BURKHART: Elemental's MC

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BURKHART: Elemental's MC Page 13

by Alexi Ferreira

  “I thought this might be the location because it sounded like the location that the women saw but also because Vercin was in a bad condition so couldn’t have flown for many hours and then because a train was heard and this one has a train a couple of miles away that can be heard from there.”

  “It looks pretty dense” Wulf states as he sits forward in his chair, jasmine is not at the meeting as she stayed with Orion but I see that the drawing she did of the location has been displayed on the table before him.

  “That’s where the problems come in,” Celmund says as he points to the screen, “We can’t see into the forest ground, also the property is secured with high technology, the moment we enter they will know someone is approaching.”

  “Fuck” Ceric grunts, Nova is also sitting on his lap leaning back against him. His arm is around her waist, his hand flat across her stomach the other covering hers that is on top of the table.

  “What if you fly in like they did?” Scarlett asks, she’s sitting next to Cassius his arm draped across the back of her chair and his fingers unconsciously playing with her hair. At her question he nods and looks at Celmund.

  “I thought of that, but like us I’m sure they have scanners that will inform them of any approaching choppers.” He states, I see Talia place her hand over his and squeeze gently and he turns his over and entwines his fingers with hers. Looking around at all the brothers I’m amazed how we have all changed in these last couple of years since the women came into our lives.

  “What you men have all forgotten is that you have amazing women here,” Nova quips, “and that we might be able to switch off those scanners or even the security system” at her words I tense, how the hell would they be doing that? I know Nova is a hellcat like Ceric calls her, always up for an adventure, but I don’t think even she would be suggesting that we let the women go in.

  I see Draco frown at her comment, “That could actually work” Scarlett says with a smile, she looks around the table at the women present and all of them are nodding with a smile on their faces. Contrary to them I see that the other brothers are as confused as I am going by the scowls on their faces.

  “How would you do that?” Bjarni asks, Gabriela also isn’t here as she stayed in their room with the twins. He sits forward his elbows on the table as he looks at Scarlett, then Nova.

  “Well don’t you remember when we attacked Sven, we weren’t there but Talia was still able to move him.” Brielle says with a smirk, “Maybe she will be able to disconnect the equipment; she will just need to know what to do”

  “Fuck me,” Gunner grunts as he looks at everyone a grin lifting his lips, “these women are an elite weapon all by themselves” I see most of the men around me nodding, it is amazing the things our women can do.

  “Do you think you can disconnect the equipment?” Draco asks Talia with a raised brow, but there is a dimple peeping out as he smiles.

  “If its somewhere where that equipment that blocked us doesn’t reach me, then yes I can disconnect it.” At her words Celmund smiles and kisses her lightly on the forehead.

  “Well it looks like we will be able to reach them after all, because I doubt the scanners will be inside the cabin, also the alarm system there should be a box outside but I will look into their system and figure out the best way to disconnect it.” Celmund states

  “Don’t you want us to go and see how many men are there before you approach them?” Nova asks with an impish lift to her chin, “I’m sure we can even incapacitate them for you.” She quips, which has the men grinning at the truth of her statement.

  “Well it looks like we might have a plan brewing,” Bion says as he tweaks Brielle’s cheek.

  “When do you want to do this?” Caelius asks of Draco, I see Draco look at Wulf and then back at everyone.

  “We will have to set everything up so that the timing is right, once the women disconnect the scanners and the alarms we need to descend on them with no time to spare or they will manage to move Vercin again,” He states

  “Vercin looked in pretty bad shape when I saw him, I don’t think they will willingly have him moved soon.” Saskia confides which has me squeezing her hand gently, she told me about Vercin’s condition and I relayed it to the brothers, they know about Vercin’s condition, but what she doesn’t realize is that Vercin can recuperate fairly quick if his men continue bringing him blood.

  “We will attack the day after tomorrow, is everyone in agreement?” Draco asks and looks around the table, at everyone’s confirmation he nods and leans back. “If there is nothing else we are done here.” Draco called me in because of what happened the previous time we attacked Vercin, he took a strip off my hide with his words but it’s what I needed to hear. I know that I’m lucky he had time to cool down or I would have had more than just words, one thing Draco does not allow is for us to place ourselves under danger or place any of the brothers in danger.

  I know my anger takes the better of me, and when that fucker shot at Saskia I just saw red, but as my brothers said I’m her worst enemy if I go off and get myself killed or hurt, then I will be the one hurting her and that I will never do. “Come on darling I have something to show you” I say as I pick her up as I stand and then let her slide down my body.

  “I’m sure she’s tired of seeing what you have to show her” Ceric quips with a smirk, which has me, showing him the finger and my woman laughing. Taking Saskia’s hand I guide her to our room, when we reach the bed I kiss her passionately but then take a step away.

  I see her look of surprise when I step away but I don’t say anything as I turn and walk to my wardrobe. Opening the door I type in the password to the small safe I have here, taking the small pouch that I have kept my entire life I walk back towards her. I stand before her and for the first time in my life feel nervous. Opening the pouch I pull out the Onix with the white gold chain that is attached to it. When Saskia sees the stone so similar to mine but smaller she gasps, she has asked me before about the stone that I always wear around my neck and I explained the ritual of our birth stones to her, therefore she knows that this stone symbolizes a unity that is unbreakable between us.

  Opening the clutch I slide it around her neck, “I give you a part of my essence to protect and enhance your energy. By wearing this Onix you will always have a piece of me with you. You are now part of my blood, my soul, my very essence. I ask that you wear this always to remind you of our bond and the love that I hold for you” when I finish placing the chain around her neck I turn her around and see the tears in her eyes, her smile deep and loving. She raises her arms around my neck and entwines her fingers through my hair. I have noticed that my woman likes my hair loose, therefore when I’m with her I usually wear it down.

  “I love you Burkhart” at her words my heart stutters and then starts to race, the words that I have been so anxiously awaiting she has finally voiced and I feel like my whole world has just come to a standstill in this perfect moment. Lowering my head I kiss her slowly and deeply to let her know that I don’t take her words for granted, I place all my emotions behind the kiss and know that she can feel it.

  Pulling back I look deep into her eyes and see the same emotion there that I know is shining in mine, “you have brought me peace, calmness to my soul that I never thought I would find after my sister was killed.” With those words spoken I place my hands under her perfect ass and pick her up against me, her legs entwine around me and she smiles down at me.

  “You have saved me and opened up my life to a new beginning with new people that have taken me in and become like a family to me.” She murmurs and kisses me gently before stretching back, “but I need to close off my old life with Paul, and I need to speak to my parents so that they know I’m fine.” At her words I tense, I was hoping that she had given up on talking to that asshole but I know that she’s completely mine and even though the thought of her being anywhere near someone she has been with before fuels my anger I will have to take her to make peace with her past

  “We will go tomorrow” I grunt before showing her that there is no one else in this world that can make her feel the way that I do.


  Early this morning Burkhart was waking me up and telling me to get ready, he didn’t tell me where we are going but I can feel that he’s agitated. Caelius is flying us in there chopper, when I first stepped outside and Burkhart led me towards the chopper I was excited but now feeling his agitation, I don’t think this is a joy ride but something else. Looking out the window I see the life below us as cars speed on the roads and houses pass us by and I wonder how I could ever have been so oblivious to this side of life.

  Burkhart squeezes my hand and I look back at him, “we landing in the next fifteen minutes” he says, when we first climbed into the black chopper, Burkhart strapped me in and placed headphones on my head, kissing me deeply before taking his place next to me. Gunner also joined us and is sitting in front with Caelius.

  “Are you going to tell me where we going?” I see Burkhart tense but then he grunts and nods

  “We on our way to see your family” he states which has my heart pounding; I want to see my parents because I’m sure they are out of their mind with worry. I hope they like Burkhart because they will have to get used to him. I look at his handsome face and see the frown that his marring his features, his eyes glowing with a deep emotion, my eyes travel down his neck to his black t-shirt and the wide expanse of his chest, I see the tattoos that run down his arms and my fingers twitch to draw my fingers over them.

  My parents might judge him for his biker look, and think that I have completely lost my mind but Burkhart treats me better than Paul ever did. Paul, I will have to speak to him today too, that is something I am not looking forward to, not because of being with Burkhart but because Paul has been in my life since I was in school and even though there is no love there for him any longer I do feel guilty in hurting him.

  I now know where Burkhart’s agitation is coming from, “thank you” I say and lift his hand and kiss his scrapped knuckles. I don’t think it will be a good idea that Burkhart be there when I meet Paul because I know that if Paul comes anywhere near me Burkhart is going to explode and most probably attack him.

  “As you said you need to do this, and we are here if there are any Keres lurking about.” He states, I feel the chopper lowering and my nerves intensify when I realize that we have arrived.

  “How did you know where my parents are?”

  He shrugs as he leans over me and unhooks my seatbelt and then he’s pulling the headphones off, “Celmund” he grunts. I should have guessed, I have come to realize that Celmund is a genius when it comes to technology and he can practically find anything if he has the right information. Gunner opens the door on my side and then steps back to wait for Burkhart that has stepped out from the other side and has come around to help me out.

  We make our way towards three bikes that are parked next to the hanger, “How did you get bikes here?” I ask curiously when I see the helmets that Caelius and Gunner are carrying. Burkhart takes his and then hands me a matt black one.

  “That one is yours” Burkhart says and then he’s holding out his hand to Caelius that gives him a jacket, “and so is this, use it every time you on the bike” he states as he holds it out to me.

  I know what it is before I take it and I start to smile when I hold it up and see what it says at the back. ‘Property of Burkhart’ is embroidered under the two wings of the Elemental’s MC. “I love it, thank you” I murmur as I lean forward and kiss him.

  “Chop chop lollipop, we don’t have the whole day and I personally don’t like standing here waiting for a bullet.” Gunner quips playfully as he straddles one of the bikes. I laugh at his quip as Burkhart shows him the finger and then is helping me onto the bike behind him.

  “Hold on darling” Burkhart says as he pulls my arms around him and then we are speeding down the road. I look around at all the places I know so well and that now seem so strange to me. I realise that I have truly made the compound my home and even though I have only been there slightly over a month I feel for the first time in my life like I’m truly home. We turn down the road that leads to my parents’ home and I can feel myself getting exited for seeing them. When we park in front of the house that I grew up in I notice that down the road there are two bikes parked. Caelius, Gunner and Burkhart nod at them and I realize that they are part of the Elemental’s and must be watching out for my parents.

  My heart tightens in happiness when I think that Burkhart has been watching out for my parents this whole time without me knowing. “Thank you,” I say when I’m standing before him again, “have I told you lately that I love you?” at my words he smiles but I can see the vigilance in his eyes as he keeps looking around.

  “I love you too darling” he states and has my heart racing in happiness

  “Saskia!” I hear my mom’s cry and I turn to see her hand over her mouth as tears course down her cheeks.

  “Mom” I call and then I’m running up the path towards her.

  “Oh sweetheart, where have you been?” she whispers through her tears as she pulls me into her arms. “I’ve been so worried”

  “I’m sorry mom, I’ll explain everything to you.” I promise

  “Saskia!” my dad roars from the entrance and then he’s stepping towards us and his brawny arms are wrapped around the two of us. “Girl, are you trying to kill us?” he mumbles as he tightens his arms around us. I don’t know how long we stand like that before I feel my father tensing.

  “Why are there bikers in our lawn, and one of them is glaring at me?” my father whispers conspiringly bringing me back to the present. I step back and smile before turning to see Burkhart standing where I left him, his features are set as he watches us. I lift my hand and hold it out for him to approach, I see him frown but then he’s striding towards us.

  “Dad, mom I want you to meet Burkhart” I say when he takes my hand and pulls me tight against him. “Burkhart saved me from kidnappers, and has been protecting me ever since.” My mom gasps and looks up at my dad, he in turn looks up at Burkhart and stretches out his hand in greeting.

  “Good to meet you son, and I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for my little girl” I smile when I hear my father’s comment as I find it funny him calling Burkhart son when Burkhart is so much older than him. Burkhart nods but doesn’t comment and then my mother is stepping forward and hugging him around his waist. I feel Burkhart tense, his arm around me tightening; I look up at his face and see the shock on his face.

  “Thank you” my mother says as she steps back

  “You making him awkward,” I state and can feel his muscles start to relax

  “Come in, why we standing outside. And call your friends inside too, I’ve just made a honey and cinnamon cake.” My mother says as she turns and steps inside, my father following her.

  “Are you okay with this?” I ask as I sense Burkhart’s uneasiness

  “I’m fine darling, I just don’t like being here long as we don’t know if the Keres are around.” He says as he scans the street again.

  “If they were anywhere near this road I would sense them, don’t worry we are fine for now.” I state and his eyes move back to mine.

  “Well I’m not missing honey and cinnamon cake, so step aside.” Caelius says as he walks by which has me smiling at him.

  “Go ahead darling, I’m just going to contact Draco quickly and then I’ll come in.” I nod and then I’m following Caelius inside, Gunner walking behind me.

  “Caelius,” I call before he enters the dining area, he stops and looks around. “Are we going to go and speak to my ex today too?” at my question I see him look over my shoulder and then he nods. “Is Burkhart going to be fine with that?” I ask and see Caelius frown before he grunts

  “Nope, he will lose his shit if your ex gives you the same welcome your parents did.”

  “Can’t you come with me instead of hi
m, I don’t want there to be problems, but I have to talk to him personally it’s only right.” I plead

  “Sweetheart, that man of yours won’t let you out of his sight no matter what we do especially if he knows you with a man you used to be involved with” at Caelius words I groan, I can just see Burkhart murdering Paul.

  “Come on everyone, don’t stand in the doorway, come inside.” My mom calls as she places the freshly baked cake on the table with a fresh pot of coffee. Caelius and Gunner walk in and introduce themselves, and even though I’m dreading this meeting with Paul for now I smile at seeing how these two men dwarf my parents dining area. I sit down and start to explain what happened, I omit the bits about why they wanted me or even the truth about the Elemental’s and the Keres. By the time I’ve finished my recounting Burkhart is standing behind my chair, his hand on my shoulder.

  I see the curious looks my parents are giving the two of us and then my mom asks, “Have you see Paul yet?” at her question I tense as I can feel the anger rising in Burkhart.

  “No, not yet but we will” at my answer my father looks up at Burkhart and then back at me in question.

  “Burkhart and I are together if you haven’t realized yet,” at my comment my mother nods and then my father smiles.

  “I’m glad you found yourself a real man.” At his words I gasp and hear Caelius and Gunner chuckle.


  “It’s true honey, Paul is a good man but he’s a bit of a wet blanket. Burkhart over here you can see knows how to handle himself.” At his words Gunner throws back his head and roars with laughter.

  “You have no idea” he says between chuckles.


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