Sugar Creek 3: Sara's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 3: Sara's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Sugar Creek 3: Sara’s Mates

  Sara Wise is skeptical when Chase and Tony Avero tell her she is their mate.

  She isn’t sure she wants a relationship with one man, let alone two. She has spent years working her way up the corporate ladder and just when her goal is in sight, they come along and make her rethink everything.

  She leaves the Sugar Creek Pack after attending her sister’s wedding, but she can’t get the two men out of her mind. When they arrive on her doorstep and they begin to court her, she can’t resist.

  Can she accept the two dominant men into her life and still do what she wants, building her career?

  When they rescue her from a rogue Alpha and his cohorts from a fate worse than death, Sara comprehends that Tony and Chase mean more to her than she first knew.

  But there is more danger in their midst, and none of them even realize it.

  NOTE: This book was previously published at 26,000 words under the name Becky Wilde with another publisher. This version has been extensively revised and expanded to over 43,000 words.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 43,483 words


  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2014 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-834-8

  First E-book Publication: June 2014

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Sara couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Both men had said it simultaneously while they were staring at her. But what she didn’t really understand was why her body was responding to them. They had moved so close to her that their arms were brushing against hers, and every time that happened goose bumps raced over her skin, shivers ran up and down her spine, and her pussy dripped cream. Damn it!

  And that smell. My God. She’d never smelled anything so delicious in her entire life. She realized that she hadn’t smelled the aroma until Tony and Chase Avero were nearby, and the closer they got to her the stronger the scent became. She figured it had to be coming from them, but why? She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes as she savored the erotically musky perfume. The urge to moan and lean into them until their bodies were connected more intimately was a craving so deep it scared her. Her eyes snapped open when she heard soft rumbling growls coming from them, and when she looked to each of them she realized that they were sniffing the air.

  Please, please don’t tell me that they can smell how turned on I am.

  Sara had come to her sister’s and her new brothers’-in-law cabin to say her farewells after spending the night in an unoccupied house on the Sugar Creek Pack land. Her sister was mated to both Damian and Luke and she had married Damian on paper just yesterday. She’d been about to leave before those two muscular gods had arrived, and after taking a look at her and sniffing the air, stalking toward her as if she were prey to their predators, had said, “Mate,” all the while staring at her. What still astounded her was that werewolves actually existed and that her sister was now one too. Of course she didn’t look at Melissa any differently. She was still her little sister, after all, and she loved her more than anything. She had raised Mel since she was just a teenager and thought of her as more of a daughter than an actual sibling. But what scared the absolute shit out of her right now was the way those two men were looking at her hungrily and hadn’t taken their eyes off of her.

  Sara backed up a step and then another, and when she was a few feet away from them she turned and walked down the steps. After a glance toward her sister and her sister’s mates, she started walking down the path toward her car.

  “I’ll see you later, Mel.”

  She knew the moment they turned and started following her. She could feel their eyes on her, making the hair at the nape of her neck stand on end. As she walked she rummaged in her purse for her keys and hoped that she found them quickly. She needed to get away from them so she could think clearly. Never in her life had she been instantly attracted to one man, let alone two, and she wasn’t sure she liked it.

  “Sara, where are you going?”

  She knew by the deeper timbre of his cadence that it was Chase talking, and another shiver ripped through her
body. She could still see them both in her mind and to her embarrassment more juices leaked from her pussy.

  They were both huge, handsome specimens, and she wanted to turn around and look at them again. It had been really hard to look away and keep her eyes off of them when they had been standing beside her. She’d wanted to run her eyes all over their bodies and look her fill, but she had a feeling she would never be satisfied with just looking.

  Sara sighed with relief when her car was in view and hurried toward it, but before she could get in after unlocking it a warm, hard, muscular arm wrapped around her waist. The yearning to lean back against him was so strong she felt her muscles softening, but she pushed that longing aside and tensed.

  “Why don’t you come and have a cup of coffee with us before you leave, Sara?”

  She turned her head and stared up over her shoulder at Tony. Her breath was coming in fast shallow pants, and all she wanted to do was say yes. The thought of leaving and never seeing him and Chase again actually caused a physical pain to pierce her heart.

  Chase moved until he was standing in front of her. It was really hard to keep her wits about her because they both smelled so good, and all she wanted to do was fall at their feet in a pile of mush. Every time she inhaled she got a whiff of their yummy scents, and her body responded to them every damn time. She didn’t think she liked that very much. She’d never reacted that way to any man before and couldn’t work out why these two seemed to have a sexual pull over her.

  Her breasts felt like they had swollen, and her nipples were so hard it was a wonder they hadn’t poked a hole through her shirt. Her pussy was wet, her clit was throbbing with every beat of her heart, and her internal muscles wouldn’t stop clenching. If she didn’t know her own mind she would swear that her pussy was begging to be filled. Plus her panties were soaked through, and she was a little embarrassed and worried the two men would be able to smell her reaction to them. They were werewolves, after all.

  “I can smell your need, baby. Come and have a drink with us.” Chance locked eyes with her, and as hard as she tried to break that connection she couldn’t seem to manage it. He hadn’t actually asked her to go with them. It had been more of a demand, and that pissed her off. But it was really hard not to become distracted by their aromas and just let them lead her or do to her whatever they wanted, however Sara had never been an acquiescent person and she wasn’t about to become one now.

  “I’m not your fucking baby and nobody tells me what to do.” Sara pushed away from them and stumbled back a few steps. She leaned against the side of her car and crossed her arms beneath her chest in a defensive move.

  “Now, that’s no way for a lady to talk,” Tony said as he turned to face her rather than looking at her from side on.

  “Who said I was a lady?” The two men started laughing at how she had inadvertently insulted herself. “I–I mean…shit.” She was frustrated with her verbal slip. Sara hated it when she did that. She always ended up getting into trouble or making herself look bad when she blurted out stuff without thinking about it first. Not that she really cared what these two thought about her, but still…she didn’t like to put herself down, especially in front of strangers.

  Tony and Chase moved closer to her and she realized her mistake. She couldn’t move away from them since her car was at her back. They didn’t stop until they were less than a foot away, and if she hadn’t had her car at her back, she may very well have fallen to the ground at their feet. Their scents assailed her and she inhaled deeply before she could stop herself.

  “Stop doing that.” Sara glared up at them both.

  Tony reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her cheek and behind her ear. A moan bubbled up in her chest but she quickly swallowed it back down.

  “The smell.” Sara waved her hand toward them. “Whatever the hell you’re doing, stop it.”

  “We aren’t doing anything, sugar, our wolves are,” Tony said.

  “Well make them stop.” Sara drew in a ragged breath when she realized her voice was becoming strident and tried to push her agitation away.

  “We have no control over the mating musk, baby,” Chase explained. “It’s a natural instinct for our animals to emit that scent to entice our mate.”

  “I’m not your mate so you can just turn around and walk away.” Sara edged her away along the side of her car and she was pleased when neither man moved, but they didn’t take their eyes off of her.

  Chase looked to be the older of the two, with blond hair to just below his shoulders, which he had up in a ponytail. His forehead was broad and his cheek bones were prominent with a patrician nose centered in the middle. It was his eyes that caught her attention though. They were a piercing, light green color, and he stood at approximately six feet four inches. He had muscles that bulged out from underneath the sleeves of the black T-shirt he wore, and his long, muscular legs were encased in light-blue denim jeans.

  His brother Tony was even taller than Chase, standing at around six feet six inches. Tony also had blond hair a shade darker than his brothers, which he kept cut short, and she was almost mesmerized by his light-green eyes with golden flecks throughout. His shoulder width was massive, muscles bulging on muscles in his arms. He had the longest legs she’d ever seen, encased in form-fitting black jeans. They were both the epitome of Adonises.

  “What can it hurt for you to have a cup of coffee with us?” Chase asked. “We want to get to know you, baby.”

  “Well, I’m sorry to say, we don’t all get what we want.” Sara sighed when she saw the hurt and disappointment in their eyes and felt guilty, which was downright ridiculous when she didn’t even know these two men. She crossed her arms beneath her breasts again and watched them warily as they moved around her car. Tony stalked—that was the only word she could use since his predatory gaze was still locked on her—around her car until he was on the same side of it as she was. She backed away from her vehicle and shook her head when she saw Chase coming around the front of her car. It was really hard to hold that pose when both men’s eyes zeroed in on her breasts. She glanced down and saw that the action was pushing her breasts up, exposing more of her cleavage to their gazes. She quickly dropped her hands and placed them on her hips, but she continued to back away from them. All of a sudden they stopped and Tony said, “Don’t move.”

  “What?” She cocked a hip at him and gave him an “I’ll do what the hell I want” stare. “Why?” Sara had the urge to push his buttons for some unfathomable reason and lifted her foot to step back again. She didn’t even see him move but one minute she was mid step and the next she was lifted from her feet and carried twenty meters from where she had been standing. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Put me the hell down right now.”

  Tony spun around, gently took hold of her face between his fingers, and turned her head in the direction she’d been standing. She was just in time to see the tail end of a snake slithering away.

  “Oh my God. You…it…shit!” Sara began to shake and the muscles in her body went lax. Tony had just saved her from being bitten by a snake and maybe even from getting killed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him, and buried her face against his neck as she began to tremble even more.

  “Shh, baby, you’re safe,” Chase said as he pressed his front against her back and began stroking a hand over her hair.

  Sara moaned with arousal as their delectable, musky, and piney scent enveloped her. And she knew in that instant she was in deep trouble. Her nipples were so hard and they were throbbing as if begging for their attention, and cream was practically pouring from her pussy. When the tremors wracking her body finally dissipated she knew she should be demanding that they release her, but she couldn’t find the strength to form the words.

  * * * *

  “What are we going to do to keep her here, Chase? I don’t want her leaving.” Tony spoke to his brother through their mind link.

  “I don’t know, damn it, but we need h
er to stay so she can get used to us.”

  “Yeah, we need to gain her trust, but how the hell do we do that if she leaves?” Tony asked.

  “And how the hell are we going to do that if she won’t even sit down and talk with us?” Chase sighed.

  “I have no fucking clue.” Tony snapped his reply.

  “What do you suggest then?”

  “Damn, I have no idea.”

  “She’s fucking gorgeous with all that long black hair and those beautiful blue eyes. And man that little body…My wolf is just begging for me to claim her right here, right now.” Chase sighed with frustration.

  “Mine is, too, but we can’t do anything to scare her.”

  “She’s so small compared to us.” Chase stated the obvious.

  “Yeah, she can’t be much over five two, if that. We are so damn big compared to her. If she eventually agrees to be our mate we are going to have to be careful with her.” Tony looked at Chase and saw him inhaling her scent.

  “Yeah. She smells so fucking good, like peaches and cream, I just want to lick her all over. So does my wolf.”

  “Mine, too. Fuck she feels good in my arms.”

  “Mine, too.”

  * * * *

  Sara finally realized she’d been sandwiched in between them for quite a while and neither of them had said anything. “Please, put me down.”

  Tony sighed but slowly lowered her feet to the ground, and Chase moved away from her back. She pushed her way through them and sighed as she pushed her hair back away from her face and realized her hand was shaking. She walked back around to her car and got into the driver’s seat. Chase and Tony moved until they were standing in front of her car, looking at her forlornly.


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