Elemental’s MC (Book 8)
Copyright © 2018 Alexi Ferreira
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in used critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses as permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, mentioning in the subject line:
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, any event, occurrence, or incident is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created and thought up from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
To know more about ALEXI FERREIRA you can follow her on the links below:
WULF (book 1)
BJARNI (book 2)
BRANDR (book 3)
CERIC (book 4)
BION (book 5)
CASSIUS (book 6)
CELMUND (book 7)
Thank you to my wonderful daughter who is the first to read and comment on my books, and all the laughs we have.
To my family that believe in me and to my readers for all their support without all of you this dream wouldn’t be possible.
I kick the bag once again and then throw an uppercut, I can feel the perspiration running down my neck. I try to work my frustration and anger out on the bag, but its not working. In the last five months since finding out the name of my mate that I have been scoring every inch of the area, but to no avail. There has been no indication that she even exists, I didn’t want to find my mate after what happened to my sister, but I will be damned if I leave her out there to fend for herself.
Not knowing if she’s fine or suffering somewhere is driving me crazy. I will not be responsible for the death of another woman. My brothers have been by my side in this search for my woman, they have given me their unconditional support. I know that it’s a long shot to try and find her by her first name alone, but Celmund seems to think that he will soon find some kind of trail.
I hear the door to the training room open, but I don’t turn to see who it is, my concentration is centred on the bag as I continue to decimate it. I can see the stitching start to unravel and know that once again I have managed to destroy another punching bag. Then I feel a presence behind me, before I can turn I hear Nova start to sing. Dropping my arms I look over my shoulder to see Brielle, Aria and Nova sitting on a matt a few steps away. Shaking my head, I turn, placing my hands low on my waist I lift an eyebrow and look at them in question.
It’s amazing how such a hellcat can have such an Angelique voice. Her voice surrounds a person, soothing them. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” I ask, knowing that they are here for a reason, and as none of the other brothers are in the training room at the moment that reason has something to do with me.
Nova continues to sing as Aria answers my question, “everyone is worried about you, we just thought that we could somehow calm you a little before you go out again.” Aria has become the most important woman in my life, I will do anything to make her happy. After everything that she went through before Brandr found her, and then again when she found out that she had an explosive that had been placed in her body that could explode at any moment. She has been strong and courageous, and not once did she break down. I have all the respect for all my brothers’ mates, but Aria has a special place in my heart, maybe because she is Brandr’s mate and I would do anything for him.
She approaches placing a hand on my chest as she looks up at me, “I’m worried about you, Brandr is worried about you.” She murmurs
“I’m fine sweetheart, just angry that it’s taking so long to find one woman.” I state, I won’t confess to her that my anger is slowly simmering out of control and that I’m on a constant battle with myself.
“Today Jasmine is going to try and find her again.” Brielle says as she comes to stand next to us, placing her hand on my arm I can feel her soothing my anger with her healing gift. When I look at these women I wonder what kind of gift my mate has, will she be gentle and caring like Jasmine or a hellcat like Nova. I have so many questions, my mind keeps on going around and around and I know that it won’t stop, or that I won’t get any relief until I know that she’s safe.
Nova’s singing and Brielle’s healing is starting to calm me, I won’t reject their help as I need all my concentration to try and find my woman. Draco is still holding Leif, he insists on keeping him alive drilling him for every piece of information that he can. Yesterday Nova, Aria and Scarlett went in to partake of Ceric, Brandr and Cassius interrogating him. We found out more from the three women by being there, then all the information we have been able to extract from him in all these months.
Maybe, Jasmine will be able to use some of the information to try and find Saskia. I still can’t believe that she can be so close. I have shied away from finding my mate since the death of my sister, not because I didn’t want one but because deep down I’m afraid to let her down. Now that I know that she’s close my protective instincts have gone into overdrive. If it wasn’t for my brothers, insisting on bringing me back to the compound so that we can regroup and go out again with a plan, I would be out there.
I know that they right, I know that my hot temper is destructive most of the times and that in this case I need to keep a strong hold on it so that I don’t lose my shit and go out there and kill every single Keres I find like I want to. I don’t know how my brothers kept sane, knowing that their women were being threatened. If anyone ever even thinks to harm Saskia, they will be dead.
I hear the door to the training room opening and before I turn my head I can feel my brother’s energy. Looking over I see Wulf, Ceric and Cassius walking in. They stop in their tracks when they realise that Nova is singing, and that Brielle and Aria are touching me. I know that Celmund has more than likely been watching me through the cameras all the time that I have been here. A feeling of warmth surrounds my heart, I don’t know if its because of the women’s healing or because of the caring and support that I feel from everyone.
Nova stops singing and stands, walking towards Ceric she places her arms around his waist and leans her head against his chest. Aria and Brielle “Will he live?” Ceric quips, earn himself a frown from Nova. I lift my hand and show him the finger.
“You just jealous because your woman was singing to me and not to you.” I tease and see him tense from where I’m standing. One thing about us Elemental’s is that we don’t like our woman with other men, no matter the circumstances. Therefore, when it comes to C
eric’s quips I have found a way to get back at him.
Before he can answer, Wulf interrupts, “Celmund has found a lead, we can leave in an hour if you ready.” At his words my heart lurches in anticipation, I would leave right now if I could.
“Who’s riding?” I ask
“Caelius, Bjarni, Brandr, Ceric, you and Draco.” Cassius replies as he walks towards one of the weight machines. I nod and start to make my way towards the showers before I stop and look back.
“Thank you” I say before heading to the showers. A couple of minutes later I’m ready and heading towards the garage where I will collect my weapons and wait for the others to let me know where we headed. I’m usually a hand to hand combat kind of guy, I like feeling my enemies’ bones breaking under my hands. Throughout the centuries I have made sure to learn as many combat techniques as possible, there is no other brother that can stand up to me when it comes to combat. Each one of us has our talents, mine is combat.
When I arrive at the garage I see Gunner, Kade and Jason standing over the engine of one of our SUV’s, because of Talia we decided to take Jason in and help him get clean from all the drugs. At the beginning it was tough, and I thought for certain that Celmund was going to take him out because of the way he talked to Talia, but as soon as he detoxed he became a completely different person.
Bion has told him that he can leave anytime he wants but he has asked to stay, and after we did away with Sven we need someone, therefore we decided to let him stay. Thinking of Sven makes my blood pump in anger, the fucker didn’t suffer enough. After everything he did to our women I would have kept him tied up for months, torturing him slowly. Just thinking of how we found Aria, makes me want to bring him back from the dead so that I can kill him again.
“Are we going out again?” Gunner asks as he approaches me while cleaning his hands on a rag. I nod and see him frown. “No one told me,” He says as he throws down the rag.
“I don’t think you coming this time.” Gunner has been on every run with us since I started to look for Saskia, he has driven himself relentlessly to find her. He might not have been born an Elemental, but he has become one of our brothers.
“Fuck that.” He grunts as he pulls on his riding jacket
“You are staying this time.” Draco says as he strides into the garage, his black t-shirt hugging his muscular chest and arms, his leather jacket held in his hand allowing us to see his two smith and Weston’s tucked into his torn low hanging jeans.
“Fuck Draco, why?” Gunner grunts
“We don’t need a sniper where we’re going, and it’s only about an hour’s ride from here. Besides you will be going with the guys on the next run.” At Draco’s comment I see Gunner stiffen, and then relax. Gunner hasn’t been on any major run with us when we’re transporting the weapons for the Russian Mafia, therefore this is a big deal for him.
“Thanks” Gunner grunts, we all know that he has been hoping for this. Gunner is a fighter, he is only happy when he’s in the thick of things. Draco nods and then looks over at me, his eyes taking me in.
“You okay?” he asks with a raised brow
“Yeah” I reply, “What has Celmund found?” I ask as the rest of the guys walk into the garage.
“There was an energy spike, when Celmund checked it out he caught video footage at one of the gas stations, three Keres after two girls.” Brandr says as he comes to stand next to me.
“Fuckers” I grunt, those fucking assholes never give up. Even if they not our women we can’t let them prey on defenceless women. “Did they grab them?”
“No, and that’s why we think that one of the women might have some kind of gift.” Brandr updates, “We see the two women in the convenience store at the gas station, a few minutes before the Keres even arrive at the station one of them is pulling at the others arm and looking around as if frightened. They managed to just slip away as the Keres arrived.”
“Does Celmund know where they went to?” I can feel the knot in my stomach tightening when I think that one of those women could be my mate, and maybe now she’s gone again.
“He caught them again on one of the street cameras turning down one of the roads, that’s’ where we going to start.” Draco states, “Let’s go.” He says, already astride of his bike. Bjarni, Ceric, Brandr, Caelius and I get ready and follow Draco riding out of the compound and towards where Celmund suspects the women might be hiding.
The ride there is endless, the thought that those two defenceless women are in danger and that the Keres might have caught up to them is making me twitchy. As we arrive in town, Draco turns down the first road we come to, a few blocks down he pulls over.
“We will go by foot from here, if the women hear the bikes they might bolt.” He states
Looking around I see that we in a dilapidated part of town. Most of the buildings around us have been abandoned, the people that we can see on the road are either homeless or junkies. “Put your comms on” Caelius calls out as we spread out and start scouting the area.
“What did they look like” I ask as I look around
“Hard to say as they had hoodies on that covered their faces. “Celmund replies through the comms, “But one had a red hoodie with an image of a boat on it and the other had a plain black one.”
“Stop” Draco calls out a few yards ahead, “Bjarni, see what you pick up?” Bjarni squats and places his hands on the ground as he lowers his head and closes his eyes. Bjarni has an affinity with animals and can pick up variances in energy easier then the rest of us, a minute later he looks up at Draco and nods.
“Lead the way.” Draco calls as Bjarni stands and starts to make his way down a side street. As we make our way down the road, I start to feel a pull like I have never felt before. Fuck me, is it possible that my mate is close? I close my eyes and open my senses trying to pinpoint where the pull is coming from.
“Are you okay brother?” Brandr asks from next to me, I see the frown on his face as looks at me in concern.
“I feel her.” I mutter as I start making my way towards where my senses are leading me. As I start to cross the road I look up and see a door to a dodgy apartment building opening and two women stepping out. From what Celmund said it must be them as they have the same hoodies that he mentioned. One of them stops and looks up, our eyes connect, and I can sense a ripple traveling the length of my spine.
I know then that I’m looking at my mate, her piercing blue eyes stare at me in shock before she’s grabbing hold of the other woman’s arm and running down the road away from us. “Guess she wasn’t blown away by you.” Ceric mutters as we all start to chase them.
They have no chance of getting away, we are faster and now that I have her in my sight there is no way that I will ever let her go. Especially when there are fucking Keres after them. As I round the corner where they disappeared I roar in fury when I see three Keres at the opposite end of the road making their way towards where the women are running to.
I see Draco has reached the two women and is trying to calm them as he looks over at the Keres. One of the Keres pulls out a gun, that’s when I lose my shit. There is no way in hell that a fucking Keres is going to point a gun at my mate and survive. I race straight towards them not caring if they shoot at me or not, because if they don’t kill me by the time I reach them they will be dead. I can feel the blood pumping in my veins, as my vision tunnels to focus on the Keres with the gun.
“Motherfucker” I hear Brandr roar as he races after me, “you going to get yourself shot, fuck” I see a smirk on the Keres face as he points the gun at me, just as he’s about to shoot I see his arm snap up and the shot ricochets into the air. I know that Draco must have used his air bending powers to deviate the shot. I also know that he’s going to give me hell later for putting myself in danger and making him have to use his powers in front of civilians, but at the moment I don’t give a shit.
The other two also pull out their weapons but it’s too late, I reach the son of a bitch that thoug
ht he could hunt my mate. Jumping up in the air I twist and kick him across the face. He is thrown back with the kick, but I don’t wait in the next instant I’m above him. My arm is wrapped around his neck from behind as I choke the breath out of him.
“Say goodbye to your miserable existence asshole.” I say, but before I can break his neck strong arms are pulling me back.
“You can’t kill him with witnesses all around us.” Bjarni mutters, “we’ll take them, and you can get rid of them later.” Bjarni grunts as I struggle to get free, “Fuck Burkhart, listen to me. You are frightening your woman.” At his words I stop struggling, my thoughts going back to my mate. Those blue frightened eyes, that looked at me in surprise and now that I think about it recognition. I need to go make sure that she’s okay, this whole situation must be scary for a woman.
Looking around I see that Brandr has knocked out the one Keres and Ceric is holding the other one down. I glance over my shoulder at where Draco and the women were and tense when I don’t see them. Where the hell are they?
“Where the fuck did they go?” I ask as I look at the guys, none of them are able to answer which just pisses me off.
“Thank you for helping but we have to go,” I feel my body trembling in fear, but I refuse to show it. I don’t know who these guys are but whoever they are I don’t like it. I’m sensitive to energy therefore I feel when people approach, but for some reason I didn’t feel these men approach. What confuses me is that it’s a few of them why didn’t I feel there energy?
Looking at the guy standing before Andria and myself I sense that he has a very powerful energy but even like that I can’t tell how powerful of if it’s a good or bad energy. I feel confused, never in my life have I not been able to actually feel someone’s life force. Even with animals I can feel it, but one thing is for sure I don’t need to feel it to tell that these men that came to our rescue are dangerous. The guy standing before me oozes danger from every pore.
BURKHART: Elemental's MC Page 1