Alien Slavers II: Breaking Brandi

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Alien Slavers II: Breaking Brandi Page 3

by Stacey St. James

  Instead of returning the way that they’d come, the procession turned in the opposite direction as they left the bath and Brandi felt the sensation of descending, although she hadn’t noticed another set of stairs leading down when they’d taken her to the pool room.

  The air grew cooler as they descended, whispering over her throbbing, heated skin and pebbling it until shivers began to quake through her. When they reached the foot of the stairs, Brandi thought they must have emerged at one end of a large room from the way even the slightest sounds echoed. Torches flickered in sconces around the stone walls. Even through the heavy hood she could, faintly, detect their glow and she was chilled enough that she could also detect the heat they gave off as she was carried across the vast room and finally set on her feet, although they didn’t release her. Instead, a hand settled on the back of her head and pushed her forward until she felt something hard and cold and slightly rounded pressing against her belly. The pressure continued until she felt pressure against her ribs and knew she’d been pushed down onto … something. A sloping table? It certainly wasn’t level. As disoriented as she was from the hood, she could feel enough pressure from blood pulsing in her temples to know that much.

  She tried not to think about the fact that the support ended around her ribcage, below her breasts and what that might mean.

  Surely if they meant to behead her they would have had her neck/throat against something, she thought a little hysterically?

  She jumped when she felt two hands grasp her ankles. It was too late to try to clench her legs together by the time she realized they were spreading them. She tried anyway, but she couldn’t tell that she even managed to inconvenience them. They locked her feet into something on either side and then shoved upward until her knees bent and her legs were spread so wide that she felt like they were going to tear the tendons in her groin.

  She began to get an inkling that they might have a different sort of sacrifice in mind than taking her head or cutting her heart out.

  She just hoped they weren’t really pissed off when they discovered she was no virgin sacrifice!

  That thought had barely flickered through her mind when something was attached to each of her nipples. Blinded, it took her many moments of frightened wondering before it dawned on her that the objects felt like mouths. Well mostly. They were hot, wet, contained something that felt like a tongue except somewhat rougher, and almost immediately formed a suction that seemed predicated on pulling her nipples off rather than giving her any sort of pleasure.

  Did they think they could … extract something from her breasts?

  A jolt traveled all the way through her when she felt something similar attached to her sex, cupping the clit—all of the flesh exposed by the pinch of the garment she’d been forced to wear-so that her clit was nestled deeply in the hold of that rough tongue-like thing.

  If possible, the suction was even harder than that on her nipples, but if it wasn’t mouths attached to her it was a damned close approximation—except for the roughness of the tongue and the fact that the sucking was borderline uncomfortable.

  Unfortunately—embarrassingly—her body still reacted to the stimulation. Warmth began to thread its way through her and her rapid heartbeat switched from the pounding of alarm to a manifestation of the excitement building inside of her.

  Within moments, a mild quake erupted inside of her—mild enough she thought they might not have noticed and she was able to comfort herself with the thought that they probably hadn’t.

  She was done, thank you very much, and ready to get up.

  Apparently, she was right and they didn’t notice she’d had a little climax.

  Or they didn’t care because it wasn’t her pleasure they were interested in?

  Her embarrassment and emotional discomfort increased, prompted by guilt that she’d enjoyed something she thought—knew—she shouldn’t have.

  Because she hadn’t consented to this.

  But then again, it wasn’t likely these aliens had ever heard about ‘no means no’ or would care if they had.

  The sucking continued unabated and annoyingly. The sense of irritation about being stimulated when she wasn’t interested grew for a short time—until she felt like screaming and possibly killing something with her teeth and bare hands—and then she felt her body burgeoning toward another climax.

  She hadn’t expected that.

  She wasn’t particularly happy to find that to be the case—not at first anyway. After a time, despite her reluctance, she began to feel anticipation growing in her belly.

  When the dam ruptured that time, it was hard enough to make her suck her breath in sharply.

  It was not a mere explosion of release that sent a few waves of spasms through her. It showed no sign of an end. Instead, it seemed to grow harder for many moments, drawn out by the relentless sucking on her tender erogenous flesh. In moments she found herself struggling to keep her gasps contained. And still she was wracked with the pleasure until she began trying to struggle to evade the mouths.

  She discovered then that she’d been so firmly secured that she couldn’t do anything but jerk and that availed her nothing at all. The sucking continued until she was nearly mindless with the jolt after jolt of pleasure washing through her, until she could not longer restrain herself at all and began to utter sharp cries.

  Finally, thankfully, her body simply reached a surfeit and ceased to spasm.

  Unfortunately, she discovered that wasn’t the end of her torment. The sucking persisted as if they were still trying to wring pleasure from her. And since it didn’t stop, the pleasure didn’t cease to flow through her. Her nerve endings began to feel fried and yet she didn’t achieve the numbness she’d expected, hoped for, when the stimulation persisted. The heat continued to throb dully through her and in all too short a time, her body began to coil toward another release.

  Dread invaded her that time. She’d never climaxed so hard or so long before in her life and it was as debilitating as it was pleasurable. She wasn’t certain her heart could take another without bursting.

  Was that the plan, she thought a little wildly, to make her come until she died from pleasure?

  It began to seem that way. Her third climax was harder and longer than either of the first two—but that signaled a trend that Brandi was vaguely worried about. Vaguely because she was semi-comatose by the time her body ceased to convulse with the third climax.

  For a handful of moments, she was so inundated with the throbbing heat from a horrendous climax that she lost awareness of the mouths, but even as that dawned on her she realized they hadn’t let her go. They were still firmly attached, still pulling in a way that her body responded to with pleasure.

  A fleshy rod was forced into her channel abruptly enough to completely divert her from the pull of the mouths for many moments, but even as it began a pounding rhythm that threatened to buckle her spine, fire seemed to erupt from her belly from the lava spilling through her veins. She was so wracked by hard contractions of ecstasy that she began to scream and kept screaming until she was hoarse.

  They had a solution for that, she discovered when that rod was removed and another, larger one, thrust inside of her. Her jaws were pried open and a second cock penetrated her mouth.

  She should have been reluctant, repulsed. Instead, the heat boiling her alive had so scrambled her brains that she latched onto the dick and sucked for all she was worth, as if she could pull sustenance from it—as if it was a lifeline she needed.

  Thereafter she was double teamed. She wove in and out of semi-consciousness, never fully aware or immune because she was unconscious. But she was fairly convinced every priest in the temple had fucked her before they were done and left her to sink into complete oblivion.

  She was unshackled at some point and carried to another place and dropped onto something vaguely like a mattress.

  When she awoke, she felt like someone had beaten her half to death. Even breathing hurt.

bsp; If she hadn’t been so near dead, she felt sure that sheer terror would have enveloped her and she might even have died of it when the priests entered the room and lifted her from the pallet she’d slept on. She was in no shape to feel a great deal, however, beyond relief when she discovered that they’d taken her to the pool.

  Maybe this time they would drown her and be done with it?

  They didn’t. They bathed every inch of her tortured flesh despite her weak cries whenever they touched particularly sensitive areas.

  When they’d dried her, she discovered that the Tank had come to collect her. He manacled one hand around her upper arm. She managed a few painful, shuffling steps and her knees buckled. He caught her, preventing her from hitting the floor, and then swung her into his arms so that she was resting against his chest.

  Brandi was surprised but grateful.

  Until she remembered he was the one who’d brought her!

  What she didn’t understand was why.

  Had he been one of those who’d lined up to fuck her to death the night before? Or the only one?

  She dismissed that. She might’ve been nearly comatose but the sizes of the dicks were definitely different. Well, she didn’t know that they all were, but there’d been a couple big enough to make it clear it wasn’t the same man/male wielding that particular sword.

  The sad thing was that, as angry as she was with him, she was too weak from her ordeal to hold herself away from him. When he settled in the saddle with her, he cradled her against his hard chest and belly and she simply slumped against him like a rag doll.

  Chapter Three

  Brandi was certain they couldn’t have been traveling long when Tank pulled the beast to a stop, even though she’d promptly dozed off as soon as she’d settled, because she still felt as if she hadn’t slept more than a few minutes.

  She discovered once she’d managed to focus her eyes and look around, though, that there was no sign of the temple and the terrain looked entirely different.

  There was a pool of water in a rock basin not far from where he’d halted the beast.

  He dismounted with her clutched against his chest, strode to the pool and dropped her in.

  Brandi let out a shriek and commenced gyrating like a cat trying to manipulate its body to land on its feet. She only had time for a couple of gyrations, however, before she hit the water and went under.

  She didn’t know what was more startling—being dunked at all after being rudely awakened or the fact that the water was heated to the point that she thought for a few moments that she would be cooked alive.

  When she managed to struggle back to the surface, it was in time to get a full view of Tank stark naked as he stepped into the pool.

  He looked impossibly bigger naked—harder, more muscular—hung like a stallion!

  She dismissed that thought. She’d seen stallions that weren’t hung like he was.

  Good fucking god! As big as he was, that thing still looked almost freakishly huge!

  Which clarified things for her. He had definitely not stuck that thing in her the night before! She would’ve been ruined.

  She would be, she realized abruptly. Oh my god! He probably expected to!

  He settled his rump on a flat stone as if taking a seat in a hot tub.

  Brandi stared at him blankly. Slowly, it dawned on her that that was, basically, what it was as far as he was concerned—a natural hot tub.

  The panic subsided. Embarrassed, although she thought she’d had plenty of reason to panic, she tried to pretend he hadn’t scared the shit out of her.

  She sent a resentful look in his direction, encountered a speculative gaze, and instantly regretted the impulse. Trying to be unobtrusive, she sidled away from him and settled.

  “Tank certainly gives untalkative a whole new meaning,” she muttered under her breath.

  “What is dis Tank?”

  If the rocks had spoken, she couldn’t have been more startled. She whipped a look of both dismay and stunned surprise at him.

  She’d forgotten he seemed to understand and speak English very well.

  To say nothing of the fact that she hadn’t expected him to overhear her anyway—or acknowledge that he had even if he did since he’d made it clear she was beneath him and not allowed to talk to him.

  She supposed, in reality, given the way he’d acted before, she’d figured he would just ignore her even if he did hear her.

  And then she could insult him to make herself feel better.

  She debated, briefly, whether to answer honestly or not, but she couldn’t think of a damned thing but the truth with him glaring at her.

  “A big war machine that can go through walls and over pretty much everything in its path,” she finally retorted, inching a little further away just in case the comment pissed him off.

  She felt a faint tug at the rings in her privates and sent Tank another startled look. He had the other end of the chain in his hand. He gave it another tug that convinced her he meant ‘come hither’.

  Swallowing with an effort, she moved because she had no choice. He stopped pulling when she was against him. Grasping her hair at the back of her head, he tilted her head back until she had, perforce, to look at him.

  “I am Ulrick—warrior, former slave, gladiator. I have killed a hundred men in battle and a hundred more for sport in the gladiator arena. I have bought my freedom and now I have bought you.” His gaze flickered over her face. “You may call me master.” He tilted his head thoughtfully. “I will call you my laywoman. You understand this? It means I will fuck you when I feel like it and, Nhewa willing, I will breed a son on you.”

  Alrighty then! All questions answered and no doubts about his intentions left open for interpretation.

  Except for the part about the events the night before.

  She wasn’t about to point out that he had yet to fuck her himself but he’d let everybody and his brother fuck her already and if they could breed on her she might already have conceived!

  And she strongly suspected she would be blamed if she did get pregnant and it wasn’t his!

  He released her after a moment when she said nothing. Standing, he turned and moved out of the pool, tugging at the chain to get her to follow him.

  He went straight to the beast and removed a large pouch and the flask he’d given her to drink from before. After glancing around, he settled on a fallen log and tugged her down onto the grass at his feet.

  Brandi tried to ignore the prickle of the vegetation against her bare, still wet, ass, but it felt like bugs were crawling on her.

  Ulrick-Tank-THE MASTER—nudged her to get her attention and handed her another chunk of the bread-like stuff he’d given her before. She was still so tired she had little appetite, but she nibbled at it.

  “Eat. You will need your strength. We will reach the next temple to Nhewa by dusk on the morrow.”

  Brandi’s stomach instantly knotted with nerves and she thought she would throw up what she’d already eaten. “It’s … you mean like the place we stopped last night?”

  He shrugged. “They are much the same, I suppose.”

  Not surprisingly, he didn’t seem too concerned about how she had spent her night!

  “What I mean is … uh … are they going to … uh … do that again?”

  He stared at her. “You will serve Nhewa, yes. Travelers are required to give at each temple. Otherwise evil will befall them before they reach their destination. In any case, I must give before I can petition for a son.”

  Oh well! In that case …. Anything for a good cause!

  She’d thought it was damned weird—even on an alien world like this—that he’d bought her and then straight off handed her over to the nuts at the temple! Now it made sense.

  Not that it wasn’t still insane, but so many religions were in her opinion!

  The worst of it was that, now that she understood the situation, she knew she was going to have to deal with it until they reached their destination if
she’d understood him correctly.

  Well, it actually sounded like that was the coin primarily used on this world for ‘favors’ from their god.

  Which seemed to indicate that any time Ulrich thought he needed help from his deity, she was going to be tied down to the altar and screwed half to death to find favor.

  Brandi was so rattled for several moments she felt like crying. Her stomach tied itself into so many knots it was all she could do to choke any food down at all.

  Unfortunately, as he’d pointed out before he completely ruined her appetite, she wasn’t going to be able to endure what she had the night before very many times if she didn’t keep her strength up.

  She supposed she shouldn’t dread it so much. It wasn’t as if they’d hurt her—close, but she wasn’t hurt and, under the circumstances, she was grateful not to be harmed.

  And although she wouldn’t have admitted it under torture, she had actually enjoyed it—some of it.

  Almost to the point of expiring, but there was no getting around the pleasure part.

  She felt horribly guilty that she’d enjoyed any of it—perverted! It wasn’t a side of herself she was familiar with and she wasn’t happy to have found it, but she supposed, under the circumstances, she should just be relieved she was a pervert.

  And she still felt a horrible sense of dread invade her when she spied the towers of another temple in front of them toward dusk of the following day.

  * * * *

  Brandi supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised to discover that the world didn’t just look primitive—it was. And they clearly had primitive religious practices.

  Thankfully—apparently—not the practice of blood sacrifice, or killing the sacrifices!

  Although ….

  It was terrifying to realize she’d landed on a world so primitive they still believed in gods and she’d been sold to a megalithic, primitive, alien being who thought he could breed her.

  It was also bizarre.

  He spoke English! She’d arrived by spaceship! She’d been brought by aliens!

  She examined those thoughts and realized that, although it didn’t seem to fit, didn’t seem logical, there’d actually been vast differences between various cultures existing on Earth at the same time—primitives on remote islands back during World War II that had thought the military pilots that landed airplanes on their island were gods.


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