Legacies of Love: Six Seductive Stories to Steal Your Heart

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Legacies of Love: Six Seductive Stories to Steal Your Heart Page 57

by C. L. Roman

  “My mother put cleaner in my sister’s tea! I saw it with my own eyes. If you test that lemonade on the nightstand, I can guarantee you it has poison in it too. She’s been purposely making my sister sick!”

  “I’ve done no such thing. My daughter is mentally ill. She’s the one you should be evaluating right now. Not me.” Ms. Winters pointed at Abigail, her mother’s shirt covered with white splotches and her face stained red from crying so much.

  A call came from the front of the house. “Hello! Police!”

  “Gabe, please bring them in here,” Abby requested frantically.

  What a fucking scene this had turned out to be. Irma was put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital. Abby showed the police the cleaner that had been injected by syringe into the tea and probably the lemonade. It became a goddamn crime scene.

  “Please go with Irma to the hospital so I can stay with the police,” Abby cried.

  “You sure you’ll be okay if I leave?”

  “You know what? As messed up and sick as this is, I will be. I think I finally will be.” She gave me a faint smile. “And Gabe?”


  She glanced down at my arm. “Have the paramedics check your hand. It’s bleeding.”

  Shit, it was. With my adrenaline so high, I hadn’t even noticed.

  After a quick inspection, I replied, “It’ll be fine. Just needs some TLC.”

  “I’ll be sure to provide it with some later.”

  I kissed her damp lips from her tears and went outside to my car so I could follow the ambulance to the hospital.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “How are you feeling?” I sat next to Irma, who was resting on Gabe’s couch.

  “Like a million bucks.”

  “Seriously, how are you feeling?”

  “Physically or mentally?” Her expression dulled.


  “Confused. Angry. Sad. Shocked. Shall I go on?” Irma sat up.

  “I get the emotional part. I’m right there with you.”

  “Munchausen syndrome by proxy…what the hell, Abby?”

  “I still can’t believe it myself. Gabe has made us an appointment with a lawyer. What she did to you was abuse, Irma. She deserves to be punished.”

  Irma began to cry. “I’m frozen inside. I’m feeling a million things at once yet feel numb at the same time.”

  I pulled her into my arms and soothed her by rubbing her back. “I can only imagine. I’m in my own state of shock. I’ve made you an appointment with a therapist. It’s time for the healing to begin.”

  She withdrew from me. “We can’t afford lawyers and therapists, Abby. I’ve already cost you so much.” She cried harder, trying to wipe the tears as fast as they fell.

  “Hey, look at me.” She did, blinking furiously. “Don’t worry about the money. I have a job that’s paying me a more than decent salary, and Gabe offered to help as well.”

  “I can’t take his money. I won’t.” She pulled some tissues from the box on the coffee table and dried her cheeks.

  “We want to get you help. Help you could actually benefit from for once in your life, thanks to mom. You don’t have to suffer anymore because of her. I know working through the anger and pain she caused you won’t happen overnight, but at least you’ll be physically well enough to do it.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I’m dealing as best I can. I could probably use a therapy session or two myself after this nightmare.”

  “Ya think?”

  We smiled at each other.

  “I can’t thank you enough for saving my life—repeatedly. Isn’t that screwed up?”

  “Beyond screwed up.”

  “Where am I supposed to go? How am I supposed to take care of myself? I refuse to have you support me. You’ve done it your entire life.”

  “Let’s try to take the recovery process one day at a time. Shall we? We are both still in crisis mode.”

  The lock clicked, and the front door opened. Gabe entered the apartment holding two bouquets of roses.

  I got up and went to him. “Those are beautiful.”

  “As are you. I brought you both flowers. They haven’t bloomed yet.” The petals were hugging one another. “I figured it’s something you can watch happen together. Think of it as a new life for both of you, if you will.”

  “Gabe…” Tears sprang to my eyes.

  He kissed my cheek.

  Irma approached. “You’re so thoughtful. Thank you so much for everything you’re doing for me. I want you to know I’m not taking any of it for granted and I will be out of your hair as soon as I can.”

  I wrapped my arm around Irma’s shoulder. “Stop with the guilt.”

  Irma shrugged. “I can’t help but feel so much of it.”

  “None of this was your doing,” I assured.

  “It’s hard for me to believe that.”

  “You’ll get there,” Gabe said as he handed us our bouquets.

  Irma and I took them into the kitchen to put the beautiful flowers in vases. Wait a second—does Gabe even have vases?

  “Gabe, do you have something we can put the flowers in?”

  He strolled into the kitchen. “Good question.” He rummaged through a few cabinets. “Will these do?” He held up two large plastic cups.

  Gosh was he adorable.

  Irma and I smiled at each other.

  “They’re perfect.” I took the cups from him.

  He flashed us both his boyish grin.

  I set my roses in their new home and added water. Irma did the same with hers.

  “Can I take you girls to dinner?”

  Irma shook her head, busying herself arranging the roses in her cup. “You two go. I’ll be fine here.”

  Abby frowned. “Come with us.”

  “No, I’m good, really. Go out and do couple things.” She shooed us away, but I didn’t budge.

  “You’re not a third wheel, if that’s what you’re thinking.” I looked at my sister pointedly.

  “I know. It’s been too much togetherness today, though. I could use a break from you.” She winked at Gabe.

  “Good excuse.”

  “What? It’s the truth.” She shrugged, walking toward the couch with a smile plastered on her face.

  “Dinner for two?” Gabe had hope in his eyes.

  The poor guy had been through the ringer with me and yet there he was. I still couldn’t believe he had stuck by me through all the chaos my life had brought into his. He kept telling me I made his life more exciting because he never knew what would happen next. Such a character.

  “Dinner for two it is.”

  “Let me wash up before we head out.”

  “I would like to do the same.”

  He raised his brows. “Join me in the bathroom?”

  I nodded, getting his hint.

  We weren’t in the bathroom for more than two minutes before he had me sitting on the vanity and was standing between my legs with his tongue down my throat, fisting my hair.

  “I feel like we need to be quiet because the kids are in the other room.” He chuckled.

  “It’s not permanent.”

  “I have no issue with Irma staying here until she’s more stable. I just miss being able to fuck you wherever and whenever I want.”

  “We’ll have our privacy again, soon. I promise.”

  “I like that. I can’t wait.” He kissed my neck.

  “Like what?” I angled my head to the side so he could continue peppering me with nips on my cheeks and lips.

  “Referring to us as we.”

  There went my heart again, doing flip-flops. “Do you now?”

  He paused and fixed his eyes on mine. “Yes, I do. I never believed I’d be in an actual relationship where real feelings were expressed and shared. After my mother passed, I never wanted to feel that type of pain again, so I kept people with the potential to hurt me at a distance. I’ll never forget her, and I’
m certain she wouldn’t want me to be alone and push people away, which is why I’m finally willing to take the risk of getting my heart broken by being with you. Hence, I am also officially referring to us as a we.”

  His words choked me up. I caressed his cheek. “Why would you ever think I would break your heart?”

  “I guess what I meant to say is I’ve never given another person a chance to until now, until you.”

  “Gabe, I’m not going anywhere. You don’t think I feel the same worry about you hurting me?”

  “Not even a possibility, babe. You know why?”

  I shook my head. “Why?”

  “Because I love you, so I have no intention of going anywhere.”

  “Oh Gabe, I love you too.”

  I pulled him by his collar and kissed him with everything I had in me. Interestingly, I finally felt like I had so much to give. I had freedom, after being trapped for so long.

  Irma would get the help she needed to heal her emotional scars. I would make sure of it. I, too, planned on getting help to heal mine; although Gabe was proving to be a pro at helping mine fade with his affection, attentiveness, and unconditional acceptance of me. Something I’d never received, other than from Irma and my grandmother, when she was alive. I only hoped and prayed our mother hadn’t caused any permanent physical damage with all the years of abuse, feeding Irma God knows what in her food and drinks. I guess time would tell.



  Fifteen months later

  “How did it go at the center today?”

  Abby beamed. “It was incredible. I managed to arrange tutoring sessions for two middle school students who are failing their courses. Naturally I offered to tutor them as well. You know me, always a sucker to help someone in need.”

  “That’s my girl.” I kissed her honied lips.

  “And we also managed to find a doctor who is willing to volunteer a few hours every other week to do basic consultations for those who don’t have insurance.”

  Abby had taken the community center project to heart. It was a no-brainer that my father had beat Foley out in their bidding war for the property, and when Foley heard Abigail had taken a job with my dad, that was the end of him. Adios.

  My work kept me at headquarters. She spent her days at the community center, where Irma now worked full time as well. She had managed to get a small apartment not far from ours and was living the dream—her dream. She was finally healthy, independent, and supporting herself. The two girls had come to a mutual decision to press charges against their mother. We wouldn’t be seeing her in the foreseeable future.

  Abby and Irma organized activities and projects, and the center had a small chapel as well. A minister generously volunteered his services several afternoons a week to speak with some of the troubled youth who frequented the center. He had an office located adjacent to the chapel, which had been dedicated to Irma. A plaque hung above the entrance that read, No matter what the suffering, peace can be obtained. Irma may not have found internal peace yet, but one day we hoped she would. We considered her healing to be a work in progress.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  Abby’s eyes lit up in response to my comment. “Goody. What kind of surprise?” She looked like a little girl in a woman’s body: her eyes twinkling, her body bouncing. Every gesture I did for her was met with appreciation, which made giving to her all the more meaningful.

  “We have a reservation.”

  She frowned. “I’m not all that hungry. I’m sorry. But how about I go with you and keep you company?” she offered, back to being her usual jovial self.

  “Not that type of a reservation.”

  She shot me an odd look.

  “Come on, let’s shower and change. Wear a loose-fitting top with shorts.”

  “Where are we going that you want me to dress so casually?”

  “Like I said, it’s a surprise.”

  She eyed me quizzically but didn’t argue or try to pry it out of me. I think she secretly enjoyed the intrigue of the unknown. I myself couldn’t wait to get her to our destination.

  During the car ride, we listened to music, her hand in mine. She rambled on and on, speaking a mile a minute about all the exciting things that had happened during the week at the community center, but her tone quickly took a turn for the serious when I parked the car. “Why are we at Hilltops?”

  “Remember when we first met, you said it wasn’t your scene and that you felt uncomfortable there?”

  “Yeah, I remember.”

  “I then asked if you were uncomfortable with all the goings-on that take place inside it, and you informed me you didn’t want to answer the question. I took that as a negative.”

  “Another valid statement. But, if you remember correctly, I also said I didn’t like having strangers touch me or putting my body on display in front of them. So with that being said, love you or not, I am not about to engage in a scene with you in the dungeon.”

  I chuckled. “Not to worry, babe. I would never share you or your body with anyone, let alone allow another man to touch you. We have a fantasy suite reserved.”

  She softened in the passenger seat and shook her finger at me in reprimand. “You are a sneaky man.”

  “Are you game to engage in some play with me?”

  She gave me that flirtatious expression of hers with the eyelash fluttering thing. “I’m always game to engage in play with you.”

  “That’s my girl. Shall we?”

  “We shall.”

  I exited the car and assisted her out.

  Bo was ready and waiting to check us in by the fantasy suites. “Well. Well. Well. If it isn’t my favorite pain in the ass along with his beautiful significant other.”

  “You could say I too have a pain in my ass, but I’m not referring to Gabe.”

  “Hey.” I shot her a look of disbelief.

  She giggled, as did Bo. “What I meant is, I do have pain in my ass—the muscles in it, along with the muscles in my quads and calves after how hard you worked me during this morning’s session.”

  “Then I did my job.” Bo winked at her.

  “Always to perfection,” Abby praised.

  “Brilliant answer,” he replied.

  I was glad Abby had become a part of our workout sessions. Having her in the gym with me and Bo encouraged me to work harder, unbeknownst to her, since the alpha male in me wanted to show off for her. It went without saying, my upper body was screaming at me after how hard Bo worked me, though it wasn’t challenging enough that I didn’t have the strength to participate in some fantasy fun and games.

  We took care of the sign-in and check-in procedures then Bo escorted us to our suite. He discussed the rules with us, though he needn’t have worried—Abby would never have to use her safe word with me. I was about to rock her fucking world.



  “What kind of fantasy did you have in mind, Mr. Harcourt?”

  “First of all, Abigail, in this room you will refer to me as Sir. Are we clear about that?”

  Ooh, he wants Abigail to attend this party. Goody! Toodle-oo, Abby. See you after the fun.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. As you can see, this room is set up to look like a restaurant. You know how much I enjoy wining and dining you. Tonight will be another one of those times, although in this case, you won’t be eating or drinking. Rather, you’ll be moaning while I’m dining on you.”

  Heat rose in my body, settling between my thighs. I clenched my pelvic muscles.

  “Why don’t you come over here and take a seat.” He escorted me over to the rectangular table set up in the middle of the room. It had two chairs on opposite ends. Why we needed such a long table for two people was beyond me.

  The table had a variety of fruits on it, along with a bowl of chocolate syrup. Another shower was definitely in the picture if my mind and Gabe’s were on the same page.

  I went to sit in one
of the chairs, but he shook his head. “Uh-uh. I want your gorgeous ass on the table.”

  The table? “Okay.”

  “Excuse me, Abigail?” There wasn’t an ounce of affection in his tone or on his face. I dug this side of him. We had played on numerous occasions, but it seemed he had been holding out on me until tonight.

  “Yes, sir.” I bit my lower lip.

  He didn’t give me time to sit on the table. Instead, he lifted me and placed me in the center of it. Now I understood why he’d wanted me to wear a loose-fitting shirt and shorts. He got cracking, lifting the top over my head, opening the clasp on my bra, and chucking both items on the floor. He proceeded with my shorts, removing them along with my date-night underwear.

  “Nice.” He studied me as if I were prey, making a go around the table, backing the chairs away from it during his stroll, inspecting me from top to bottom. I no longer felt self-conscious when naked in his presence. Gabe’s constant praise more than did away with any and all self-doubt I had in the bedroom.

  From out of nowhere, a pillow appeared. It must’ve been hidden underneath the table. He placed it at the end. “Lie back.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He made sure my head was comfy on the squishy pillow. He walked the length of the table, skimming his fingers over my torso, my hip, my thigh, my calf, and my foot, which was still sporting a black Converse sneaker. I wiggled my toes, anxious about what Gabe had planned.

  “You informed me before we left the apartment that you weren’t all that hungry. I myself am famished, which is why I have some goodies here.”

  He picked up a ripe strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate. He held it over my torso, warm chocolate dripping onto my skin. Mmm.

  Using the berry, he circled my areola, outlining it in chocolate. He did the same to the other one. He again dipped the fruit in the bowl of melted deliciousness then drew a circle around my belly button, finishing off by drawing a straight line of chocolate down to my small patch of hair.

  He placed the green stem of the berry in his mouth and held it over my lips. I took a small nibble of the fruit. It was divine, sweet, and juicy—luscious, like the man feeding it to me.

  He dropped it next to my head and kissed me, a strong, powerful kiss.


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