Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7)

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Dangerous Witness (O'Connor Brothers Book 7) Page 18

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Shows what you know, we were close personal friends of Snitch.” The taller guy smirked.

  “I don’t want to cause a scene at such a somber time, but if you both don’t turn around and exit right now, I will physically remove you from this church.” Keith dipped his head and glared at the men.

  Aaron didn’t need to look to know that there were now several other men behind him and Keith. The color draining from the faces of the two young men who looked barely out of high school.

  “Good day, gentlemen,” Aaron whispered.

  The shorter guy glanced once more toward the front of the church before he and his pal exited quietly. Aaron turned back to the front of the church as his brothers, Jordan, Crunch and Crash made their way back to their seats.

  Luckily nobody noticed the scene at the back of the church and Aaron made his way back to Bethany’s side. He wanted to run after the two men to see who the hell they were and how they knew Levi.

  “Rick and Blake are outside waiting for those two,” John whispered as if he had read Aaron’s thoughts.

  Aaron gave his brother a thumbs up as Father Wallace ended the service and the choir start singing the recessional hymn, Precious Lord, Take My Hand.

  Quintin’s grandparents were hosting a reception at their house. Aaron wasn’t comfortable with Bethany going to the house, but Crash and Hulk had assured him that the home would be secure. It made him feel slightly better, but he made sure Bethany was close to him.

  “My condolences to you and your family, Denise,” Bethany said as she gave one of her old bullies a hug.

  “Thank you. It doesn’t feel real yet.” Denise forced a smile.

  “It probably won’t for a while.” Bethany clasped Denise’s hand between her own.

  “I’m glad to see you and Aaron together. I’ve realized something in the last few years. Life is short, and you get what you give. My life has been a mess for years, and I blame it on the things I did as a bitch of a teenager. I’m truly sorry for everything I ever said or did to you in high school. I wanted to be cool and being one of Raquel’s shadows made me feel that way. At least for a while.” Denise had tears in her eyes.

  “It’s water under the bridge. As you said, life is too short to hold grudges.” Bethany’s eyes were glistening with unshed tears.

  “You’re a bigger person than I would be.” Denise dropped her head. “It was Raquel’s idea to start that rumor in the bathroom the day you broke up with Aaron. We saw you go in and she came up with this plan to break you up.”

  “That was a long time ago. Let’s start over. If you need anything, let me know.” Bethany hugged Denise again and motioned for Aaron in the direction of Father Wallace and Quintin.

  “Thanks, I may take you up on that.” Denise turned and made her way through the numerous people crammed into the house.

  “Mr. Watts, you need to leave this to the police. The last thing your sister needs is you getting hurt or worse.” Father Wallace’s voice carried to Aaron’s ears.

  “They killed my brother and then have the nerve to show up at the funeral. Those two are the reason Levi is dead.” Quintin’s voice was a low rumble.

  Aaron stepped next to Father Wallace and saw Quintin’s eyes. They were cold, and he had vengeance written all over his young face. Aaron didn’t like it and knew he had to do something to keep Quintin from being another victim in this whole situation.

  “You need to listen to Father Wallace, Quintin. We’ll find these guys.” Aaron placed his hand on the kid’s shoulder.

  “They were there. Why didn’t you arrest them?” Quintin pulled away from Aaron and shouted.

  “They didn’t get off the church steps.” Aaron kept his voice calm and low. “You need to calm down before you upset your sisters and grandparents, more than they already are. Don’t screw up your life over these idiots. Levi wouldn’t want that and neither would your mom.”

  Quintin locked his angry glare with Aaron for a few minutes, but it was as if he realized Aaron was right and he dropped his head. Aaron wrapped his arm around the young man’s shoulder and gave him a side hug.

  “You’re stronger than any of those bastards think and ten times smarter,” Aaron whispered.

  “The two at the church were Buzzer and Grease,” Quintin whispered.

  “Thanks. The only thing I need you to do for me is let me know if you see these guys hanging around, call me right away. Don’t engage them, don’t talk to them. We’ll make sure they get what’s coming to them.” Aaron glanced over Quintin’s shoulder to where James tried to get his attention.

  “Thank you, Mr. O’Connor.” Quintin gave him a half smile before turning to the priest. “I’m sorry for being a jerk, Father.”

  “You’ve got every right to be a jerk today, Mr. Watts. Just don’t think that this attitude will work at school.” The priest winked as he nodded his head at Aaron.

  Outside the house, Hulk accompanied Bethany to the SUV and sat with her inside while Aaron spoke with James, Kurt, and Jordan. James had the phone to his ear, and Aaron waited for him to end the call.

  “I’m assigning a couple of plain-clothed officers to stay with Levi’s family,” Kurt told Aaron while they waited.

  “Good.” Aaron shoved his suit jacket back from his hips as he pushed his hands in his pockets.

  “Okay, that was John. He said Rick found out the two guys from the church have outstanding warrants.” James shoved his phone into his pockets.

  “Quintin told me that their nicknames are Buzzer and Grease.” Aaron assumed if Rick found warrants he knew their real names.

  “Yeah.” James chuckled. “They won’t answer Rick unless he calls them by those stupid names.”

  “Let me guess; they got files as long as my arm.” Kurt shook his head.

  “What’s their real names?” Jordan asked.

  “That’s the good news. Getting their real names lead us to the other nickname Quintin gave us. Doom aka Jeremy Lambe and Buzzer aka Darryl Lambe are brothers from Placentia. Grease aka Ruben Finn is from St. Mary’s. They were all in juvenile detention together,” James explained.

  “So that’s where they met. Any word on who this Slash guy is?” Aaron asked.

  “They say they don’t know anyone by that name.” James rolled his eyes.

  “So, until we get something out of these guys we are at a standstill. A.J., take Bethany back to the safe house and if she's okay with you leaving her with Hulk, meet us at the station.” Kurt raised an eyebrow as he glanced over his shoulder.

  “Uncle Kurt, don’t even try to keep me out of this.” Aaron glared at his uncle.

  “I’ve learned that even when I try to do that, you boys don’t listen. I want to have a pow-wow and see where you are going with the investigation from here.” Kurt backed up as his wife headed toward him. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Aaron got into the back of the SUV with her. Hulk sat behind the wheel and Crunch in the passenger seat. Several cars pulled out of the parking area across from the row of houses. Hulk waited for his chance to pull out.

  As the SUV eased into traffic, something started hitting the side of the vehicle. At first, Aaron thought someone was spinning rocks, and they were hitting them until he heard Hulk shout.

  “Son of a bitch. That van is shooting at us.” Hulk spun the SUV and pulled off in the opposite direction.

  Keith purchased several vehicles for his company. He had bulletproof windows and armor-plated panels installed in the doors. Aaron remembered him complaining it cost him big money, but it was just to ensure the safety of his clients. Aaron was never so thankful as he pushed Bethany to the floor and covered her while Hulk weaved and sped away from the van.

  “I’m really tired of bullets directed at me,” Bethany complained from under him.

  “You and me both, sweetheart,” Hulk shouted.

  “Turn down this road, Hulk,” Crunch yelled.

  “Are they following us?” Aaron called out to the two men.

/>   “I don’t see them behind us, but I’m getting us right to The Compound,” Hulk shouted, and Aaron felt the vehicle accelerate.

  “Stay down until we tell you it’s safe.” Aaron felt Crunch’s hand tap him on the shoulder.

  Aaron could feel rage bubbling up inside him as he tried to keep himself and Bethany from being tossed around by the speeding vehicle. When he got the bastard who shot at Bethany, someone better be there to stop Aaron from killing the fucker.

  Chapter 23

  Bethany’s heart was still racing by the time they pulled into the safety of Keith’s property. Crunch gave them the okay to sit up in the seats about ten minutes before they got to Hopedale, but she wasn’t scared. Okay, well maybe a little but mostly she was pissed.

  Not only did the assholes shoot at her, Aaron, Hulk, and Crunch, but there were still several vehicles on the street and people walking to the cars that had been at the reception. She waited with her hands folded in her lap while Aaron checked to see if anyone had been hurt or worse.

  “Did anyone get a plate or a look at the shooter?” Aaron asked Jordan, who’d stayed at the scene.

  Bethany glanced to the front at Hulk and Crunch. They were quiet as they pulled in front of the safe house and she wondered what they were thinking.

  “Well, at least nobody was hurt. Make sure you send John and me all the reports on the evidence you find. When I get inside the house, I’ll call someone to come to check the SUV to dig out the slugs.” Aaron ended the call and glanced at Bethany as Hulk turned off the vehicle.

  “You want us to do a sweep before we bring her inside?” Hulk’s voice sounded strained.

  “It’s probably not necessary because nobody is getting by the security on this property, but I’m not taking chances. So yeah.” Aaron reached over and covered her hands with his.

  “Someone could have been killed.” Bethany lifted her head and met his gaze.

  “True but nobody was.” Aaron put his finger under her chin. “Are you okay?”

  “Okay? I’m fucking furious.” Bethany fisted her hands under Aaron’s hand. “All this is because Randy decided it was a good idea to sell drugs to a fucking drug dealer and then figured he could run the whole situation, but what did that get him? A bullet in his chest. Now, these dickwads are shooting real bullets at me. Real fucking bullets, Aaron. So, no I’m not okay. Right now, I’d like five minutes alone with these assholes and a baseball bat in my hand.”

  Bethany took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly to try to calm her anger. Yeah, she did feel the fear, but her rage was overriding that fear. She was about to tell Aaron that very thing when she heard Crunch and Hulk laugh and Aaron snicker.

  “I think I just fell in love with you.” Crunch winked.

  “Back off, ass,” Aaron growled.

  “Come on, that was awesome. Reminds me of Emily and Sandy.” Hulk laughed.

  “I’m ready to beat someone to death with a bat and you three are making jokes. Seriously?” Bethany opened the door to the SUV and got out.

  “We aren’t joking, baby.” Aaron caught up to her as she was about to enter the house. “That was the best damn thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Aaron, you’re not making any sense.” Bethany sighed.

  “What he means is, a lot of people would fall apart in your situation. The fact that you’re ready to rip someone’s head off means you’re strong enough to handle this.” Bethany glanced over Aaron’s shoulder at Hulk.

  “Fine, now what?” Bethany relaxed a little and allowed Aaron to lead her into the house.

  “I’m going to the station to see what information they got out of the two, what was it you called them? Oh, yeah, dickwads,” Aaron chuckled. “I honestly don’t think I’d ever heard you curse.”

  “I curse plenty. When I’m mad.” Bethany tried to keep herself from smiling.

  “I’ll have to remember that,” Aaron whispered in her ear, and she couldn’t keep from laughing.

  “I need a hot bath and a stiff drink.” Bethany rested her forehead on his shoulder.

  “There’s wine in the fridge, and I think I hear that bathtub calling out to you.” Aaron kissed the side of her head. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “Okay, but be careful. We may be safe in here, but those guys could be waiting for you to leave.” Bethany pulled back and cupped his face in her hands. “I can’t have anything happen to you.”

  “I’ll be careful. I love you, Bethany. So damn much.” His blue eyes glistened as he stared deep into hers.

  “I love you too, Aaron.” Bethany leaned forward and pressed her lips hard against his.

  “Go get that glass of wine and bath.” Aaron gave Bethany another quick kiss and stepped back.

  He blew her a kiss as he winked and left the house. Bethany turned around to head to the kitchen. She smiled when Crunch met her with a glass of wine and pointed her toward her room.

  “You want to take the bottle with you.” Crunch smirked.

  “I don’t think that would be a good plan. I might just put the bottle on my head and guzzle it down.” Bethany smiled and headed toward her bedroom after she thanked both Hulk and Crunch for what they did for her earlier.

  The hot water surrounded her body as she eased into the tub. It was the first time she’d been alone in a room for more than two minutes since Randy’s murder. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the guys or appreciate what they were doing for her, but she missed being able to take a walk to clear her head.

  She closed her eyes and let her body relax. It was hard to do with her mind going a mile a minute, but there was nothing she could do about that. Bethany couldn’t keep her brain from replaying the last few weeks in her head.

  Her eyes popped open when she remembered something she hadn’t told police or Aaron. She’d completely forgotten.

  Bethany sat up in the tub and scrambled out. She had to call Aaron and tell him what she remembered.

  Chapter 24

  “You have all three of them here?” Aaron saw Rick leading a young man into one of the interrogation rooms.

  “Yep, and they aren’t going anywhere but jail. All three have outstanding warrants.” John handed Aaron the files he’d carried out of the office.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Aaron looked through each file, scanning through the previous charges and convictions of all three men.

  “Keep them here until we get info. They haven’t asked for a lawyer yet, so I guess they’re stupid or don’t think we have anything.” John nodded to Rick as he came out of the interrogation room.

  “We’ll leave them in the rooms for a while and then start with the youngest, Darryl. He’s edgy and scared.” Rick pointed to the room behind them where the shorter of the two from the church paced the room nervously.

  “He’ll probably flip before the other two.” John nodded.

  Aaron didn’t care which one they got to flip; they just needed the name of the guy who shot Randy and was trying to get to Bethany. The fact that the fucker came way too close twice only made him more desperate to get something on the asshole.

  “I’m a little worried about Quintin and his family. Have you talked to Jordan?” Aaron hadn’t been able to get hold of the narcotics officer since he’d talked to him a little while earlier.

  “I haven’t heard a word, but maybe you and Cory should drop by their house and see if everything is okay.” John motioned for Cory as he sauntered down the hallway.

  Aaron wanted to be there while the three men were questioned but he also wanted to make sure that Quintin, Denise, Mia, and their grandparents were safe. The family had such a stressful day and then the shooting. They had to be traumatized by the whole thing.

  Aaron and Cory pulled into the parking area across from Denise’s grandparents. After a quick scan of the area, they made their way to the house. An unmarked police car parked at the side of the house and an officer inside.

  Denise opened the door and invited them inside. The house was
quiet with only Denise and Mia in the kitchen. The grandparents had gone to lay down for a nap before supper.

  “They’re exhausted.” Denise sighed as she placed a cup of coffee in front of Cory and Aaron.

  “Nana has a bad heart, and it’s been a long day for her.” Mia didn’t look up at them as she stared down into her cup of hot chocolate.

  “You all must be tired. Is Quintin resting too?” Aaron asked, noticing he hadn’t seen the kid since he’d arrived.

  “He went upstairs a while ago. Said he needed to be alone for a while.” Denise turned and stared out the window.

  “I’ll run up and get him.” Mia stood up and left the kitchen.

  “She's so quiet. Normally she’s got a smart mouth and sarcastic attitude, but she’s like a different kid.” Denise sighed. “She thought Levi was some sort of spy. It was the only thing she’s never tattled about her brother.”

  “She’s young, and it’s hard enough for adults to understand this kind of thing. It’s got to be impossible to understand for a twelve-year-old.” Cory glanced at Aaron.

  “I was eighteen when my grandfather died, and it was still hard for me to get my head around.” Aaron glanced behind at the sound of footsteps pounded down the stairs.

  “Denise, Quintin is gone. He left this note.” Mia had tears streaming down her cheeks. “He’s going to get himself killed too.”

  Aaron took the note while Denise pulled Mia into her embrace and tried to calm the hysterical girl. Cory looked over Aaron's shoulder at the note. As he read it, Aaron’s heart dropped. What the hell was the kid doing?


  I’m going to get these animals that killed Levi. I know it’s hard to do but don’t worry about me. I’ve got Pappy’s rifle. Don’t call the police. I love you and Mia. I’m doing this for you.

  Love Quintin.

  Aaron made sure Denise was okay before he hurried to the side of the house where the officer sat. How the fuck could he let Quintin sneak off? He didn’t know the young cop, but he certainly wanted to punch him at that moment.


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