he still has for me. It's apparent in every word he speaks.

  After I rattle off my email address to him, he hangs up on me. One day, maybe, we'll get back to the way we were before everything happened. I can only hope. If I were a realist, I would let that idea die.

  Immediately, I log into my account. Jay's email is waiting for me. No subject. I open it and start reading. It's worse than I thought. In fact, I think it might be time to tell Bliss that I started looking deeper. The
more she knows, the worse it's going to be for her, but I’ll have a better chance of keeping her safe. I hear her yell for me. Dinner must be here.

  I throw some clothes on and head out there. I can't tell her tonight. I want to look closer at everything Jay sent me first. I need to be prepared to answer her questions. First of all, she's going to ask me how I got the information, who my source is. That's the one thing I need to keep from her. If she were to find out who Jay is, he might never help me again. Not to mention all the questions she would have for me about him and how we know each other. Those are questions I don't want to have to answer.

  Dinner is mostly quiet. Mr. Cooper called me last week to let me know Bliss would be staying in town for Thanksgiving. She doesn't seem happy about it. In fact, she seems rather irritated with her parents about not being invited on whatever excursion they have planned. I can see her side of it, but I can't relate. I never wanted to spend time with my family except for Chelsea. She was the only one I cared about, the only one I miss.

  Bliss has a devious look on her face by the time dinner is over. Something is brewing inside that brain of hers. She's obviously up to something, planning something. I'll find out soon enough. It's not like she can keep secrets from me. We spend every waking moment together. And then when I do sleep, she's there, too.

  Bliss hasn't mentioned Thanksgiving again, and it's tomorrow. I know she's up to something. She's constantly texting or talking on her phone. I tried to bring her phone to her the other day when it was ringing, and she flipped out on me about touching her stuff. Very subtle, Bliss.

  My first thought was that she needed to take a chill pill. Then I realized what was going on. She's planning a dinner. Probably for a bunch of people. I don't need to be invited since I go where Bliss goes, but it would be nice. I would feel a little more comfortable if I were sitting at the table as a friend versus standing and watching as her bodyguard. In the end, it doesn't matter.

  I'm emptying the dishwasher when I hear Bliss talking to someone around the corner. Her voice is getting louder, and then it sounds like she's standing on the other side of the counter. Her voice is just above a whisper, but I'm crouched down, below the counter top, and I can hear her perfectly clear.

  "He has no idea. Yeah. That'll work perfectly. What time do you leave tomorrow? How about two, then? Cool. I'll get him out of the apartment. You'll have an hour at most to get it done. Yes. I'll text you on our way back. Tonight? I guess I could. I'll ask Owen. Are you sure you can pull this off if you're hungover? Will you wake up in time? I know you, Avery. Okay, but just for one. We'll meet you down there in a bit. I have to let you go so I can get ready. I have no idea. He's here somewhere. Alright. I'll see you soon."

  Bliss hollers for me. Her voice gets softer the farther away she gets from me. I'm not sure if I should stand up and give away my position yet. She won't find me in my room. She's going to ask where I was. I don't really want to tell her. I hear the shower turn on and realize this is my only option. I'll put headphones on and hide in my room, pretend I was listening to music or something.

  I power up my laptop and turn some music on. The next thing I know, Bliss is hovering over me, half dressed and looking pissed. I turn the music off, and I'm about to close my laptop when I see I have a new email. That'll have to wait.

  "What's up?" I ask as I pull my earbud from my ear. I could have heard her even if I hadn't removed it, but better to play the game.

  "We're going out. Get ready." She turns on her heels and leaves my room. I'm so stunned all I can do is watch her sexy ass sway as those legs take her to their next destination. I'm turned on already, and I haven't even taken a good look at her. Back to the shower I go.

  This assignment is turning out to be a bit of a problem for me. I shower, change, and then open my email. I've been debating for days whether or not to tell Bliss what I've got on her father. I don't even know if I believe half the shit that Jay sent me, but he has no reason to blow smoke up my ass. Well, he could if he wanted to, but that's not his style.

  If I’m reading this right, Bliss' parents aren't really headed to Europe for the weekend. It looks more like her mother is moving there. Probably to keep her safe. It makes sense. She needs to get the hell out of that small town before someone snatches her up and uses her as bait.

  I email Jay back, thanking him for the information. I keep it short and to the point. No reason to kiss his ass or sugarcoat things. He knows I appreciate the work he's done, the information he's gotten for me. That's his job. He's good at it, and he knows it. If he finds anything else, he'll send it over even though I haven't asked him to.

  By the time I finally reach the living room, Bliss is waiting impatiently for me. She looks pissed. I can't imagine why. When we go out, it takes her three times as long to get ready as it does me. I look at the clock on the wall, and it's only been twenty minutes. That's pretty fast compared to her. It's not my fault she had a head start.

  "It's about damn time. The place is going to be packed if we don't go now."

  "What's the rush? It's the day before Thanksgiving. Isn't everyone going to be home with their families tonight?" I wouldn't be, but that's not the point. My situation is unusual.

  "No. It's the biggest bar night of the year. We need to go." She grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the door.

  Before I realize what I'm doing, I give her hand a slight squeeze, and she freezes. I run directly into her and almost knock her over, catching her just before she hits the ground. Our eyes meet. She's staring up at me in surprise, I'm staring down at her, enjoying the way her body feels in my arms, and the sexual tension is compounding by the second. I want to kiss her again. I want to feel her lips against mine, her body against me.

  Lifting her back to her feet, I apologize before opening the door for her and ushering her through. I'm a coward. I'm not ready to tell her about my past, and until I am, it's unfair to her to lead her on. As much as I would love to pull her back into the apartment and lock the world out for the weekend, I'm just not ready, and I'm not even sure she'd go for it.

  The bar is packed when we get there. Thankfully, Bliss knows the guy at the door and gets us right in against the wishes of those waiting in line. It doesn't matter. That's what this town is all about. If you know the right people, you can get almost anywhere you want to go. I don't know anyone except Bliss. And Avery, who is currently walking toward us, one guy to her left and one to her right.

  I make it a point to scan the area. I don't recognize anyone yet. Maybe a few girls who are in the corner from campus. A guy at the bar looks familiar, but I can't place him. I'll have to keep an eye on him. He's not looking in this direction. Kudos to him. I can feel a fight coming on already, and we just got here.

  "Bliss! You made it!" Avery coos. Her voice is even more annoying when she's drunk, and she obviously started the party before we got here. "I want you to meet my new friends. This is Chuck, and this is Brian."

  My head spins toward Avery's voice, and I make eye contact with the douchebag who was talking to Bliss the last time we were here. He's smiling at Bliss until he sees me. His smile fades and is replaced with a nervous frown.

  "It's nice to see you again." Brian stutters a little as he greets Bliss with a nod.

  "You know each other?" Avery is beyond confused. The girl needs one more drink, and then she'll be so incoherent that she'll stop talking.

  "We met here a while back. You remember Owen, right?" Bliss asks, taking a step closer to me and grabbing my hand. I'm so shocked that I stare at our hands, fingers wrapped around one another's before I smile up at the bastard in victory. I want to take her against the wall and stake my claim on her this very instant.

  Instead, I let him watch as Bliss stays close to me the entire night, sitting on my lap at one point. He's obviously bothered by it. He hasn't taken his eyes off Bliss and it's starting to piss me off. Not because he's watching her but because of the way he's watching her. It's beyond jealousy.

sp; I catch him talking to Bliss when she goes to the bar for another drink. It seems to be innocent until Bliss looks over at me like she needs to be rescued. I get up and start to walk in their direction when some chick walks into me and spills her drink down the front of me. I attempt to keep walking, pushing her aside, but she insists on helping me dry my shirt.

  I never take my eyes off Bliss, and she never takes her eyes off me. By the time I get to her, I grab her by the hand and pull her out the front door. When the fresh air hits my face, I feel renewed. I pull Bliss around the corner, push her up against the building, and kiss her like I've been wanting to since the first time. The best part? She lets me. Locking the world out for the weekend is starting to sound better and better.


  The second his lips meet mine, I'm in heaven. I've been wanting him to do this again for weeks, and it’s finally happening. I can't help the moan that escapes as I wrap my arms around his neck. Pushing my body against his, which has me pinned to the building, causes a moan to escape him, as well.

  Owen pulls back and rests his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing for a minute. When I open them again, Owen is staring at me, a look of contemplation and sorrow. He regrets kissing me again. No! I am not going to deal with this shit over and over again. Either he wants me, wants this, or he doesn't. He needs to decide.

  Raising up on my tiptoes as far as I can, I latch my mouth onto his. Owen tries to pull back, but I'm holding the back of his head so he can't escape. He's stronger than I am, so if he really wanted to, he could pull away. The fact that he doesn't overpower me tells me more than words ever will. He desires me, this. He wants more even though I know he shouldn't.

  I want more, too. I want everything from him right now. How could I not? His body is still pressed against mine. His body is tight, firm, and surrounding me. It feels as though I'm trapped between two brick walls. He's consuming me. My mind is running wild with thoughts of what I would like to do to him, what I want him to do to me.


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