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Claim Page 1

by Janet Nissenson

  ISBN: 978-1-4835796-2-7


  To all the amazing, wonderful readers, reviewers, and bloggers who have been in love with these characters for as long as I have – Bianca, Laura, Alex, Luigia, Coco, Marie, Kelly, Anne, Nora, Lindsey, Melinda – to name a few. This one’s for all of you.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Chapter One

  Tuscany – September

  Colin Gregson had given up on falling back asleep this morning, the jet lag he was experiencing after a twelve hour flight that had passed through several different time zones making sleep all but impossible. He’d thrown on swim trunks, a T-shirt, and sandals, not bothering to shave, and began to tiptoe out of the suite of rooms he was sharing with his wife Selina and their young son Lucien, both of whom were fast asleep. Evidently he was the only one of the trio who was suffering the ill effects of their long journey from Hong Kong the previous day, something of an irony considering his frequent business travel around Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

  A smile softened his features as he gazed lovingly at his sleeping wife. Selina, who was half-French and half-Chinese, was petite and gracefully slim, her black hair cut in a stylish, chin-length bob. Even in sleep she managed to look sleek and elegant, like the sinuous black cat he’d compared her to once. But her almost ethereal appearance was entirely deceiving, for in actuality his wife possessed one of the most brilliant legal minds he’d ever encountered, and she had caused grown men to wince in reaction from one of her sharp-tongued retorts - himself included.

  But Selina also had a soft side to her, especially when it came to the raven haired boy who snored softly in the small bedroom that adjoined their own. Lucien had inherited both Colin’s sense of adventure and his mother’s sharp wit, a rather fearsome combination for a three-year-old. But he was Colin’s pride and joy, just as Selina was the love of his life, and they would be welcoming a second child soon after the New Year.

  Next year would be a busy one for the Gregson family, mused Colin as he made his way across the expansive patio of the family villa on his way to the pool. In addition to the new baby, his brother Ian was finally getting married - an occasion that most of the family had begun to fear would never happen. Colin in particular had been convinced that his older brother would remain a stuffy old bachelor for the rest of his life, very much like their Uncle Anthony, who was their mother’s second oldest brother.

  So it had been a tremendous shock to Colin when he, along with his parents and Selina, had received the news at dinner last night that Ian was very newly engaged, and planned to be married next June at the company’s not-yet-opened resort in the Napa Valley north of San Francisco.

  But that shock had been nothing compared to the one he’d experienced upon meeting his brother’s brand-new fiancée - the very young, very beautiful, and very - well, hot Tessa Lockwood. The stunning blonde was nothing like the other few women Ian had dated in the past, including his former fiancée Davina. The others had been refined and sophisticated, slim and dark haired. And while they had certainly been beautiful, they would have each faded into insignificance when compared to the ravishing young woman who was to be his new sister-in-law.

  Not, of course, that Tessa had looked the least bit cheap or tawdry at dinner last night. Colin, who’d always fancied himself something of a clothes horse, was very familiar with fashion and designers, and had recognized Tessa’s bright yellow sheath dress as Lanvin, her strappy, high-heeled sandals as Saint Laurent. She’d worn a minimal amount of makeup, and her only jewelry had been a pair of diamond studded gold hoop earrings and the fabulous blue diamond engagement ring that sparkled on her left hand.

  On any other woman, such an ensemble would have looked chic and casually elegant, perfectly appropriate for an al fresco meal with her fiancé’s family. But it had only taken one very brief glance for Colin to realize that Tessa was no ordinary woman. Even to a man like Colin, who’d been an admittedly notorious playboy prior to meeting Selina, Tessa Lockwood was something very, very special. And it was likely the very height of irony that his prim and proper brother Ian had been the lucky man to snag such a prize.

  The otherwise conservative yellow dress had emphasized the lush curves of Tessa’s tall, shapely body - those really fabulous breasts, endlessly long legs, and what was probably the most spectacular ass he’d ever seen. Her subtle use of cosmetics had been unnecessary, for the youthful glow of her flawless skin and those enormous sapphire blue eyes didn’t need any enhancements. And any man, no matter how enthralled he was with his own wife or girlfriend, wouldn’t have been able to resist tunneling his hands into all of those long, glorious blonde curls for very long. Ian’s woman was a rare combination of both sophistication and sexiness, innocence and carnality, and Colin had to tip his hat to his older brother for his excellent taste.

  He’d half-expected a woman as sexually alluring as Tessa to also be confident, flirtatious, and very aware of the effect she had on men. So, as the evening had worn on, it had certainly been something of a shock to realize that his initial assumptions couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Rather than the bold temptress he would have expected, his future sister-in-law was shy, soft-spoken, and rather on the timid side. But she had also managed, recalled Colin now with a naughty grin, to finally loosen up his starchy older brother - to the extent where Professor Prude, (the very unflattering nickname he’d once bestowed on Ian), could hardly keep his hands off his very tempting fiancée.

  Selina had kicked him more than once under the dinner table last evening when Ian hadn’t even attempted to hide his frequent displays of affection toward Tessa - holding her hand; caressing her cheek; wrapping an arm around her shoulders and then pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Colin hadn’t been able to stop his rather filthy imagination from running rampant after that, wondering if his very reserved brother actually loosened up in the bedroom. And even though he was completely in love with his own wife, would never dream of - or dare to - cheat on her, Colin was still very much a man, and hadn’t been able to stop himself from picturing how Tessa’s lush, lovely body would look naked. Or wondering if she liked being fucked from behind. And the mental image of those plush lips wrapped around a man’s cock had made him instantly hard. It had been his very, very bad luck that Selina had been too wiped out from their long journey to even think of having sex last night, because several hours of watching Ian and Tessa canoodling had made him horny as hell.

  He wasn’t sure if it was the sound of the water splashing, or that of the two low-pitched voices - one male, one female - that alerted him to the fact the pool was already occupied at this early hour. Colin hung back a bit, staying hidden behind a post of the pergola that covered the section of patio closest to the pool, and had to suppress a chuckle or two at the sight that greeted his eyes.

  His previously uptight older brother was locked in a very passionate embrace with his young, beautiful fiancée, and Colin wondered wryly just how many of Ian’s former inhibitions were now things of the past. There was no possible way he would have ever imagined Ian cavorting around in a pool
with a gorgeous, half-naked woman wrapped around him.

  As he continued to watch the scene before him unfold with unabashed, voyeuristic enjoyment, Colin grinned wickedly as his brother kissed Tessa with increasing ardor. Tessa’s arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, and her long, shapely legs locked about his hips as he treaded water while still holding her up. Even from where he stood, Colin could hear the husky moans she made, the little whimpers that rose up from her throat as she returned Ian’s kisses fervently. He wondered with a low chuckle if she was always quite this vocal during sex, guessing that she kept Ian very busy - and extremely satisfied - in their bed.

  Colin continued to watch their make-out session with great interest, even though it meant his own horniness remained unsatisfied. He felt not the slightest hesitation or guilt in openly observing the very sexy scene unfolding in front of him, even when Ian lifted Tessa out of the water to sit on the ledge, only her long legs remaining in the pool. Colin quirked a brow in amused disbelief as his brother began to grind himself against the notch of Tessa’s thighs, her head falling back as Ian’s mouth moved to the side of her throat, a long, low groan escaping her lushly full lips.

  ‘Christ, she’s a noisy one, isn’t she?’ thought Colin in amusement. ‘Must be a real hellcat in the sack. No wonder Ian looks in better shape than ever - he’s got to be working out twice a day in order to keep up with her!’

  Colin knew from firsthand experience just how fanatical his brother was about his fitness routine. When he’d roomed with Ian years ago in London, he had tagged along with him to the gym a few times a week. But there had been no possible way he could have ever tried to replicate Ian’s workouts, or even attempted to keep up with him. Ian had always been able to swim more laps, do more push-ups, lift much heavier weights. He had two inches in height and nearly twenty pounds in body weight - all of that pure muscle - on Colin, and he looked fitter now at the age of forty than he had during his years on the Oxford boxing team.

  But when Ian slid a hand inside Tessa’s low-cut white bikini top to fondle her breast, Colin was forced to wage an internal battle with his admittedly perverse sense of right and wrong. As much as he was enjoying this little peep show, and, more, how the very idea of catching a glimpse of the blonde beauty’s naked boob tempted him, Colin knew that Ian would never forgive him if the latter actually occurred. Telling himself that his actions were being driven by the fear of being pummeled by his larger, stronger brother as opposed to his own morality, Colin cleared his throat rather loudly, just as Ian had begun to slide a strap of the bikini top down Tessa’s shoulder.

  Tessa squealed in alarm, crossing her arms protectively across those really remarkable tits, while Ian whirled around to face their intruder. The scowl on his face was truly fearsome, making Colin grateful that he’d interrupted this little tryst in time.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” growled Ian, as he hastily handed Tessa an oversized towel to wrap around her bikini-clad body.

  Colin couldn’t help himself from grinning cheekily. “Enjoying the show, mate. Very much. And you don’t have to stop on my account, you know. Just pretend I’m not here.”

  “I wish I could,” grumbled Ian. “I figured you’d be sleeping for hours yet.”

  Colin shrugged, watching with great interest as Tessa toweled herself off, his gaze fixed on her cleavage as she bent slightly at the waist. “Jet lag. My body clock is scrambled up at the moment, has no idea what day or time it is. Sorry for the, ah, interruption.”

  “No you’re not,” replied Ian scathingly. “I’m just surprised you were enough of a gentleman to make your presence known in time.”

  Colin chuckled. “Believe me, it was mighty tempting to keep watching the action unfold. But since I didn’t want to explain a broken rib or a bruised jaw to the rest of the family, I figured I should do the decent thing.”

  Ian vaulted easily out of the pool, water dripping from his tanned, heavily muscled body as he glared darkly at his younger brother. “You’d have been damned lucky to get off that easily,” he threatened. “Unlike you, Tessa and I aren’t into voyeurism.”

  Colin held out his hands in surrender. “That was a long time ago, Ian. I’m definitely a reformed rake these days, wouldn’t dream of indulging in something so naughty.”

  Ian shook his head. “Only because your wife would have your balls in a vise if you ever thought of such a thing.”

  Tessa wrapped the towel sarong-style around her body, not bothering to disguise the little glare of disdain she threw Colin’s way. “I’m going to go take a shower,” she told Ian. “I’ll see you back in our room.”

  Ian gave her cheek a soft caress before kissing her gently. “I’ll be along in just a few minutes, love. After my little brother and I have a chat.”

  Tessa ignored Colin as she walked past, and he chuckled as she practically stormed back into the house.

  “She has a bit of a temper, doesn’t she?” he asked in amusement. “And after she seemed so shy and sweet at dinner last night.”

  “Can you blame her for being annoyed?” retorted Ian. “And I’m not in the best of moods right now myself.”

  Colin winked mischievously at his brother, feeling the urge to fan the flames just a bit. “Well, I can certainly guess why that is,” he joked. “Probably from the severe case of blue balls you’re experiencing right now. As I recall, the walls in this place are paper thin, you can practically hear the person in the next room breathing. And since my future sister-in-law is rather, ah, vocal when she’s in the mood, I’m guessing you’ve had to tamper down your bedroom antics since the parents arrived. Am I wrong?”

  Ian’s cheeks actually flushed a bit beneath his tan, and Colin’s grin only widened at the sight of his uptight older brother’s discomfort. “We’ve had to be somewhat discreet, yes. Not all of us like an audience, after all.”

  Colin rolled his eyes. “I told you, that was a long time ago, Ian. I’m a changed man since meeting Selina. Especially since you were right about her having my balls in a vise if I even suggested certain things. Not that she’s a prude or anything, mind you. But she does have certain limits. Now, your very hot fiancée on the other hand - well, she seems like a real wild woman. I’m betting she’d be up for most anything you suggested.”

  The sound that Ian emitted was practically a snarl, the look in his eyes deadly. “I am not having this discussion with you, Colin,” he stated flatly. “My relationship with Tessa, and in particular our physical relationship, is entirely private. Understand?”

  Colin held up his hands in surrender. “Got it, mate. And I didn’t mean any offense, Ian, truly. She’s just - not exactly your usual type, you know? Not that you actually have a type, or have had very many women in your life over the years. But - and I mean this with the utmost respect - your fiancée is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. She’s also hot as hell. And,” he added teasingly, “I’ve got zero idea what she sees in a stuffy old bastard like you.”

  Ian’s mouth quirked up at the corners, his good humor slowly returning. “I have to agree with you there. But, well, since I’ve met her I’ve, ah, loosened up a bit. To the point where you’d have a tough time calling me Professor Prude any longer.”

  Colin was instantly intrigued. “Do tell, big brother. Are you going to give me an example, or am I just supposed to take your word for it?”

  Ian threw him a truly terrifying glare. “I’d like to give you an example of what it feels like to get punched in the gut,” he muttered. “But you’d have a difficult time explaining to your son why Daddy is hobbling around like an old man, so I’ll refrain from any physical violence. And,” he added a bit sullenly, “much as it pains me to admit it, I’ve, ah, found myself borrowing a few of your old moves.”

  Colin’s jaw dropped open in astonishment for long seconds, and then he burst out laughing. “My God, I don’t believe it!” he guffawed. “So, what you’re telling me is that all those times you were chastising me for being the w
orst sort of manwhore, you were actually taking mental notes? I’m beginning to think you have a dark side to you after all, old man. Though I suppose if you’ve been using some of my moves in the bedroom, I can’t call you that nickname anymore either, can I?’

  Ian smiled in spite of his better instincts. “Tessa gets very incensed when anyone dares to bring up the age difference between us, so I’d advise you to retire that particular form of address. At least around her.”

  Colin winked suggestively. “She’s been good for you, Ian. In a whole lot of ways. I can’t ever remember seeing you this happy, and certainly never this carefree. And I think Selina almost choked on her manicotti last night when you actually gave Tessa a kiss on the lips right in front of everyone. Maybe you should have robbed the cradle years ago if this is the effect it has on you.”

  Ian’s smile was swiftly replaced with a scowl. “And you should definitely not use that term in front of her, either. She’s very protective of me, and I’ve been upping her training in the gym as of late. She’s got a mean upper cut, nearly broke that bastard Jason’s nose a couple of months ago.”

  Colin grimaced. “Bastard is too good a word for him. Tessa should have finished the job, and cracked a couple of his ribs for good measure. But I’m guessing he’s hating life right about now, being watched over like a hawk in Uncle Richard’s domain, so there is some justice in this world. Now, forget about that wanker. Tell me - what old moves of mine in particular have you used?”

  Ian rolled his eyes in revolt. “You do have a one track mind, don’t you? And since you’re also like a dog with a bone at times, you’re not going to let this one go, are you? Very well, let me think. Ah, I know. I believe you might have rather crudely referred to the position as the Big V?”

  Colin hooted in approval. “Christ, yes! She must be incredibly flexible to have managed that one. And with those long legs of hers, I can only imagine. Where were you when it happened - bathroom, kitchen, dining room? C’mon, Ian, I want details, man.”


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