Fire Down Below

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Fire Down Below Page 3

by Nina Quinn

  Pre-cum had already oozed from his slit he was so turned on by her. He fisted his cock and spread the juice around his head, tugging a few times. Annie’s eyes grew wide as she stared at his cock. He knew he was pretty well hung, but it was nice to see she thought so too.

  He knelt on the bed and wrapped one arm around her, scooting her further up the bed. His mouth slanted over hers, and he invaded her mouth. The kiss was passionate. Wet. Scorching.

  Totally turned on by her, he trailed a line of kisses down her neck, across her chest, until he landed on a ripe pink nipple. He scraped his teeth ever so gently over the tightened peak, then soothed it with his tongue.

  Her boobs were big and round and more than a handful. He couldn’t resist their siren call. He straddled her chest and his cock bobbed up and down with his change of position. Annie licked the head, and he nearly blew his wad right then and there. She took him deeper into her mouth, and he rocked his hips gently.

  Her mouth was so fucking soft, but tight around him. When he was good and wet he pulled out of her mouth, gathered her boobs in his hands and plunged his cock between them, fucking her tits. He tweaked her nipples while he stroked. She felt so damn good, and the look in her eyes nearly undid him.

  “I want you inside me, Justin. Please, I can’t stand not having you in me.” She squirmed on the bed, her hands clutching his biceps.

  No need to ask him twice. He reached for the nightstand when her hand on his arm stopped him. “I’m clean and on the pill. If you’re clean, I don’t want anything between us.”

  “I’m clean, beautiful.” He caught her lips in another devouring kiss.


  Annie couldn’t take her eyes off of Justin. The man had an eight pack and a chest that spanned wider than the Golden Gate Bridge. His arms were huge. His muscles had muscles, and she loved how he could toss her around like she weighed next to nothing.

  She had no clue how she was ever going to be able to accommodate him. He was long and heavy, and his girth just might set some kind of world record.

  Justin sat back on his heels, Annie’s legs on either side of him. He pulled her closer, lifting her hips, supporting her lower back with his hands and settled his cock at her entrance. His heavy-lidded eyes dropped to her core and she thought she’d be embarrassed for him to see all her curves and softness, but she wasn’t. He swirled a finger around her clit, still sensitive from what his mouth had done to her earlier.

  One finger slipped inside her and her walls closed around it. He stroked her g-spot, then inserted a second finger. “Think you’re ready for me, Annie?” he asked, in a voice tight with need.

  “Yes. God, yes.” Her hands grasped fistfuls of the sheet beneath her.

  Justin rose from his heels into a kneeling position. He wrapped his hands around her hips and lifted them off the bed, the backs of her thighs resting on the front of his, he rocked forward stuffing her with his rock hard cock. He gave her a second to adjust, then pulled out so just his head was in her. She felt bereft without his length in her sheath.

  He lifted her pelvis higher, keeping her hips from moving, he slid further into her this time and with each retreat and reentry, his cock went deeper, faster, picking up the pace. His balls slapped against her ass with every stroke.

  “We cum together, Annie. How close are you?” His breath was ragged and a sheen of sweat broke across his chest.

  “I’m close. Touch my clit, and I’ll cum faster.” Her heart beat wildly in her chest. She’d never had more than one orgasm in an encounter, she wasn’t sure she could.

  He wet his thumb with his mouth and fingered her, still keeping a steady rhythm with his cock. The knot in her stomach began to unravel. She drenched him with her juices and his hips picked up speed.

  “Oh, God...Justin...harder, fuck me harder.” The man took directions well. He fingered her faster and the orgasm broke loose, spiraling from her core to her toes to her fingertips. Her whole body shook, and Justin never took his eyes off of her, watching her face as she came. She cried out his name as her sheath spasmed around him, trying to hold onto him, trying to milk him. His whole body tightened and he planted his cock as deep as he could go and she felt the first spurts of hot cum hitting her womb. He stroked one more time, then another, then one last time buried to the hilt lowering her pelvis and collapsing on top of her.

  “Holy fuck, Annie. That was amazing. You are amazing.” He was breathing hard and his skin was slick with sweat.

  Lord help her she was in trouble. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to fall head over heels by the time they got around to having dinner.


  They had sex twice more before Annie begged for him to cook the steaks so she had the strength to go another round. One more round after dinner was all he could handle. Maybe he was getting old.

  Annie had agreed to stay the night and he spent the early hours of the morning watching her sleep. She looked perfect in his bed. He wanted her there for the long haul and hoped she wanted the same. Yes, this was all happening lightning-fast, but when you find the one, you know.

  The smell of caffeine wafted into the bedroom and Justin slipped carefully out of bed to get himself a cup. The timed brew spit out the last of its contents as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.

  He debated whether to bring Annie a cup, but decided to let her sleep in a little longer. Rex strolled into the kitchen from his bed in the living room. The Dalmatian picked up his bowl and dropped it at Justin’s feet, the metal bowl clattering loud enough to wake the dead. The beast was not the least bit subtle. Justin fed him then grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter where he’d forgotten it last night and checked his messages.

  Michelle had called him a few times. He smiled to himself. Ian had a birthday coming up and the kid had his heart set on a dog. The shelter was holding one for her, but she wanted his opinion, so he’d dropped by yesterday to check her out before his date with Annie. No doubt she was anxious to hear what he thought.

  Michelle answered on the second ring, “Hey big bro, did you check out the yellow lab at the shelter?” she asked.

  “I think she’s just about perfect. A little bit overweight but it’s nothing a little diet and some walking won’t take care of,” he said.

  “So, I should go ahead and adopt her? Can she stay with you for the week so Ian will be surprised on his big day?” Michelle asked.

  “Of course.” He never could say no to his little sister. “I’ll call you later,” he said and disconnected the call.

  Perfect. Maybe he could talk Annie into going with him to the shelter. After he woke her up with an orgasm. Justin finished off his cup of coffee and headed for the bedroom.

  The smile on his face faded when Annie wasn’t in his bed. The master bathroom door was wide open, and a quick peek showed she wasn’t in there either. Justin’s heart started pounding double time when he noticed the slider to the yard open and a note on his pillow.


  I can’t be with you again. I enjoyed our night together, but then this morning, well it doesn’t matter, I just can’t do this. Please don’t make this any more difficult. Please don’t call, or stop by, or contact me in any way.


  What. The. Fuck.

  She’d left. Just like that, no good-bye, no explanation that made any sense, nothing.

  What. The. Fuck had happened?

  Justin paced, and thought, and paced some more. There was no way in hell this was over between them. There was an explanation, and he was going to get to the bottom of it. She owed him that much. He would not let Annie go, not without a fight.

  Twenty-four hours. He’d give her twenty-four hours to come to her senses or he was going after her. She needed the time to think, and he needed the time to calm the fuck down.


  When Annie awoke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. It drew her like a magnet. She quickly dressed and made her way to Justin’s kitchen. He sto
od at the counter, and the black boxer briefs he wore were seriously sexy and kept all the dangly bits neat and tidy. She took a moment to just enjoy the view when Justin picked up his phone from the counter and scanned his messages.

  Annie didn’t know who he’d called, she only knew that his words absolutely destroyed her.

  “I think she’s just about perfect. A little bit overweight but it’s nothing a little diet and some walking won’t take care of,” he said.

  How could he be so cruel? She’d been so sure he was different, that she could be herself with him, that he found her curves at least acceptable if not attractive. He certainly didn’t seem to mind them last night when they’d gone at it like two Amish teenagers on spring break.

  Annie padded quickly back down the hallway to the bedroom. She grabbed her phone, her purse, and her shoes, then ran out the sliding door from the bedroom into the back yard. She ran around to the front of the house and down the driveway.

  It was a Sunday morning and the seven o’clock mass would be getting out in five minutes. If she could make it to the end of his street and up three blocks to the church in time, she could hitch a ride from her neighbor Mr. Dobbs, who never missed the early mass.

  She ran like her life depended on it. Tears streamed down her face and she let them fall. She had five minutes to cry and then she’d have to put on a brave face for Mr. Dobbs and hope he didn’t ask her too many questions.

  Annie made it in time and Mr. Dobbs, bless him, gave her a long looking-over, but opened his passenger door for her and took her home. The elderly man made her promise to call him if she needed anything, anything at all. She made the promise knowing she’d never call him. She preferred to suffer alone, but she appreciated the sentiment.

  George was thrilled she was home. She hadn’t spent a night away from home since she’d adopted him, and it didn’t look like he’d have to worry about that happening again any time soon. She couldn’t believe she’d just experienced the absolute best Saturday night of her life, and the absolute worst Sunday morning.

  God, it hurt. It shouldn’t, she barely knew him, but her heart was shredded. Maybe a good man just wasn’t in the cards for her. Obviously, she was a bad judge of the male character. Maybe she was destined to be one of those old women who lived alone and collected cats.

  Annie spent the rest of the day alternating between mini cleaning frenzies, crying jags, and wine. At nine o’clock her house was spotless, she was completely out of tears, and she was a little tipsy. She popped two aspirin, a couple of big-girl sleeping pills and tucked herself into bed.


  Justin had told himself he’d give Annie twenty-four hours of thinking time, but he couldn’t do it. He’d gone to the pound to pick up his sister’s new dog and spent the rest of the day wearing a path in the carpet in his living room. He’d paced, showered, and paced some more. He hadn’t eaten, his stomach was too tied up in knots.

  It was nearing 10:00 pm and tomorrow was a school day for her, but dammit he needed to know why the hell she’d up and left his bed after the most amazing night of his life. And he needed to know right now.

  He grabbed his keys, called for Rex and Maddie, his sister’s new dog, and loaded them up in the truck. Maddie needed a boost, the poor girl was a little bottom heavy but that would change soon enough.

  The call came in just as he got to the end of his street. “Company 9 we have a 10-33-2, repeat 10-33-2 at 1801 Pleasant Street.”

  Justin’s heart stuttered, and he grabbed the mic, “Repeat location.”

  “1802 Pleasant Street.”

  Jesus Christ. Annie. Justin punched it and flipped on the lights and sirens. This time Engine 9 was in front of him as they raced to the outskirts of town and down the long driveway to Annie’s place.

  Smoke billowed from the front right side of the house. He left the dogs in the truck, slammed the door, and grabbed his gear from the storage locker in the back of his truck. He suited up. Water already blasted from the initial hose line. He could see no visible flames, just dense smoke billowing from a broken window. Justin grabbed a W-Tool from the fire engine and ran for the front door. Not caring one bit if he destroyed her front door, Justin used the tool as a battering ram and forced his entry. He quickly cleared the living room, dining room, and the kitchen---no Annie. He rushed down the hallway, George blasted by him in the opposite direction, and he knew without a doubt that Annie was in her room. He found her on the floor, crawling toward him, coughing and calling out for her cat.

  “Annie. It’s Justin. I’ve got you, beautiful.” He scooped her up in his arms and ran her back the way he’d come and out onto the front lawn. He laid her limp body down on the grass. Her fuzzy paw print pajamas showed way too much leg, but right now he didn’t care. He just wanted her to be okay. An EMT appeared and put an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth and she stirred. Her eyes opened wide in panic.

  He cupped her cheek, hoping to reassure her. “Were you alone, Annie? Is anyone else in the house?” Justin asked. He ripped off his mask and pressed closer to hear her hoarse whisper.

  She shook her head. She coughed and drew in a breath. She clutched the oxygen mask to her. Soot marred her perfect skin. “George, just George.” Her voice barely audible through the oxygen mask.

  “He got out, Annie.” He pointed to one of his guys. “That’s Steve, doing his best to hold onto your very pissed off cat.” He wanted to make her smile. He knew if she smiled she’d be okay. And that he’d be okay. He stroked her hair back away from her face. She closed her eyes and nodded, reassured her cat was alright.

  Blue lights flashed in the night. The Sheriff and one of his deputies had a man cuffed and were helping him none-to-gently into a squad car. Good. Maybe they’d caught themselves an arsonist. The fire at Michelle’s house was arson, and her asshat ex-husband alibied out. That was a shame because he’d have liked a reason to kick his ass.

  There was no doubt in his mind this fire was arson as well. He didn’t see any connection between his sister and Annie--except for him. He was the common element. He loved both of them. Ah shit. The “L” word.

  He turned back to Annie. “They need to take you to the hospital and have you checked out.” Annie sat up, and shook her head, and stared blankly at her little house. His guys had knocked the fire down and it wouldn’t be much longer before it was completely out. It looked like the fire had been started in one of the extra bedrooms. The broken window in the front suggested someone had tossed a Molotov cocktail through the window.

  “Annie, everything is going to be okay. The fire is almost out. How about I get you to the hospital myself? Will you come with me?” he asked, moving to the place between her line of sight and her house. Reaching a hand to her chin, he lifted it, forcing her to make eye contact with him.

  When she didn’t respond, Justin swept her up in his arms and carried her to his truck. He managed to open the passenger door and set her on the seat. He rounded the front of the vehicle and hopped in. Shit, he’d forgotten about Maddie and Rex. It was a little crowded but it would have to do.

  Rex immediately began licking Annie’s face, offering her his version of doggie comfort. Maddie whined and panted, looking at him for direction. The lights, the noise, the smell of fire, all of it had her spooked. Poor girl.

  “Who is this?” Annie asked her voice horse. She stroked Maddie’s fur.

  Justin flipped on his flashing lights, and left the scene, his hands shaking on the wheel. “Her name is Maddie. She’s a present for my nephew who has a birthday next week. Just picked her up from the pound. She’s staying with me until the birthday party, so as not to ruin the surprise for Ian.” He made a left and headed for Rockville General.

  “She’s beautiful,” Annie said, and leaned her head against the headrest as if she didn’t have the strength to sit upright.

  “She’s nearly perfect. Only about a year-and-a-half old. Hasn’t missed a meal in that time, so she’s a little heavier than is healthy for
her but it’s nothing a little diet and some walking won’t take care of,” he said.


  “Oh my God.” Those words. She’d heard him say those same words on the phone that morning. Could he have been talking about...

  “Oh my God, what? What’s wrong?” Justin’s voice held a trace of worry.

  “This morning. When you were on the phone. Who were you talking to?” She had to know.

  “My sister. We were talking about Maddie and whether she would be a good match for Ian. Why?” He took his eyes off the road for a second and cocked an eyebrow at her. A moment later he hit the brakes and screeched to a burning rubber halt.

  He turned his body to face her. “That’s why you ran, isn’t it? You overheard the conversation with my sister and you thought I was talking about you?” His voice was incredulous.

  She’d been a fool. “Yes. That’s exactly what I thought.”

  “Annie, I thought I’d made it clear that I think you’re perfect. I call you beautiful for a reason, and that reason is that you are exactly that. Inside and out. Annie, I’m crazy about you. I want a future with you.”

  “I want that, too. Please forgive me?” He had to forgive her, didn’t he? She’d overreacted. Her insecurities getting the best of her. But this man, he was the one for her, the only one, and she’d screwed it up.

  Justin opened his door and came around to her side of the truck. He yanked her door open and wrapped her in his arms, his warmth seeping into her. “Of course I forgive you. I want you with me, Annie. Always.”


  Six Months Later

  Annie stood on her front lawn, breathing in the spring air, watching as the finishing touches on her grandmother’s cottage were being made.

  Justin had worked with an architect to expand the house to include two additional bedrooms, a much larger living room, and an office they would share.

  The arsonist who’d started the fire at Michelle’s house, and hers, had confessed to the crimes. He’d applied for a job at the fire department, and Justin had refused to hire him. A gut feeling he’d said. The fires had been an act of vengeance, to inflict as much pain as possible to Justin. Luckily, no one had been hurt and the firebug was safely locked up.


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