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WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? (The Jersey Girls Book 2) Page 8

by Lydia Rose

  “Ooh, I forgot there was going to be dancing. Will you slow dance with me?” Kate asked, excited.

  “You know I will,” Kelly leaned over kissing Kate’s mouth.

  Saturday night they walked into the bar hand and hand. Kelly spotted her friends and led Kate through the crowd to the table. Kelly kissed all the women and turned to Kate. “Kate, this is Linda and her partner Lisa. This is Mutt and Jeff,” she said with a laugh, “otherwise known as Sharon and her partner Susan. Have a seat and I’ll get us something to drink.” Kelly pointed a finger at the group. “Don’t scare her off.”

  “So where did you two meet?” Jane asked.

  “Through friends of ours. We spent a week together with them down at the shore and the rest, as they say, is history,” Kate laughed feeling relaxed with the four women.

  “You certainly don’t look like the women she normally dates,” Lisa said, shaking her head.

  “So I’ve been told,” Kate’s laugh got the table to laugh as Kelly returned to the table.

  “What’s so funny?” Kelly asked, taking a seat.

  “We were just commenting on how different Kate is compared to the other women you normally brought here,” Sharon commented. “Her past girlfriends wanted nothing to do with us. They were all so stuck up.”

  “Kate is nothing like those women. You’re going to love her as much as I do,” Kelly said without realizing what she had admitted to the group.

  Kate’s head spun so quickly toward Kelly that she felt it was going to leave her neck. The music slowed down and she whispered in Kelly’s ear. “Dance with me.”

  Kelly took a swallow of her drink and stood up. “Excuse us ladies, my girl wants to dance.”

  Kate reached for Kelly’s hand and led her to the dance floor. As soon as they were in each other’s arms, she whispered to Kelly, “I love you too, Kelly McIntyre.”

  Kelly stopped dancing and held her at arm’s length. “I guess I told them before I told you?”

  Kate nodded.

  “I do love you, Kate.” Kelly pulled Kate close again. “I was afraid it was too soon to tell you. It just slipped out with them.” She held Kate’s hand against her chest. “I wish we could get out of here, but they’ll ride me for weeks if we do.”

  “I’m still in your arms, Kelly.”

  Kelly spun Kate around on the dance floor, laughing.

  They freed themselves from the group at eleven o’clock.


  Friday afternoon Kate picked up her phone to call Mary. She had been avoiding telling her all week, but they would be down at the shore in a few hours.

  “Hello, stranger, how are you?” Mary asked, happy to hear from her friend.

  “I couldn’t be better, Mary,” Kate said taking a deep breath. “Mary, Kelly and

  I are going to spend the weekend down at the shore.”

  “Great, what time will you get here?” Mary asked, excited.

  “There’s one thing you should know,” Kate said, knowing there was more she should know, but that would have to wait until they see them in person. “We’re staying at Jennifer and Reese’s house this time.”

  “I see,” Mary said quietly.

  “They invited us and we accepted,” Kate explained.

  “How’s Kelly?” Mary asked, changing the subject.

  “She’s good. Mary, I hope you and Meredith will spend time with us on the beach. There’s something I want to tell you and Meredith.”

  “Sure, Matt and Dave won’t be down until Saturday afternoon. Why don’t the four of you come for coffee and dessert tonight?”

  “We’d like that, Mary. I’ve got to go. We’ll see you later.”

  “Good bye, Kate.”

  Kate was smiling when she put her phone down. Their conversation had gone better than she thought, and now she hoped the conversation they would have this evening would go just as well.


  Kelly and Kate were driving down the Garden State Parkway holding hands and singing to the music on the radio.

  Kelly squeezed Kate’s hand. “Everything will be just fine, Kate. The two of them have known me for a long time and they don’t seem to have a problem with my sexuality.”

  “Mary is going to think I’ve lied to her all these years,” Kate maintained.

  “Why, because you’ve lived an asexual life for 40 years?”

  “You make me sound so pathetic,” Kate said, turning her head away.

  Kelly reached for her hand again. “You were just waiting for me,” she said smiling. “What did you think of me the first time we met?”

  “I thought you were very pretty and nice. I think the first time we met we only spent maybe a half hour together.” Kate remembered the meeting clearly as she continued. “I saw you check me out when you walked into Meredith’s house,” she said with a laugh. “What did you think?”

  “I was checking you out and I thought you were hot. I asked Meredith what your story was.”

  “What did she tell you?” Kate asked, turning in her seat so she could see Kelly’s face.

  “She didn’t say much, just that you weren’t seeing anyone at the time.”

  “Why did it take so long for us to meet? You would think that because I’ve known those two so long that we would have met before last year,” Kate spoke as if she were talking to herself.

  “I’ve heard your name for years, but it wasn’t until I stopped at Meredith’s to drop off...” Kelly paused, “I don’t even remember what it was now.”

  They pulled in front of Jennifer and Reese’s house. Kelly got out of the car and went to the trunk to get their overnight bags.

  Reese came out the front door and met them on the sidewalk. “It’s so good to see you both,” she said, embracing each woman.

  “It’s good to see you too, Reese,” Kate said, hugging her friend. “How are you feeling?”

  “No morning sickness, thank God,” Reese said with a laugh.

  “You look good, Reese. You have such a glow on your face,” Kelly said, following Reese up the front steps,

  Kate turned toward Mary and Meredith’s house and she would have sworn she saw the curtains move in the living room window.

  Jennifer walked toward them when they stepped into the house. “Kate, Casanova, thanks for coming down.”

  “That is our pleasure,” Kelly said, hugging Jennifer.

  Jennifer looked at Kate. “Love suits you well, Kate. This one,” she pointed to Kelly, “knows she will have to answer to me if she hurts you.”

  Kate laughed. “I could not ask for a better partner,” she said as she released Jennifer’s hug. “Mary wants all of us to come for coffee and dessert after dinner. Is that okay with the two of you?”

  “That’s fine with us,” Reese said, looking at Jennifer. “I think we’ll let you go there a few minutes early so you can talk to them.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. We may as well get this out in the open, so I don’t have to watch myself with Kelly around them,” Kate offered

  They sat down to dinner. “This looks wonderful,” Kelly said as the plate was put in front of her.

  Reese watched as Kate stared off into space. “Are you nervous about talking to them, Kate?”

  “Not really nervous, just a little apprehensive,” Kate confessed.

  Kelly took Kate’s hand. “It will all work out. Even if they take time to adjust to the news, Mary and Meredith will never turn you away.”

  “I know that, it’s just that this is going to be a big shock to them.”

  Jennifer turned to Kate. “Have you told your family yet?”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Kelly. My mother called me before I left work and asked me to dinner tomorrow. I told her I was going down to the shore. I’m going to dinner on Wednesday. My sister will be there, too.” She looked at Kelly. “I’m not going to bring you with me because I’m going to tell them.”

  “Are you afraid they’ll reject you?” Kelly asked fearfully.

  “Not at all, I just hope they aren’t disappointed,” Kate said softly.

  “May I make a suggestion?” Reese asked.

  “Please,” Kate said, and Kelly nodded in agreement.

  “Take Kelly with you to dinner. Let them meet her and don’t tell them that night about the two of you.”

  Jennifer laughed. “Yeah, Casanova’s got no game, but she is charming.”

  “Are you actually complimenting me, Jen?” Kelly asked with a laugh.

  “Yes, this is the one and only time you’ll hear one,” Jennifer said with a smile.

  “Jen’s right. It will be easier for them to understand when they meet Kelly. This way they won’t have some stereotypical lesbian in their heads when you tell them,” Reese explained.

  Kate turned to Kelly. “Are you up for meeting the family?” she asked with a smile.

  “I’ve never met the parents before. Yes, I’d like that.


  Kate picked up her dinner dish ready to carry it to the kitchen when Reese stopped her.

  “We will clean up. This will give you two time to talk to them,” Reese said, already escorting them out the door.

  Kate poked her head in the screen door and called out, “Hello,”

  “Come in,” Meredith called from the kitchen. “Where are Jennifer and Reese?” she asked, seeing them alone.

  “They’ll be over in a little while,” Kate said, finally going over to Meredith and hugging her. “Where’s your sister?”

  “On the phone with Matt. She’ll be down in a few minutes. So Kelly, how are you?” she asked before reaching for her hug.

  “Never better, Meredith. Have you been having a good time this summer?”

  “The weather has been good.” Meredith looked at the two women suspiciously. Then she smiled realizing that her plan had worked.

  Mary came down the stairs and greeted each of the women. “Where are Reese and Jennifer?”

  Kate giggled. “They will be here shortly. Have a seat so we can talk.”

  “What is this big secret you want to tell me?” Mary asked.

  Kelly looked at Meredith who winked at her.

  Kate took a deep breath. “Kelly and I have been seeing each other,” she said, letting out the breath she had been holding.

  “What do you mean, seeing each other?” Mary asked, not understanding.

  “Kate means they are dating,” Meredith said.

  Mary immediately looked at Kate. “So you’re telling me that now you’re a lesbian?”

  “Yes. Yes, I am,” Kate said, taking Kelly’s hand. “We’re very happy, Mary.”

  “This is your fault,” Mary said, pointing a finger at Kelly. “You seduced my friend, didn’t you?”

  “Mary, stop that,” Meredith said angrily.

  “It was your idea to invite Kelly and have Kate share a room with her.” Mary’s hand went to her head. “Then we left them alone all those days. Of course, she took advantage of you, didn’t she?” Mary asked, looking at Kate.

  “Calm down, Mary. Kelly did not take advantage of me or seduce me. She was nothing, but kind to me.” She smiled looked at a quiet Kelly. “That’s why I fell head over heels for her.”

  Mary got up and went to the sink for a drink of water. She turned around and looked at Meredith. “I guess you were right.”

  “Right about what?” Kelly asked.

  “She told me years ago that she thought you had feelings for me. I didn’t believe her. She also said the two of you were falling for each other when you were here that week,” she paused. “I told her...”

  Meredith interrupted. “She said I was an idiot and I didn’t know what I was talking about.” She looked at Kelly and said, “I tried to get you down here last summer when Kate was here. You were seeing Heather at the time and it never happened.”

  “Why didn’t you say something to me?” Kelly asked.

  “Because you didn’t think much of my matchmaking skills,” Meredith said looking at Kate. “I thought if I could only get you two together and then let nature take its course...” her shoulders shrugged.

  “I think you did do some matchmaking,” Kelly said with a laugh. “It was your idea to leave us alone all those days, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, it was,” Mary said quickly. “She made our husbands think it was their idea to go to Atlantic City, and their idea to go antiquing, and to take me shopping. She knows I love to shop, but we stayed away longer than usual.”

  Kelly and Kate laughed.

  “It wasn’t my idea for you two to become friendly with Jennifer and Reese.” She smiled. “That was a bonus.” Meredith was very proud of herself. “Kate’s a wonderful woman, isn’t she Kelly?”

  Kelly took Kate’s hand. “She’s perfect, Meredith. Thank you for playing matchmaker.”

  The knock on the front door turned their heads.

  Kelly went to the front door. “Come on in,” she said to the two women.

  “Is everything okay?” Reese asked.

  Kelly smiled. “Everything will be fine.”

  Before the rest of the group entered the kitchen, Mary leaned over and asked. “What kind of lover is Kelly?”

  The three women turned and looked at Kate. Obviously, they had heard Mary’s question, and Kate blushed bright red.

  “I’d like to hear the answer to that one,” Jennifer said, bumping her arm into Kelly.

  All eyes turned to Kate who just sat there.

  “Leave her alone,” Kelly said, walking to Kate’s side.

  Kate looked into Kelly’s face smiling. “She is a wonderful lover.”

  Everyone laughed and Jennifer slapped Kelly on the back. “Kate’s a lucky woman.”

  “No, I’m the lucky one. I could not love another woman more than I do her.”

  “You love her?” Meredith asked, sniffling.

  “Yes, Meredith. I love Kate very much.”

  Mary looked at Kate and asked, “Do you love her too?”

  “Yes, Mary, I love her too,” she said, looking at the woman she adored.

  “Then let’s have cake to celebrate,” Meredith said, hugging the two women.

  The four women walked next door at eleven o’clock.

  “Do you feel better now, Kate?” Kelly asked, taking her lovers hand.

  “After the initial comments by Mary, the evening turned out wonderfully,” she said, holding up her hands. “I never would have guessed that Meredith was playing matchmaker with us,” Kate said with a squeeze of Kelly’s hand.

  Kelly laughed. “I think these two played a hand in our getting together, too. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “Maybe just a little,” Reese answered. “Basically, it was you two. You were destined to be together,” Reese put her arm through Jennifer’s, “just like we were.”

  As the four women approached the room that Kelly and Kate would be sharing, Jennifer said, “There are two bathrooms separating us, but try to keep the noise down, Casanova.”

  Kate began blushing again.

  “You too, Romeo, I don’t want my girl distracted by you,” Kelly said with a laugh.

  Reese grabbed Jennifer’s arm. “Come on, honey, let’s go to bed.”


  The weekend went much too fast for all the women. Kelly and Kate promised to come back for another week before the summer ended.

  “It was a good weekend, wasn’t it, Kelly?” Kate asked, holding Kelly’s hand.

  “I’m so happy everything worked out fine,” Kelly chuckled. “Now I just have to get through meeting your family.”

  “What about me meeting yours?” Kate asked.

  “Oh honey, they are going to love you.”


  Wednesday night came too soon for Kelly’s liking. She was pacing around Kate’s house waiting for her to come home like a caged animal. Kelly heard her car in the driveway and went to the front door to greet her. Kelly wrapped her arms around Kate and kissed her deeply.

“Now that’s what I call a welcome home kiss,” Kate said with a laugh. When Kelly didn’t let her go, she said, “Kelly, if you don’t want to go tonight, you don’t have to.”

  Kelly pulled away and looked at Kate. “I want to go with you. I’m just so afraid that once you tell them,” she swallowed, “they’ll convince you to stop seeing me.”

  Kate pulled Kelly into a hug and then held her at arm’s length. “Kelly, there is nothing and I mean nothing that my family could say that would change the way I feel about you.” She kissed her lips gently. “I love you Kelly McIntyre, and I will love you always.”

  “I love you, too, Kate Bennett, and I promise to love you always.”

  The two women walked into Kate’s family home without knocking. Kate led Kelly into the kitchen.

  “Hi, Mom,” Kate said, hugging her mother. Then she turned to Kelly. “Mom, this is Kelly McIntyre.”

  Kelly held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bennett.”

  “Please call me, Kathy.” Kathryn took Kelly’s hand. “I’m happy to meet you.”

  “Dad,” Kate said when he walked into the room. “I want you to meet Kelly McIntyre.”

  “Mr. Bennett,” Kelly said extending her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  “Call me Steve, Kelly.” He shook her hand.

  “Where’s Rachel?” Kate asked looking around.

  “She’s on her way. We’ll eat as soon as she gets here. Kelly, can I get you something to drink in the meantime?”

  “No thank you Mrs., I mean Kathy.”

  “Let’s go into the living room while we wait for Rachel.”

  They took their seats and Kelly made sure she kept some distance between Kate and herself.

  “So where did you two meet?” Steven Bennett asked.

  “We met through friends. Kelly spent the same week down at the shore that I did with Meredith and Mary.”

  “What do you do, Kelly?” Kathryn Bennett asked.

  “I’m a college professor at Rutgers University.”

  “Actually, Kelly is Doctor Kelly McIntyre.”

  Both of Kate’s parents were impressed with her achievements.


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